I am trying to do Multiple Biddings on Multiple Items for different suppliers in Jmeter... Can any one help me...
If I understand correctly, you have an auction site and want to place multiple bids on multiple items for different suppliers.
Start by recording ONE bid on ONE item for ONE supplier. There are lots of tutorials for helping with recording.
After you've recorded this scenario, you want to add parametrization to the script. I would recommend by starting with multiple items for a single supplier. There are lots of ways you can do this. You can give Jmeter a CSV data file to read, or scrape the page. Personally, I would do the following:
- Load Page that shows all items for a specific supplier
-- Do a regular expression extractor to get ALL items on the page
- FOR EACH item (loop)
-- Bid on item
Then I would make the supplier dynamic. Again, you can give Jmeter a CSV data file, or scrape the page. I would do this:
- Load page that shows all suppliers
-- Do a regular expression extractor to get ALL suppliers
- FOR EACH supplier (loop)
-- Load Page that shows all items for the supplier
--- Do a regular expression extractor to get ALL items on the page
-- FOR EACH item (loop)
--- Bid on item
For the multiple bid part, it would depend on how many bids you want, and which users make the bid. Is it the same user making the bids? Or do different users need to make the bids?
If it's the same user, you could add a loop to "Bid on the item" and od it as many times as needed.
If it's different users, create a data file with all the users you need, then loop through the entire scenario multiple times with different users.
The user manual has some examples and lots of use tips and tricks:
Could you elaborate some more? When you say "Multiple Biddings" I think you're referring to something domain-specific you want to do. Perhaps if you describe first what JMeter components you are using now, an HTTP Request? SOAP/XML request, the nature of the system in question, we could help you.
Say, in a list view there are 100 records. I'm landing on the list view page of 100 records through HTTP request and want to access a record randomly from the list? Please help.
- I'm using the Hubspot free CRM and I have created some contacts.
- The list view records appearance here. ListView
- First I'm landing to the HubSpot contacts list view page and I would like to randomly open any one of the contact records from the list. Open Record
Use a regular expression extractor element with valid regular expression and '0' in Match No.
I have a supplier's product file which I've read into memory via CSV. My next step is to make updates and additions to an existing BigCommerce product list (9k products). This is the first time I'll be dealing with an API.
My supplier file doesn't have the BC product ID in it, only its own product ID which is a piece of data on the product in BC.
In terms of requests, I think I'd need to:
GET a chunk of BC products (I think it's 200 per request)
iterate over the BC products, using bc id and where it matches the supplier file, then do PUT's to deal with updates
keep getting chunks until done
any remaining products are then added via PUT's
I think HTTParty is an applicable gem (along with the big commerce Ruby one).
My question is does the above fit the 'normal' process of how you would attack a problem like this? Or is there a better/standard way of how this would be approached?
The main thing I'm concerned about is how to iterate given there are 9000 records and I don't know the id ahead of requesting all?
The above is pretty much how I ended up doing the updates.
Main issue was order of getting/putting data so that nested objects worked correctly.
Eg need to do brands and categories updates before you can add products using them. Products need to be added before you can do images or Options/Option Sets
My first version I've stuck with HTTParty, but the next refactor will use Typhoeus to get through the data quicker; but need to be mindful of BC's API limits which for this sort of process you'll run into pretty quick (eg 4k product updates).
I was able to add a report record for object purchase.order. It shows up when I select and open a specific PO.
How do I print a report over multiple purchase orders, or multiple stock moves, or multiple sales orders etc.?
What do I specify in "object" (model) for the report record and where would this print menu show up?
(I am using aeroo reports engine and I was able to specify a
<for each..> ... </for>
loop but it only prints one record (which is the currently selected PO).
at report template level you have two variables o and objects. the 1st one is present if you have only one item. the second one should be always available and must contains all the selected objects (or the objects that has been filtered trough a custom parser).
TIP: when you have doubt on how to do things... just look at how other modules do.
I. Create your report as it was intended for one object only.
<for each="o in objects"></for> as you define
II. On your OpenERP, go to Settings->Customization->Aeroo Reports->Reports and open the report you've previously created. On the report, click the Advanced tab and enable Process separately then save.
Hope this help to you.
I have a JMeter test that uses a CSV Data Set Config to provide a list of products for each simulated user to purchase.
The test is simple:
pick product to add to cart
This has worked well and now I want to simulate a user purchasing N products. I first tried duplicating the controllers that pick a product and also tried putting those in a loop controller, but in both cases they just add the same product to the cart repeatedly.
What I want is for each user to pick multiple items from the CSV file. I tried modifying settings for the CSV Data Set Config, but I get the same results no matter what I set it to. Am I missing something or is this expected behavior?
How do I get a thread to pick different items from the CSV file?
Is my only choice to provide multiple CSV files and use multiple CSV Data Set Configs?
Your option is to use __StringFromFile function inside a Loop Controller
You could then use some Beanshell to process the line and split items.
I have little problem with permissions in my future social application.
Platform will nonrel db (Google's BigTable).
In my application each user has groups (for example: friends, collaborators, family...). In group has some friends (like in Facebook). And can publish some content (news, short text, ...) only for this group.
If I have user in my group it is my friend. Like in Facebook, but more groups.
My idea is, that each user can see (on himself "feed") all last content of all friends in one page (like as Facebook's Top news).
But I have problems with creating simple query.
For example:
SELECT * FROM News WHERE group_key IN [list_of_groups_where_i_am]
This works good, but there are sub-queries and limit of list is 30 items.
Other way is strong caching of content.
Does anybody have some idea? Or any study material, example...
With a requirement like this you can optimize for either read or write, but usually not both. You have the write optimized version - just write a record with the right group key but have a complex query to get content for all the groups.
The read optimized version would be to write the content (or just its id) to a feed for each user, which makes the read query very simple.