Hiding User Input - windows

I'm trying to get a script that works both in a native windows shell and a cygwin shell (via ssh) that prompts for and reads a password entered by the user. So far, I have tried the following methods:
using Term::ReadKey and setting ReadMode to 'noecho'
RESULT: returns an error GetConsoleMode failed and quits
using Term::ReadPassword::Win32
RESULT: hangs and never offers a prompt or reads input
using IO::Prompt
RESULT: returns an error Cannot write to terminal and quits
using Term::InKey
RESULT: returns an error Not implemented on MSWin32: The handle is invalid and quits
All of these work in a native Windows shell (command prompt or power shell), but none of them work when I'm in an ssh session to the server.
Really, that's what I'm most interested in, getting it to work in the remote ssh session.
I'm getting ssh via cygwin installed on the Windows server (2003 R2). I'm using strawberry perl and not the cygwin perl (cygwin perl breaks other perl scripts I need to run natively in Windows, not via ssh).
My best guess is that cygwin+Windows is screwing with strawberry perl enough that it can't tell what kind of environment it is in. I'm looking into alternative sshd+Windows solutions to explore this.
These are all the methods I've been able to find in my searching. Does anybody else have any other methods for hiding user input they can suggest?

use Term::ReadKey;
print "Please enter your artifactory user name:";
$username = <STDIN>;
ReadMode('noecho'); # don't echo
print "Please enter your artifactory password:";
$password = <STDIN>;
ReadMode(0); #back to normal
print "\n\n";

I would try outputting the environment variables (%ENV) during the sessions that work, and then again during the sessions that don't. I find that, when dealing with terminal IO, you have to carefully tweak the "TERM" variable based on things like the $^O variable and $ENV{SESSIONNAME} (in Windows).

how about Term::ReadKey's ReadMode(4)? i've just used this in a personal project, having found the answer here
works on cygwin / win7, can't vouch for native windows shell however.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Term::ReadKey;
sub get_input {
my $key = 0;
my $user_input = "";
# disable control keys and start reading keys until enter key is pressed (ascii 10)
while (ord($key = ReadKey(0)) != 10)
if (ord($key) == 127 || ord($key) == 8) {
# backspace / del was pressed. remove last char and move cursor back one space.
chop ($user_input);
print "\b \b";
} elsif (ord($key) < 32) {
# control characters, do nothing
} else {
$user_input = $user_input . $key;
print "*";
return $user_input;
# variables
my $password = "";
my $username = "";
print "\nPlease input your username: ";
$username = get_input();
print "\nHi, $username\n";
print "\nPlease input your password: ";
$password = get_input();


Retrieve output from HP Switch using Net::SSH2 Perl Module

I am trying to connect to HP Switch via SSH using Net::SSH2 Perl module (Windows OS). The script is able to connect and authenticate to the device, but the output is not getting retrieved. I am getting blank output.
I have tried with Net::SSH2 shell and exec both, but no luck till now.
Also tried with Net::SSH::Any, still no result.
Hp Switch Model : HP 5900 - 7.1.045
use strict;
use Net::SSH2;
my $ssh = Net::SSH2->new();
$ssh->auth(username => 'xxxxx', password => 'xxxxxx');
my $channel = $ssh->channel() or die 'Error creating channel';
print $channel "display supervlan\n";
print $_;
Can somebody please help.
Net::SSH::Any can use any of available backend ssh modules (under windows uses Net::SSH2 if available)
use Net::SSH::Any;
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Any->new(
port => "22",
user => "xx",
password => "xx",
strict_host_key_checking =>0
$ssh->error and die $ssh->error;
my ($out, $err) = $ssh->capture2("ls -l /");
print $out;

Get PowerShell output in Ruby

I am writing some automation script that needs to run PowerShell commands on a remote machine using Ruby. In Ruby I have the following code:
def run_powershell(powershell_command)
puts %Q-Executing powershell #{powershell_command}-
output = system("powershell.exe #{powershell_command}")
puts "Executed powershell output #{output}"
I can pass in Invoke-Command based ps1 files and everything works as expected. I can see the output in the console when I run the command.
The only problem is that there is no way to find out if the command run was successful; sometimes PowerShell is clearly throwing errors (like not able to get to the machine), but the output is always true.
Is there a way to know if the command ran successfully?
system(...) will actually return a value saying if it succeeded, not the output of the call.
So you can simply say
success = system("powershell.exe #{powershell_command}")
if success then
If you want both the output and return code, you can use `backticks` and query $? for the exit status (not the same $? as linked to in the comment to the question, by the way.)
output = `powershell.exe #{powershell_command}`
success = $?.exitstatus == 0
If you want a more reliable way that will escape things better, I'd use IO::popen
output = IO::popen(["powershell.exe", powershell_command]) {|io| io.read}
success = $?.exitstatus == 0
If the problem is that powershell itself isn't exiting with an error, you should have a look at this question
There is another option, and that is running the PowerShell from cmd. Here is the (pretty hard to figure out) syntax:
def powershell_output_true?()
ps_command = "(1+1) -eq 2"
cmd_str = "powershell -Command \" " + ps_command + " \" "
cmd = shell_out(cmd_str, { :returns => [0] })
if(cmd.stdout =~ /true/i)
Chef::Log.debug "PowerShell output is true"
return true
Chef::Log.debug "PowerShell output is false"
return false
I am comparing the stdout to true, but you can compare it to whatever you need.
described in blog

How can I do inplace editing (-i) with perl on windows?

