Xcode 4 Quick Help Not Showing Much iOS Information - xcode

Just installed Xcode 4 using the default installation and am programming an iOS application.
When I use the Quick Help feature however, the only thing that is usually displayed is the name of the selected symbol and what header file it is in. Is there any way to show more information, like what is shown in Quick Help samples in the Xcode 4 user guide, such as: Declaration, Abstract, Reference, etc. Or perhaps iOS does not have an extensive Quick Help?

Yes, that was it. Even though I did a default installation, including documentation, the documentation sets were not installed.
So I went to Preferences: Documentation, and then installed the documentation sets manually and now everything works.

In Xcode, got to Preferences -> Documentation (Thanks user542428) and press "Check and Install Now"* This will cause the iOs documentation to appear in the list, so that you can press "Get" to download it.
(I got thrown off by the '+' for a while, but it required knowing a URL.)
"Check and Install Now" will download the existing docs, so your internet connection may be tied up for a while.


Xcode Quick Help displays "No Quick Help" when viewing a single file

The quick help feature is working just fine when I open an Xcode project, however when opening a file (e.g. abc.swift) that's not in an open project, the documentation does not appear.
Here is an example:
Install the version of the Command Line Tools for your Xcode
`Xcode menu -> Open developer tools -> More Developer Tools
Restart Xcode. It helped me to see Quick Help again and also fixed git crash.
The below code worked for me. Run the following command from Terminal, then relaunch Xcode.
defaults delete com.apple.dt.Xcode IDEIndexDisable
As an occasional user of XCode, what I still needed to do was download the documentation, which was not installed with the XCode install and/or did not carry over from a previous version of XCode.
From the Preferences dialog, click the Components tab, click on Documentation, and then click the download button for Guides and Sample Code.
Probably obvious for regular users of XCode, but I thought I would write it out for anyone else having this problem, since this was at the top of the Google search.
This is what worked for me. I closed Xcode and then deleted ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode.
Then I reopened Xcode and checked. It worked after that. I'm currently on Xcode 10.2.1.
It's worked for me, just move the Xcode.app into Applications folder if not exist over here ;)

Is there any Editor in which I click on a line and it takes me to its definition defined in another page

I am working in a mobile app testing project. We do write feature files (like scenarios) in a simple Xcode editor as of now. What I want is if I click on any step written in my feature file, it should take me to its step definition which is written in another document and open that in that editor.
I don't know if this facility is available with Xcode editor but if it is, please let me know how I can use it.
Also I thought if Eclipse or any of its plugin could be used but I don't know how.
Please let me know if there is any Editor which could be used for that (selecting an step and it takes me to the page where it is defined). And also it should be able to get executed on my mac with terminal.
Thank you very much for any help. really!
P.S. I am using git (SourceTree, Xcode etc) and working for an iOS app.
I suppose you use standard XCTest framework for testing? The feature you're looking for is present in Calabash framework. See tutorial at https://www.natashatherobot.com/calabash-ios-tutorial/

Debugging Haxe with HaxeCpp and IntelliJ. DebugSocket not Found

I am currently trying to get the Haxe Debugger working with IntelliJ, using information from This video tutorial and This blog post.
At one point, the tutorial says that a DebugSocket object must be created in the "create" method of the main file. However, when I type this in, I get an unknown symbol error.
From what I understand, the DebugSocket object should be available from the hxcpp library (which I have included). However, the only options I am given if I type new hxcpp. are:
What am I doing wrong? Have I included the wrong library? Are these tutorials referencing an older version of the library? Is there anywhere I can find comprehensive documentation on how to use the hxcpp debug tools properly?
If this is easier with a flash build then I would consider this.
i haven't gotten hxcpp debugging to work (but i m sure it does). However, i find flash debugging to be easier. I assume you already have the project setup in idea (and isn't just using it as a simple text editor). This is the set of steps i took to get it to work:
Open the project structure (from the menu 'file', then 'project structure')
find the 'modules' section on the left, and select your module, then find the 'haxe' tab.
in the haxe tab, select compile with 'openfl', and target flash.
in the bottom part of the haxe tab, select a flex sdk.
if you don't have flex+air sdk installed, you can easily install it by going to http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/flex-sdk-download.html, and http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/air-sdk-download.html. make sure you remember where you installed it. An alternative place you can find it is via flashdevelop's 'tools', 'install software' menu (which by default installs to your C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/FlashDevelop/Apps/flexairsdk/4.6.0+4.0.0/.
you can add the sdk to intellij by selecting 'SDKs' on the left, and click on the '+', and then select 'flex/air' sdk. You need the flex plugin installed (whcih should be by default).
once you got your debug SDK setup, you can create a run configuration, and debug like you normally do (click on the debug run menu item or toolbar button).
One complication is that on windows, you potentially have a deadlock with haxelib not starting your app, and intellij hanging to wait for it. See https://github.com/TiVo/intellij-haxe/issues/123 - i have outlined a solution in the issue comment if you find that you also have this problem.
use this website : http://raintomorrow.cc/post/48029438701/setup-idea-intellij-for-haxe-nme-development for some screenshots (it's an older version of intellij tho).

