how to auto-ident in Textmate similar to Emacs - textmate

How do I auto-indent in Textmate similar to the effect of this code under Emacs:
(defun set-newline-and-indent ()
(local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent))
(add-hook 'c-mode 'set-newline-and-indent)
i.e. I don't want to hit return, then tab to indent. I want to hit return and have Textmate automatically indent to the correct location based on the language.
Thanks for any hints.

Textmate should do this automatically. If if doesn't, you can create a custom macro, command, or snippet in the bundle editor which does it for you.
First find out the scope of the caret position (Bundles -> Bundle Development -> Show Scope). It should look something like source.ruby string.quoted.double.ruby.
Then create a snippet that contains a newline and a tab.
Then assign the snippet to the previously mentioned scope and assign it a shortcut.
If done correctly, your shortcut should trigger the bundle item in the assigned scope instead of inserting a new line.
Look inside the bundle editor at the CSS -> properties {}(}) bundle item for an example.


How do I stop emacs from highlighting the line under the mouse in shell

In emacs shell, invoked using M-x shell, input lines under the cursor are highlighted, so you can then "mouse 2: insert after prompt as new input" to repeat the command. I'd prefer not to have this activated and just select text under the mouse as I do in a regular terminal and middle click to insert (I know I can do this in emacs but I don't get any visual feedback until I stop the mouse selection).
Is there any way to do this? I've done quite a bit of searching and can't find anything.
That message comes from this function in comint.el.
Setting comint-use-prompt-regexp to a non-nil value should do what you want.
A good solution would probably be something like this (put the following somewhere in your initialization; regexp taken from comint-prompt-regexp docstring):
(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(set (make-local-variable 'comint-use-prompt-regexp) t)
(set (make-local-variable 'comint-prompt-regexp) "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *")))
You do not specify the version of Emacs and I do not see that behaviour in my Emacs why I type M-x shell. However, a little googling turned up this:
(setq comint-highlight-input nil)
which is something that you can set in ~/.emacs.
This variable does not exist in GNU Emacs 25, even though there is a reference to a specific face (highlighting) to use in that case. Either that is a mere reminisence from when the feature was available or it is something that is actually enabled with another package. You can test by starting emacs with the "-Q" option and start shell as the first thing, if the behaviour does not appear, it is something that is related to your startup configuration or something you do before starting the shell.
The post in which the above variable was mentioned can be seen here:

Is there an auto-close curly brackets plugin for the Geany IDE?

Geany is the closest thing I can find to the perfect web development IDE. However, I can't find a way to automatically close curly brackets ({).
For example, typing:
function test()
..and pressing RETURN should cause this to happen:
function test()
// cursor ends up here (indented by 1 tab)
Is there anything that can make Geany do that?
This is a native feature of Geany,
Go to Preferences, then Completions, down there you can choose which one you want to auto close.
Check here for screenshots
You make something else:
If you want, open and see "autoclose" plugin. You can install with :
sudo apt-get install geany-plugins-autoclose
and It is all
That isn't full answer to your question, but may be helpful.
I have Geany not in english, I make translations of menu's fields on my own.
Geany has a feature: when you type special text and press Tab, the text is going to be replaced with another text.
It works by default for if, else, for, while, do, switch and try.
Configuration of this feature is in [Tools]/[Config files]/[snippets.conf].
After doing some changes, save file and click [Tools]/[Reload configuration].
I added two lines to section C++:
class=class %cursor%%block%;\n
struct=struct %cursor%%block%;\n
With block=\s{\n\t%cursor%\n}
It doesn't let you press { Enter or { Tab to get
because {=anything is ignored, I don't know why.
What you can do? You can have some another text, replaced using {\n\t%cursor%\n}, or define keybinding inserting it.
Geany can have user defined snippets. It is possible to open snippet configuration file from menu.
Tools ->
Configuration files ->
Go to the language block where you want to add that feature.
For example:
if=if (%cursor%)%block_cursor%
for=for (i = 0; i < %cursor%; i++)%block_cursor%
while=while (%cursor%)%block_cursor%
do=do\n{\n\t%cursor%\n} while (%cursor%)\n%cursor%
switch=switch (%cursor%)%brace_open%case %cursor%:\n\t\t%cursor%\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\t%cursor%\n%brace_close%%cursor%
At first it can be thought that the problem can be fixed just with adding this line
But Geany does not accept that when snippet is one non alphabetic character.
It will work for any other alphabetic character like this
b=%\n{\n\t%cursor%\n}% or bl=%\n{\n\t%cursor%\n}%
However I dont think it is what you want. The real solution you can find from geanys menu.
Tick the Auto-close quotes and brackets then click on apply and save
The Auto-close doesn't work if we place brackets inside another pair of brackets. For example, the inner bracket doesn't auto-close.{{|}
However, we can use the following snippet to create a block.
But in order to use this snippet, we first have to include '{' char in our wordchars set by changing the below line in snippets.conf file.

How to automatically navigate to default found tag?

