Simply: how do I get the user's account image?
I'm using Cocoa on Mac.
The Address Book method doesn't work if the user deletes the vcard.
I use the CBIdentity method that never breaks, as Dave says:
+ (NSImage *)userImage
CBIdentity *identity = [CBIdentity identityWithName:NSUserName() authority:[CBIdentityAuthority defaultIdentityAuthority]];
return [identity image];
In order to use CBIdentity you need to add the Collaboration Framework to your targets and use the following include directive
#import <Collaboration/Collaboration.h>
If you only want an image for the logged-in user, it's also possible to get it with a one-liner using AddressBook:
NSData *imgData = [[[ABAddressBook sharedAddressBook] me] imageData];
but I believe that this is not guaranteed to be the same as the log-in image.
If you can get a handle to a CSIdentityRef or a CBIdentity* that represents the user in question, then you can invoke the -[CBIdentity image] method to retrieve their account image.
Here's a previous answer of mine that shows how to query for all standard user accounts on a system and convert them into CBIdentity objects: Get all Users on OS X
If you don't want to link against Collaboration.framework, then you can use something like CSIdentityImageGetData (or one of the similar variants) to get the image directly. I personally find working with a native Cocoa object to be nicer, but in this case it's not absolutely necessary.
I would like to display some info on the screen ... which will disappear.
Example : an Uiview is displayed for the first time to an user (or feature never used by the user). I would like to display on a screen a label or an image to explain how to use this new feature. After that it will disappear ...
If this functionality has already been used by the user, the message is ofcourse not displayed.
example of message --> to add a gamer, press +
How to do that ? a lot of apps have this kind of help.
What you have to do is actually very simple : have a persistent variable, and change its value. Each time the user could see the help popup, you check the value of the variable you stored persistently. If this variable indicates that the user have already seen the help, you don't display it again. Otherwise, you show it. Simple example:
let helpSeen: Bool = getVarFromPersistent()
if helpSeen == false {
Where getVarFromPersistent() and setHelpSeenVar() are function you could create to respectively retrieve the variable from the persistent data and set the variable in the persistent data.
Now, you have to figure out how to use persistent data. You can have a look at CoreData, that is provided by Apple and "ready to use" in Xcode. You've probably already seen the use core data tickbox when you create a project.
Third party libraries exists as well like RealmSwift, who reached version 1.0 recently.
I'm not an expert, but I think Realm is simpler to use than Core Data. The technology used by the two libraries could be different though, maybe someone else could tell you more about it. Anyway, you will find a lot of article about Realm and Core Data on Google.
While my app is not a game, a coin-based game works as a good analogy.
In a game like this, the user has a certain number of coins that they can earn through gameplay or by purchasing an IAP. The main problem is securely storing how many coins the user has locally.
I know there are other questions like this, such as this. This answer basically says, there is no use in trying to save data securely; just deal with the fact that users can edit the data.
I would rather not just leave the data out in the open for users to change (if they can edit the data, why would they purchase an IAP?). I have looked into the Keychain, which has a public interface to view and edit the data, and NSUserDefaults, which saves to a Plist that can easily be changed.
Is there a better option for me, or should I just not even try (like the answer above suggests)?
Edit: The app is actually a developer tool that has a limited number of tokens. Because the users all have technical skills, the majority of them (I assume) have enough knowledge to find and change the Plist file or the Keychain data.
This solution worked for me very well. Try this: It will store encrypted bool/string/float/integer in your UserDefaults file. Hopefully this is what you want. Make sure you download and add CocoaSecurity to your project. CocoaSecurity is a required element of SecureNSUSerDefaults, so you do not need to import it into any of your files. You must also download Base64, which is a required element of CocoaSecurity. You also need to add Base64 to your project, but do not need to import it into any of your files.
Import the header file anywhere you want to use the encryption method.
#import <SecureNSUserDefaults/NSUserDefaults+SecureAdditions.h>
Then, set an encryption key, probably in your awakeFromNib method:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setSecret:#"your_secret_goes_here"];
I recommend generating a random string of numbers and letters.
Then, you must store the information in your UserDefaults file.
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
forKey:#"the_key_your_object_will be_stored_under"];
To retrieve the string, use this method:
NSString *retrievedData = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
secretStringForKey:#"the_key_your_object_will be_stored_under"];
I hope this helps!
I'm new to RestKit. I'm trying to map a many-to-many relationship, between entities Space and User. For the purposes of this question, assume all the Space objects are in the Core Data store correctly already.
