Web Design: opacity on images for my website - image

i'm buildling a website and I want to create a translucid menu. I know that .gif image types enable transparency, but from my experience, not translucidy(anything between being transparent and opaque) - by default it seems to set the opacity to 100%, ie a solid image without any translucity/transparency.
I'm not sure if the issue is with the file type, or with how I'm exporting my menu. If it's worth anything, I'm using Fireworks to create and export my menu.
As is, I'm exporting my seperate files for my menu as .pngs, which seem to support translucent images, but I know that I'll be wanting to reduce the file size of these images soon, so is there a better alternative to getting a semi-transparent image other than using the .png file type?

I'd say PNG is probably the best bet. The more modern browsers (read: not IE6) understand the 8-bit alpha channel it provides, whereas GIFs just have the transparency key.
Often these days, the bottleneck on sites isn't the size of the image (either in dimensions or in data) but rather the number of requests that it takes to load a page. More modern website designs try to pack as many images into one using techniques like CSS Spriting (woot.com, most of google). The other bottleneck is often not setting caching up correctly, forcing return visitors to reload a bunch of stuff.
You'll see google's various pages caching everything it can, and reducing the number of things a single page needs to download (combine all Javascripts into one, all CSS stylesheets into one) so that the browser is make 2 and 3 requests instead of 15-20.
I'd go with PNGs, and look into CSS sprites and caching as an alternative optimization.
See here for an example of an image sprite used on google's homepage.


How does AMP HTML support image optimization?

I figured out so far that AMP HTML greatly supports speeding up JavaScript, CSS and generally speaking rendering of the page.
However, yet another important speed topic in my experience are images.
How does AMP HTML tackle this issue such that images are perfectly compressed and resized for the current viewing device (tablet, mobile) and bandwidth (WLAN, 3G, Edge)
AMPs' image element amp-img supports the srcset (including support for the w modifier not natively available in Safari) and the sizes attribute in all browsers, so you can use modern responsive techniques to select the right image.
For now AMP itself does not do any image optimization itself. We might potentially start adding srcset attributes to image that don't have it on the proxy layer, but for now this is not happening.
Brief mention on this GitHub page:
The AMP HTML runtime can effectively manage image resources, choosing to delay or prioritize resource loading based on the viewport position, system resources, connection bandwidth, or other factors.
Basically the javascript library will be smarter about when it asks for image resources, which is a step up from what browsers do now: i.e. load all images in the background. This would be a more efficient use of available bandwidth.

Wordpress theme/image management

So I've been creating a custom responsive theme in Wordpress and I've hit a wall when it comes to image management. I'd like to style images in a way that wordpress doesn't seem to inherently support - I'm looking for something like this:
with the images added via the regular wordpress media management pane, and inserted into posts/pages. The images should be out of the flow of the content but accurately placed next to the correct headers/text blocks. Most importantly, the images ought to collapse into a column with the rest of the content at the correct media query breakpoints.
Here's what I've tried, from worst to best:
Hard coded images in template files
Obviously the worst option. Not portable, requires a lot of meddling, and would be almost impossible to align the images with the correct content. Also, no real way of making the images responsive with the content.
Use the default image styling and abandon the idea of pulling the images out of the regular flow
Non optimal, but it would allow anyone to change/edit images easily.
Remove images from the results of the_content(), then place and style them separate.
Portable, but has the same problems as #1 - difficult to align the images with content and keep responsiveness.
Use the featured image on pages that only require one image
Pretty good option for pages that need ONLY one image, but there is no easy way to make the featured image an arbitrary size/aspect ratio.
Use markup in the editor to correctly layout the images
Requires anyone editing the posts/pages to have some knowledge of the underlying theme. This seems to work the best, but it isn't portable (might break stuff on theme change).
While I've had the best results with this option, it seems sort of antithetical to using a cms/wysiwyg editor in the first place.
My question is whether or not the last option really is the best to get the result I want?
In the end, the answer was clearly custom fields, and none of the other options I listed. With the advanced custom fields plugin, it becomes a breeze to do what I wanted. You don't need the plugin, but it makes image management a whole lot easier, as it fully integrates the wordpress media library with the custom field (which you would have to do manually otherwise). With the plugin, custom fields meet all of my needs (responsiveness, portability, and ease of use for the technically challenged).

Large images don't render in Chrome?

