boost bind to a data member callback behavior - boost

Can someone please explain this piece of code?
struct Class {
boost::function<void()> member;
Class c;
boost::function<boost::function<void()>()> foo = boost::bind(&Class::member, &c);
boost::function<void()> bar = boost::bind(&Class::member, &c);
Why does the definition of bar compile and what is the result of it?
Edit: foo() works as expected, calling c.member(), but bar() doesn't.

The first call is used to "generate" an extractor functor. That functor, when called, will return the member that it was bound to.
The second call just hides the return type of the functor that is passed in (which is the same as in the first example). So essentially, calling bar will do nothing.

You would need to bind if your class was like that:
class Class {
void member();
Then what you want to do is that :
Class c;
boost::function<void()> the_function_i_want_to_call = boost::bind(&Class::member, c);;


C++: convert not from obj1 to obj2, but from obj1* to obj2?

A constructor for MyClass takes a pointer to another such object.
The C++ MyClass is functionally the same as a C "class" based on a typedef'd struct called MyType_T. (The C++ class is basically a wrapper to the old C code.) I'd like to be able to pass in a MyClass* anywhere I could pass in a MyType_T* before.
I'd like to write an automatic conversion of any MyClass* to MyType_T*, but I guess what's throwing me is that my type converter is written to take a MyClass not a MyClass*. Even though I'm sure that's the problem, I can't think of what syntax would solve it. I've thought about making a friend implementation of the cast, but I can't put it before the definition of class MyClass because it won't know the offset of thing. And I can't put after the definition of class MyClass because the MyClass constructor wants to use that conversion.
typedef struct MyStruct {
int iFoo;
struct MyType* ptypeParent;
} MyType_T;
void MyTypeCreator( MyType_T* ptypeSelf, int iFoo_in, MyType_T* ptypeParent );
class MyClass {
MyClass( int iFoo, MyClass* pclassParent ) {
MyTypeCreator( &thing, iFoo, pclassParent ); <--------------- PROBLEM
MyTypeCreator( &thing, iFoo, &pclassParent->thing ); <------- WORKS
operator MyType_T*() { return &thing; } <---------------- INCORRECT: attempts to convert MyClass, not MyClass*, to MyType_T*.
MyType_T thing;
QUESTION 1: how to write a convertor from MyClass* instead of MyClass?
QUESTION 2: how can such a convertor check for NULL input? (If thing isn't offset of 0, but say 8, then converting from a NULL pclass without a check would give a value of 0x00000008, not NULL...)

Difference between "def" and "static def" in Gradle

As the title, what is exactly the difference of these two defs in Groovy?
Maybe it's a documentation problem, I can't find anything...
A method declaration without static marks a method as an instance method. Whereas a declaration with static will make this method static - can be called without creating an instance of that class - see
def in groovy defines a value as duck typed. The capabilities of the value are not determined by its type, they are checked at runtime. The question if you can call a method on that value is answered at runtime - see optional typing.
static def means that the method will return a duck typed value and can be called without having instance of the class.
Suppose you have these two classes:
class StaticMethodClass {
static def test(def aValue) {
if (aValue) {
return 1
return "0"
class InstanceMethodClass {
def test(def aValue) {
if (aValue) {
return 1
return "0"
You are allowed to call StaticMethodClass.test("1"), but you have to create an instance of InstanceMethodClass before you can call test - like new InstanceMethodClass().test(true).

How to call a class function which only argument is &

Here's my code:
class Patient {
const int patientId;
const PatientKind kind;
const bool hasInsurance;
std::vector<ProcedureKind> procedures;
Patient(int, PatientKind, bool);
bool addProcedure(const ProcedureKind procedure);
double billing();
virtual double liability() = 0;
class Hospital {
Patient &addPatient(const PatientInfo &);
I don't know how to write:
Patient &Hospital::addPatient(const PatientInfo &)
Whatever I try to return or pass as argument gives me an error... Also, I don't understand what is this function expecting as an argument with just &?
Any kind of help / insight will be appreciated :D
Seems like you're trying to implement a header definition someone else wrote. That & means that the function expects a reference to an instance of PatientInfo. In the implementation, the only thing you have to do is to give the parameter a name like so:
Patient& addPatient(const PatientInfo& info)
// do whatever you need with 'info'
You can read more about c++ function declaration and implementation in any basic c++ text.

How to verify a method call through a functional interface with Mockito?

I'm using a Supplier to instantiate a field thread safe while avoiding consecutive calls to the synchronized method.
class MyClass extends AbstractClassWithContext {
Supplier<Foo> fooGetter;
Foo foo;
public MyClass() {
this.fooGetter = this::initFoo;
Foo getFoo(){
return fooGetter.get();
synchonized Foo initFoo(){
if(Objects.isNull( { = getContext().getFoo();
this.fooGetter = () ->;
When I'm running my Unit Tests I want to make sure that initFoo() is called exactly once. Sadly verify(classUnderTest, times(1)).initFoo() does not register that initFoo is entered. I debugged this and calling getFoo() does in turn enter initFoo.
Any ideas?
I assume your test code looks something like this:
MyClass spiedOnObject = spy(new MyClass());
verify(spiedOnObject , times(1)).initFoo();
The problem is that this.fooGetter = this::initFoo; is called before you start spying on the object. At this point this refers to the real object, not to the spy. And that reference is captured when the method reference is created. Therefore the call cannot be registered.

Single instance of an object

I'm trying to implement a singleton-like object with C++11. I got this example from another user.
It creates an object with the constructor and the copy constructor private and default, as well as an instance() function to return static object.
As I understand this should prevent the creation of two instances of this object. But as you can see in my main.cpp, I create two instances and it compiles and runs.
Is my object creation wrong or what? I don't get it.
#ifndef OBJECT_H
#define OBJECT_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Object
Object() = default;
Object(const Object&) = delete;
// Singleton in C++11
static Object& instance() { static Object z; return z; }
#endif // OBJECT_H
#include "object.hpp"
int main()
Object* object = new Object();
Object* object2 = new Object();
return 0;
When I try to compile your code, I get a proper error from the compiler:
main.cpp: error: calling a private constructor of class 'Object'
Object* ob1= new Object() ;
So I would not be able to create two objects using new.
First your code in main won't compile. Object default constructor is private, so you won't be able to do :
Object* object = new Object();
Second, as instance() is static (means not related to any instance) there is no need to call it from an object, the class name suffices :
Object& theInstance = Object::instance();
Finally, the code of instance is :
static Object& instance()
static Object z;
return z;
It's OK. A static variable in a C++ function means that the object is instanciated once : when the function is ran for the first time. Then z won't be destroyed at the end of the function (contrary to other so-called local variables) and will be re-used for next calls of instance.
So at first call of instance :
z is created
z z is returned
At next calls :
z is returned
A singleton is a class which implies only one instance will be created. You can verify the objects are the same with :
Object& a = Object::instance();
Object& b = Object::instance();
std::cout << &a << std::endl;
std::cout << &b << std::endl;
a and b should have the same memory adress.
This is the expected behaviour of a singleton : if the object construction function (instance) is called several times, the same instance will be returned.
So as you said, instance actually prevents the creation of two Object. Maybe you expected you program to return some error on the second call of instance. If you wan't this behaviour, you'll have to make it yourself using expections or returning NULL. Yet, The code you wrote shows the classic way singletons are done in C++.
