SSRS 2005 Round(foo, 0) is rounding a decimal value of 12.6 to 12 instead of 13 - reportingservices-2005

I have a report field that can contain different types of data, therefore I need to do my rounding and formatting using functions.
In one case, I have a decimal(9,2) value storing hours that I need to display as minutes with zero decimal places.
Round(foo*60, 0), where foo = .01 (which is 0.6 when multiplied by 60), is outputting 1 like I would expect.
Round(foo*60, 0), where foo = .21 (which is 12.6 when multiplied by 60), is outputting 12 instead of 13.
Why? How can I get it to consistently use standard 4/5 rounding?

Take a look at this other stackoverflow question:
SQL Server Reporting Services Round() function
You are seeing Round to Even logic rather than mid point rounding.
This Wikipedia article has all the details about rounding:
Wikipedia Rounding Article

I can't reproduce your results. Perhaps you are hiding some other relevant details.
Declare #foo Decimal(9,2)
Set #foo = 0.21
Select Round(#Foo * 60, 0), #foo * 60
The output from the above code is 13.00 and 12.60 respectively.
Is it possible that the Foo column is a float, or that there is more precision in the foo column that you expect? For example, the following code produces 12 (instead of 13).
Declare #foo float
Set #foo = 0.208
Select Round(#Foo * 60, 0), #foo * 60, Round(#foo, 2)


How to read percentage as decimal number?

I'm trying to find the decimal value from a percentage that a user inputs.
For example, if a user inputs "15", i will need to do a calculation of 0.15 * number.
I've tried using .to_f, but it returns 15.0:
#=> 15.0
I also tried to add 0. to the beginning of the percentage, but it just returns 0:
15.to_s.rjust(4, "0.").to_i
#=> 0
Divide by 100.0
The easiest way to do what you're trying to do is to divide your input value by a Float (keeping in mind the inherent inaccuracy of floating point values). For example:
percentage = 15
percentage / 100.0
#=> 0.15
One benefit of this approach (among others) is that it can handle fractional percentages just as easily. Consider:
percentage = 15.6
percentage / 100.0
#=> 0.156
If floating point precision isn't sufficient for your use case, then you should consider using Rational or BigDecimal numbers instead of a Float. Your mileage will very much depend on your semantic intent and accuracy requirements.
Make sure you have ahold of a valid Integer in the first place. While others might steer you towards String#to_i, a more robust validation is to use Kernel#Integer so that an exception will be raised if the value can't be coerced into a valid Integer. For example:
print "Enter integer: "
percentage = Integer gets
If you enter 15\n then:
#=> Integer
If you enter something that can't be coerced to an Integer, like foo\n, then:
ArgumentError (invalid value for Integer(): "foo\n")
Using String#to_i is much more permissive, and can return 0 when you aren't expecting it, such as when called on nil, an empty string, or alphanumeric values that don't start with an integer. It has other interesting edge cases as well, so it's not always the best option for validating input.
I'm trying to find the amount from a percentage that a user inputs
If you retrieve the input via gets, you typically convert it to a numeric value first, e.g.
percentage = gets.to_i
#=> 15
Ruby is not aware that this 15 is a percentage. And since there's no Percentage class, you have to convert it into one of the existing numeric classes.
15% is equal to the fraction 15/100, the ratio 15:100, or the decimal number 0.15.
If you want the number as a (maybe inexact) Float, you can divide it by 100 via fdiv:
#=> 0.15
If you prefer a Rational you can use quo: (it might also return an Integer)
#=> (3/20)
Or maybe BigDecimal for an arbitrary-precision decimal number:
require 'bigdecimal'
BigDecimal(15) / 100
#=> 0.15e0
BigDecimal also accepts strings, so you could pass the input without prior conversion:
input = gets
BigDecimal(input) / 100
#=> 0.15e0