In the unix/linux version, I'd simply change the first line:
#!perl -i.bak
Using Activestate perl on windows, where I've created the association with .pl, I can run a perl script directly from the command line.
How can I do inplace editing of files if I still want to use the default association?
Sounds like a trick question, and I wonder if I am understanding you right.
perl -pi.bak myScript.pl myfiletochange
Just call perl, supply the switches and the script name, and off you go.
Now, it may be that you do not want to supply these extra arguments. If so, you can simply set the variable $^I, which will activate the inplace edit. E.g.:
$^I = ".bak"; # will set backup extension
Since you are going to be using a script you might want to do something like this:
sub edit_in_place
my $file = shift;
my $code = shift;
local #ARGV = ($file);
local $^I = '';
while (<>) {
edit_in_place $file, sub {
if you want to create a backup then change local $^I = ''; to local $^I = '.bak';

bash time output processing

I know that time will send timing statistics output to stderr. But somehow I couldn't capture it either in a bash script or into a file via redirection:
time $cmd 1>/dev/null 2>file
$output=`cat file`
$output=`time $cmd 1>/dev/null`
I'm only interested in timing, not the direct output of the command. I've read some posts overhere but still no luck finding a viable solution. Any suggestions?
(time $cmd) 1>/dev/null 2>file
so that (time $cmd) is executed in a subshell environment and you can then redirect its output.
(Using GNU time /usr/bin/time rather than bash builtin) (Thanks #Michael Krelin)
(Or invoke as \time) (Thanks #Sorpigal, if I ever knew this I'd entirely forgotten)
How about using the -o and maybe -a command line options:
-o FILE, --output=FILE
Do not send the results to stderr, but overwrite the specified file.
-a, --append
(Used together with -o.) Do not overwrite but append.
I had a similar issue where I wanted to bench optimizations. The idea was to run the program several times then output statistics on run durations.
I used the following command lines:
1st run: (time ./myprog)2>times.log
Next runs: (time ./myprog)2>>times.log
Note that my (bash?) built-in time outputs statistics in the form:
real 0m2.548s
user 0m7.341s
sys 0m0.007s
Then I ran the following Perl script to retrieve statistics:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open FH, './times.log' or die "ERROR: ", $!;
my $useracc1 = 0;
my $useracc2 = 0;
my $usermean = 0;
my $uservar = 0;
my $temp = 0;
if("$_" =~ /user/)
if("$_" =~ /(\d+)m(\d{1,2})\.(\d{3})s/)
$temp = $1*60 + $2 + $3*0.001;
$useracc1 += $temp;
$useracc2 += $temp**2;
if($usercpt ne 0)
$usermean = $useracc1 / $usercpt;
$userdev = sqrt($useracc2 / $usercpt - $usermean**2);
$usermean = int($usermean*1000)/1000;
$userdev = int($userdev*1000)/1000;
$usermean = "---";
$userdev = "---";
print "User: ", $usercpt, " runs, avg. ", $usermean, "s, std.dev. ", $userdev,"s\n";
Of course, regular expressions may require adjustements depending on your time output format. It can also be easily extended to include real and system statistics.

Why can't I use more than 20 files with my Perl script and Windows's SendTo?

I'm trying to emulate RapidCRC's ability to check crc32 values within filenames on Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit. However, I seem to be running into some kind of argument limitation.
I wrote a quick Perl script, created a batch file to call it, then placed a shortcut to the batch file in %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
This works great when I select about 20 files or less, right-click and "send to" my batch file script. However, nothing happens at all when I select more than that. I suspect there's a character or number of arguments limit somewhere.
Hopefully I'm missing something simple and that the solution or a workaround isn't too painful.
batch file (crc32_inline.bat):
crc32_inline.pl %*
Perl notes:
I'm using (strawberry) perl v5.10.0
I have C:\strawberry\perl\bin in my path, which is where crc32.bat exists.
perl script (crc32_inline.pl):
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use File::Basename;
my $crc32_cmd = 'crc32.bat';
my $failure_report_basename = 'crc32_failures.txt';
my %failures = ();
print "\n";
foreach my $arg (#ARGV) {
# if the file has a crc, check to see if it matches the calculated
# crc.
if (-f $arg and $arg =~ /\[([0-9a-f]{8})\]/i) {
my $crc = uc $1;
my $basename = basename($arg);
print "checking ${basename}... ";
my $calculated_crc = uc `${crc32_cmd} "${arg}"`;
if ($crc eq $calculated_crc) {
print "passed.\n";
else {
print "FAILED (calculated ${calculated_crc})\n";
my $dirname = dirname($arg);
$failures{$dirname}{$basename} = $calculated_crc;
print "\nReport Summary:\n";
if (scalar keys %failures == 0) {
print " All files OK\n";
else {
print sprintf(" %d / %d files failed crc32 validation.\n" .
" See %s for details.\n",
scalar keys %failures,
scalar #ARGV,
my $failure_report_fullname = $failure_report_basename;
if (defined -f $ARGV[0]) {
= dirname($ARGV[0]) . '/' . $failure_report_basename;
open my $fh, '>' . $failure_report_fullname or die $!;
foreach my $dirname (sort keys %failures) {
print {$fh} $dirname . "\n";
foreach my $basename (sort keys %{$failures{$dirname}}) {
print {$fh} sprintf(" crc32(%s) basename(%s)\n",
close $fh;
print sprintf("\n%s done! (%d seconds elapsed)\n" .
"Press enter to exit.\n",
time() - $BASETIME);
I will recommend just putting a shortcut to your script in the "Send To" directory instead of doing it via a batch file (which is subject to cmd.exes limits on command line length).
