Spring3 MappingJacksonJsonView vs. MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter - spring

Spring 3 includes the ContentnegotiatingViewResolver which can be used to decide on the views based on Aceept HTTP header for example.
This would be one way to render a json view, another way (which also provides mapping for incoming request bodies to objects) would be to setup the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter.
Which one is used best? Are there any guidelines or hints?

MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter looks alike a good approach , in case you want to skip the view resolution altogether.
HttpMessageConverter would allow you to do do more like XML,etcImages,etc easily and you can also unit test them :)


What are the differences of Flux<T>, Flux<ResponseEntity<T>>, ResponseEntity<Flux<T>> as return type in Spring WebFlux?

I often see three different response return types: Flux<T>, ResponseEntity<Flux<T>>, and Flux<ResponseEntity<T>> in MVC style controllers using Spring WebFlux. The documentation explains the difference between ResponseEntity<Flux<T>> and Flux<ResponseEntity<T>>. Does Spring automatically wrap Flux<T> as either ResponseEntity<Flux<T>> or Flux<ResponseEntity<T>>? if yes, which one?
Moreover, how to decide which one to return, ResponseEntity<Flux<T>> or Flux<ResponseEntity<T>>? What situation or use case would call for using one over the other?
And, from a webclient's point of view, are there any significant differences when consuming the two types of response?
Does Spring automatically wrap Flux as either
ResponseEntity<Flux> or Flux<ResponseEntity>? if yes, which one?
Spring will automatically wrap that Flux as a ResponseEntity<Flux>. For example if you have a web endpoint as follows
public Flux handle() {
And if you are consuming from a WebClient, you can retrieve your response as either ResponseEntity<Flux<T>> or Flux<T>. There is no default, but I would think it's good practice to retrieve only Flux unless you explicitly need something from the ResponseEntity. The Spring doc has good examples of this.
You actually can consume it as a Flux<ResponseEntity<T>>, but this would only be applicable for more complex use cases.
Moreover, how to decide which one to return, ResponseEntity<Flux>
or Flux<ResponseEntity>? What situation or use case would call for
using one over the other?
It really depends on your use case.
Returning ResponseEntity<Flux<T>> is saying something like,
I am returning a Response of a Collection of type T objects.
Where Flux<ResponseEntity<T>> is saying something more like
I am returning a Collection of Responses, where the responses have an entity of type T.
Again, I think in most use cases returning just Flux<T> makes sense (This is equivalent to returning ResponseEntity<Flux<T>>)
And finally
And, from a webclient's point of view, are there any significant
differences when consuming the two types of response?
I think what you're trying to ask is whether you should be using ResponseEntity<Flux<T>> or Mono<ResponseEntity<T>> when consuming from the WebClient. And the spring doc answers this question quite elegantly
ResponseEntity<Flux> make the response status and headers known
immediately while the body is provided asynchronously at a later
Mono<ResponseEntity> provides all three — response status, headers,
and body, asynchronously at a later point. This allows the response
status and headers to vary depending on the outcome of asynchronous
request handling.

When to use Spring WebMVC's Views and/or MessageConverters?

I am writing an inhouse app with Spring 3.1.3 with UI for humans utilizing the VelocityView and with a REST API which serializes response entities as JSON or XML.
Now, besides the view and messageconverter thing. When would one use one of theses? I presumed that views are for humans as a general rule and messageconverters for M2M communication. Why do Views like JsonView, XmlView, etc. exist? Those outputs aren't for humans anyway.
You are essentially right - View is to convert the internal model into a "viewable" format - be it html, json, xml etc, so MappingJackJsonView, newer Marshalling View etc, if used as a view take in all the elements set in the model and transform them to xml.
MessageConverters on the other hand do things a little differently, it doesn't work on the model attributes, it works instead on the response body - transforming the response body to the appropriate format based on the ACCEPT header of the request.