float, round to 2 decimal places - Processing

I started learning processing since a short time ago and I came across a problem; When deviding 199.999 by 200 I want to outcome to be with 2 decimals (so the outcome should be 1 rounded of). Without formatting the outcome is 0.999995.
Code for formatting to String with 2 decimal:
float money = 199.999;
int munten = 200;
String calc1 = nf(money/munten,0,2);
float calc2 = float(calc1);
I think float() wont work cause there is a comma in the String instead of a dot, I'm not sure tough. But how can I round a number to 2 decimal and still let it be a float?
Thanks for taking your time to read this,
When I run your example on Processing 3.3.6 / macOS 10.12 (US), I get "1.00" and "1.0". This could be due to your number formatting settings creating output strings that are then not read correctly by nf().
float money;
int munten;
String s;
float f;
money = 199.999;
munten = 200;
s = nf(money/munten, 0, 2);
println(s); // "1.00" -- or "1,0" etc. in different os language locales
f = float(s);
println(f); // "1.0" -- or NaN error if above is not 1.0 format
f = money/munten;
println(f); // 0.999995
s = nf(f, 0, 2);
println(s); // 1.00 -- or local format
You can see what should be happening more clearly in the second bit of code -- don't try to convert into a String and then back out again; don't store numbers in Strings. Instead, keep everything in numeric variables up until the moment you need to display.
Also keep in mind that nf() isn't really for rounding precision, although it is often used that way:
nf() is used to add zeros to the left and/or right of a number. This is typically for aligning a list of numbers. To remove digits from a floating-point number, use the int(), ceil(), floor(), or round() functions.
If you need to work around your locale, you can use Java String formatting in Processing to do so:
float fval = 199.999/200;
println(fval); // 0.999995
String s = String.format(java.util.Locale.US,"%.2f", fval);
println(s); // 1.00
See for more discussion of the Java approach.

How to get precision (number of digits past decimal) from a Ruby BigDecimal object?

Given the following expression for a new BigDecimal object:
b ="3.3")
How can I get the precision that has been defined for it? I would like to know a method that will return 1, as there is 1 digit after the decimal. I'm asking this because b.precision or b.digits don't work.
Thanks to Stefan, a method name for dealing with such information is BigDecimal#precs. Given that a BigDecimal object comes from a database, I don't know the precision of that database object. I have tried the following, but it does not seem useful for my situation.
b =, 2)
=> [18, 27]
How can I retrieve the 2 information/argument?
In Ruby 2.2.2 (and, I'm guessing, in prior versions), you can't get
back the precision that was given to BigDecimal::new. That's
because it is used in some computations; only the result of those
computations is stored. This doc comment is a clue:
The actual number of significant digits used in computation is
usually larger than the specified number.
Let's look at the source to see what's going on. BigDecimal_new
extracts the parameters, does some limit and type checking, and calls
VpAlloc. mf holds the digits argument to BigDecimal::new:
return VpAlloc(mf, RSTRING_PTR(iniValue));
In VpAlloc, mf gets
renamed to mx:
VpAlloc(size_t mx, const char *szVal)
The very first thing MxAlloc does is to round mx (the precision) up to
the nearest multiple of BASE_FIG:
mx = (mx + BASE_FIG - 1) / BASE_FIG; /* Determine allocation unit. */
if (mx == 0) ++mx;
BASE_FIG is equivalent to RMPD_COMPONENT_FIGURES, which has a platform
dependent value of either 38, 19, 9, 4, or 2.
There are further computations with mx before it is stored in the
BigDecimal being created, but we can already see that the original
argument passed to ::new is destroyed and not recoverable.

