"<Some program on Windows> has stopped working" - windows

I have been running mercurial (on Windows) for many months and I am suddenly now getting the error "Mercurial Distributed SCM has stopped working" in a Windows dialog. I can't find anything by searching on the web. Is this a question of reinstalling or is it more fundamental?
Because of the helpful answer indicating that this is a Windows problem I have changed the title

This can be more fundamental that just a reinstall, and it can happen for all sort of programs (not limited to "Mercurial Distributed SCM")
This article explains that, if a reinstall isn't enough:
If for some reason you still can't get ride of this error, we recommend you to download the most popular registry repair tool, Registry Easy to fix this error


What is causing an access denied on executable MobaSCPRinew.exe when using MobaXterm on Windows

I've been a happy user of MobaXterm for years, this is a great terminal and X-window manager on Windows to access Linux machine and others. Recently, possibly since I upgraded to Windows 11 or changed laptop, I sometimes get the following error window:
An error occurred while starting the following MobaXterm subprocess:
Access is denied
I could not figure out which action is triggering this error but it is pretty rare and seems to happen either when I switch from one tab to another or when I unlock my computer after a while but I can't reproduce it systematically. I'm using MobaXterm Personal Edition v22.0 Build 4858.
This executable exists on my system and the file properties mention that this is a "Command-line SCP/SFTP client". However, even after the error, the SSH Browser available in the side bar (provided you only show one tab) is still visible and working.
Does anybody know what could be causing this?
I contacted the support of MobaXterm:
they told me it is a known bug related to the "Remote Monitoring" feature, which can display stats about memory, disk usage, connected users,...
advised me to test the preview version 22.2 since the bug seems fixed in that release
I used it for a few days and the issue never happened. I will download the latest official release 22.1 and, if it happens also in that one, will wait for the official 22.2. I will close this issue once the bug is fixed in an official release.
Same issue here, with some slight differences:
Location seems to be the "Documents" folder of my "Onedrive":
E:\OneDrive - xyz\Documents\MobaXterm\slash\bin\MobaSCPRinew.exe"
I use the "professional edition" with the same license ID, so I suppose technically it is the same software.
Issue only popped up till now after a reboot of my system, launching the MobaXterm and subsequently starting an ssh session.
Restarting MobaXterm only (once) didn't produce the issue.
I now upgraded to 22.1. Since the release notes do not mention anything concerning this issue, I can't know for sure the problem will be solved. I'll report back when it reoccurs.

After installing heroku cli, i got this alert about a trojan Trojan:BAT/Killav.DJ!MSR

After installing heroku cli, windows defender gave me a trojan alert Trojan:BAT/Killav.DJ!MSR,
affected file was this:
amsi: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
it said it is removed or restored
after the alert i did a search with Malwarebytes but nothing came up, i was wondering if it was a false positive or is there anything to be worried about.
This happened to me too. It's a false positive as far as I can see and it's nothing to worry about. Heroku is a trusted company.
I found this same trojan while trying to install a browser. It kept turning on the Focus assist feature so that you don't notice it being flagged. To remedy:
I made a quick back up of a couple of vital files to a separate drive. Ones that I really needed from C:\
As of the moment, Windows Defender failed to completely remove it from C:\ which left me with the only other option of resetting my PC and reinstalling Windows.
Luckily, after reseting my PC, none of the antivirus programs picked it up and seemingly, I'm in the clear.

Arelle software not installing

I am attempting to install the Arelle XBRL software and these are the steps I am following.
Download the Windows 64 bit version from http://arelle.org/pub/applications/
Double click on installer
As soon as I click the installer I get an NSIS Error message depicted below.
What I have tried:
E-mailing the Arelle support dept but they don't seem to answer at all
Searched for a solution
The most common solution I have found was to run the installer from the command prompt with the below syntax. This seems to have worked for many people but I am still getting the exact same error.
"C:\Users\MyPc\Desktop\arelle-win-x64-2019-07-24.exe" /NCRC
This problem has existed for weeks and it doesn't make sense as Arelle is a widely used program for use with XBRL and many people have downloaded it.
Disk checks and various error checks are being done frequently by the company's administrator so computer maintenance is always occurring.
Any ideas?
I've had the same issue, I've downloaded installer from another computer and another net, run it on computer where was issue, and it works.

