Visual Studio 2010 setup project created setup.exe can't install - visual-studio-2010

I create a window application package file using VS2010. After completed, i try to run the setup.exe, in the half way of install, windows installer prompt up a message
Windows ® Installer. V 5.0.7600.16385
msiexec /Option <Required Parameter> [Optional Parameter]
Install Options
</package | /i> <Product.msi>
Installs or configures a product
/a <Product.msi>
Administrative install - Installs a product on the network
/j<u|m> <Product.msi> [/t <Transform List>] [/g <Language ID>]
Advertises a product - m to all users,
Anything i missing during create a setup project? I'm currently running window 7 32bit


Microsoft VS Installer -> Install my Software and SQL database

I made a Setup.exe for my software using "Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects".
My software uses Microsoft SQL Server and I also need it to be installed, then I went in my Setup.exe properties and selected "SQL Server 2019 Express LocalDB" to be installed also, but when I run the setup, it doesn't install the SQL Server on my machine.
How can I make this Setup.exe to install my software and also SQL Server at same time?
When you build a setup project with prerequisites the resultant output contains two files one is Setup.exe and the other is your project name . msi. The setup exe is responsible to check for prerequisite installed on a user system and prompt to install one if it doesn't exists, after which it launches your MSI automatically.
If you are using pre-available prerequisite in your project then they have system checks (if dependency already installed) pre-defined, but if you use your own bootstrap package then you have to write the checks for them yourself.
What I am assuming here is that you already have sql server installed on your system that is why you are not getting a prompt for its installation. Otherwise on any other system where sql server will be missing the exe will install it.

How to disable the complete UI of MSI installation. I have created installer in Visual studio 2019 using setup project for VSTO project office aadin

I am new to VSTO office addin, I have created VSTO project in VS 2019 for outlook addin.I have created installer in Visual studio 2019 using setup project for VSTO project outlook I want to disable the GUI of MSI installation.
How to disable the complete UI of MSI installation?
There is no option to disable the whole UI in MSI by default. Instead, you may use a command line switch which allows running installers silently (without any UI interactions).
The proper way to install an MSI silently is via the msiexec.exe command line (the executable program that interprets packages and installs products):
msiexec.exe /i c:\setup.msi /QN /L*V "C:\Temp\msilog.log"
Where the parameters stand for:
/L*V "C:\Temp\msilog.log" - verbose logging
/QN - run completely silently
/i - run install sequence
You can read more about possible command line parameters on the Command-Line Options page.

How to install Orca - which Windows SDK(s) contain the Orca MSI editing tool?

According to various web pages, orca.msi/orca.exe is primarily distributed as part of the Windows SDK.
I have Visual Studio 2015 Professional Update 3 installed. I have installed all the "Universal Windows App Development Tools" components, which includes three different versions of the Windows 10 SDK (10.0.14393, 10.0.10586, 10.0.10240).
But I can't find orca.msi or orca.exe anywhere on my machine. Is this tool no longer packaged with the Windows SDKs? Do I need to install one of the older Windows SDKs as well? Is there an optional Visual Studio 2015 component that I can install to get Orca?
An MSDN page for orca.exe eventually leads me to a download page for Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Is this the most recent SDK which includes orca.msi, or can it be found in newer SDKs such as the Win7/.NET4.0 or Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 SDKs?
Thanks to the confirmation from #pnp0a03 that Orca is still present in modern Windows SDK ISOs, I was able to figure out an install process which does not require re-downloading the full ISO.
It turns out that the Windows 10 SDK can install orca (though the file is now named orca-x86_en-us.msi) but it is not installed by default when you install the SDK via the Visual Studio installer. It is an optional component of the SDK, and the Visual Studio 2015 installer does not offer any control over which SDK components are installed. You have to separately run the SDK installer to install the component which contains Orca.
To do so, go to "Apps and Features", select the most recent Windows Software Development Kit from the installed apps list, and click "Modify".
This starts the installation wizard for the SDK itself.
Now you can edit which SDK features are installed. Select "MSI Tools" and click Change:
After the wizard completes, the Orca installer can now be found in the SDK's install path. On my machine, that's located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\Orca-x86_en-us.msi. Running that MSI package installs the latest version of Orca itself.
You can pick it from Windows SDK ISO.
Download the latest SDK ISO Image. Current one is 16299.15.
Mount it with Explorer and open the directory Installers. You can find the Orca-x86_en-us.msi.
Downloads Windows 10 SDK
We can download the latest Windows 10 SDK from here
When installing the SDK installer, select below feature alone and proceed installation
"MSI Tools"
Check below folder and look for Orca-x86_en-us.msi
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x86
NOTE: In my C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin folder, I see multiple versions of windows 10 and one can see the orca MSI under the latest version number folder (under x86)
I was able to successfully download and install it the following way:
Download the Windows SDK as ISO file
Right-click on the ISO file (*_release_WindowsSDK.iso) and select "Mount"
Go to folder "Installers", find and extract "Orca-x86_en-us.msi" (drag and drop it to a local folder outside of the ISO)
Do the same with the 3 cab files listed below:
Double click the file "Orca-x86_en-us.msi", and Orca will be added to the Windows start menu.
NOTE: In the link provided above, you can find an archive of older, as well as newer Windows versions too - if required.
How to get orca installed without downloading the entire ISO
Go here:
Click to download the installer (not the .iso)
Follow the prompts until you get this screen, where you uncheck everything but MSI stuff.
After the install completes, search the install folder for Orca.msi and
install it. It is usually in:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22000.0\x86\Orca-x86_en-us.msi" 

WIX: Can't stop windows service during upgrade

I have two program versions:
V0.0.1 - I work on Visual Studio 2005 and wix v3.5 to create a MSI installer.
V0.0.2 - I work on Visual Studio 2013 and wix v3.9 to create a MSI installer.
In both versions I suppose to install a Windows services. The problem is that when I install V0.0.2 on top of V0.0.1 the V0.0.1's service doesn't stop and the installation ends with error. I'm pretty sure that the stop message is not sent at all from the V0.0.2's msiexec through controlservice(as far as I managed to debug it using Windbg).
Install V0.0.1 over V0.0.1 works fine and the stop message was sent successfully.
This is the code of ServiceControl from InstallationFiles.wxi. identical to both versions. Written with help of this site
<ServiceControl Id="MyService.exe.Control" Name="MyService" Remove="uninstall" Stop="both" Start="install" Wait="yes">
CustomAction is irrelevant in this case
Please be aware that the remove / stop / start on install | uninstall | both refers to installation state of the component not the product. I can't see what component / feature these elements are tied to but if those components aren't getting installed as part of the upgrade then the stop won't occur.

How can I create a Visual Studio Setup Project MSI that can be installed unattended via AD Group Policy?

if i want to install a MSI, created by Visual Studio 2005, via Active Directory Group Policy:
What requirements must be met by the Setup Project?
How can I specify the installation path? Is this a part of the Group Policy setting? Or do I have to create a special "silent install" version of the MSI?
I found out that it is possible to specify the installation path with a custom property called "TARGETDIR". The unattended installation can be tested with:
setup.msi /passive TARGETDIR="C:\whatever"
There is a command MSIExec that installs MSI installers automatically. This command is what you would use with the Policy. Any MSI should be compatible with it.
You have a number of options for building installers going with Microsofts default setup projects or something more verbose like Wix.
