How to bind the selection of the NSTableView to the NSArrayController - cocoa

I just want to be able to use the the methods of the nsarraycontroller called remove: and add:

Select the NSTableView. If the inspector window's title shows Scroll View, you need to click the table view again to select it.
In the bindings tab, connect the Selection Indexes binding to the Array Controller's selectionIndexes controller key. This is similar to binding the content to the array controller, except that you don't use the arrangedObjects key.


Sharing NSArrayController Between Nibs

I have an Core Data-based iTunes-like app I'm building that has an NSTableView in the main window and allows the user to select items in the table view and perform a "get info", like in iTunes. Currently I'm working on the single-item get info window, which displays when the user selects a single item in the main window (which is in MainMenu.xib) and pressed Cmd-I. This brings up the single-item get info window (in SingleItemGetInfo.xib).
The table view in the main window is populated via bindings to an NSArrayController. If I put an NSArrayController into the SingleItemGetInfo.xib file, I understand that's going to be a different instance of NSArrayController.
So, what's the proper way to bind the fields in the single item get info window to the selection the user has made in the main window's table view?
MainMenu.xib's Array Controller bindings:
Managed Object Context: AppDelegate.self.managedObjectContext
MainMenu.xib's Table View bindings:
Content: Array Controller.arrangedObjects
Selection Indexes: Array Controller.selectionIndexes
Sort Descriptors: Array Controller.sortDescriptors
This will work mostly the same way it does when the master and detail views are in the same window. The primary difference is that you need to bind the selection of the array controller in the detail xib to the selection of the master array controller.
It depends on how you have your app organized as to how you accomplish this. If both views are run by the same object then you can just make the master array controller an outlet connected to the controller (#property IBOutlet NSArrayController *masterArrayController;). Then in the detail xib you can bind the selection of the detail array controller to the selection of the master array controller.
If each view has its own controller you might also consider just passing the managed object from the master view to the detail view. Then you can bind to each of the attributes of the managed object in your xib file (i.e. bind to File's Owner self.detailObject.fullName). If you pass a reference I think all of the changes will go right back into the managed object context.

How to add an item to an array by clicking a plus navigationBar button

I have an application with a view that have a tableView which is populated with strings from an array, and also have a navBar with a plusButton. What I want is that when I press the plusButton I want to be able to add items to that array.
Add action method (IBAction) to that UIButton that is implemented in table view control class.
Implement in that method adding new object to your array
Reload table view (or call appropriate methods to add row one by one) after modifying array

NSCollectionView get selected item on button click

I have a NSCollectionView is bound to an NSArrayController that has an NSMutableArray as content. Items in the NSMutableArray are displayed as they should.
I have an WindowController class that holds a reference to the NSMutableArray. There is also a button that causes a buttonClicked message to be sent to my WindowController.
Now inside buttonClicked I want to know what item is selected in the NSCollectionView. How do I do this? I have no reference to the NSArrayController otherwise I could have asked it by sending selection. I've studied some sample code but to no avail.
How can I get a reference to the currently selected item in the NSArrayController?
if the NSCollectionView is getting its content from the NSArrayController, as there is a binding set in IB on content or you have programmatically bound these, there is also a binding available on the collectionView's selectionIndexes, which when bound to the arrayController will give you 'a reference to the currently selected item' in the arrayController and the collectionView.
NSCollectionView's itemAtIndex, handed the currently selected item's index, will get you the actual item that is selected.
is the actual item that is selected what you are looking to obtain a reference to?

Populating an NSPopUpButtonCell with string values

I am trying to populate a NSPopUpButtonCell with a list of strings. In -(init), I populate an NSArray with the values I want in the PopUp Button. How do I connect this to the NSArrayController I added in IB? Does my app delegate need an IBOutlet NSArrayController to connect to or is there a way to bind it?
Also, when I bind the NSArrayController to the NSPopUpButtonCell, do which Content do I bind it to? Content or Content Values?
Bind the array controller's Content Array to your controller's array of strings. Bind both the pop-up button cell's Content and Content Values to your array controller's arrangedObjects.
Presumably, you also want to know which of these strings is selected. To do that, bind the pop-up button cell's Selected Object (which will be one of the objects in Content) to a property of your controller (the one that owns the original array).

NSArrayController "Content set" bound to NSTreeController issue

I have an NSOutlineView bound to a NSTreeController and a CoreData Datamodel.
NSOutlineView displays his data properly.
A NSTableView's cell values bound to a NSArrayController, displaying data from CoreData.
NSTableview displays his data properly too.
The Datamodel has a relationship between data for NSOutlineView and NSTableView
When I try to bind NSArrayController's "Content set" to
to display all items related to the NSOutlineView selection I get this error:
Cannot create NSSet from object Untitled of class NSCFString
(Where "Untitled" is the value of NSOutlineViews node)
And no data in NSTableView is displayed.
Everything setup in IB - does anyone has a hint for me to get this working?
Thanks a lot!
You want to bind the NSArrayController's Content Set to NSTreeController, it's Controller Key to "selection" and then the Model Key Path should be the relationship name, which I would hope isn't "name". Then in the TableView you bind the column(s)'s value to the NSArrayController, with Controller Key being "arrangedObjects" and Model Key Path the property "name"