Documentation in Xcode requires me to sign and then fails

Before I upgraded Xcode and the iOS SDk to 3.2.5 and 4.2 respectively I could select text in Xcode, right click and and select find text in documentation, and it would go to the corresponding place in the documentation, however now if I do that it asks me to sign in with my apple ID, and then it tells me I'm not authorized? However I can access the documentation in a normal web browser like chrome, it's just irritating to not have the convenience of selecting and right clicking. (NB I'm not a paying developer, but I never have been)
Why is this? Is it only me? and how do I fix it?
Here's a hacky but working fix, inspired by http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-tools-utilities/66298-unable-access-sdk-documentation-since-upgrade.html:
Open the file /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple.adc.documentation.AppleiOS4_2.iOSLibrary.docset/Contents/Info.plist
Change the DocSetFallbackURL value from https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/prerelease to http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/.
Relaunch Xcode, and voilĂ .
If you open the URL from DocSetFeedURL (in the same Info.plist) in Safari, you can download a .xar file of the documentation. Not sure what that file is, but I'm currently downloading it...
I'm a dev, also, but am blocked from accessing online documentation with "index.html is locked. Do you want to unlock it?" Type and it states that the file cannot be unlocked and suggests saving a local copy.
Here's what I see in the .plist file:
So, in short, access through Safari (inconvenient while working in Xcode-- contextual access not available-- or just download the files as suggested above.
If you're not a paying member of the iOS SDK program, then you can't access the online documentation via Xcode. Since you have the SDK, I would assume you are, so you may just be stumbling over a bug. In any case, you should open up Xcode Preferences and navigate to the Documentation tab (on the far right). By opening up this tab, Xcode will shortly attempt to download the full docsets that you are missing. You can tell this is happening because the right side of the rows will switch to saying "Getting...". You can also open the Activity window (in the Window menu) to see the progress of the download/install.

How to enable the Research Assistant in Xcode?

I created an empty project in Xcode and have added all of my source code files to it.
I do not have any build options/configurations set since the project was empty and I use my old Makefile from the command-line to build the app. Everything works - but...
My problem is that it is a tad annoying not to have the information at my fingertips since the Research Assistant isn't showing any information at all!
The Research Assistant is shown but it doesn't show any information, I guess that it must be instructed to so somehow - but how? Is there a way to enable the Research Assistant and how?? Also, note that I have all the documentation available (but not from the Research Assistant)!
Thanks in advance!
When using Xcode with Research Assistant displayed, I find it only shows info when you highlight something in your code. For example, if you had:
NSString *foo;
And you highlighted (clicked on) NSString then the Research Assistant will give you definitions of NSString, the API is belongs in, etc.
Ok, problem is kind of solved.
I tried to create a new simple iPhone project and then removed all of the included project files, instead of creating an empty project. Then I added my original files to the project and when I started editing - WHAM - the Research Assistant immediately showed all the gory details for all the symbols! :-)
But it is rather annoying to not know how to fix this manually from an empty project...
Additionally you can add your own items to the Xcode help system, and they will be displayed in the research assistant.
