running hadoop wordcount example - hadoop

I'm running a Hadoop single node cluster
while running the
hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal <source> <destination>
I get only one file from the source directory
And then there is the next source directory.
Furthur, I can't get error and output on running hadoop-0.20.2-examples.jar wordcount.
I can't see either error or the output?
Please, give me your help?

Just go with this tutorial here:
running-a-mapreduce-job by michael noll
I'm quite sure your namenode or datanode is not up, what are the logs saying?



I have successfully installed Hadoop in my ubuntu system.
But when i run the command all the daemons start except the namenode.
Please help me.I Have attached the image with the problem
Try to Name Node Format Format it might work for You:
bin/hadoop namenode -format
and then try

Need help adding multiple DataNodes in pseudo-distributed mode (one machine), using Hadoop-0.18.0

I am a student, interested in Hadoop and started to explore it recently.
I tried adding an additional DataNode in the pseudo-distributed mode but failed.
I am following the Yahoo developer tutorial and so the version of Hadoop I am using is hadoop-0.18.0
I tried to start up using 2 methods I found online:
Method 1 (link)
I have a problem with this line
bin/ --script bin/hdfs $1 datanode $DN_CONF_OPTS
--script bin/hdfs doesn't seem to be valid in the version I am using. I changed it to --config $HADOOP_HOME/conf2 with all the configuration files in that directory, but when the script is ran it gave the error:
Usage: Java DataNode [-rollback]
Any idea what does the error mean? The log files are created but DataNode did not start.
Method 2 (link)
Basically I duplicated conf folder to conf2 folder, making necessary changes documented on the website to hadoop-site.xml and then I ran the command
./ --config ..../conf2 start datanode
it gives the error:
datanode running as process 4190. stop it first.
So I guess this is the 1st DataNode that was started, and the command failed to start another DataNode.
Is there anything I can do to start additional DataNode in the Yahoo VM Hadoop environment? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hadoop start/stop scripts use /tmp as a default directory for storing PIDs of already started daemons. In your situation, when you start second datanode, startup script finds /tmp/ file from the first datanode and assumes that the datanode daemon is already started.
The plain solution is to set HADOOP_PID_DIR env variable to something else (but not /tmp). Also do not forget to update all network port numbers in conf2.
The smart solution is start a second VM with hadoop environment and join them in a single cluster. It's the way hadoop is intended to use.

Running Hadoop file commands generate error

I have created a hadoop psuedo-distributed cluster on VirtualBox Unbutu 12.04.
Running jps command shows that DataNode and NameNode processes are up.
I am trying to execute the following DFS command
hadoop fs -put conf input
But the above command or any other DFS command fails with
Bad connection to FS. Command aborted. exception: No FileSystem for scheme: hsdf
Any suggestions to get the above working?
Please check the path of the conf and input file your trying to pass.

Datanode failing in Hadoop on single Machine

I set up and configured sudo node hadoop environment on ubuntu 12.04 LTS using following tutorial
After typing hadoop/bin $
everything going fine then i checked the Jps
then NameNode, JobTracker ,TaskTracker,SecondaryNode have been started but DataNode not started ...
If any know how to resolve this issue please let me know..
ya i resolved it... Incompatible namespaceIDs
If you see the error Incompatible namespaceIDs in the logs of a DataNode (logs/hadoop-hduser-datanode-.log), chances are you are affected by issue HDFS-107 (formerly known as HADOOP-1212).
The full error looked like this on my machines:
... ERROR org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode: Incompatible namespaceIDs in /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/data: namenode namespaceID = 308967713; datanode namespaceID = 113030094
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataStorage.doTransition(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataStorage.recoverTransitionRead(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode.startDataNode(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode.(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode.makeInstance(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode.createDataNode(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode.main(
t the moment, there seem to be two workarounds as described below.
Workaround 1: Start from scratch
I can testify that the following steps solve this error, but the side effects won’t make you happy (me neither). The crude workaround I have found is to:
Stop the cluster
Delete the data directory on the problematic DataNode: the directory is specified by in conf/hdfs-site.xml; if you followed this tutorial, the relevant directory is /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/data
Reformat the NameNode (NOTE: all HDFS data is lost during this process!)
Restart the cluster
When deleting all the HDFS data and starting from scratch does not sound like a good idea (it might be ok during the initial setup/testing), you might give the second approach a try.
Workaround 2: Updating namespaceID of problematic DataNodes
Big thanks to Jared Stehler for the following suggestion. I have not tested it myself yet, but feel free to try it out and send me your feedback. This workaround is “minimally invasive” as you only have to edit one file on the problematic DataNodes:
Stop the DataNode
Edit the value of namespaceID in /current/VERSION to match the value of the current NameNode
Restart the DataNode
If you followed the instructions in my tutorials, the full path of the relevant files are:
NameNode: /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/name/current/VERSION
DataNode: /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/data/current/VERSION (background: is by default set to ${hadoop.tmp.dir}/dfs/data, and we set hadoop.tmp.dir in this tutorial to /app/hadoop/tmp).
The solution for the problem is clearly given in the following site:

Hadoop dfs -ls returns list of files in my hadoop/ dir

I've set up a sigle-node Hadoop configuration running via cygwin under Win7. After starting Hadoop bybin/ I run bin/hadoop dfs -ls which returns me a list of files in my hadoop directory. Then I run bin/hadoop datanode -formatbin/hadoop namenode -format but -ls still returns me the contents of my hadoop directory. As far as I understand it should return nothing(empty folder). What am I doing wrong?
Did you edit the core-site.xml and mapred-site.xml under conf folder ?
It seems like your hadoop cluster is in local mode.
I know this question is quite old, but directory structure in Hadoop has changed a bit (version 2.5 )
Jeroen's current version would be.
hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://localhost:9000/users/smalldata
Also Just for information - use of and has been deprecated, instead one should use and
I had the same problem and solved it by explicitly specifying the URL to the NameNode.
To list all directories in the root of your hdfs space do the following:
./bin/hadoop dfs -ls hdfs://<ip-of-your-server>:9000/
The documentation says something about a default hdfs point in the configuration, but I cannot find it. If someone knows what they mean please enlighten us.
This is where I got the info:
Or you could just do:
Remove dfs data and name directories
Namenode -format
