Processing script in IE8 - internet-explorer-8

Why processing.js is not running in IE8? For example the demo given in processing document

IE8 and before do not support <canvas> - no Internet Explorer before version 9 will work with Processing.js because of this.

I certainly agree with Mike regarding the limitations of IE8 and lower, but apparently it is still possible, though it doesn't work right out of the box. See related question "Has anyone got processing.js working in IE?"


CKEditor Crashes Edge Browser when you click on SOURCE

Just upgraded to Windows 10. Switching to SOURCE mode in CKEditor crashes the entire browser and cases to refresh. No way to access source.
Microsoft Edge is a new product, and so far, it has quite a few issues that need ironing out.
CKEditor introduced initial Edge support in version 4.5, but there are quite a few bugs that were reported by us to Microsoft and that need to be fixed on their side.
The issue that you describe was actually reported by us, too, you can find it here:
Anyone interested in having this fixed is probably most welcome to comment the bug report to highlight it's a show-stopper for many users. Sorry about any inconvenience caused.
As MicroSoft says this problem has been solved after update 1511.
Check this link: Browser crashes when using CKEditor (toggling from WYSIWYG to source mode)

Testing IE6 with Firebug Lite

I'm using IEtester to test in IE6, because the client want the page to be seen in it.
Till a few weeks ago, I could work as good as possible using the firebug lite Stable Channel in IE6 on the IETester. Now I can't! I don't know what changed... and I don't know how to work now, how to test the CSS online etc.
I have tried all the posibilities in Using the live link of each one, using the favorite button and/or downloading the firebug and adding a local link!
Nothing seems to work. Works only when I added this to the head of the page:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
But with that version I can't test the CSS live. I need to go to the CSS, write on the right column bla bla... thats the same as going to my own stylesheet page. That is not helping me...=(
I'm getting desperate with the IE6. Do you know a debugbug that I can use to test CSS live in a IE6 Tester?
If you had to work with IE6, how would you be working?
Please SOS me! =(
Thanks in advance.
You can try loading older versions of Firebug Lite, like this one which supports live editing of CSS rules:
The best way to get support for problems in Firebug Lite is creating an issue report in our bug tracker:
There is only way to do this 100% correctly and that is running a real version of IE6. Get VirtualBox(Free) and install a Virtual Machine with XP running IE6.

Adding support for IE8 to a pre-existing Protovis project

Background Info
I'm currently searching around for ways to add support for older versions of Internet Explorer for an existing project that uses Protovis (and therefore the tag). My searching around has led me to two main places:
Touches on the Chrome Frame plugin as well as SVGweb
Seems to be an integration of Protovis with SVGweb
So far, I've downloaded the examples from each of these and opened them up in IE8 and have had no success whatsoever. The exact version of the IE is 8.0.7600.16385 and is running on a 64 bit Windows 7 Machine, and for the sake of SVGweb, the Flash version installed is 10.2.152.
The question(s)
Since I've had no luck making any of these work, I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Can anyone verify that the examples found in and/or work in IE8? If not, is there any other way (preferrably server side, but if there is a plugin that users can download and install for IE8 that would be okay too) to make protovis work on older IE versions?
Thank you for any help or advice!
I never had any luck with either of those solutions either. However, have recently come up with a drop-in shim available from which worked right out of the box for me. The only drawback is that interactive aspects of your visualisation may not work in IE using the shim - I had some drag-select functionality that I had to re-implement with sliders under IE.

"dojo is not defined" - Firefox 3.5 issue?

Please take a look at this code:
Just tab off the "domain" input field to try to make the Ajax run.
(Note: the test Ajax web service always sends back the same message, it pretends to check if domain is available but it really doesn't).
When running in Firefox 3.5, I get "dojo not defined" on the dojo.xhrGet statement.
It works fine in IE7 and Chrome browsers, and one friend tested on Firefox 3.0 and it worked.
1) Is there something wrong with Firefox 3.5 not properly getting the dojo javascript from the CDN? Possibly a caching issue?
2) Do you Dojo gurus know of this problem? Is it something that has already been reported to Firefox?
Neal Walters
Update: 9/1/ afternoon - I have uninstalled and re-installed Firefox 3.5.2 (but I kept my profile settings), and got same problem. I'm on Windows Vista Ultimate.
Finally found the problem. It was the add-on called "No-Script". Even though I had set No-Script to allow scripts globally, something in that tool was causing the issue. I upgraded to new version of No-Script and still had problem. If I disable the add-on (from the Tools/Add-ons screen), then Dojo loads perfectly from the CDN and life is good again.
I probably lost 6-8 hours on this stupid issue. Hope this posts saves someone else the time. Please "vote-up" the answer if it does.
As I stated in my comment, on Firefox 3.5 (mac) works fine. Try to do the following on your Firefox browser, insert the dojo library url in the url bar:
Usually it helps to solve any cache problems and forces Firefox to fetch the file.
If it still doesn't work, just store dojo in your server and use it locally.
It's working fine here with NoScript enabled.
I just needed to allow both "" and "".

What are the major differences between IE7 and IE8 that a web developer should know?

I've just downloaded IE8, which replaced my IE7, but that's okay because IE8 has a 'compatibility view' which is meant to render pages like IE7 (not sure about the JavaScript).
I was wondering if there is a listing on the internet of all major differences a developer should know between the versions. I've searched Google a bit but haven't found a satisfactory listing.
So, what should I (or any other web developer) know about getting my site working optimally on IE8, and what are the major differences between the two?
I would start by looking here:
Internet Explorer 8 Readiness Toolkit
Differences between IE8 Compatibility View and IE7
IE8 Developer Resources
I don't think you'll find a comprehensive "gotcha" list of rendering quirks until more folks have it installed. There are a bunch of new features like Accelerators that you can develop to build new features into IE8. This looks like a good start.
