Check boxes within the select box - spring

How to render checkbox within the select box.
Can i use like below code:
<form:select path="test" items="testlist">
<input type="checkbox name="test"/>
Thanks in Advance.

Ah, it would be nice if it were so easy. No, you can't do this. A select box must contain option tags, and option tags contain text. HTML just doesn't support a multi-select box with checkboxes.
That doesn't mean you can't do it. Typical workarounds involve javascript and jQuery; here's an example. Here's one that doesn't use jquery.

<input type="checkbox" name="test" checked="checked"/>


Can't access checkbox with watir

When I'm trying to click checkbox I getting an error
browser.checkbox(:id, 'AgreeToProceedWithPersonalData').click
Element is not clickable at point (314.5, 448). Other element would receive the click: <label for="AgreeToProceedWithPersonalData"></label>
And when I click at element below I getting agreement page opened.
browser.label(:for, 'AgreeToProceedWithPersonalData').click
How do I can set checkbox and do not open agreement?
<div class="checkbox">
<input data-val="true" data-val-mustbetrue="Ваше согласие необходимо для продолжения" data-val-required="The I agree to proceed personal data field is required." id="AgreeToProceedWithPersonalData" name="AgreeToProceedWithPersonalData" type="checkbox" value="true" autocomplete="off" checked="checked">
<label for="AgreeToProceedWithPersonalData">I agree to proceed personal data.
Read the agreement
<span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="AgreeToProceedWithPersonalData" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
Often times developers like to make things pretty by layering things on top of standard html elements, and the driver doesn't like that.
Please don't over-use this, as it is not good practice for most things, but in situations like this I find myself needing to do:
browser.checkbox(id: 'AgreeForBKIRequest').fire_event :click
Most probably there is something very custom with javascript on the page if fire_event is not working. So it is hard to suggest and it will be nice if you will provide the url of the page to experiment with.
However you could try such suggestion with no guaranty (just guess)
browser.execute_script("window.stop")# That will stop all the scripts on the page. May be usefull may be not
browser.execute_script("document.getElementById('AgreeToProceedWithPersonalData').click();")# That will perform click using pure javascript

how to add check box inside select tag

I am trying to select multiple values inside a drop down using check boxes, I confused how to attain without changing TLD file. ie each option for the select will have the check box
sample code which iI work is below
<form:select path="brandIds" id="brandDropdownSelectId" tabindex="31" multiple="true" size="4" >
<option value="0">Select Brand</option>
<form:options items="${brandList}" itemValue="brandId"
itemLabel="brandName" checkbox="true"/>
You can use external component like Twitter Bootstrap Multi-select
You can never use Checkbox inside a Select tag.
But, to solve this issue, we make use of CSS+Javascript to render the effect.
You define a empty select tag with a javascript function to alter the visibility of the checkboxes on click, and CSS plays the role of portraying the rendering in single effect.
This might help you:
Adding checkboxes inside a Select Tag

How to get value from a placeholder using xpath

All of the elements are dynamic. I can see only Placeholder which is unique from the following html:-
class="x-form-field x-form-text x-form-focus"
style="width: 78px;"
I need to get the value displayed in
I tried using
But my webdriver script failed to identify it.
Can anyone please help me out with possible solution to it?
String s=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#placeholder='Gender']")).getAttribute("placeholder");
To get an attribute for a filed, you can use the .getAttribute() method.
I assume you are dealing with (front end)script generated web elements, then you must need to embrace lean way of thinking. Don't try to pull out a web element by it's property alone. If you are not getting them try to build a xpath from its parent or siblings.
say, the HTML goes like this,
<div id="somestatic id">
<div id="xyz">
<input name="dynamic one"/>
Then you can build a xpath as ,
for the HTML,
<div id="staticID"></div>
<input name="dynamic one"/>
the xpath is ,
similarly there are n number of option available. Give them a try
Let me know is the above statement is working or not.
The best way is to find the element with CSS selector in this case -
input[placeholder='Gender'], which can easily find the element.

How do I hide a field given a checked box?

I am trying to create a dynamic query page. I am more than happy to learn ruby on rails which is what I am currently doing. However there is a time constraint for this and I have been searching high and low on how to hide a field on a form if a checkbox is checked. I have next to nothing ruby skills and I cant change to another language. Any assistance would be greatly GREATLY appreciated. Also if you know a good tutorial for doing query pages would help!!!
For a form like:
<form ...>
<input id="hide-box" type="checkbox" />
<input id="field-to-hide" />
You'll need to use something like JQuery to listen for checking and hide accordingly.
$('#hide-box').on('change', function() {

Xpath select parent element using inner text

<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: isSelected">
Select this box
Hi I am attempting to select the checkbox using the innertext within the xpath however no luck so far.
For example I know the following does not work: //input[contains(text(), ' Select this box')]
Any suggestions as to the correct syntax please? Note, it needs to include the innertext.
Your code works (tested with XpathpatherizerNPP):
//input[contains(text(),"Select this box")]
