How to determine Visual Studio Setup and Deployment project prerequisites? - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to deploy an app in C# with a Setup And Deployment project in VS2010. The main project and the deployment project are in the same solution and I have added the primary output of the main project to the deployment project. In the property pages for the deployment project, there is a button for prerequisites. How do I find out what items my app will require for successful deployment?
Thanks.. :)

Visual Studio will manage all the requisite DLL's that need to be installed for your application to run... If still you need to add more dependencies then you could create an application that will handle this process for you.
And since Microsoft has an easy solution for almost everything, there are options to the installer to do just this. Here you'll find it as per MS documentation.

Right click your project => propereties => Application => Target Framework


Visual Studio Publish Profile: Delete specific folder on the server before publishing

Is there a way for a Web Deploy operation to Azure App Services to delete a specific folder on the server before the deployment starts?
I need certain files to be removed on the server when they are removed on the solution and deployment leaves those files intact on the server which is causing issues.
Is there any way to add this to the publishing profile as a pre-publish action?
Just to add more context, this is an ASP.NET project using C#. Sitecore is the CMS.
i have tried to find something specific to the SiteCore and not msbuild BeforePublish target, but it looks like you have two options here:
1) Use msbuild BeforePublish target
2) Use Visual Studio Team Services build Continuous Integration - it will need some additional manual tasks, but nothing serious and it is much more visual than msbuild.
I would highly recommend to try the second option - here, you can specify build steps like Take sources => build => execute some command (here is your place to put something for deleting the files) => publish.

Is it possible to include a program project and a Wix project both in a Visual Studio Solution?

For example, I use Visual Studio to create a mono game project in the solution, and I add another wix project that
when I hit "build solution", the mono game project being build, and wix project build a installer directly afterward.
In this way, I don't need to separate my project everywhere, because I just want some more additional options with One-Click installer.
If I can use Wix, I can customize the installer, but how?
After search for some time, I found this
But, I would like to put two projects in a same solution folder, rather than two separate solution folder. This way, if I change the path, will the link just broke up?
Yes, you can. Simply add a reference to the project from your WIX project.
Note that with project references, you can use variables in your wxs files. For example if your game project were DavidWong.MyGame:
<File Id="MyGame.exe"
Source="$(var.DavidWong.MyGame.TargetPath)" KeyPath="yes" />
See the documentation for more info.
Yes, it can be done ( project reference and $(var.ProjectName.TargetDir) and so on ) but in my experience there are a few reasons not to:
1) When a new version of Visual Studio comes out you might be stuck if a new version of WiX is not yet released to support that version of Visual Studio. I've seen this several times and currently you'd have to run a beta build of WiX v3.10 if you wanted to support Visual Studio 2015.
2) All developers now have to install WiX or get error messages that some projects couldn't be loaded.
3) Some developers will complain that they don't want "setup" code in their .NET solution. I think this is a thin complaint but I kinda get it.
What I like to do is have an application solution and an installer solution. I use postbuild copy commands and MSBuild publish profiles to stage content in a "deploy" folder that models the deployed system and then use that reference that structure in my wix code.

CRM 2011 Development toolkit

I just installed the CRM Development Toolkit and everything seems to be working fine until I need to deploy the plugins. According to the tutorials I should have a Deploy option just below Rebuild when i right click on the project package(in this case Lan2Lan). Unfortunately I have no such option.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
If you want to deploy in this manner, create your initial project using the Solution Template rather than the individual plug-in library template. It will create projects for plug-ins, workflows and SilverLight. You can delete the projects you don't need. In the end you should have a project called 'CrmPackage' which you can right click on and have a 'Deploy' option.
I would suggest that if all you are maintaining is JScript, then use the CRM 2011 Package project. It doesn't create the Plugin, WF and Silverlight projects - which have to be compiled and deployed slowing down your deploys.
Personally, I keep my web resources and compiled projects in separate projects to speed my JScript develop/debug/deploy process.

Precompile a asp.net4 mvc3 website using visual studio 2010

What is the best way to pre-compile a asp.net4 mvc3 website with all its view files using visual studio 2010?
I'm a little confused because MS provides multiple solutions that sound very similar.
Web Deployment Projects
Web Deployment Tool
or can I just do all this from the default VS2010 SP1 without additional addons?
Can someone clarify?
When you build or publish your project, the website is already compiled. Only the views are dynamically compiled. If you want your views to be compiled also, you can edit your web project file. Change this line:
To be able to edit the project file within visual studio you have to unload the project first (right-click, Unload Project) and then right click the project again and choose Edit Project.
When you made the change, your views will be automatically be build also.
This is not something you want to do during development, build time significantly increases.

Web Deployment Projects, Web Application Projects and Team Build 2008

I've switched from a Website Project to a WAP (Web Application project).
The WDP (Web Deployment Project) is used to set and potentially in the future make other web.config changes.
However I notice that the team build is building everything twice, once on behalf of the solution file and then again because of the WDP. Any idea how I can stop this from happening?
Or is there a way to replace out the web deployment project altogether?
Yes and yes.
You can stop TFS Build from building everything twice by following these steps:
Open the configuration manager (open your solution and select Configuration Manager from the top-level Build menu).
Expand the drop down list for Active solution configuration and select New.
Enter a name for your new solution configuration and select an existing configuration to copy settings from and click OK.
In the Configuration Manager, uncheck the checkboxes in the Build column for all of the projects except the deployment project and click Close.
Edit your TFSBuild.proj file's ConfigurationToBuild ItemGroup by adding your new configuration:
Where Foo is the name of the new configuration you just defined.
For Visual Studio 2010, the ASP.NET team has partnered with the IIS team to deliver an integrated web application packaging and deployment solution built on the [Web Deployment Tool][1]. It more or less replaces web deployment projects and you can use it with VS/TFS 2008 via its [command line interface][2]. I have a blog post covering the basic scenario here:
Building a Simple Web Site with VSTS/TFS 2008.
