Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 - xcode

I am trying to test a app on my phone. I keep getting this error:
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
I have added the Provisioning profile and went through the set up on the apple iPhone portal.
I have been looking at this for a little over an hour and a half and I still can't figure it out.
Any ideas why this isn't working and why I am getting this error? Thanks!
Here's some information on my build:
CodeSign build/Debug-iphoneos/
cd "/flashPics_iPhone BACKUP 2:27"
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
setenv _CODESIGN_ALLOCATE_ /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate
/usr/bin/codesign -f -s "iPhone Developer: Coulton Vento (LVEE98KDSF)" "--resource-rules=/flashPics_iPhone BACKUP 2:27/build/Debug-iphoneos/" --entitlements "/flashPics_iPhone BACKUP 2:27/build/" "/flashPics_iPhone BACKUP 2:27/build/Debug-iphoneos/"
/flashPics_iPhone BACKUP 2:27/build/Debug-iphoneos/ object file format invalid or unsuitable
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

This is a good resource in figuring out how to setup the provisioning:
You must download the provisioning profile, the certificate and make sure your iPhone's UDID is registered on those accounts. Then for the Distribution profile you need to specifically tell it in it's setting to use a Distribution Profile to make it build it.
Under Project Settings > Select the Configuration your using (Debug, Release, or Distribution) and make sure under Code Signing your Profile appears there.

I fixed that error. The steps are:
GOTO project
select Edit Project setting
in genatel tab project Format select your current Compatible Xcode version and select based SDK for your currunt iPhone Device; for example (iphone device 4.0) then...
build tab:
configuration : Distribution
Base SDK : choose your latest xcode SDK Device
Code signing identity : choose your provisional portal that you alredy created in iPhone Devloper center and you installed so select that particular provisioning.
Any iPhone OS Device : select same as Code signing identity (as mentioned above)
Then next step is go scrolling at below that find Product Name
Product Name : give Product name exactly same as your prodoct name. That's it.
Follow the same steps in configuration :Debug and Release


Why Xcode can not attach to some programs?

i had to reinstall my MacBook Pro. I have installed the newest macOS & Xcode version so
macOS Monterey 12.0.1 (21A559)
Version 13.1 (13A1030d)
I'm programming Audio plugins so to test my plugins I'm normally running a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) in my case I'm working the most of the time with Ableton or Bitwig.
So if I start the debuging process, I get the follow error:
Could not attach to pid XXXXXX
attach failed (Not allowed to attach to process. Look in the console messages (, near the debugserver entries, when the attach failed. The subsystem that denied the attach permission will likely have logged an informative message about why it was denied.)
If I have an eye to the the the following lines:
[LaunchAttach] (3277) about to task_for_pid(2930)
error: [LaunchAttach] MachTask::TaskPortForProcessID
task_for_pid(2930) failed: ::task_for_pid ( target_tport = 0x0203, pid
= 2930, &task ) => err = 0x00000005 ((os/kern) failure)
macOSTaskPolicy: ( may not get the task control
port of (BitwigStudio) (pid: 2930): (BitwigStudio) is hardened,
(BitwigStudio) doesn't have get-task-allow, ( is
a declared debugger( is not a declared read-only
1 +0.000000 sec [0ccd/0103]: error: ::task_for_pid ( target_tport =
0x0203, pid = 2930, &task ) => err = 0x00000005 ((os/kern) failure)
err = ::task_for_pid ( target_tport = 0x0203, pid = 2930, &task ) =>
err = 0x00000005 ((os/kern) failure) (0x00000005)
I have done some research and found this:
Stackoverflow link about What does get-task-allow do
get-task-allow, when signed into an application, allows other
processes (like the debugger) to attach to your app. Distribution
profiles require that this value be turned off, while development
profiles require this value to be turned on (otherwise Xcode would
never be able to launch and attach to your app).
So there is nothing I can do to debug my programs with that software. Is that correct? :(
You can debug but you have to set the "Code Signing Inject Base Entitlements" to "Yes" for debugging
And then you have to add a provisioning profile. Go to then select "Certificates, IDs & Profiles" to create a provisioning profile for the bundle ID you are testing.
This solved it for me on terminal
sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable
When you don't have access to the original source code or don't want to rebuild it, such as when developing plug-ins for another app (a DAW in your case), you can easily change the entitlements of the application as follows to enable debugging:
Read the current entitlements as follows (replace with the actual app name):
codesign --display --xml --entitlements daw.entitlements
Note: Run this in the Terminal app. It will create a file named daw.entitlements in the current folder. Run the command only once or delete any previously created daw.entitlements; otherwise the command keeps appending to the same file.
Open daw.entitlements in any text editor and insert the following text just before </dict></plist> at the end of the file:
Note: If there’s already an entry with the same name, change its value from false to true instead of adding a new one.
Apply the new entitlements as follows (replace with the actual app name):
codesign -s - --deep --force --options=runtime --entitlements daw.entitlements
This should do it. In the unlikely chance that you already have a file named daw.entitlements in the same folder, use a different file name in all steps.
I tried all of these and had no luck until I figured out that I also had to disable SIP (system integrity protection) to attach to the audio server plugin I am working on.
Hopefully this helps someone to not lose a whole day on it as I did.

