sudden error after removing app from iphone simulator on Xcode - xcode

my app was working perfectly fine, until I cleaned the targets and deleted the app from iphone simulator.
It now compiles but ends itself as soon as it runs, with NSInternalInconsistency exception.
Trying NSLog only tells me that the error comes from the main function, which I didn't touch.
I think the error has to do with the modal view, but it was running perfectly until I removed the app on iphone simulator. Only, I changed some of the image file names from Resources folder right before I cleaned the targets... (but even so, it was running well before cleaning/deleting).
Has anyone had this experience where everything that has worked suddenly gives you an error after cleaning/removing? How did you deal with this?
Please help me out.

Only, I changed some of the image file names from Resources folder right before I cleaned the targets... (but even so, it was running well before cleaning/deleting).
it was running well because the renamed images weren't changed in the app on the simulator.
Files aren't deleted from the app bundle when you install your app with Xcode.
Clean All doesn't remove them, neither does the deletion of the build directory. Unless the app is removed from the simulator the old files are still available for the simulator.
Find the places where the old images are still referenced in your project.


Xcode 8 freezes on Signing product

I can no longer access any storyboards or XIBs in my project. As soon as I do,Xcode starts building and when it gets to Signing product it just hangs. I left it open for about half an hour, nothing happens. I need to Force Quit every time.
Signing works otherwise thou, that's the weird part. I can build normally, I can run on simulator, device, I can archive, everything is fine, EXCEPT when I open an IB file.
I tried all the usual, deleting DerivedData, cleaning everything, nothing seems to work. This is extremely frustrating and I can't find anything on the subject.
I'm using Xcode 8.2 beta (8C30a) currently, but it's also happening in the release 8.1.
Can you file a bug report with a bit more info? Please provide a copy of the build log and the output of sysdiagnose Xcode (it will produce an archive).

Receiving a strange Xcode error when trying to run app in iOS simulator

When I try to compile and run my app in the simulator, I receive this error:
Everything was working fine yesterday.
I tried backing up and deleting ~/Library/Logs, thinking that might work, but it did not. I'm running Xcode 6.
EDIT: I just found out that this problem was caused by me renaming my home folder and shortname. That's fine and well, I undid everything and now my simulator is working. My question still remains, however, how to I get the simulator to stop showing this error? My home folder name and shortname are irrelevant and I'd still like to be able to rename them and have everything work. A user in #iphone-dev on Freenode told me not to do this, in general, because certain apps will complain, but there's a walkthrough on the official Apple support page that says this is copacetic.
try any of the following:
edit all paths in ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/"YOUR_SIMULATOR_GUID"/data/var/run/launchd_bootstrap.plist
delete and recreate simulator in Xcode (Window -> Devices)
delete simulator directory from ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices

XCode project corruption

I've been working on an iOS project in XCode for a while now (XCode 4.4.1). This morning, I started up XCode (first time fresh for a while) and it started downloading an update. Once this was done, I noticed that most of my project was gone. All of my original files had been removed from the project. I checked the filesystem and they were still there.
I restored the project folder from Timemachine but the project was really confused and throught it was a MacOS project. So I created a new project and just copied my files into it.
That kinda of worked but now when my app runs it always runs in portrait mode even though I've set the project options to only run in landscape mode. In landscape mode, the text (and buttons and such) are all 90 degrees off. When I rotate the simulator the app does not respond.
I've set the storyboards to all run in both inferred and landscape orientation but neither worked.
Am I missing a project setting that will let my app work again?
Has anyone else suffered a project corruption like this?
I saw something like this when I migrated to iOS 6. I just bit the bullet and manually changed my MainWindow/RootViewController setup into a MainStoryboard. It worked out pretty well. Make sure you've disabled devil autolayout too.
Problem solved: I'm dumb.
The project was corrected so I rebuilt it. Being stupid, I changed the name of a couple of files (the view controllers) but forgot to update the storyboards. That's what happened when things go bung at 5AM.

I can't remove splash screen image in iOS Simulator

I am testing my app on SDK iOS Simulator to make sure it runs properly. First of all, I decided to remove a splash screen image because I don't think I want one. When I ran my app again, it's showing the splash image again, thought I was a bit confused there, so I deleted the image from references and removed the image from the folder, to the trash. WHen I ran my ap again, it's still showing the same splash screen image again! I have no clue what's going on with my project now that the stupid splash screen image that I removed kept showing over and over again. Then I tried to run other project to see they are ok, but for some problem again, that same splash screen image that I completely removed is still showing up! Hopefully someone can Please help me resolve this situation quickly!
Clean the project (in xcode :-) ), remove any installed version of your app on the simulator (if you want, reset the simulator, it will be more efficient), go into the finder and with a rightclick on your xcode project, open the package and check if there are no included source file into it (.m, .h, resources, ...), including your image. If there are, move them out and update the needed one into your project. Then clean your project again in xcode, build, run.
Does this work ?
in xcode you need to do a build clean, then delete the app from the simulator, then build and run.
See Xcode- Deleted images appear in simulator. You can also try removing the app from your simulator and running it again.

Attempting to delete an image from Xcode 4

I'm going nuts trying to do something very simple. I have a number of images in my app that are displayed at certain times. In the course of playing around with retina images, I delete the image files from my app. Except that when I ran the app in the Simulator, the images are still there. I checked the project folder in Finder, and the images are definitely gone. I've cleaned and rebuilt the app, but they're still displaying. If I build the app for the iPhone, they're not displayed. So how do I clean it up for the Simulator?
Thanks for any pointers
Try just deleting it from the simulator as you would on a normal iPhone, then running from XCode. If that doesn't work, quit the simluator and go to ${HOME}/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/${OS_VERSION}/Applications. There will be folders for each application named after the application's id. Find the folder for your application and delete it. Then run again from XCode.
