Profiling sorting algorithms against partially sorted data - algorithm

We know that several sorts, such as insertion sort, are great on arrays that are 'mostly-sorted' and not so great on random data.
Suppose we wanted to profile the performance improvement/degradation of such an algorithm relative to how 'sorted' the input data is. What would be a good way to generate an 'increasingly sorted' or 'increasingly random' array of elements? How might we measure the 'sortedness' of the input?

Number of Inversion is a usual measure of how much sorted an array is.
A pair of elements (pi,pj) in permutation p is called an inversion in a permutation if i<j and pi >pj. For example, in the permutation (3,1,2,5,4) contains the 3 inversions (3,1), (3,2) and (5,4).
A sorted array got 0 inversion and reverse sorted array got n*(n-1)/2.

You could generate a "partially sorted" dataset by interrupting a modern Fisher-Yates shuffle run on an already ordered dataset.
Also, if you only need a few essentially fixed sets of partially sorted data, then you could generate a column graph of position vs value for each and just eye-ball them. That would let you quickly see the general random-ness of a set, as well things like how much localised order there is.

Also look into creating a binary heap, and then using the array representation as your starting point. A binary heap implemented in an array is not sorted, but it is ordered. I think it would be considered "partially sorted."


What is the name for this sorting algorithm?

So, I work in industrial automation, and normally program with ladder logic. So its rather odd compared to what I would consider normal programing. Anyway I needed to sort a list of numbers from smallest to biggest. I was looking through sorting algorithms trying to find one I could easily implement using ladder logic. I was having a hard time, but after some thinking I came up with something that wasn't even on the Wikipedia list of sorting algorithms. Well, It might be but I can't find it. I know this isn't very efficient sorting algorithm, but it does work. I want to know the name of it if it has one.
The basic version of this is, imagine an array of numbers. Take the first number in the list and compare it to all other numbers in the list, count the number of times that it is bigger than any of the other numbers. This accumulated value is the index number for where it goes in the output array. To place it in the array, check if there is already something written to that spot, if there is add one to the index and check again until there isn't anything in its spot. When the empty spot is found write it to the output array. Once you have done that to every number in the list you will have an output array with the same size as the input, but with it sorted smallest to biggest. I should note that this is assuming the language uses zero based indexing.
If this wasn't clear enough, I'm happy to elaborate further if needed.
I would say it's a worse version of counting sort:
It operates by counting the number of objects that possess distinct key values, and applying prefix sum on those counts to determine the positions of each key value in the output sequence
So it basically does the same thing you're doing: put each element in its final position by using counts. Counting sort uses an array to store the needed counts, you iterate the array to find them at each step for the current element.
I don't think there's a name for your exact algorithm.

Randomly Consuming a Set of Elements Indexed From 1 to N

In this problem, I have a set of elements that are indexed from 1 to n. Each element actually corresponds to a graph node and I am trying to calculate random one-to-one matchings between the nodes. For the sake of simplicity, I neglect further details of the actual problem. I need to write a fast algorithm to randomly consume these elements (nodes) and do this operation multiple times in order to calculate different matchings. The purpose here is to create randomized inputs to another algorithm and each calculated matching at the end of this will be another input to that algorithm.
The most basic algorithm I can think of is to create copies of the elements in the form of an array, generate random integers, and use them as array indices to apply swap operations. This way each random copy can be created in O(n) but in practice, it uses a lot of copy and swap operations. Performance is very important and I am looking for faster ways (algorithms and data structures) of achieving this goal. It just needs to satisfy the two conditions:
It shall be able to consume a random element.
It shall be able to consume an element on the given index.
I tried to write as clear as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I am happy to clarify. Thanks in advance.
Note: Matching is an operation where you pair the vertices on a graph if there exists an edge between them.
Shuffle index array (for example, with Fisher-Yates shuffling)
ia = [3,1,4,2]
Walk through index array and "consume" set element with current index
for x in ia:
consume(Set[indexed by x])
So for this example you will get order Set[3], Set[1], Set[4], Set[2]
No element swaps, only array of integers is changed

Sort in ascending or descending order (chosen arbitrarily; Prefer whichever is cheaper)