Logic in Custom Rounding off - VB Script - QTP

I have a data file where decimal points aren't specified for a decimal number. The number is just described in the layout for the data file as first 2 digits as real and next 2 digits as decimal and it varies for different fields, the real and decimal part
So an actual number 12345.6789 is specified as 123456789. When I want this to be rounded off to 2 decimal points to match the value in application, I use the below logic
Public Function Rounding(NumberValue, DecimalPoints, RoundOff)
Rounder= Roundoff+1
Difference = DecimalPoints - Rounder
NumberValue = Mid(NumberValue, 1, Len(NumberValue)-Difference)
NumberValue = RealNumber&"."&DecimalNumber
NumberValue = Cdbl(NumberValue)
NumberValue = Round(NumberValue, Roundoff)
Rounding = FormatNumber(NumberValue,Difference+1,,,0)
End Function
However the problem with this logic is that I am not able to round off decimals when the number has 0 as the decimal value
For an Example, lets take 12345.0000 which I want to round off to 2 decimal points
My function returns it as 12345 whereas I want this to be returned as 12345.00
Any ideas on how this logic could be tweaked to get the desired output or is that not possible at all?
To get the decimal places, use the Formatnumber function. See - the default is normally 2 decimal places, but it is region settings specific when using the defaults.
Your script also has a small issue if the decimalpoints variable matches the roundoff variable - it will not populate Rounding with a result. I am also not sure why you are comparing DecimalPoints to Roundoff (-1) ?
I've revised the entire routine - it should do what you want (although I don't know what values you are feeding it) - So now it will work like this:
Doing 4 digits:
Rounding (123450001, 4, 2)
Doing 2 digits:
Rounding (123450001, 2, 2)
Doing 4 digits (increments if > .5)
Rounding (876512345678, 8, 4)
Revised simplified function that should do everything you are asking:
Public Function Rounding(NumberValue, DecimalPoints, RoundOff )
RealNumber = Mid(NumberValue, 1, Len(NumberValue)-DecimalPoints)
DecimalNumber = Round("." & Right(NumberValue,DecimalPoints), RoundOff)
Rounding = FormatNumber(RealNumber + DecimalNumber,RoundOff,,,0)
End Function
Here's a working version of your Function:
Public Function Rounding(NumberValue, DecimalPoints, RoundOff)
DecimalNumber="." & Right(NumberValue,DecimalPoints)
NumberValue = RealNumber + DecimalNumber
NumberValue = Round(NumberValue,RoundOff)
Rounding = FormatNumber(NumberValue, RoundOff,,,0)
End Function
I'm pretty sure you won't be able to use the Round() function for what you need. Take a look at the FormatNumber() or FormatCurrency() functions as they have the option to "IncludeLeadingZero".
Take a look at the answer from the following link for more information:
vbscript round to 2 decimal places using Ccur

