XCode 4 for Embedded Linux Kernel Development? - xcode

I'm trying to use XCode 4 (with external build utility) for embedded Linux on ARM kernel development. Please note that I have all the cross-compilers and tools working from the command line on the Mac, but would like to use XCode for comfort.
The standard make phase (make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi- uImage) seems to work just fine, but can't figure out how to:
(a) Create a target that needs interactive input in the shell (make ARCH=arm menuconfig). This always complains about "Error opening terminal: unknown", and as of XCode 4 it runs in the background. Any ideas how I can open an interactive shell in the foreground?
(b) Use arm-none-eabi-gdb as my debugger. This is optional but would be really neat.

a) Can you figure out how to launch the equivalent of an xterm containing the command? Or some IDE's have a checkbox option to run a command in an interactive window. Finally consider just doing any menuconfig-involved makes from the command line
b) Depends on if xcode can talk gdb's protocol in general. If it can, then its a matter of figuring out the whole gdbserver target launch procedure. If it can't you'll have to do text mode debugging or use a gdb-compatible front end.


Executing fortran script with single line from Windows cmd

I need to run a fortran (77) script from the Windows 10 command window, but it should be a one-liner. The reason is that the fortran scipt - a file called external_command.f - is actually part of a Matlab script, where I can run external code through the operating system's command window (by using the ! "bang" symbol or system()-command. I quickly want to point that out without focusing too much on Matlab). But I'm having trouble doing that in Windows.
So far I tried:
using a fortran compiler for Windows, like Msys2 (which has the functions of gfortran, as far as I understand). However, it looks like I have to start Msys2 first, which then opens a separate window, which Matlab doesn't seem to be able to use because it's not Windows cmd anymore
installing gfortran in Ubuntu using Windows 10's WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). Same problem here: the cmd window changes to a Ubuntu terminal before I can use any fortran scripts. Furthermore, I can't easily change files located in Windows with commands from within a virtual machine
If it's not possible to run fortran scripts in Windows 10 in a one cmd line, I'd appreciate some guidance on how to change my approach.
EDIT: after Ronald kindly explained in a comment how fortran works I think this whole (rather complicated) question is just based on my own misunderstanding of fortran. I'm pretty sure I can now solve the issue after compiling my fortran code and using the resulting exe file in my cmd-window.

XCode: custom lldb or adding args to existing one

Recently I found that it's possible to debug via lldb remotely but from command line. So the question: is it possible somehow to replace standard lldb with my version or to have any control over command line which is passed from xcode when it's launched.
there are two reason for doing this:
pure remote debugging, extremely convenient when debugging focus/eventTarget issues (window/process activation/deactivation)
debugging of root processes following the manual Debugging in XCode as root . I'm aware about "debug as root" in xcode 6 option, but it doesn't work for me for some reason... Also notice that there an option to select a debugger in lld Debugger/Attach to Process/By Process Identifier (PID) or Name... However the option is only.

How can I automatically run my programs in a Terminal window & debug with Xcode?

I am building a program on Mac OS that uses the curses library. When I attempt to run it inside Xcode, I get this error message:
Error opening terminal: unknown.
And then curses calls exit.
Obviously, it works from a Terminal window.
Is it possible to launch my program in a terminal window from Xcode? I know that I can use the "Wait for XXX to launch" option, but a lot of Xcode's helpfulness in starting programs vanishes that way, so I would be looking for another way.
Xcode uses GDB, or LLDB for debugging.
You can invoke them directly from a terminal. This way, your executable will be attached to a working one.
gdb path/to/my/executable
Then, from the GDB prompt, type:
To start your program in debugging mode.
Take a look at the GDB manual for learning stuff like debugging commands, breakpoints, etc.

Can I use my gdb to debug an XCode project

I have a XCode which builds and runs under XCode.
I would like to know if it is possible to debug it using a gdb I build under Mac OSX (gdb 7 to be specified). If yes, can you please tell me how can I do that?
Thank you.
gdb-7.0 reverse debugging currently can only work with two classes of targets:
1) a remote simulator/emulator/virtual-machine that supports going backwards, or
2) the built in "process record" target, which at present has only been ported to x86-linux, x86-64 linux, and moxie linux.
Well, now -- I take that back. I recently discovered that process record can work with any remote x86 target, so if you're connecting with your macintosh target via "target remote", you might just be able to do it!
There is an online tutorial for process record here:
More info about process record here:
And about gdb reverse debugging here:
So you want to use your own version of gdb to debug your executable? Easy!
Open Terminal, and do something like this:
$ cd <directory where Xcode project lives>
$ cd build/Debug (for example - depends on project configuration)
$ /usr/local/bin/my-gdb ./MyExecutable
Of course, specifying the actual path to your custom gdb version.
XCode's debugger is gdb (likely with Apple-specific modifications.) When you debug an application you can get to the gdb command line by opening the Console from the Run menu.
What requirements are imposed on your application that would require you to debug with your own version of gdb?

