CodeIgniter Application Within an Existing Site - codeigniter

Our corporate website already is in place written in "long-hand" PHP. Since we plan to rebuild the site some time in 2011, I don't want to recode it in CodeIgniter (MVC) until we begin the redesign.
However, there are some additions we are making now (i.e., a newsroom/rss feed, a jobs post, etc) that I could add to the site as "modules" until the new design is created in CodeIgniter.
My question -- can I place a CI2 "application" in a folder at the root of my existing site and create my modules in CodeIgniter. For example, a stand-alone CI2 site named news would live in a folder at the root and would be called like
Thanks in advance for your insight,

My question -- can I place a CI2
"application" in a folder at the root
of my existing site and create my
modules in CodeIgniter. For example, a
stand-alone CI2 site named news would
live in a folder at the root and would
be called like
Yes you can...
anything else? ;)
All joking aside, you could probably stick it into something like /ci/ and use .htaccess to make URL rewriting, and point your sites /news --> /ci/news/etc;
That way you have 1 single CI instance, and you just point links to the instance:
/news => /ci/news/view/
/form => /ci/form/process/1
etc; number of ways to do it.


How to add custom code to the 'system' folder of CodeIgniter?

I am looking into building my own CMS / extended framework on top of CodeIgniter, and I was wondering how to structure it to keep code out of the application folder. I noticed that in a typical CI set up, the file structure looks like this:
application/ //code for your application
system/ //CodeIgniter core
However, in PyroCMS, They have used the following structure:
application/ //code for your application
--cms/ //PyroCMS core
--codeigniter/ //CodeIgniter core.
How do I accomplish a similar result?
To emulate that structure just edit the index.php constants:
#WebweaverD has provide you a good solution to improve your application usgin HMVC. I will give you another.
How about something like this:
-system/ //CI core
-index.php //manage the front_end requests
-acp.php //manage the back_end requests
-apps/ //applications dir
--back_end/ //only "admin" controllers, libraries, config. No views here
--frond_end/ //only "user" controllers, libraries, config. No views here
--acp/ //views for back_end
--themes/ //views for front_end
All above can be implemented as you want only extending the necessary core files.
The short answer is that everything starts from index.php, this is where core/CodeIgniter.php is included and it is also where application and system paths are set (retrieving values from config).
I think that pyro cms actually sets /system/cms as the application folder, presumably they have written code which looks at the presented application folder for content and processes it.
Another approach is to use wiredesigns modular HMVC:
This will allow you to separate your code out into modules. Just have a folder called cms containing all your cms modules and another folder to build your custom content on top.
You set the path to your modules folder in the config so if you wanted your cms code in the system folder you could set the path to your modules folder there and build on top using codeigniter in the standard way, perhaps adding a hook before or after your controller is loaded to call the cms core.
Mine is just a suggestion but you can easy fork pyrocms and build your own cms on it.
PyroCMS will deprecate codeigniter in the next version so you can keep their code and fix it where you need and modify it as you want

Redirect sub domain requests to look like it's from main domain

How do I go about doing the following:
I have a main domain at say
and a another site at
When loading knowledgebase articles it loads with
I want it to load the content but make it look like it's coming from
In otherwords anything when I load*
it should load the content that exists at /billing/knowledgebase.php*
It can be achieved with the .htaccess file and the use of mod_rewrite, however I know what you're trying to achieve, and from personal experience I'd say to stop while you're ahead, if you want a root based WHMCS install, then delete it all and start again, by installing WHMCS in the root, rather than a sub-directory. Although WHMCS says to install itself in a sub-directory, a lot of people treat it like a CMS, and as such really want it to be the homepage and content manager of the whole site.

code igniter framework guidance for beginners

I am just a beginner in code igniter. I have just downloaded the code igniter framework. But i don't know that where should i keep my html, php files and stylesheets, images etc. Is there any procedure to do the things? Please guide me.
CodeIgniter has an awesome user guide that will come with the install you can read through (or read it online at - ), or you can watch some of the videos on their site -
In comparison to most other frameworks you're going to find they have maybe the smallest learning curve and great documentation. I would also recommend learning basic PHP and getting familiar with your web environment maybe before beginning.
I used these tutorials to help get me started with the framework haven't look back since!
hi I am a weekend coder and picked up CI about a year ago.
It helped me a lot.
The best tutorial I found was on the IBM's developer site. It runs through putting together a simple application. Admittedly, there's nothing in it about directory and file placement but it helps cement ideas about how models, views and controllers (MVC), and why MVC is so helpful. Because the basic idea is quite simple, it's worth running through a simple CI tutorial again and again till you 'feel' or intuit the basic helpfulness of the setup.
Things like JS, CSS files can be kept in their own folders at the first level of your website folder e.g /js or /css or /images. You ask about PHP files as well. PHP files which you, the coder, write, are either 'views', 'models' or 'controllers'. These go in the folders with those names in the /application folder e.g /application/views/yourview.php or /application/controllers/yourcontroller.php. The CI install comes with a default view file and a default controller, which you are probably already aware of.
The files inside /application/config are important as well. Read the user-guide about tweaking these files. The most obvious tweaks are to database.php to connect to your db, autoload to give automatic use of CI helpers/libraries which you can choose, and to config.php to give CI the name of your website e.g the name you give to '/'.
The file 'index.php' comes with the CI installation (/index.php). You don't need to fiddle with it at all really except to determine the level of error reporting you want ('environment') and that's not a priority at all. But it's important to remember this about index.php - that CI uses it as the essential reference for defining paths to useful folders like CSS or images. So even if your view file is in /application/views, if it refers to an image like a logo.gif in /images for example, the path to it is just /images/logo.gif. It is not anything more complicated like ../../images/logo.gif.
I hope that helps.
Offline version of CodeIgniter user guide is available with CodeIgniter which already downloaded by you.
just extract your CodeIgniter zip file in your localhost server root directory,
Then http://localhost/www/CodeIgniter_2.1.2/user_guide/ open this url with browser ,here you can access offline version of CodeIgniter user guide.
Here I am using wamp server so I used this url, If you are using xampp server then please use http://localhost/CodeIgniter_2.1.2/user_guide/
Okay this is what I would usually do for code igniter
here is my directory structure.
CI App Path (e.g "c:\xampp\htdocs\ci_app_name" )
--css (new folder , where css files will be included)
--js (javascript and jquery libraries location)
Basic HTML and PHP files should be location
--views (this is where to put HTML and PHP files)
For other things such as Controller , Models and Views , you can't put any where but put in their related area.
That will be
CI app