Installing Oracle form and got an error. Cannot launch the installer (555)

Oracle form downloaded at:
When I ran the file setup_fmw_12.,
it gave me an error "Cannot launch the installer (555)".
fmw_12. <-- Folder
fmw_12. <-- Folder
Even though this relates to the installation of a developer tool, most would consider this particular type of question as generally off topic for stackoverflow. Your question also contains too little information to determine what the problem really is.
However, let's just mention some obvious things to see if it helps you solve your own problem:
Did you try the setup on another computer (or a virtual machine). This could be a good way to avoid the whole problem rather than spending a lot of time trying to fix it.
Did you locate any log files for the failed install?
A quick look seems to indicate that you can find log files at: %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs (%SystemDrive% is normally C:\).
Or %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Inventory\logs for 32bit installers on 64 bit systems).
Found in the troubleshoot section here - have a look yourself too - read from the top.
And the most obvious of all: did you contact Oracle support or search their user community or knowledge bases? Somebody will have seen this problem before. Looks like you need to register: https://support.oracle.com/
A quick search reveals that the Oracle Universal Installer is a Java based installer. Could Java be broken on the box you install on? (looks like the launcher should install the runtime automatically, but this could fail due to special conditions on the box. Try on a clean virtual machine). How to check whether java is installed on the computer.
Try disabling your anti-virus as well before running the setup on the problem box. Some setups even try to access the Internet during installation, and then your firewall could be a problem too. I would hate to turn that off though.

How to debug/investigate issues with YouCompleteMe for Windows

This question seeks help with tooling - "how do I debug my problem." As I type this, there has been no answers. I did end up stumbling on the solution for the actual problem I was trying to solve and have provided the solution as an answer.
I still would be more than happy to hear any answers on the tooling question though, and if somebody comes up with a workable answer, I'll be more than happy to transfer the checkmark
Original Question
I initially opened an issue with YouCompleteMe https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe at https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe/issues/1345. It immediately got closed because there's no official support for Windows. Ok, fine.
I'm now asking the Stackoverflow community, hopefully there are people who are messing with YCM for Windows (there is a "unofficial YCM for Windows" page, so there MUST be SOMEBODY hacking on this thing).
Below is the original content of the issue that I opened.
If somebody actually has an answer that works, great! At this point, I'm looking more for procedures that I can use to run the YCM server under a debugger to see where exactly it's choking
I'm trying to get YCM to work on my Windows 7 machine. I have a few
other XP, Win7, Win8 machines that have no problems with YCM. I've
tried building the support stuff using MinGW, Visual Studio 2010, both
on the target machine as well as the other machines where I have YCM
When I open a Python or C++ file, a message immediately appears that
YCM has crashed and I should restart with :YcmRestartServer. It
mentions that I should set g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles in order to see
the log messages. I have done that, but I still don't have any
logfiles and the "set g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles" message is still
I also get ('Connection aborted.', error(10061, 'No connection could
be made because the target machine actively refused it'))
I looked in python\ycm\youcompleteme.py and saw that the "logfiles
deleted" message comes up because of an exception in trying to open
the file specified by self._server_stderr (IOError). Right now I'm
suspecting that this is because the server never actually gets far
enough in its startup sequence to actually create the stdout and
stderr files.
What are the steps that I could do to investigate why the server (?)
fails to start properly.
I also had a vague idea that there was a firewall rule blocking
connections, I looked through Windows Firewall, but didn't really see
anything that would point to localhost connections being blocked or
I'm okay with doing debugging, would appreciate advice on the
procedure that I would need to do in order to get Visual Studio 2010
to step into the server process and poke around stuff.
Oh, dunno if this factoid means anything, but I'm able to use
Rip-Rip's clang_complete without issues, but I would very much rather
use YCM.
I never really did get an answer or solution to the central question of "how do I debug YCM under Windows" but I did solve the underlying problem of why YCM wasn't working for me, so for posterity (and other fellow despairing YCM users who may end up here via Google)
For me, YCM immediately crashed and burned. I figured the problem out by seeing a Windows system that had been working fine for me start exhibiting the symptoms.
The change: I had installed Python 3.x and switched it to being the system preferred python (by messing with paths, what do you expect with Windows?).
As it turns out (duh), YCM depends on Python 2.x and falls over when it can't find any of the libraries that it was trying to open.
I started going down the path of trying to locate exactly what the files YCM was trying to access and provide them locally in the YCM directory, but after spending five minutes on it, I decided that I wanted something simpler.
Since I still wanted Python 3.x to be the 'system' version, I settled for manipulating the path WITHIN Vim, so I added this before the YCM load,
if (has('win32') || has('win64'))
let $PATH = 'C:\Python27;' . $PATH
Hope that this saves somebody else some pain
