sugarcrm users insert in magento - magento

Hi I have a sugarcrm instance and magento instance they two are separate
i mean they have different databases. My requirement is when i create a user in the sugarcrm ,it should also insert the admin users in magento How can i do that in sugar,where the code has to be executed in sugar. Any other way is a

I would have to do some research on the Magento API, but in Sugar, you would want to create a logic hook in the Users module that triggers 'after_save'. You would point it to a custom class/method you've created that would use Magento's API for creating a new user.

You will need to use logic hooks and "after_save" will work for you. So add a logic in after_save. Write you code in simple PHP which will get data from Sugar bean fields and will create Magento user accordingly. Read this link for logic hook:


adding data directly to a magento database

I am adding regions of a country to the database in Magento so when a user selects their country a relevant list of regions will be available in a drop down menu. To do this I believe I need to add information to directory_country_region and directory_country_region_name.
The tutorial I've been looking at states that I should add them directly to the database using sql, however I remember reading that you should not place information directly into the database using raw sql when working with Magento.
My questions are:
1- to keep in line with best practices do I need to use some magento functions to add the required information to my database or can they be dropped in using raw sql?
2- if I need to use some Magento functions how do I work out which I need to use (I have heard off and noticed the lack of documentation) or is there some online reference, even if it is limited?
3- if I am not to use a sql query why is it considered bad practice to do so in Magento?
Hello, if you want to add the information just once, you can use raw sql (faster and no drawbacks), also you are right about the 2 tables (if the country is already in directory_country). If you want to make something that will be available for more Magento instalations you have to crate a new Magento module and add the sql using the installer you can read more here
Magento wiki is a good place to start, also there are lots of blog posts.
It's considered a bad practice because Magento has its own ORM and most of the time for your new tables (entities) you only need to create models that extend magento core models and you will have access to CRUD without any development and everyone that uses your new module will understaind what's going on.
Example for a region you can use the class Mage_Directory_Model_Region or for a collection of regions Mage_Directory_Model_Resource_Region_Collection

Magento custom model override

I'm new to Magento, so forgive my lack of knowledge. I am following a tutorial to integrate the contacts in Magento and import it to SugarCRM. The tutorial changes the core functions of Magento, but I would like to write a module and leave the core intact. I can easily find information about overriding controllers, models, helper, etc. But I have a question.
Imagining, for example, each time a user registers on my website, his contact information is exported to SugarCRM. In the save contact phase, in my module I know that I can write a specific code and tell that it would need to be run after or before some specific core-functions of Magento are done to save the contacts.What I really don't understand is, how will Magento know that I have a module that will perform me certain actions when I'm creating a new account?
The way magento handle this is by using events/observers. For instance, if you needed to send order information to another system after an order has been placed, you could create a custom module which observe sales_order_place_after.
Read more #
To get a list of events see
For how to create an module with observer see

How to create a custom registration module in magento

I am new in magento. I want to create a custom registration module for seller in magento 1.5 or 1.6. There are needed two registration like one is general user, another seller. I don't know how magento's default registration module is built. I also don't know how to set up and how to connect between the form and the table like 'customer_entity_varchar' and other table.I think it follows MVC pattern like Joomla And also how to call the function from controller to model for writing "INSERT" sql query. If any one knows about it , please, guide me with giving links or doc.
Thank you.
You need to learn about creating a Magento Module.
Create a Magento Module Basics in Magento Module Development
Then you going to create an own registration controller for sellers.
Extend the customer entity by an attribute saying the customer status (seller|general) or use the Customer Groups Adding Attributes to Customers Entity (see for additional informations About EAV Attributes)
add custom attributes to sellers like in step 3.
I hope could help you!

Magento: adding product from frontend form

I have magento demo shop and for example i want registered user to be available to post a product from frontend? Can anyone hook me up with some code showing how to make it? Is it even possible in magento?
It's certainly possible. It actually shouldn't be all that difficult. You're going to create a module, programmatically create an order, and link this page from somewhere. You should be able to hack one together with the following resources:
Programmatically Creating Orders - Inchoo
Creating a Custom Module part 1-8
yes dear it is possible, you have to create a module for that and i think you give to link/tab in customer account page in front account page you provide form of add new have also provide all option like in magento back end. but some customization are required

update magento currency rates using custom php file

I'm trying to use a custom file to update currency rates using cURL from my local bank and insert the data into the currency database table. Do I have to create a module to do that, or can I do that without creating a module? I intend to use cron too. Does anyone have any advice on how to achieve this, and are there any tutorials?
Best way to create custom mangento api as changing currency rates is not implemented in default magento api. Here is a simple tutorial that you can follow to implement the custom api