CodeIgniter How to create Multiple Site with One CMS

I want to create a blog site with only one CMS. This CMS will be in different domain.
For example:
Then my blog sites are also in different domains.
For example:,,
They will all use as their admin
*Images will be uploaded in so all the 3 websites will get the images from this directory
If images are loaded on from the main database, they should be displayed as if they're from So for example instead of
How will I build this using codeigniter?
You can use the same CodeIgniter /System and /Application folders for all the websites if you like; just make sure all the index.php files are setup to use those same folders for $system_path and $application_folder respectively. Note that these sites also need to reside on the same server.
You can serve up different content by checking $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] for the domain the request came from.
As for htaccess you should be able to use %{HTTP_HOST}/$1 or %{HTTP_HOST}$1 (depending on server config) to make the rewrite rule dynamic.
I am actually building a similar project right now using CodeIgniter but there are also several other projects available like halogy, codefight, pyro (with an extension), and many others.
CodeIgniter has a System and an Application folder. You could have one global system folder and then one application folder for each of your subdomains, or you could have one application folder and just make your subdomian folders parallel with your www folder.

Codeigniter expressionEngine

I just started working with codeigniter and i found it easy to work with. I recently came across expressionEngine and seems like a great add-on for codeigniter. My questions is, after i install expressionEngine, will that change the way i work with codeigniter where code goes in controller and view in the view folder.
Apples and Oranges,
Codeigniter is a framework that allows you to create a Web Application like an admin system. The customer does not add any content or touch anything. You can add CMS functionality to your codeigniter Web Application however in this sense you are actually building your own CMS on top of your Web Application.
ExpressionEngine, built with codeigniter, is a CMS that allows clients to add content without actually giving them access to your HTML - That is not to say that you can't give them access but this would defeat the purpose of a CMS.
Because expressionEngine is built on top of codeigniter it is possible to access it's functionality (I've seen posts on this but haven't tried it yet myself).
I think you would use the two together if you had a Web Application with a Website around it. In this way the client would be able to add content to the website and even some of the Application information areas but you would use Codeigniter to build the Web Application's functionality.
I don't think it would be a waste of a week to get into expressionEngine. LevelUpTuts has some great video tutes on expressionEngine 2 and try Nettuts+ CodeIgniter from Scratch for, suprisingly, codeigniter.
(For those who are new to CMS) The general process of development is:
- Translate your website design to HTML/CMS/jQuery
- Translate your HTML to expresionEngine Templates
- Define your Channels which your clients will add content to
- Embed those Channels into your templates to display that content dynamically
- In administration, assign permissions to who can add content to which channels for your clients
It will start to make sense once you try it.
You can't layer ExpressionEngine on top of CodeIgniter since CodeIgniter is extracted from ExpressionEngine. It's EE all the way, or use CodeIgniter to build your own thing.
ExpressionEngine supports PHP code inside it's templates if that's what your asking.
EE(2.0) is a CMS built on the CI2.0 framework.
If you are familiar with CI you will be able to hack, modify and extend EE with ease, as well as develop your own plugins etc.
You can of course, have an EE installation and a CI installation on the same server, but the two do not interact directly - CI is a framework, EE is a CMS.
Not sure I would call EE an "add-on"...
EE is it's own standalone Content Management System. Generally EE and CI are not meant to be mixed. While EE is built on CI, it is not meant to be extended/changed etc... They (Ellislab) will tell you, If EE doesn't fulfill your requirements, then you need to use CI exclusively.
Plus, a 300$ license is pretty expensive for something that you view as an "add-on".
I would reccomend looking into PyroCMS, which is also a free (beer and speech) CMS built on CI that directly allows for "Module" development which is straight codeigniter development with a few added meta/installation files that would allow you to build the extra functionality you need within the Codeigniter structure.
There are four files for expression engine.
For Example i have module named "Products"
1)mcp.products for admin end or admin control panel just admin controller in pyrocms
2)mod.products front end code is placed here 3)tab.products tabs are here 4)upd.products installation code. There are views in "views" folder and model is in "model" folder in our case "products_model". Just copy your controllers methods and paste them in mcp.products.php on admin side. and copy your controllers methods and paste them in mod.products.php on front end side. in udp file place the table structure.and it will treat as you are in Pyrocms.