Xcode 10, WatchKit app and distribution error ITMS-90334 with

I have a project with WatchKit app inside.
It used to work smooth with Xcode 8 and Xcode 9 with automatic signing and distribution. Xcode 10 broke something.
What I have at the moment is this
The main point here is ""
It has been added somewhere at the re-signing stage by the organizer as far as I can understand.
I checked my project quadriple and I'm 100% sure it doesn't contain "" string anywhere.
I switched to manual signing. Created new iOS Distribution certificate. Generated 3 Provision profiles with the correct bundles for app, watch app, watchapp extension. The same error is here.
I tried to clean the project, open\close Xcode, reboot the system. No luck.
I'm unable to dilever my IPA to iTunes with the error above.
I tried to export IPA and distribute it with Application Loader. No luck.
The only one place I found "" string was in packaging log
2018-09-21 06:54:33 +0000 /var/folders/gg/jxvtgf9n07s9m0z_vzqlx0c00000gn/T/XcodeDistPipeline.4mX/Root/Payload/ Watch replacing existing signature
2018-09-21 06:54:34 +0000 /var/folders/gg/jxvtgf9n07s9m0z_vzqlx0c00000gn/T/XcodeDistPipeline.4mX/Root/Payload/ Watch signed app bundle with Mach-O universal (armv7k (33554444:1)) []
the same time main app and extension have resigned with the correct bundle ids
2018-09-21 06:54:34 +0000 /var/folders/gg/jxvtgf9n07s9m0z_vzqlx0c00000gn/T/XcodeDistPipeline.4mX/Root/Payload/ replacing existing signature
2018-09-21 06:54:34 +0000 /var/folders/gg/jxvtgf9n07s9m0z_vzqlx0c00000gn/T/XcodeDistPipeline.4mX/Root/Payload/ signed app bundle with Mach-O universal (armv7 arm64) [com.myAppBundleName]
2018-09-21 06:54:33 +0000 /var/folders/gg/jxvtgf9n07s9m0z_vzqlx0c00000gn/T/XcodeDistPipeline.4mX/Root/Payload/ Watch Watch App Extension.appex: signed bundle with Mach-O universal (armv7k (33554444:1)) [com.myAppBundleName.watchkitapp.watchkitextension]
Any ideas how to deliver my app are greatly appreciated.
There are two options:
Open EACH target of your project and change Architectures to $(ARCHS_STANDARD)
clean build folder and try to upload as usual. This should allow you to send it automatically via organizer as usual.
b. If above does not work try next:
Click "Archive" with XCode and get xcarchive file
Open archive in Finder
Start distributing to App Store archive through organizer distribute button
Got the error above
Export created ipa file
Open packaging.log file from the export directory
Search for "" string to find one
Analyze and play a lot with the codesign request from packaging log here it is
/usr/bin/codesign '-vvv' '--force' '--sign' 'B5152DB7C8BC97C444D44341275F5E1B3336BA3B' '--entitlements' '/var/folders/gg/jxvtgf9n07s9m0z_vzqlx0c00000gn/T/XcodeDistPipeline.vsk/entitlements3uMHR5' '--preserve-metadata=identifier,flags,runtime' '/var/folders/gg/jxvtgf9n07s9m0z_vzqlx0c00000gn/T/XcodeDistPipeline.vsk/Root/Payload/ Watch'
Figure out that if i remove this '--preserve-metadata=identifier,flags,runtime' and rerun this code in bash all is going well and binary is signed with the correct bundle id and not with this
Copy this signed embedded (the path you are able to find in this request above) watch app binary into the xcarchive file created on the first step with replacing the old one.
Start distributing it back with organizer to App Store
Voila it has been uploaded.
Hope it will help someone.

