Magento: Configurable product options not showing on a view page? - magento

I have multi-store Magento system and strange things happen when i try to see a configurable product on my main store - the options select lists don't show up at all! And that is the case for the 95% of the products on the main store.
But on the other stores it works fine?!
I can't see what am I doing wrong. All my products are configurable, all have set simple products with options attached to them, all are set to be visible on all stores (WebsiteIds attribute), all are enabled on all stores, all simple products are in stock and have some stock quantity set.
I think if I've done something wrong it would be like that on all stores, not just the main one. I'm totally clueless, please help. I've attached couple of images to see the difference.

Have you tried clearing cache and rebuilding indexes? I would rebuild all indexes related to products (Product Attributes, Product Flat Data, Stock Status, etc).

I think maybe something goes wrong with your template. Please check this file:
The following code is existed or not?
var spConfig = new Product.Config(getJsonConfig() ?>);
Or check carefully your javascript in console debug of Chrome.
Good luck :)


Configurable products with same attribute_set not getting associated

I have a question for you, Magento/Magmi Masters.
So after weeks of struggling setting everything up in Excel for Magento to digest my database correctly, I am stuck because of the configurable products. I input the same attribute_set for both simples and configurable product, though when I upload the csv, the products do show up in the list but don't get associated. So I go to the "Associated Products" section of the configurable product in the Admin panel and see NO products at all in the list. I click "Reset Filters" but nothing shows up either. I have tried random stuff but haven't come to a solution yet. If you guys could give me a hand with this I'd reeally appreciate it.
Thank you all in advance!
See my CSV

View all products within category lead to blank page

I'm on Magento When I view all products within category, I got a blank page after loading for while and sometimes I got Internal Server Error.
Please advise
If it works for only a few products, most probably you are running out of memory. Increase it. The recommended value is 512M, but the more you have the better.
if you used product collection & addAttributeToSelect('*') on it.
then dont use any one
select the specific attribute which you need.
for example
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
$collection->addAttributeToSelect(array('name', 'url_key','price','lowest_price','service_id','description','short_description'));
because loading all attributes of product affects on big database.
and its also affect on site performance
hope this help you

make configurable product options independent on product view page --Magento

I am working on a Magento project and I need to know if there is a way to make a product's options independent to each other or unrequired. I need to use one of several at a time (I have 6 dropdowns).
I have tried add to cart by query string but all dropdown values were still required. I also tried to make all the options default, then modify the selected options in the observer, but I did not meet with success. See the screenshot below for more details.
Any help will be appreciated
Configurable Products in Magneto are only parent products of Simple Products. Whatever you have as an attribute of a Configurable - a Simple Product has to be present for each. To do this out of the box in Magento, you should be looking into setting up a Simple Product with Custom Options.

Magento CE – Imported products do not show up in frontend

I've been battling with this issue for the last week now, and am really hoping someone here might be able to help me with it.
After repeatedly importing products from a CSV generated by a different (and slightly older) Magento store, using both the Import and the Dataflow/Import All Products tools, I can get them to show up in the backend, seemingly with all the data intact and with images and everything, but they simply will not show up in the frontend.
It seems that the only way to make them show up in the frontend is to save them from the admin product page, which I'd rather not make the client do on 1922 products. They do not show up if I add them to categories from the category manager, only (as far as I know) if I save them from the product manager page.
Also note that all products
are enabled
have stock quantity > 0, weight > 0 and price > 0
have stock availability = In Stock
have visibility = "Catalog, search"
have the correct website assigned to them
have the right tax class associated with them
In addition, the cache has been entirely disabled and I've re-indexed everything at least two dozen times. I've also tried running the following snippet of PHP:
$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
foreach ($products as $product) {
if ($product->isSaleable())
Mage::log("Sellable product: {$product->getId()}");
Mage::log("Unsellable product: {$product->getId()}");
and the log file subsequently contains nothing but "Sellable product: ...". I've also used the same product loop to set the website ID of the product and then save it, which also makes no difference. I've tried outputting the attribute values of various invisible products (using $product->getData()) both before and after saving through the product manager, but I cannot locate any differences whatsoever. I have not examined every MySQL table before and after saving, and frankly, I'd rather not have to do that.
I'm at wits' end. I don't know what else to try. I could re-import the product list for the umpteenth time, but I doubt it'll make a difference. I could try mass-updating the products again (using the product manager's "Actions" dropdown set to "Update Attributes"), but it's probably not going to help this time either. Does anyone have any ideas whatsoever?
My apologies if this is not the correct venue for this kind of question; feel free to point me in the right direction if that's the case.
Turns out that the products did not actually have the right website set, even though the admin panel clearly claimed so for all the products I looked at (none of which showed up in the frontend).
Solution: Manage Products > Select All, then select the action Update Attributes and add the products to the correct website(s). Don't forget to rebuild the indexes.
I had the same problem, so thank you for this answer you provided in your post:
Turns out that the products did not actually have the right website set, even though the admin panel clearly claimed so for all the products I looked at (none of which showed up in the frontend).
Solution: Manage Products > Select All, then select the action Update Attributes and add the products to the correct website(s). Don't forget to rebuild the indexes.
Just to add to this - I also had the same problem, however mine turned out to be the is_in_stock was either 0 or set to a qty value. Needs to be 0 or 1.
Just incase anyone has that issue.
Do you have gd php extension?
Install it (in CentOS):
yum install gd gd-devel php-gd
After execute this
service httpd restart
Best Regards

Magento configurable products attributes not showing in front end

We have a Magento store on Community Edition which uses configurable products with attribute sets to allow customers to select their preferred size and colour for a specific item (e.g., a shirt).
Each clothing range has its own attribute set, which was used to create the product, with simple products for each permutation of the product for stock keeping purposes.
We've compared all of the product's settings, and can't see any discrepancies between them, and yet one product range does not display the attribute drop-downs and add-to-cart button in the frontend, despite appearing in the frontend fine other than that.
I don't know if you have already found a solution, but after searching for a whole day, I've found what's causing the missing attributes in the front end for me... After deleting and readding simple products for a dozen times and making notes on the way I was quite sure that I correctly added simple and configurable products, so the problem has to be somewhere else. A casual look at the console in FireBug revealed a conflict in prototype.js... that's strange, since Magento comes with it. And I sure have not changed anything in it!
Did you at one point added jQuery to your Magento installation? If so, you HAVE to add 'jQuery.noComflict;' to the end of your jQuery file and the critical point is, to include the jQuery file BEFORE the prototype.js: The prototype.js is loaded by Magento in default/layout/page.xml at the beginning, so you have to add this line befor the prototype.js
If you don't do that the drobdown item is shown but with not selectable entries, that's because the js/varien/product.js relies on the prototype.js to work. Without it your list won't be populated!
Hope it helps anyone searching for this mysterious problem... (the problem is also described here: Weird Chrome prototype/jQuery conflict)
Usually when the add-to-cart button does not display it is because your product has no inventory set. Remember that the configurable product needs to be set to in stock and the associated simple products have to have at least one item with non-zero inventory and be set as 'in stock'.