Automatic type conversion in Visual Basic 6.0

When we convert a float to integer in visual basic 6.0, how does it round off the fractional part? I am talkin about the automatic type conversion.
If we assign like
Dim i as Integer
msgbox i
What will it print? 5 or 6 ??
I was getting "5" a couple of months before. One day it started giving me 6!
Any idea whats goin wrong? Did microsoft released some patches to fix something?
Update : 5.5 gets converted to 6 but 8.5 to 8 !
Update 2 : Adding CInt makes no difference. CInt(5.5) gives 6 and Cint(8.5) gives 8!! Kinda weired behaviour. I should try something like floor(x + 0.49);
Part of this is in the VB6 help: topic Type Conversion Functions. Unfortunately it's one of the topics that's not in the VB6 documentation on the MSDN website, but if you've installed the help with VB6, it will be there.
When the fractional part is exactly 0.5, CInt and CLng always round it to the nearest even number. For example, 0.5 rounds to 0, and 1.5 rounds to 2. CInt and CLng differ from the Fix and Int functions, which truncate, rather than round, the fractional part of a number. Also, Fix and Int always return a value of the same type as is passed in.
Implicit type coercion - a.k.a. "evil type coercion (PDF)" - from a floating point number to a whole number uses the same rounding rules as CInt and CLng. This behaviour doesn't seem to be documented anywhere in the manual.
If you want to round up when the fractional part is >= 0.5, and down otherwise, a simple way to do it is
n = Int(x + 0.5)
And off the top of my head, here's my briefer version of Mike Spross's function which is a replacement for the VB6 Round function.
'Function corrected, now it works.
Public Function RoundNumber(ByVal value As Currency, Optional PlacesAfterDecimal As Integer = 0) As Currency
Dim nMultiplier As Long
nMultiplier = 10 ^ PlacesAfterDecimal
RoundNumber = Fix(0.5 * Sgn(value) + value * nMultiplier) / CDbl(nMultiplier)
End Function
Sample output:
Debug.Print RoundNumber(1.6) '2'
Debug.Print RoundNumber(-4.8) '-5'
Debug.Print RoundNumber(101.7) '102'
Debug.Print RoundNumber(12.535, 2) '12.54'
Update: After some googling, I came across the following article:
It is not a "bug", it is the way VB was
designed to work. It uses something
known as Banker's rounding which, if
the number ends in exactly 5 and you
want to round to the position in front
of the 5, it rounds numbers down if
the number in front of the 5's
position is even and rounds up
otherwise. It is supposed to protect
against repeated calculation using
rounded numbers so that answer aren't
always biased upward. For more on this
issue than you probably want to know,
see this link;EN-US;Q196652
This explains the (apparent) weird behavior:
Cint(5.5) 'Should be 6'
Cint(8.5) 'Should be 8'
Old Update:
Perhaps you should be more explicit: use CInt, instead of simply assigning a float to an integer. E.g:
Dim i as Integer
i = CInt(5.5)
MsgBox i
The changed behaviour sounds worrying indeed, however the correct answer surley is 6. Scroll down to "Round to even method" on Wikipedia, Rounding for an explanation.
As others have already pointed out, the "weird behavior" you're seeing is due to the fact that VB6 uses Banker's Rounding when rounding fractional values.
Update 2 : Adding CInt makes no
difference. CInt(5.5) gives 6 and
Cint(8.5) gives 8!!
That is also normal. CInt always rounds (again using the Banker's Rounding method) before performing a conversion.
If you have a number with a fractional part and simply want to truncate it (ignore the portion after the decimal point), you can use either the Fix or the Int function:
Fix(1.5) = 1
Fix(300.4) = 300
Fix(-12.394) = -12
Int works the same way as Fix, except for the fact that it rounds negative numbers down to the next-lowest negative number:
Int(1.5) = 1
Int(300.4) = 300
Int(-12.394) = -13
If you actually want to round a number according to the rules most people are familiar with, you will have to write your own function to do it. Below is an example rounding that will round up when the fractional part is greater than or equal to .5, and round down otherwise:
EDIT: See MarkJ's answer for a much simpler (and probably faster) version of this function.
' Rounds value to the specified number of places'
' Probably could be optimized. I just wrote it off the top of my head,'
' but it seems to work.'
Public Function RoundNumber(ByVal value As Double, Optional PlacesAfterDecimal As Integer = 0) As Double
Dim expandedValue As Double
Dim returnValue As Double
Dim bRoundUp As Boolean
expandedValue = value
expandedValue = expandedValue * 10 ^ (PlacesAfterDecimal + 1)
expandedValue = Fix(expandedValue)
bRoundUp = (Abs(expandedValue) Mod 10) >= 5
If bRoundUp Then
expandedValue = (Fix(expandedValue / 10) + Sgn(value)) * 10
expandedValue = Fix(expandedValue / 10) * 10
End If
returnValue = expandedValue / 10 ^ (PlacesAfterDecimal + 1)
RoundNumber = returnValue
End Function
Debug.Print RoundNumber(1.6) '2'
Debug.Print RoundNumber(-4.8) '-5'
Debug.Print RoundNumber(101.7) '102'
Debug.Print RoundNumber(12.535, 2) '12.54'
The VB6 Round() function uses a Banker's Rounding method. MS KB Article 225330 ( talks about this indirectly by comparing VBA in Office 2000 to Excel's native behavior and describes it this way:
When a number with an even integer ends in .5, Visual Basic rounds the number (down) to the nearest even whole number. [...] This difference [between VBA and Excel] is only for numbers ending in a .5 and is the same with other fractional numbers.
If you need different behavior, I'm afraid you'll have to have to specify it yourself.