Trying to compile and debug C++ from Vim

I've been learning C++ and Allegro using Code::Blocks on Windows XP, and recently felt like learning Vim. However, I have no idea how to compile a program "manually" (i.e., without using an IDE).
For compiling from within Vim, I have gotten as far as setting the makeprg to gcc, but I understand I also need a makefile. What is that and how do I write one? Is it with the makefile that I can use libraries such as Allegro?
Also, I've gotten quite fond of the CB debugger (I'm using gdb). Is it possible to do something similar with Vim?
Thank you.
Look at MinGW. I would avoid Cygwin if you only need gcc and make. You'll want both MinGW and MSYS. MSYS has a windows port of make.
If you're interested in more unix utlities for the windows command line I recommend CoreUtils.
For learning make see the manual
You don't necessarily need a Makefile, but it's the preferred (and possibly sanest) way of compiling code on UNIX-like systems.
I don't know if GNU Make has a Windows port, but you can probably run it under Cygwin.
To learn more about GNU Make and Makefiles:
make (Wikipedia)
GNU Make
GNU Make Manual
Also, see this question: compile directly from vim
Mandatory edit: I don't use Windows or Cygwin. You might want to take epochwolf's advice on that department.
I'm not in expert in makefiles and debugging but I know that Vim lets you do many things.
For example if you want to compile a file with gcc, it's not very different from the usual way. In normal mode type:
:!gcc file.c -o file
In fact you can use (almost) every system command just by adding "!" in front of your command.
gdb also works with Vim
I hope it will help you.
To integrate vim with devenv, you can use devenv from Visual Studio to complie the project in vim. The command as follows:
Devenv SolutionName /build SolnConfigName [/project ProjName [/projectconfig ProjConfigName]]
Typicatlly, the devenv should located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE. Set it to the path of environment to make it callable from vim. We also need to make vim recognize the error messages thrown by the commandline build tool devenv. Just put the following lines in your vimrc:
" Quickfix mode: command line devenv error format
au FileType cpp set makeprg=devenv.com\ /Build\ Debug\ *[SolutionName]*
au FileType cpp set errorformat=\ %#%f(%l)\ :\ %#%t%[A-z]%#\ %m
Then You can use :make to compile and build the program from vim.
EDIT1: A few bookmarks you might find useful:
GNU make tutorial (this one uses gcc and make, so it should be right up your alley)
Another one
Win port of some of GNU utils Can was mentioning; I personally use these and haven't had any problems with them on Windows platform.
Yes, you can compile without the makefile. If your program is simple (for example, one file only) you can compile by calling the compiler and including the name of the program in the same line (don't remember how it goes with gcc). Of course, to make things easier this can be mapped to a key within vim, so you don't have to jump to command prompt and back.
If you are working on a bigger project, which consists of several files and such, than a makefile is useful. It will "search" through the files, determine dependencies, include them in the build, maybe put the source files in one directory and the resulting exe file in the other and such. So it is more of a linking and building system than just compiling.
Although the GNU make mentioned in Can Berk Guder's answer is a popular one, there are quite a number of other tooks for "building makefiles" ("makefile" has become a type of synonym for that kind of operation) - here, you can see some other options on this link. Due to its part in history vim has good support for :make, but others can be easily used as well (there are a lot of texts on this subject on VimWikia.
Well, that's it. Just my 0,2 euros :)
As long as you have GNU-make installed (with cygwin or mingw under windows), you don't need to write a makefile for single-file projects. Just run :make from vim, and that's enough.
If your project is made of several files, then you will have to write a makefile (or any equivalent for scons, aap, (b)jam, ant, ...), tune your &makeprg in consequence, and finally call :make from vim. See the relevant category in vimtips. You can of course run the compiler as you would have ran any other external tool, but you would loose the possibility to jump to the line(s) of the error(s).
NB: if you are using the win32 version of vim, and gcc-cygwin, you'll need to translate the error messages obtained. I used to maintain a perl script for this purpose, it is now part of a bigger suite (still in beta stage)
Regarding your question about debugging, it can't be done from vim under windows for the moment. The only debugger that can be integrated so far is gdb, but under linux only ; see the pyclewn (.sf.net) project.
I'm not sure about debugging, but I know an easy way to compile and run the current program as I wrote a small vim plugin to do so.
It assumes you are using the g++ compiler. If not, just change the name to the compiler you're using. Save this file to whereveryouinstalledvim/ftplugin/cpp.vim
In order to compile and run the currently open program, just type shift-e while in non-editing mode.
