Yahoo PHP SDK - consumer key rejected error - yahoo

I am trying to use the PHP SDK provided by Yahoo on my website.
I have not requested any extra private data (special permissions).
However, I keep getting the error oauth_problem=consumer_key_rejected every time I try.
Can someone please tell me what could be the mistake I'm making?
Please do let me know if you need further info on the same.

I had the same problem. It seems unrelated, but once I enabled permission for private data access, the problem went away. I believe you can pick any private data access. For example, I enabled "Knowledge Plus" and it's now working for me.

You should create account in Yahoo! Messenger OAuth API Key.
Then you will receive Keys.
and Yahoo Messenger API for php has some problem,but the base works correctly.
for example it will make JSON code by hand:D
something like it,but you should make it by json_encode() php function.


Could not execute google form api on google developer documentation

I got the below popup when I tried to execute the google form api from google developer documentation.
I tried this same process with google docs api which work perfectly. I tried tp turn on less secure app access, but it seems google made it unavailable.
what is the other way out.
This appears to be a bug with the try me on forms.
I have logged it on the issue form and im going to see if i can find someone at google to ping about it
Forms.get try me not working
I suspect however that this may have something to do with the app being in early access. That being said i would have expected a different error message if that was the issue.
It is most likely due to the permission for the client they are using. It is an internal error and not something you have done.
May i suggest creating your own app and testing it that way. Just remember this api is in early access so be sure that you fill out the form found on this page Google Forms API now available in open beta
Developers can apply to join our Early Adopter Program and begin developing using the Google Forms API by filling out this form.

Where to find espn api key?

I have been looking at the ESPN API. However, I have not been able to find documentation on how to get an API KEY. There is nothing in the Getting Started section about getting an API key. Also, I logged into ESPN and went to my Account Information, but I do not see anything there about an API key.
No, they have blocked the ability to register for an API key.
However, you can get NHL statistics for example by scrapping it from their official site using GitHub solutions such as this one:
If there are other open ones I am on the quest as well will be following this!

Youtube API v3 shows "Access Not Configured"

I created a Google application in the developers console, turned on "YouTube Data API v3", generated the server API key, and authorized my home and work IPs.
My website lists all videos from a Youtube channel, using the V3 API. It uses the official PHP library, passing it the server API key.
It all worked well yesterday from home, and today morning from work. Then, it suddently stoped working at 11am (GMT+1), with no action from my part, with this error:
[Google_Service_Exception] Error calling GET
(403) Access Not Configured. The API is not enabled for your project,
or there is a per-IP or per-Referer restriction configured on your
APIkey and the request does not match these restrictions. Please use
the Google Developers Console to update your configuration.
Note: i used less than 10 requests, out of the 50 millions allowed by day, i have a static public IP address, this part of the code was untouched.
What can i look for in order to fix that, please? I really don't know where to head for from now... Thank you.
Do all you have to with the API activations before you generate any keys!
Unactivating or reactivating API (like "Youtube Data") silently destroys your key validity. At least for the server one.
So the solution is, when you get the same error as me:
destroy your server key (delete it completely, do not only regenerate)
deactivate then reactivate all APIs you need
create a new server key
thank Google for the so clear error messages (optional)
Additionnaly when I opened the requested URL in browser I found that the API call returned
{"domain": "usageLimits"}
I tried the above solutions without success.
Creating a new project from scratch solved the issue
Thanks #Danra, you helped, but I add this answer because your comment is default hidden.
This solved for me....
i first followed #Ninj answer...still no change.
Then, After adding my domain urls to 'allowed referers' list,
i regenerated the key alone
it then worked like a charm !
i guess google parses allowed urls from the key string itself, not from updated settings
I got frustrated and created a new project with a new key and it worked like a charm.
Solution 1:
Create new project and enable Youtube Data v3 api and create credential.
Solution 2:
Check limit Quota in Youtube Data v3 -> Quota (in left pane) &
Increase the limits per day or request for Higher Quota
I also tried everything, but could only solve this when I created a new project, gave access to the APIs I needed, and added a new key.
I also got a "Bad Request" error and this solved it.
I also tried everything, but could only solve this when I created a new project, gave access to the APIs I needed, and added a new key.

yahoo stores api authentication

I'm attempting to get order data from a Yahoo store. I'm using the docs found here:
I can't seem to get past authentication. I've got the store id. The store owner has turned on access for me and I've gotten the secret code to add to my xml POST request.
Anyone had any luck doing this? If you have can you help me.
Like magic this started working last weekend. Why? Nobody really knows. I did send yahoo an e-mail complaining but didn't get a response.
Also, while running POSTs I found that preceding your request XML with a space is a bad idea.

Google OpenID-OAuth hybrid implementation on Heroku

I am looking for a step by step guide to implement Google OpenID+OAuth in our Webapplication running on Heroku for getting calendar/contacts data. I have looked at many documents and Q&A about this but still can't make things work and was wondering if anyone here knew of a place which describes the plugins, gems needed and a step by step guide. The reason for using the hybrid is that we need a permanent token from Google that we can track for users across multiple sessions.
Truly appreciate any help.
You cannot use Google's OpenID to access other service. So you will need to ask user to provide username/password when you want to access calendar (make sure it's SSL-ed!).
So for calendar you can use: GCal4Ruby.
But in general you can access user data using official Google GData gem.
