Help determining why XCode "Failed to upload" to my iPad - xcode

An hour ago everything worked great. I was busy hacking away at my code, deploying it to the simulator or my iPad as I liked, and no problems. Then I thought all the bugs were gone, so I created a new Provisioning Profile for the app and added it to the "Release" Project Settings. Suddenly, I cannot launch the app on my iPad anymore, and the only thing that XCode tells me is "Failed to upload"... no elaboration at all.
I'm still using the Developer Profile (which the organizer assures me is installed on my iPad) for the "Debug" Project Settings.
I tried deleting the most recent version from my iPad, deleting the Build/ directory, and then installing but no joy.
Help, please!

I'd try removing your provisioning profiles, even going through and manually editing your project file such as described: Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer: x Xxxxx' doesn't match any identity in any profile
Then reinstall the profiles. Anytime I've had an issue like you're describing that has solved the problem for me.


Getting "Cannot verify client. (3000)" when trying to upload archive from Xcode to itunesConnect

Just updated to Xcode 7.1 and getting this error.
Was able to upload fine using 7.0.1
Hmmm, well a restart of Xcode, a fresh clean, build and archive seems to have fixed it.
If you encounter this error, you have two options:
Option A - Engage in an activity that takes a minute or two. Could be any of the activities described in the other answers, like re-install XCode, renew certificates, do a new build from scratch after clearing caches. Or simply go get a coffee.
Option B - Do nothing at all for a little while.
Then, try again. If it doesn't work, repeat.
Just updated to Xcode 7.1 and getting this error. Was able to upload
fine using 7.0.1
same here - restart, clean build, archive and upload was successful.
Same problem here. Grabbing a cup of ☕️ worked for me.
Exporting the app as an .ipa and uploading via Application Loader 3.0 worked for me. (Restarting xcode, cleaning, and re-archiving did not.)
I first tried to upload and got the "cannot verify client"-error.
Then i did a validate, which was successfull and then again a upload which also was successfull. No restart etc. needed.
Same problem here. Clean build and deleting project caches worked.
Had the same issue and tried everything including Application Loader but still would not load into iTunes Connect. I'm running XCode 7.1.1 and OS X El Capitan.
I also have Avira (free version) installed and once I disable it, everything went through. Hope this helps someone.
Stackoverflow has been my savior and goto source for Obj C and now Swift!!
I had this problem for all night. Got 🍵 ☕️🍺🍼 but didn't work.
Solved my problem only with:
Switching lan to wifi connection
Uploading App by Application Loader
Wasn't useful but i saw than in Xcode uploading start works as well after connection switching, so maybe was a connection my problem.
Clean project not work with me in XCode 7.2. But I solve the problem by export Archive and using Application Loader.
Archive you build.
In Organizer: Chose your archive.
Export "Save for iOS App Store Deployment".
Open Application Loader (Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader: Download it if you don't have).
Select "Deliver your App" -> Select your exported ipa.
=> Done
I've been having this problem since Xcode 7.1 (for more than a month). I did everything I could trying to solve this: restart Xcode, clean project, clean build folder, build with a device connected, reinstall Xcode multiple times, even formatting the whole disk and starting from scratch. None of this worked.
During this time my colleague was always able to upload the very same builds to App Store without any problem.
Curiously, what solved this problem for me was disconnecting my non-Apple wireless mouse.
I found this out when I tried to submit an app from my home computer and got the same error. I disconnected the mouse dongle, tried again and it went through.
I've verified this three times both on my home (MacBook Pro 2013) and work computer (Mac Mini 2014).
This leads me to believe that during the app submission process Apple may check if your environment is purely made by Apple or not, and may block your submission based on that. This would explain the "Cannot verify client" message.
For what it's worth: I got this error when my startdisk was almost full (less than a few hundred MB left).
Cleaning up some space and re-submitting resolved this issue.
Experiencing the same problem. Tried a number of the suggestions above. Ended up using the Application Uploader instead.
Xcode > Open Developer Tools > Application Loader
From the rest of the answers it seems that a lot of different things "resolve" this issue. Here are the particulars of what solved it for me:
The iPad had to be plugged in.
The iPad had to be signed in (i.e. not locked).
After I satisfied those two conditions, it validates and uploads reliably. If either one isn't done, I am not able to validate or upload to iTunesConnect and I get the Cannot verify client (3000) error.
You can use Application Loader to upload your build and solve it!
Download Provisiononing Profiles of app on Apple Developer,
Quit and restart Xcode,
Run Provisiononing Profiles by Xcode,
Open app again,
In General -> get "fix" at Identity.
You can Archive and Upload to Apple Store
When it fails two times in a row, choosing "Validate" and after that "Upload to App Store" does the trick for me.
I tried most of the things here, but what finally did it for me was using the Application Loader instead of trying to upload my app from the Organizer.
Once I did it from the Application Loader I got an error message related to this: ITMS-90535 Unable to publish iOS app with latest Google Signin SDK, which was the real cause of the error.
I remade the app with "App Store" provisioning profile. Earlier it was "Ad-hoc" provisioning profile.
I submitted the app from "Application Loader" instead of traditional "Organizer".
Above two steps enabled me to submit the app to iTunes Connect for beta testing also.
There is always an element for surprise whenever apple releases an updated XCode.
After trying a few things, this is what worked for me:
Just before uploading your executable, validate it, you then have a modal where you get to pick your binary. On the right, there's the name of the provisioning profile used. There's an arrow next to it.
Click on the arrow which opens the finder to the location of the provisioning profile.
Delete this file.
Restart XCode

Xcode 6 OS X Submission Error: iOS Apps must have a provisioning profile

I'm having the worst time ever submitting an update to my Mac app. Everything was fine until I updated to Xcode 6. I'm in Mavericks, 10.9.4. I get the following error:
iTunes Store operation failed.
Unable to process application at this time due to the following error: iOS Apps must have a provisioning profile.
I have no idea why it says "iOS." Don't know if that's an Xcode bug or it thinks I'm making an iOS app. I used the same Xcode project file to submit the Mac app in the previous Xcode.
I have tried the following with no results:
• Revoked and deleted all certificates and provisioning profiles and started over.
• I created all certificates, provisioning profiles manually rather than Xcode managing them.
• Set the provisioning profile in "release" in the target and in a different occasion, in the project file.
• Gone into the project info and created a separate configuration.
The only "weird" thing I would say that I could be doing insanely obviously wrong is when I look at the options for code singing identity for release, it says "Mac Developer:yata" but there is no option for "Mac Distribution:(myname)" Should there be? I didn't need that in the past. Also, the only options that I can select are in a section called "identities in keychain." Should there be another section? "Identities in Xcode?"
Thank you for anyone that can help. I'll try pretty much anything at this point.
Solution for my case:
I got error in validation stage.
On organizer we see:
1) Go to Apple download page and download xCode 5.1.1
2) Double click on xcode_5.1.1.dmg
3) Copy to Desktop
4) Rename ->
5) Move -> Applications
6) Close xCode 6.1
7) Work with validation and upload in
8) Be careful ! ITC.apps.validation.prerelease_build_missing
I don't have Xcode right now, but here are the steps:
Delete your certificate and provisioning, both your mac and iTunes account
Regenerate the certificates and provisioning profile (distribution)
Download double click
Go to the account tab, then view account
All certificates and profiles will be listed refresh the stuff there
Clean and rebuild your app with the right provision and 3 party Mac developer
archive, validate and submit (select the right provison and match the app)
Everything you will ever need to know :
I was having the same problem... finally I click on Submit and it worked! It seems that the problem is on Validate only.
Okay so our problem was that our company name had an apostrophe in it ---- could have the same issue if you have quotes in your company name as well. I contacted Apple for them to change it and then uploading worked from Xcode 5.1.1.

Could not launch "<appName>" failed to get the task for process <processNumber>?

Using Xcode 4.5.2 and building for iOS4 or newer, I get this message when building for my device (iOS 6.0.1 on 4s). I dismiss the dialog then relaunch the app on my device which seems to work. I am newer to iOS development, so I aplogize in advance if this is a silly question.
Thank you in advance for your help.
My issue was using Distribution provisioning profile for signing the app, once I made a development provisioning profile, the app installed and ran on iPhone just fine.
The answer seems to be "you need to fix your provisioning profile", but can happen for several reasons, as indicated by other answers on here.
In my case, I hadn't added a new device to an existing developer provisioning profile, so I just re-created the profile with the new device, and it worked!
In my case happens all time I add a new device ID then update the provision profile, download and "install it on Xcode 5".
To fix this:
Go to Xcode>Preferences>Account Tab>Select Apple ID>View
Details>Refresh Button (Bottom left corner).
Reinitiate Xcode.
Start again the app, you will be able to test the app in the device.
Here's what my situation was and how I solved the problem:
I had been running the app from Xcode to my phone and all was fine
I switched to a different code signing identity (I had to change the bundle name also to match)
I ran the app to my phone and got the error. The app would install, but not open.
Did a bunch of stuff like Clean, close n open Xcode; delete the app from the phone. All to no good effect.
SOLUTION: turned the phone off n on.
Coincidence? I think not. :-)
XCode 6:
Just create provisioning profile for development and assing it to Project -> Build settings -> Provisioning profile
For upload you have to change provisioning profile for Distribution profile.

Xcode 4 Error: Error Starting Executable

I ran into problem with testing my app on iOS and Xcode when I am uploading it to my actual devices (iphone and iPad), and I'm wondering if someone knows the issue and can help me out:
Normally when I build my app on my devices, the app is installed and launched on my devices. But as I am preparing for submitting my first app I was testing around and changing the Bundle Identifier, App ID, and Development Provisions (so the issue may have something to do with it), and now, when I try to build my app on my devices, although it's installed on my devices fine, Xcode will not launch the app anymore. Instead, I got this error message:
Error Starting Executable.
Error launching remote program: No such file
or directory.
Does anyone know what the issue is? And What is this derived data folder about?
Much thanks!
I have also faced that problem. I have closed, restarted Xcode; deleted the application from device and reinstalled it again, then the problem has gone.
Running App from a Clean Slate
For me the problem did not resolve until I did the following in this order:
Delete the app from the device (Do this before trying to debug again)
Quit XCode (Don't just close the project)
Delete the app build folder (example path: /Users/myusername/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-fhkaamuyvqhubaezinqbmxbnaufd/)
Restart XCode
Finally -- Try debugging again on the iOS device
The app build folder of step 3 refers to your app's build folder that is a child of "DerivedData". To find this you can reveal your app in finder, then backtrack until you get to "DerivedData" folder and delete the folder above that like "MyApp-crazylongweirdletters". Without this step (3), I could not debug, so this is a critical step and you must quit XCode before you do this step.
For some it appears simply restarting XCode does the trick, but not for me.
I only post this answer because the earlier answers did NOT work for me. Hopefully others banging their heads will find this and get a sigh of relief. :)
The issue started happening for me when I modified the bundle id of the app.
My code signing is and was correct. My provisioning profile was the "Team Provisioning Profile" which should work for any app id (default for "iPhone Developer" automatic profile selector).
I was doing a DEBUG build (not release / distribution).
You cant debug (start from Xcode) an application signed with a distribution profile if I remember well... And then you get such messages, gdb failling to attach to process.
I finally found my error!
I was playing around with my info.plist file, and I changed the Executable Name and Bundle and Bundle Display name! As soon as I changed those back to the Defaults (EXECUTABLE_NAME, PRODUCT_NAME, PRODUCT_NAME respectively) it worked perfectly.
Delete the app from the device (tap-and-hold then delete) and try again.
For me, none of those worked. Same error, but different solution.
My problem was cause by me accidently changing the "Deployment Target" (ios version) to a version higher than what was on the phone I tried to run the code on.
The fix was simple - drop the deployment target to below or equal to the ios software version on my phone :)
I got the same error by not having my code signing correct.
Go to your project > Targets > Build Settings > Check code signing for debug state.
I stumbled upon this as a solution to another issue whch was a warning when trying to build an app on a new 4.3.5 device.
If i set the profile to distribution I do not get a warning message when building the app, but the debugger will attach to the device.
If i set the code signing to the distribution profile, i get no warnings in the build process, but the debugger will not attach. So the answer above about being signing based seems to be correct. This might also only be an issue on newer 4.3.5 devices with xcode
Product -> Clean in the menubar
This error some times happen due to incomplete "Restore" or "Sync" process of your device which keeps the .app files locked up.
What I did I had to jailbreak my device to go find the app under /User/Applications/XXXXX-XXXX-XXX/ and phisically delete the .app
For one of the apps it worked and for other one I realized it just does not run GDB automatically so the error message is totally misleading, so I set the GDB to manual and it worked and did not give me that error, but of course I have to run the app manually for the debug session to start.
It also may have required some other stuff that I did before like checking the provision profile, but this was the last step that made it work.
Before this I tried all the solutions did not work for me, and obviously simply deleting the app by holding down your finger on the screen did not work, as it removed the icon but all the files were still there. ( Since it was a development app not a downloaded App Store app )
had same problem,
quit the XCode...delete app from the program again..
i solved that of my friends had to restart the device.
I have the same problem. I solved it by changing the project's directory name and then launching the app again.
I had this problem on a recently restored device where my in-development apps had not been reinstalled—they were showing up on Springboard as "Waiting" to be downloaded from the App Store. Deleting the app from Springboard fixed the problem.
I've faced this issue since yesterday on two different devices, both iOS 4.x. Deleting the DerivedData folder, deleting the app, restarting the Xcode, and cleaning the code did NOT work. Repeating all the steps, in addition to rebooting the device fixed it for me.
Here I am posting an update to the issue. Might be helpful for someone with the same problem. I have Xcode 4.4 and launched it on a device with iOS 5.0 . If Xcode doesnt have the 5.0 simulators

xcode build to iphone chooses old invalid provisioning profile

I've just gone through some pain with iphone and xcode upgrades and keychain failures etc and decided to uninstall xcode completely and re-install. This fixed my keychain issues however the project I am working on appears to be linked to an old invalid provisioning profile.
I've deleted the profile from "Provisioning Profiles" in organiser, and removed it from Provisioning on the Iphone section of Organiser. However when I build an go with the iphone sdk rather than simulator i get the pop up "codesign wants to sign using key "OldKey" in your keychain".
It appears the actual app is associated with the old key and I can't seem to find how to point it to the new valid one.
Crazy thing is at some point I managed to get it to work and install but the application crashed and won't open. I've not managed to get it to install again.
Any ideas?
I ran into a similar problem. To fix:
1) In organizer, delete the profile from the phone.
2) Also in organizer, delete the profile from the Provisioning Profile list.
3) Finally, search your computer for provisioning profiles and delete the old ones directly.
After that, drag in the new profile and it will work.
This caused me all manner of problems! Open the app.xcodeproj package and drag & drop the project.pbxproj file into text-edit. Do a search for "PROVISIONING_PROFILE" and delete the profile ID. restart xcode and build, hopefully it should pick up the new provisioning profile and forget about the old one that was causing you issues.
Note: Be sure to do a backup of the project.pbxproj file before editing it.
xCode 4 -reinstalls keychain certs that I delete
