I've 1 line AppleScript, I wanna know what does this AppleScript do?
do shell script "/Applications/Google\\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\\ Chrome --enable-speech-input"
Thank you!
I would guess, having never used AppleScript before, that this will launch Google Chrome passing the parameter --enable-speech-input
According to this, it is used to enable Google Voice Search in Chrome.
Hope that helps.
I have a simple AppleScript which tells me url of active window in specific browser
tell application "Opera"
get URL of active tab of window 1
end tell
However I would like to see Apple Events needed to run that script, probable some of these: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coreservices/apple_events?language=objc
My final goal is to code same script but using Apple Core Services.
I have checked Script Editor but I do not see any tab or menu where that information is displayed. Is there any way to translate that script?
Thanks in advance and regards
Yes, there are several such ways. My favorite is to use Script Debugger, which just translates the AppleScript into raw Apple events for you. Alternatively, you can run your AppleScript in an environment where export AEDebugSends=1; export AEDebugReceives=1 has been turned on.
I am very much glad if anyone help me. am fairly new to Unix scripting side. I am trying to get into one url, but before that am getting one popup window(asking for customer details). So, i need to block/disable/ auto close the popup window. Please help me with the command
In Unix environment shell command plays differently. It can launch your browser but it can not set utility inside a browser application. You need to fix it inside your browser window by using tool option. Just search in google like how to block popup in yourbrowserName.
I've started experimenting with writing apple scripts, and would like to interface with spotify, however it hasn't been playing nice. When I send commands from terminal such as
osascript -e 'tell application "Spotify" to play'
It returns the error: 30:34: execution error: The variable play is not defined. (-2753).
It doesn't seem to be a problem with any other applications, so I was wondering what could be causing this/how do I fix it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I'm basing most of this off of the shpotify script found here: https://github.com/hnarayanan/shpotify/blob/master/spotify
It doesn't run on my computer either, returning similar errors as above.
I had the same issue, and this is what fixed it:
Go to the finder and type command+shift+g, then enter this:
Then, double click on "Info.plist", edit the "Scripting definition file name" field value (on the right) so that it reads "applescript/Spotify.sdef" instead of "Spotify.sdef"
Save it, restart Spotify and it should work now.
Is there any "print" or "printto" equivalent command under macos ? Simply i wanna send a file to printer but its own content have to be interpreted by default program. So "lpr" or "lp" doesn't help because it's directly sending a file itself to printer. Assume that i have a office document or keynote file that i wanna print it. If i print that file in office or keynote there is no problem but if i use "lpr" or "lp" document's binary content will be written that i don't want.
PS! Sorry for my English...
you should search for "print apple event" when looking up the internet about your problem.
As far as I understand you have to open the document in default application and send this application this event. This can be done with apple script or osascript in bash.
How would you automate logging into a website and downloading a page using vbscript?
Using the MSXML.XMLHTTP-object to first do a POST to login and then add the cookie-headers to a GET request.
As a quick and dirty solution, you could use a Shell object with SendKeys and Run as demonstrated here. These functions are quite powerful for those situations where you just can't the right object or library to use...
Well the script (given on link )works fine if you open the notepad and don't change the focus to other window.
If you change the focus above script doesn't work.