Spring MVC - how to pass data from filter to controller

I use Spring MVC in my web application. For every request I'd like to prepare the environment, for example load some data from the datastore and save it so every controller could access that information. I assume that's what filters are for (among other things). I can attach an information to the request variable in a filter, but how do I access it from the controller? Or is there a generally better way to do this?
I think your problem at the moment is how to get the data set in request inside your filter( already done by you) and then accessing it inside the hamdlerMapping method of your controller( you want to achieve).
I agree with both the previous answers but if you have decided to do it this way only then I think you should follow my answer.
In the handler method you have mapped your request to in your controller you can have a parameter in method signature for HttpServletRequest request and it will contain the request parameter you have set in your filter. And you can get that from this request object in your controller.
Hope this helps you. Cheers.
I don't see why this is a good thing to do, filter or no.
If you truly have read-only data that every controller needs, I think a caching solution that is loaded on startup is a better idea. I wouldn't do that with a filter, and I wouldn't burden every single request with such a thing. Once it's done, why keep repeating the action?
#duffymo is right, but if you really want to do that I suggest you to use interceptor

spring mvc #requestmapping best practice

Checked the official ref, found a million ways to do things.
I guess I have 2 set of use cases.
1. return customized http response, basically I am responsible for filling in status code, response body(either XML or JSON or text).
2. return Model and View. view is a jsp page typically and fill in the view with data from modle.
My question is which is a better way to go? it possible to mix them together. In my first use set, is it possible to return a View? also is it possible to have both on them in one method. something like if A return customized http response, if B return ModelAndView.
The return value from any request handling method (i.e. on marked with the #RequestMapping annotation must either identify a view (that will generate the HTTP Response) or generate the HTTP Response itself.
Each handler method stands alone; by that I mean, you can return a view name from some handler methods and generate the HTTP Response in other handler methods.
Check out Supported handler method arguments and return types in the Spring 3x reference document at http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/
As an option to generating the HTTP Response in the handler method, you could setup multiple view resolvers; one or more for normal view resolution (jsp pages, tiles, etc.) and one or more for "special" view resolution (XML, JSON, etc.). For the "special" views, you may want to create your own view class that extends org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractView.
You can accomplish something similar to what you are describing using the ContentNegotiatingViewResolver, which can deal with serving different content based on a request, with no changes required to your #RequestMapping annotations, or in fact anything in you're controllers.
There are plenty of resources on how to use this method, including this and this

How best to modify my model in Spring MVC if I care about IOC

I am building an application using Spring MVC. I want to make certain changes to my Model for every Controller in the application. In particular, I want to insert certain extra data into the model which will be present for all pages of the application.
I could do this several ways: just add the data at the end of every Controller, use a subclass of Model that adds my extra data, use a subclass of ModelAndView that wraps my Model, use a subclass of VelocityView that wraps the Model before using it... I'm sure there are other options.
But I have an "elegance" constraint: I don't want to write code in each and every Controller, I want this behavior defined in one-and-only-one place. Ideally, it would be controlled by my IOC bean config file.
Does anyone have a recommendation of how to achieve this elegantly?
Aspects are a good approach, but Spring MVC makes it even easier -- you can define a HandlerInterceptor that will be called before or after every time a request is handled. In the HandlerInterceptor postHandle method (in your class that implements the HandlerInterceptor interface) you can add your data to the ModelAndView. You define which handlers should be intercepted in your config file.
You could take a look at using Aspects. Spring even has an AOP extension that you could use.
In brief an aspect would allow you to define code once that would then get "woven" into your classes either when you compile the classes or when they are loaded by the classloader. It's relatively advanced stuff and isn't the most intuitive thing for new programmers to pick up, but it's intended to solve exactly the problem you're referring to.
I might be wrong, but I suspect that you may have described your requirements incorrectly.
You seem to be saying 'I want certain data to be added to my model, for all controllers'.
I suspect that you mean 'I want certain data to be available for all views'.
If my suspicions are correct, then adding the data to you model is polluting your model and violating the single responsibility principle. This is especially true if the same data is to be added to several models. Be careful that you are not just using your model as a convenient 'carrier' of the data - where the data doesn't really have anything to do with the model.
Admittedly, I'm not completely familiar with the Spring MVC way of doing things, but a more detailed example of what you're trying to achieve may allow for a more informed discussion.