I'm trying to slightly enhance the find-tag function by always navigating to the default found tag.
As find-tag is, when I press M-. while the cursor being on a function name, emacs prints the following message:
Find tag (default fun_name):
And it waits for me to either press RET or go to another match. The thing is, I always press RET. So I just would like to skip that step by making emacs "press RET" automatically. I would like to automatically navigate to the function right after I press M-.
How can I set this behaviour from my .emacs file?
(defun sm-find-tag ()
(find-tag (funcall (or find-tag-default-function
(get major-mode 'find-tag-default-function)

Textmate tab and de-tab selected block

Recently switched to Textmate on Mac for coding. On PC when ever I want to tab in or out a block of code I just highlight and press tab or shift+tab to move it in our out. It's very useful when you are adding an extra loop or conditional statement to a block of code to keep everything tidy and neatly indented.
On Textmate however when I try this it just replaces my selected text with a tab. So is there a way to do tab and de-tab lines of code in textmate?
Indent: Alt+Tab
Un-Indent: Shift+Alt+Tab
the hotkey is command-left bracket to move left and command-right bracket to move right
(the buttons next to 'p')
heres a link to more hotkeys and such
You can use Shift+Tab to decrease indent; You just need to make and assign a macro. You can reuse this technique to accomplish a great many things.
Enter some text, and intend them, this is mostly for feedback.
Click the Record Macro Button
Use ⇧+⌥+⇥ (aka; Shift + Option + Tab) to decrease the indentation.
Click the record button to stop recording the macro.
Use the Edit menu or ⌃+⌘+M to save your macro;
Saving will prompt you to create a new bundle*, or add your macro to an existing bundle.
Add a Key Equivalent by clicking in the field and pressing ⇧+⇥
Your bundle-macro should look like the one below, simply Save and you're done! TextMate will now decrease indent on ⇧+⇥
*: (as noted by u/PatrickT) Sadly the create new bundle functionality has not yet been implemented, and you must choose to add to an existing bundle. You can still create a bundle via Bundles -> Edit Bundles then Command + N.
As an alternative, you can change the keybindings, see Link
Here is what I did:
Install Link
Go to File -> Open -> User Key Bindings, this will create/edit ~/Libary/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict
Add a binding, for the action enter shiftRight: (indent) manually (this is a TextMate specific action and not in the pre-populated actions list)
Choose a shortcut, I used cmd+alt+right
Do the same for the action shiftLeft: (un-indent, I used cmd+alt+left)
Save and then restart TextMate
I used a shortcut with arrow keys as my right hand is already on the arrow keys when I am selecting multiple lines, so this is a good fit.
The reason why I did it was because I have a german keyboard and alt+tab/alt+shift+tab don't work for me since I am using Witch for app-switching using these exact shortcuts.
EDIT: cmd+alt+left/right don't work when you have multiple tabs open, as they are used for navigate to next or previous tab in TextMate... seems this cannot be changed or overridden (I tried Setting Shortcut Keys in Textmate). Looking for an alternative shortcut now.

Xcode find caller functions

In Xcode, how can I find all caller functions of a specific function?
Xcode 4.5 (in beta) has this functionality. when you highlight say... a function, you can check the "caller" and "callee"
edit i believe it's located at the top left of the file panel for that file... so double click on the function to highlight it, and you click on on the file panel options (the one that has the "open recent, open unsaved...etc" drop down
here's a picture to clarify (since i dont know what this menu button is called):
ALSO - XCode 4.5 is no longer beta, i believe, and is actually out in public
also note that this caller thing does NOT search for being called under the performSelector method, as in, the particular caller that has this performSelector won't show up if you had done something like:
[self performSelector:#selector(checkIfShouldStopMovement) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.25];
In Xcode, the quickest method is this:
Select method in code (double click or mark using your mouse cursor)
Press Ctrl+1
Select "Callers" from the pop-up menu.
This is the shortcut for going View -> Editor -> Show Related Items in Xcode's menu.
use ⌘+Ctrl+Shift+H key combination on Xcode 7 onwards.
This can also be accessed via the assistant editor, as shown in the screenshot below. Whichever method you have the insertion point in in the main editor on the left will have its callers displayed in the assistant editor. I've found this to be the best way of looking through each caller in succession, since once you have "Callers" selected, you can then select the next caller via the next pop-up menu to the right in the jump bar.
In Xcode-7 you have the functionality of getting call-heirerchy. Right-click on the function and click "Find Call Hierarchy":
image reference:
Xcode 10 upwards seems to have made it easier. Just Command Click on the function and you should see it in the drop down.
Press ⌘+Ctrl+Shift+H shortcut when a method of interests is selected (with a mouse or cursor). (as per #uiroshan 's answer)
But you can also specify any another shortcut in XCode -> Preferences -> Key Bindings
Use Find in Project as Text or as Symbol.
AFAIK, there's no equivalent to e.g. Call Hierarchy known from Eclipse or NetBeans.
Strangely the refactoring tool can detect all method calls but not the search.
So I simply use it to rename my method to a unique name (eg. reset to resetPlayer) and then use the new name in a regular textual search.
1.) Menu > Edit > Refactor... > Rename to unique name
2.) search for the new name
The functionality is available in XCode 4.4.1, see this:
