passing objects between 2 applications in separate JVMs - session

I have a portlet application running on a portal server and an webapp running on application server. I want to make a call from the portlet application jsp to app application. I can make the call; no issues.. I can pass values in the request parameter; no issues.. I want to pass an object to the appserver application as well and I am not sure how to do this.

Try using Java RMI. After implementing couple of interfaces you can pass objects between JVM's quite easily. As Laird mentioned, that requires serialization, but it is often done implicitly by Java, so there's a good chance you won't have to worry about it.

Since your two applications are running on two separate application servers, and hence on two different Java Virtual Machines, the only way to pass an object from one to the other is by serializing the object in some fashion.
You may opt to use Java serialization, or you may choose to represent your object in terms of its state and then have a class--deployed separately to each application server somewhere--that knows how to build a new instance of your object out of that state.

Is your appserver a Websphere Application Server? Maybe Dynacache could be what you are looking for. A college told me a story from his current project, they need to access data from a Java EE app running on Websphere 7, Portal environment is 6.1.


Update for JavaEE application

Our application are built on Spring boot, the app will be packaged to a war file and ran with java -jar xx.war -Dspring.profile=xxx. Generally the latest war package will served by a static web server like nginx.
Now we want to know if we can add auto-update for the application.
I have googled, and people suggested to use the Application server which support hot deployment, however we use spring boot as shown above.
I have thought to start a new thread once my application started, then check update and download the latest package. But I have to terminate the current application to start the new one since they use the same port, and if close the current app, the update thread will be terminated too.
So how to you handle this problem?
In my opinion that should be managed by some higher order dev-ops level orchestration system not by either the app nor its container. The decision to replace an app should not be at the dev-ops level and not the app level
One major advantage of spring-boot is the inversion of the traditional application-web-container to web-app model. As such the web container is usually (and best practice with Spring boot) built within the app itself. Hence it is fully self contained and crucially immutable. It therefore should not be the role of the app-web-container/web-app to replace either part-of or all-of itself.
Of course you can do whatever you like but you might find that the solution is not easy because it is not convention to do it in this way.

When do we need to run a Java application in a container?

Lately I started to learn Java EE and related technologies and there are some concepts which confuse me. Somewhere I read that whenever one is building a Java EE application then it is sort of mandatory to use a container.
Currently, I am learning Spring framework and trying to build a small application with it to get hands-on. Now in that I am not sure if it is mandatory for me to use a container (say Tomcat) or it depends application which I am building that I need a container or not.
If it depends on the application that one is building, then what are the factors which help to decide whether a container should be used or not?
Puuhhh, this is a very big question and there is no simple answer. But I will do my best to explain my own opinion at least:
What are containers?
Containers provide functionality to you. Such a functionality can be to handle web request and dispatch them to servlets - in this case we call them servlet containers (e.g. Tomcat or Jetty).
But containers can also provide other things, e.g. they can provide user authentication, logging or the connection to a database. Most containers (e.g. Tomcat) do multiple of those things (e.g. Tomcat does all I mentioned). Some containers do more then others, e.g. JBoss can do much more than Tomcat.
Trade Off
However, there is a trade off: If you use a simple container (like Tomcat), you need to do a lot of things on you own or by using other Frameworks (like Spring). But if you use a powerful container, you must know the container very well and the chance is high that your application will depend on this concrete container sooner or later.
The point, that using a container is not mandatory. It is a decision. Some people will argue for it, others against it. But depending on the books you read, this decision is already made (e.g. J2EE needs a J2EE container, that's how it works).
The trend (IMHO)
Years ago the trend was to use big and powerful (J2EE) containers which provide as much as possible. IMHO the trend today is to use smaller and light-way solutions. Most developers would prefer to use a Tomcat server instead of a JBoss server today.
Frameworks without containers
While J2EE needs a container, there are other frameworks/technologies which supports the development of web applications without any external container. Such frameworks are Play! or Spark Java.
If you are not familiar with containers and Spring, take care to don't get confused. Most applications you will develop with Spring are web applications which will be deployed to a servlet container. This is very common. But Spring doesn't relay on that. You can also use Spring without such a container, e.g. to develop a desktop application. But if you want to develop a web application, the Java-way is to use a servlet container.
If your application is using servlets, you'll need a container to handle the requests. Tomcat is a very popular choice.
I'll anticipate your next topic to cover with this discussion of "application server" versus "container."
There are two containers. One is Web Container (IIS, Apache) to run Web Applications and another is "Application Container" to run Enterprise Applications.
Web Applications = Apps developed using HTML, XML, CSS and JSPs
Enterprise Applications = Apps developed used JAVA, J2E and Serverlets in addition to HTML and XML.

Application Server for non-Web Spring/Hibernate Application

We are developing a open source trading platform based on Springframework and Hibernate and The application consists of a trading framework and several strategies that can be started independently. So far, these different parts have been running in separate JVM's communicating through RMI and JMS.
To avoid unnecessary serialization and network overhead we would like to run the entire application within some sort of container (potentially an application server). We do however have the requirement, that the individual parts of the application can be deployed, started and stopped independently.
We have looked into OSGi, but a lot of the libraries that we use are not OSGi ready yet, so this is not currently an option. Also please note, there is no web-GUI in our application.
Any suggestions on this?
If OSGI is not an option then functionality can be broken into smaller units and then deploy them as utility jar, if deployed as utility jar they can be managed independently.
For application server I feel either glassfish or Jboss will be a good option considering they are open source and free.
Though at a later point in time you can check with Weblogic (Dev free).
So in your case you would like to break the static data configuration(Counterparty, Currencies), Dealing(Pricing, Quoting, Booking) as two separate feature.
For your choose of an application server i advise you Jboss and specially in his version 7.1 which is faster and more stable!

Different EARs using common services. Should I use remote calls, or package them as local?

I have multiple EJB3 ears deployed on jboss server. One of them is an application containing common services exposed as remote. Now all other ears use those services via remote and it seems to be realy painful for performance.
What can i do to overcome this? Can I make those services #Local and package this jar to every single application to allow them to be used via #Local not #Remote?
According to the JavaEE tutorial, the client of a #Local bean "must run in the same JVM as the enterprise bean it accesses."
So you should have no problem using local calls between different deployed applications on the same server.
Are you sure this is the cause of your performance problems, though?
I agree with you, you cannot inject an ejb session bean from another ear and in the same jvm using local interface.
if you have two ear you must use the remote interface, and using:
#EJB(lookup ="JNDI_BEAN_NAME")
I disagree. See this thread as it provides an excellent description of why you shouldn't:
The only way, normally, to make local calls between ears is to make cross-classloader calls. Not pretty.
You can get around this by having a single classloader per server (versus scoped by ear). Also a bad idea for security/isolation reasons.
You should use remote calls between ears. Some Java EE implementations optimize these calls to be more efficient when calling within the same jvm.

How do you establish context and call an WebSphere EJB from the Sun JRE (not IBM)

Is there a way to call an EJB that is served through WebSphere (iiop://host:port/ejbName) from a vanilla JRE (like Sun). A lot of people have been telling me that this type of architecture relies in a homogenous environment. Thoughts?
Yes, this is possible. You have to create something called a thin client. It has limitations on JNDI lookups due to not being part of the container environment, so fully qualified names have to be used.
Just search for "thin client ibm ejb" on google. Unfortunately, I don't have the link to the appropriate libraries (for WAS 6) here, they are at work.
Although it’s possible, I wouldn’t recommend it because you’re asking for troubles using RMI-IIOP in a heterogeneous environment.
My approach would be to expose the EJB as a web service and consume at the client.