Xcode Error: Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

I have no idea why I am getting this error. I believe that I have all the correct provisioning profiles and such. I did just move to a new computer but I did also bring over the private keychain developer key. I have my developer files synced with Dropbox so I didn't need to move over the Xcode project. Here is the error:
CodeSign "/Users/michaellindahl/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Fraction_Calculator-cgirhuuvywfnsyenisucsuauquoz/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Fraction Calculator"
cd "/Users/michaellindahl/Dropbox/Xcode/lindahl studios/FractionCalculator"
setenv CODESIGN_ALLOCATE /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign "iPhone Developer: Michael Lindahl (MXXX0X0XXB)" "--resource-rules=/Users/michaellindahl/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Fraction_Calculator-cgirhuuvywfnsyenisucsuauquoz/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Fraction Calculator" --entitlements "/Users/michaellindahl/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Fraction_Calculator-cgirhuuvywfnsyenisucsuauquoz/Build/Intermediates/Fraction Calculator Calculator Pro.xcent" "/Users/michaellindahl/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Fraction_Calculator-cgirhuuvywfnsyenisucsuauquoz/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Fraction Calculator"
CSSM_SignData returned: 8001094A
/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Fraction_Calculator-cgirhuuvywfnsyenisucsuauquoz/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Fraction Calculator unknown error -2070=fffffffffffff7ea
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
Thanks for your insight.
You've almost certainly got corrupted certs :
Revoke old certs, generate new ones, new provisioning profile, the works, magic happens again
This seems senseless, but I simply locked and then unlocked the login keychain and the problem went away. On reflection, the problem occurred after I had added a new certificate to the keychain. Maybe the addition of this additional certificate (unrelated to the current project) caused the problem.
Try going through all of the steps in the Managing Devices and Digital Identities document. This should help you verify that your machine is correctly set up.

Xcode 3.2.5 fail to create IPA file

I'm trying to create an IPA file for my application using XCode 3.2.5 (iOS SDK 4.0). But after doing the "Build and Archive" I try to "Save to disk..." the ipa file and nothing happens. The message "Generating IPA file" just dissapears.
I took a look into the console of the Mac and I think I found the issue but no idea how to fix it. These what I found on the console:
May 13 15:29:58 Jorge-Martin-Garcias-MacBook-Pro Xcode[246]: Running /usr/bin/xcrun with (\n "-sdk",\n iphoneos,\n PackageApplication,\n "-v",\n "/Users/jgarci17/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Archived Applications/16A09235-185F-4F1E-9BFC-A935CAA5699E.apparchive/",\n "-o",\n "/var/folders/pD/pDPQGhivGCCVBsrZpH0VaU+++TI/-Tmp-/D6E45F6F-264A-4714-955A-1EC44E78DFC0-246-0000AFED061085C5/mWorkf.ipa",\n "--sign",\n "iPhone Distribution: MyCompany LLC",\n "--embed",\n "/Users/jgarci17/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/48D38306-E65F-4D2B-A60A-B94CCD3D518A.mobileprovision"\n)
That seems to be fine, but later ...
May 13 15:29:58 Jorge-Martin-Garcias-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x16016][246]: Arguments: embed=/Users/jgarci17/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/48D38306-E65F-4D2B-A60A-B94CCD3D518A.mobileprovision verbose=1
==>output_dir=/var/folders/pD/pDPQGhivGCCVBsrZpH0VaU+++TI/-Tmp-/D6E45F6F-264A-4714-955A-1EC44E78DFC0-246-0000AFED061085C5/mWorkf.ipa <===
sign=iPhone Distribution: MyCompany LLC
May 13 15:29:58 Jorge-Martin-Garcias-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x16016][246]: Output directory: '/var/folders/pD/pDPQGhivGCCVBsrZpH0VaU+++TI/-Tmp-/D6E45F6F-264A-4714-955A-1EC44E78DFC0-246-0000AFED061085C5/mWorkf.ipa
As you see the output directory is including the ipa file name ! ... so later when the zip command wants to run, fails:
zip error: Could not create output file (/var/folders/pD/pDPQGhivGCCVBsrZpH0VaU+++TI/-Tmp-/D6E45F6F-264A-4714-955A-1EC44E78DFC0-246-0000AFED061085C5/mWorkf.ipa/mWorkf.ipa)
When the correct command should have been:
zip error: Could not create output file (/var/folders/pD/pDPQGhivGCCVBsrZpH0VaU+++TI/-Tmp-/D6E45F6F-264A-4714-955A-1EC44E78DFC0-246-0000AFED061085C5/mWorkf.ipa)
Any ideas?
To me it looks like the ipa file is being duplicated when it is being generated. The best thing I could suggest is clearing the archive in the organiser and trying to 'share' the application and re-saving the project.
Also, check all your provisioning profiles are installed in the organiser and the distribution certificate is installed in the keychain because this can also disrupt the exporting of an ipa file.