I have an array of elements. This array could be:
Randomly shuffled (about 20% of the time)
Nearly sorted* in ascending order (about 40% of the time)
Nearly sorted in descending order (about 40% of the time)
But I do not know (in advance) which of these cases applies. I would prefer to sort the array into the order which it is already close to.
It does not matter whether the output is ascending or descending, but it must be one or the other (so I can perform a binary search on it.)
The sort need not be stable.
Some background info: The process goes roughly like this:
Populate the array
Sort on some attribute A
Do some processing (compute quantiles, and some other minor stuff)
Sort on some other attribute B
Do more processing
Sort on attribute C
Do more processing
A and B are often correlated with each other (but may be positively or negatively.) Same applies to B and C. Occasionally A == C.
* "nearly sorted" here means most elements are close to their final positions. But rarely exactly at their final positions (there is a lot of additive noise, and not many long sorted subsequences.) Still, there are usually a few "outliers" at the start and end of the array which are poor predictors of the order for the next sort. 
Is there an algorithm that can advantage of the fact that I have no preference for ascending vs. descending, to sort more cheaply (compared to the TimSort I am currently using?)
I'd continue using Timsort (however, a good alternative is Smoothsort*), but first probe the array to decide whether to sort in ascending or descending order. Look at the first and last elements and sort accordingly. If the array is unsorted, the choice is immaterial; if it is (partially) sorted, probing at a wide interval is more likely to correctly detect which way.
*Smoothsort has the same best, average, and worst case time as Timsort, and better space complexity. Like Timsort, it was specifically designed to take advantage of partially sorted data.
Another possibility to consider:
Start doing a (hand-rolled) insertion sort
As you go, count the number of inversions you perform
After you have done some small fixed number of insertions, compare the number of inversions that you have counted, to the maximum number of inversions that would have occurred by that point if the data were reverse-sorted to begin with:
If the proportion is close to 0, then (probably) the data is nearly-sorted. Complete the insertion sort, which performs very well on nearly-sorted data. If you don't like the sound of "probably" then continue counting inversions as you go and be ready to fall back to Timsort if it falls under a threshold.
If the proportion is close to 1, then (probably) the data is nearly-reverse-sorted, and you have a small number of sorted elements at the start. Move them to the end, reverse them, and complete an insertion sort with reversed comparator.
Otherwise the data is random, use your favourite sorting algorithm. I'd say Timsort, but since that does well on nearly-sorted data there must be some other algorithm that does at least a tiny bit better than Timsort does on uniformly-shuffled data. Probably plain merge sort without the Tim.
The "small fixed number" can be a number for which insertion sort is fairly fast even in bad cases. I would guess 10-20 or so. It's possible to work out the probability of a false positive in uniformly shuffled data for any given number of insertions and any given threshold of "close to 0/1", but I'm too lazy.
You say the first and last few array elements typically buck the trend, in which case you could exclude them from the initial test insertion sort.
Obviously this approach is somewhat inspired by Timsort. But Timsort is fiendishly optimized for data that contains runs -- I have tried to fiendishly optimize only for data that's close to one big run (in either direction). Another feature of Timsort is that it's well tested, I don't claim to share that.

What is a good way to find pairs of numbers, each stored in a different array, such that the difference between the first and second number is 1?