Very large images will not render in Google Chrome (although the scrollbars will still behave as if the image is present). The same images will often render just fine in other browsers.
Here are two sample images. If you're using Google Chrome, you won't see the long red bar:
Short Blue
Long Red
As you can see, the browser thinks the longer image is there, but it simply doesn't render. The image format doesn't seem to matter either: I've tried both PNGs and JPEGs. I've also tested this on two different machines running different operating systems (Windows and OSX). This is obviously a bug, but can anyone think of a workaround that would force Chrome to render large images?
Not that anyone cares or is even looking at this post, but I did find an odd workaround. The problem seems to be with the way Chrome handles zooming. If you set the zoom property to 98.6% and lower or 102.6% and higher, the image will render (setting the zoom property to any value between 98.6% and 102.6% will cause the rendering to fail). Note that the zoom property is not officially defined in CSS, so some browsers may ignore it (which is a good thing in this case since this is a browser-specific hack). As long as you don't mind the image being resized slightly, I suppose this may be the best fix.
In short, the following code produces the desired result, as shown here:
<img style="zoom:98.6%" src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/J2eRf.png">
Actually, this is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. As screens move to higher resolutions (e.g. the Apple Retina display), web developers will want to start serving up images that are twice as large and then scaling them down by 50%, as suggested here. So, instead of using the zoom property as suggested above, you could simply double the size of the image and render it at half the size:
<img style="width:50%;height:50%;" src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/J2eRf.png">
Not only will this solve your rendering problem in Chrome, but it will make the image look nice and crisp on the next generation of high-resolution displays.

Is there a better solution than CSS sprites?

this is not a question about a specific programming problem, it's about examining different concepts. If the moderators don't feel this is ok, delete my question.
I need to display 100 png images in a table td, and the images are 75x16 PNGs. In order to reduce the number of HTTP requests, I grouped all 166 images (only roughly 100 are shown at one time) in a big spritesheet, and have used the IMG tag to display the output, one image at a time. This is the code:
.sprites {background-image:url('folder/spritesheet.png');background-color:transparent;background-repeat:no-repeat;display:inline;}
#png3 {height:16px;width:75px;background-position:0px 0;}
#png5 {height:16px;width:75px;background-position:-75px 0;}
$classy = "png" . $db_field['imageid'];
echo "<td>" , "<img src='transparent.gif' class='sprites' id='$classy' alt='alt' align='absmiddle'/>" , "</td>";
$classy is a variable which is calling the correct image based on the SQL query output. transparent.gif is a 1px transparent gif. And this is the result, images are shown correctly inside a table:
The page loading speed increased significantly, maybe 50-60%. In one of my earlier questions some concerns were raised over this being good practice or not. But it works.
The only other solution I've found is using jar compression, but that concept works for Firefox only. This is the code which is used for displaying these same images using jar compression (PHP, no CSS):
$logo = "jar:http://www.website.com/logos.jar!/" . $db_field['imageid'] . ".png";
echo "<tr>" , "<td>" , "<img src='$logo' alt='alt' width='75' height='16'/>";
All of the 166 images are compressed in a jar archive and uploaded to the server, and as jar is a non-solid archive, only the called image is extracted, not all of them. This solution is lighting fast and I've never seen a faster way of displaying that many images. The concept is here and deserves a link. Another advantage over CSS sprites is that with jar each image can be individually optimized for size (e.g one is optimized to 64 colors, another one to 128, 32...depending on the image) and a large spritesheet can not be optimized as it contains a lot of colors.
So, does anyone know of a solution which would be equally fast as jar? If using CSS sprites to display content is bad practice - what is good practice which gives the same result? The key here is the loading speed of the website with as few HTTP requests as possible.
Not really an expert on this but I had my share in these thing also
HTTP Requests
Ever heard of the "2 concurrent connections" (recent browsers have around 6-8). Loading a lot of stuff means if 2 are loading at the same time, the others have to wait in line. Loading it in one big chunk is better. This is the main reason why spriting is used. Aside from the connection limit, you manage those "same purpose" images in one image.
Now, one big chunk I say but you might ask "Does that make it even worse?". Nope, becasue I have an ace up my sleeve and that's where "cache" comes in to play. One page load is all you need, and then, poof! The rest of the pages that need that image are like the speed of light and Saves you from another HTTP request. Never underestimate the power of the cache.
Other things you can do is to optimize your images. I have used Fireworks and I really love it's image optimization tools. To optimize, here are personal guidelines i follow which you can use in your situation:
GIFs for icons, JPGs for images, PNGs for transparent stuff.
remove unused colors. yes, you can do this in some tools. cuts down size
never resize images in the html. have resized versions instead.
lose quality. yes, there is such thing. lower your image quality to reasonable limits. losing it too much makes your image too "cloudy" or "blocky"
progressive loading images. What it does is it "fast-loads" a blurred image then clears it up later.
avoid animated images. they are a bloat, not to mention annoying.
Server Tricks
There are connection limits - but that does not prevent you from using other domains or even subdomains! Distribute your content to other domains or subdomains to increase the number your connections. For images, dedicate a subdomain or two for it, like say img1.mysite.com and img2.mysite.com or another domain mysite2.com. not only is it beneficial for your user, it's beneficial to distributing server load.
Another method is using a Content Delivery Network (CDN). CDN has a global network of servers, which contain "cached" versions of your website resources. Like say i'm in Asia, when i view your site with CDN'ed resources, it finds that resource in the server nearest Asia.
Not necessarily related speed and semantics but the use of id should be reserved for more important purposes. If you use ID to mark images for their styles, what if there was another element that needs the same image? IDs need to be unique, they can't be used twice. So i suggest using multiple classes instead.
also, IDs take precedence over classes. to avoid unexpected overrides, use classes. learn more about CSS specificity.
.sprites {
height:16px; /*same width and heights? place them here instead*/
.png3 {
height:16px; /* in cases you need a different dimension, this will override */
background-position:0px 0;
.png5 {
background-position:-75px 0;
$classy = "png" . $db_field['imageid'];
echo <img src='transparent.gif' class='sprites {$classy}' alt='alt' align='absmiddle'/>";
I embed small images/icons in the style sheet:
this works with all modern browsers, and does not require me to create sprites (plus it even saves one additional file to load).
In development, the images are defined in the style sheet normally like so:
and I have a system that generates the final style sheet (including consolidating all CSS into one, minifying and replacing the image reference with the data: url) automatically whenever I make a change to a style sheet.
This works well and saves me a ton of work. When compressed with gzip, the CSS file is not much bigger than the individual files added together. After optimizing the PNG/JPG files, the CSS for my start page is 63K uncompressed. Even with a slightly smaller sprite file, I would probably not save more than a fraction of a second in load time for the average user, so I do not bother with sprites.