In the REST API, I can make a single call to get all the users for a given space. First of all, when I initialise my network fetching class, I set up a mapping appropriate for parsing a list of users:
RKManagedObjectMapping *teamMapping = [RKManagedObjectMapping mappingForEntity:[NSEntityDescription entityForName:#"User" inManagedObjectContext:self.manager.objectStore.primaryManagedObjectContext] inManagedObjectStore:self.manager.objectStore];
[teamMapping mapKeyPath:#"id" toAttribute:#"userID"];
[teamMapping mapKeyPath:#"name" toAttribute:#"name"];
teamMapping.primaryKeyAttribute = #"userID";
[self.manager.mappingProvider setMapping:teamMapping forKeyPath:#"users.user"];
Then, to populate the links for the users to the spaces, I do this:
NSArray *spaces = [self.managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:[NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:#"Space"] error:nil];
for (QBSpace *space in spaces)
[self.manager loadObjectsAtResourcePath:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"space/%#/users", space.wikiName] usingBlock:^(RKObjectLoader *loader) {
loader.onDidLoadObjects = ^(NSArray *objects){ = nil;
for (QBUser *user in objects)
[space addTeamObject:user];
That is, I manually add the space->user link based on the returned array of objects.
Is that the correct way to do it? It seems to work fine, but I'm worried I'm missing a trick with regards to RestKit doing things automatically.
The returned XML for the file in question looks like
<users type="array">
<login_name warning="deprecated">loginName</login_name>
<name>Real Name</name>
So there is nothing in the returned file to indicate the space that I'm trying to link to: I passed that in in the URL I requested, but there's nothing in the returned document about it, which is why I came up with this block based solution.
To all the RestKit users, does this look like an acceptable way to form many-to-many links?
If it works, it's ok?
You could think about having a Space custom ManagedObject. Have it respond to the RKObjectLoaderDelegate.
Then, when you get the reply, you could trigger the loadAtResourcePath from within its
objectLoader:didLoadObject:(id)object or objectLoader:didLoadObjectDictionary:
You could also make your Space class respond to the delegates from User and then tie them into their space at that point?
It might be better, but that would depend on what you are trying to achieve. Food for thought anyway. :)
I need to retrieve a list of Active Directory users and their attributes using Delphi 2010.
I've seen a few similar questions on SO (e.g. Delphi - Find primary email address for an Active Directory user), but they all seem to require the user name before any additional information can be retrieved.
I had written an article for [The Delphi Magazine] way back when..... if you have access to a backlog of those magazines, it's in issue no. 62 (October 2000) - unfortunately, it seems those back issues aren't available for purchase anymore :-(
It's too long of an article and a code sample to post here.... basically it's about wrapping the IDirectorySearch interface in a nicer Delphi-like shell. You pass in a base container where to search, you define an LDAP filter, and you define a set of attributes you're interested in - then you search and get back basically an enumerator for the results, which you can get one by one.
In the end, I discovered TJvObjectPickerDialog, part of JVCL. It wraps the Windows Select Object dialog and does everything I need with very little coding. Just set the required properties and call execute. The selected user objects are returned along with the attributes that you set in the 'Attributes' property.
I want to be able to show or hide certain elements in a view based on ACL. For instance, if a user is looking at my Users/index view, I don't want to show a 'Delete User' element if he doesn't have permission to delete users. If he does have permission to edit users, I do want to show a 'Edit User' link.
I can hack this together, but being very new to Cake I'm hoping that there is an elegant solution. The best I've done involves keeping logic in two places, so it's hell to maintain.
I know this is an old question now but for anyone looking for a way like I was...
In AppController::beforeFilter you can assign the ACL component to a view variable and then use it in your view:
$this->set('user', $this->Auth->user());
$this->set('acl', $this->Acl);
And then in you view just juse it like thie:
if($acl->check(array('User' => $user), 'controllers/groupd/admin_delete')) {
This is't necessarily the most correct way to do it but it does work nicely
There is no generic "elegant solution" :) I've always wanted to make such thing as well. Anyway how you could do it:
Overwrite the Html Helper in your app directory - make a copy from /cake/libs/views/helpers/html.php to /app/views/helpers/html.php and made some changes in the Html::link function.
For example you can check if the url contain action edit or delete.
The other part is to pass the proper parameters from the controller. In AppController::beforeFilter you can read the rights of the user (it's better to be cached) and to pass it in a special Auth variable to the View.
So when you have the rights in your View it's easy to modify the link. :)
As I said I haven't did it in real example, but this is the way I would do it.
There is 1 bad point in that - if the original Html helper is changed, your one will remain the same. But I believe that Html helper is mature enough so for me is not a big issue.
I do it like this in app_controller.php, although you could just as well do it in specific controllers. The view variables $usersIndexAllowed and $configureAllowed are then used in conditional statements in the view.
function beforeRender()
$usersIndexAllowed = $this->Acl->check($user,"users/index");
$configureAllowed = $this->Acl->check($user,"siteAdmins/configure");
In case you don't want to mess around with overriding core helpers and you want a more automatic way of checking (without hard-coding user group names and users or setting separate link-specific variables) here's my suggestion:
Store all user permissions as session vars when the user logs in (clear on logout) and create a permissions helper to check if logged on user has permissions for a specific action.
code and example here
hope that helps
There's multiple approaches to this scenario. As Nik stated, using a helper to do the checks for you is a quick way to "outsource" the logic and centralize it for ease of use.
Actually, have a look at the AclLinkHelper - it does exactly what you're looking for, however restricted to links only.