Suppose you have several arrays of integers. What is a good way to find pairs of integers, not both from the same list, such that the difference between the first and second integer is 1?
Naturally I could write a naive algorithm that just looks through each other list until it finds such a number or hits one bigger. Is there a more elegant solution?
I only mention the condition that the difference be 1 because I'm guessing there might be some use to that knowledge to speed up the computation. I imagine that if the condition for a 'hit' were something else, the algorithm would work just the same.
Some background: I'm engaged in a bit of research mathematics and I seek to find examples of a certain construction. Any help would be much appreciated.
I'd start by sorting each array. Preferably with an algorithm that runs in O( n log(n) ) time.
When you've got a bunch of sorted arrays, you can set a pointer to the start of each array, check for any +/- 1 differences in the values of the pointers, and increment the value of the smallest-valued pointer, repeating until you've reached the max length of all but one of the arrays.
To further optimize, you could keep the pointers-values in a sorted linked list, and build the check function into an insertion sort. For each increment, you could remove the previous value from the list, and step through the list checking for +/- 1 comparison until you get to a term that is larger than a possible match. That way, if you're searching a bazillion arrays, you needn't check all bazillion pointer-values - you only need to check until you find a value that is too big, and ignore all larger values.
If you've got any more information about the arrays (such as the range of the terms or number of arrays), I can see how you could take advantage of that to make much faster algorithms for this through clever uses of array properties.
This sounds like a good candidate for the classic merge sort where the final stage is not a unification but comparison.
And the magnitude of the difference wouldn't affect this, but thanks for adding the information.
Even though you state the second list is in an array, if you could put it in a hashmap of some sort then you could make it faster than just the naive approach.
Loop through the first array.
Look to see if there exists an object in the hashmap that is one larger than the current array value.
That way you can build up pairs of numbers that meet your requirements.
I don't know if it would be as flexible as you would like though.
Basically, you may want to consider other data structures, to help you find a better solution.
You have o(n log n) from the sorting.
You can also the the search in o(log n) for each element, if you have some dynamic queryset. You can sort the arrays and then for each element in the first array binary search his upper_bound and lower_bound in the second array and check the difference.

Most efficient sorting algorithm for a large set of numbers

I'm working on a large project, I won't bother to summarize it here, but this section of the project is to take a very large document of text (minimum of around 50,000 words (not unique)), and output each unique word in order of most used to least used (probably top three will be "a" "an" and "the").
My question is of course, what would be the best sorting algorithm to use? I was reading of counting sort, and I like it, but my concern is that the range of values will be too large compared to the number of unique words.
Any suggestions?
First, you will need a map of word -> count.
50,000 words is not much - it will easily fit in memory, so there's nothing to worry. In C++ you can use the standard STL std::map.
Then, once you have the map, you can copy all the map keys to a vector.
Then, sort this vector using a custom comparison operator: instead of comparing the words, compare the counts from the map. (Don't worry about the specific sorting algorithm - your array is not that large, so any standard library sort will work for you.)
I'd start with a quicksort and go from there.
Check out the wiki page on sorting algorithms, though, to learn the differences.
You should try an MSD radix sort. It will sort your entries in lexicographical order. Here is a google code project you might be interested in.
Have a look at the link. A Pictorial representation on how different algorithm works. This will give you an hint!
Sorting Algorithms
You can get better performance than quicksort with this particular problem assuming that if two words occur the same number of times, then it doesn't matter in which order you output them.
First step: Create a hash map with the words as key values and frequency as the associated values. You will fill this hash map in as you parse the file. While you are doing this, make sure to keep track of the highest frequency encountered. This step is O(n) complexity.
Second step: Create a list with the number of entries equal to the highest frequency from the first step. The index of each slot in this list will hold a list of the words with the frequency count equal to the index. So words that occur 3 times in the document will go in list[3] for example. Iterate through the hash map and insert the words into the appropriate spots in the list. This step is O(n) complexity.
Third step: Iterate through the list in reverse and output all the words. This step is O(n) complexity.
Overall this algorithm will accomplish your task in O(n) time rather than O(nlogn) required by quicksort.
In almost every case I've ever tested, Quicksort worked the best for me. However, I did have two cases where Combsort was the best. Could have been that combsort was better in those cases because the code was so small, or due to some quirk in how ordered the data was.
Any time sorting shows up in my profile, I try the major sorts. I've never had anything that topped both Quicksort and Combsort.
I think you want to do something as explained in the below post:
Languages which support closure make the solution much easy, like LINQ as Eric mentioned.
For large sets you can use what is known as the "sort based indexing" in information retrieval, but for 50,000 words you can use the following:
read the entire file into a buffer.
parse the buffer and build a token vector with
struct token { char *term, int termlen; }
term is a pointer to the word in the buffer.
sort the table by term (lexicographical order).
set entrynum = 0, iterate through the term vector,
when term is new, store it in a vector :
struct { char *term; int frequency; } at index entrynum, set frequency to 1 and increment the entry number, otherwise increment frequency.
sort the vector by frequency in descending order.
You can also try implementing digital trees also known as Trie. Here is the link