Optimize display of a large number of images (1000+) for performance and ease of use in a web application

In our web application, the users need to review a large number of images. This is my current layout. 20 images will be displayed at a time, with a pagination bar above the thumbnails. Clicking a thumbnail will show the enlarged image to the left. The enlarged image will follow the scrollbar so it's always visible. Quite simple actually.
I was wondering what the best interface would be in this scenario:
One option is to implement an infinite scroll script which will lazy load thumbnails as the user scrolls. The thumbnails not visible will be removed from the DOM. But my concern with this approach is the number of changes in the DOM slowing down the page.
Another option could be something like Google's Fastflip.
What do you think is the best approach for this application? Radical ideas welcomed.
I think the question you have to ask is: what action is user supposed to do? What's the purpose of the site?
If "review images" entails rating every image, I'd rather go with a Fastflip approach where the focus is on the single image. A thumbnail gallery will distract from the desired action and might result in a smaller amount of pics rated/reviewed.
If the focus should rather be on the comparison of a given image against others, I'd say try the gallery approach, although I wouldn't impement an infinite scroll with thumbnails because user can quickly get lost in the abundance of choices. I think a standard pagination (whether static or ajaxified) would be better if you choose to go this route.
Just my 2c.
If you paginate thumbnails, you can pre-generate a single image containing all thumbnails for each page, then use an image map to handle mouseover text and clicking. This will reduce the number of HTTP requests and possibly lead to fewer bytes sent. The separation distance between images should be minimized for this to be most efficient. This would have some disadvantages.
To reduce image download size at the expense of preprocessing, you can try to save each image in the format (PNG or JPG) most efficient for its contents using an algorithm like the one in ImageGuide. Similarly, if the images are poorly compressed (like JPEGs from a cell phone camera), they can be recompressed at the cost of some quality.
Once the site has some testers, you can analyze patterns in which images tend to be clicked (if a pattern exists) and preload the full-size images, or even pre-load all of them once the thumbs are loaded.
You might play with JPEG2000 images (you did say "radical ideas welcomed"), which thumb very easily, because the thumbnail and main image needn't be sent as if they are separate files. This is an advantage of the compression format -- it isn't the same as the hack of telling the browser to resize the full size image to represent its own thumbnail.
You can take a look at Google's WebP image format.
At the server side, a separate image server optimized for static content delivery, perhaps using NginX or the Tux webserver.
I would show the thumbnails, since the user might want to skip some of the pictures. I would also stay away of pagination in the terms of
<<first <previuos n of x next> last>>
and go for something more easy to implement and efficient. A
load x more pictures.
No infinite scroll whatsoever and why not, even no scroll at all. Just load x more, previous x.
Although this answer might be a bit unradical and boring, I'd go with exactly your suggestion of asynchronously loading the thumbnails (and of course main picture), if they come into view. A similar technique is used by Google+ in the pane to add persons to circles. This way, you keep the server resources and bandwidth on the pictures that are needed by the client. As Google+ shows, the operations on the DOM tree are fast enough and don't slow down a computer of the past years.
You might also prebuilt a few lines of the thumbnail table ahead with a dummy image (e.g. a "loading circle" animated gif) and replace the image. That way, the table in view is already built and does not need to be rerendered, as the flow elements following the table would have to be, if no images are in there during scrolling.
Instead of paginating the thumbnails (as suggested by your layout scheme), you could also think about letting users filter the images by tag, theme, category, size or any other way to find their results faster.