How to solve "Application failed codesign verification" when uploading to iTunes Connect?

I've got a problem that I couldn't solve with a deep search in different resources as most of the "similar" points out to be an error with Icon.png size, etc...
I've tried to upload my application after verifying that:
Correctly builds and run on my device
That my certificates are installed properly
That my certs / profiles are not expired.
That the Icon.png has the proper size and format of 57x57 PNG.
And several other things.
Ran codesign --verify -vvvv which worked fine.
My ZIP File was properly done
When I've tried to upload through the iTunes connect interface I got the simple error above, and that's why I tried with ApplicationLoader, to try and find out what's causing the error looking at the console.
The console showed the following:
16/02/10 13:25:52 ApplicationLoader[549] *** Codesign error (please ignore invalid option comments): got requirements(0x800000, 534)
Format=bundle with Mach-O thin (armv6)
CodeDirectory v=20100 size=829 flags=0x0(none) hashes=33+5 location=embedded
Signature size=4333
Authority=iPhone Developer: My Name (XXXXXXXXX)
Authority=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority
Authority=Apple Root CA
Signed Time=16/02/2010 13:22:24
Info.plist entries=17
Sealed Resources rules=3 files=28
Internal requirements count=1 size=144
got entitlements(0x800400, 317)
codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: using Apple CA for profile evaluation
codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: Caling codesign with the following args:
codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: /usr/bin/codesign
codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: --verify
codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: -vvvv
codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: -R=anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists
codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: --entitlements
codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: /var/tmp/signingbox/codesign_wrapper_entitlements.plist
codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: /var/folders/WZ/WZu24JnOGNe9L79GWq0IlU+++TI/-Tmp-/
**/var/folders/WZ/WZu24JnOGNe9L79GWq0IlU+++TI/-Tmp-/ valid on disk
/var/folders/WZ/WZu24JnOGNe9L79GWq0IlU+++TI/-Tmp-/ satisfies its Designated Requirement
test-requirement: failed to satisfy code requirement(s)
codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: failed to execute codesign(1)**
Any help / feedback or ideas on how to solve the situation would be highly appreciated.
I found the solution to this problem after deeply looking at the log file.
Although I created my own Distribution Profile and assigned to the CODE SIGNING IDENTITY the correct value for the developer certificate, it didn't work giving me an error: "Application failed codesign verification".
The problem is at the following line:
Authority=iPhone Developer: My Name
Despite the correct selection in the project settings for the Distribution profile, XCode was compiling it with the developer certificate.
I finally solved it: Right click on the "Targets" -> Get info -> and there it was selected (don't ask me why) the wrong distribution certificate instead of the right one.
I corrected that and it finally was accepted.
Related links (you need a developer account):
Excellent post. I too was having this trouble and after much headache realized that both the Project AND the Target should be checked for using the correct Code Signing Identity. Somehow Xcode was reverting back to the Developer Provisioning Profile instead of the Distribution Provisioning Profile. It even did so on a build right after I had deliberately selected the correct one!
I. To be safe, first do the following:
Clean all builds.
Delete contents of build folder in finder.
Delete existing code signing identities from the project and target settings.
Restart Xcode.
II. Then check the Project for the correct Provisioning Profile:
Go to Project Settings > Build Tab > Code Signing Identity
Select the appropriate Distribution Provisioning Profile
III. Now check the Target:
Target > Get Info > Build Tab > Code Signing Identity
Select the appropriate Distribution Provisioning Profile
IV. Cross fingers and hope you never see that blasted little yellow triangle again.
Cy took the right approach for solving this problem - When "Application failed codesign verification" is a build warning, expand that item in the build log and scan for the root cause of the failed signature verification.
In the case of Cy.'s original post you'll see that the root issue was "test-requirement: failed to satisfy code requirement(s)", and in my experience this is almost always caused by signing with the wrong certificate i.e. an iPhone Developer profile instead of iPhone Distribution.
The root cause is not always an obvious explanation, but should guide you at least with additional search terms or troubleshooting ideas.
For others experiencing the "Application failed codesign verification" during Xcode Archive Validation or Submission, look to the build log at Product > Archive time for a build warning by the same title and expand that for the root cause. Then take a look at Apple's complete list of potential causes of this error at the following URL "How do I resolve the error: Application failed codesign verification?"
Check that the TARGET (and not only the Project) is setup with the correct Code Signing Identity for Release
