Ruby Video Tutorials [closed] - ruby

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Closed 10 years ago.
I know nothing about ruby.
Do you know some beginner video tutorials for ruby? And also tutorials for Ruby Enterprise development?

There is a fun tutorial for ruby : Rails for Zombies
Learning Rails for the first time should be fun, and Rails for Zombies allows you to get your feet wet without having to worry about configuration. You'll watch five videos, each followed by exercises where you'll be programming Rails in your browser.
In addition, there a lot of casts about rails on railscasts.

It's not video, but it's a great resource that won't waste your time, "The Well-Grounded Rubyist Covering Ruby 1.9 David A. Black":
I've worked through the text using a MacBook, rvm, git, textmate, and iTerm, which are all good supporting tools IMHO.
rvm :
If you are ultimately aiming to try Rails as well, Michael Hartl's "Ruby on Rails Tutorial" is free on-line and is highly recommended. This includes a lot of fundamental Ruby teaching. There are accompanying screencasts that are $$$, but they are well reviewed.
Took me a while to stumble upon the excellent work of Black and Hartl, so I thought I'd share them here even though they are not video. They are the two highest yield sources that I have personally used for learning Ruby and they are likely to save you time.

There are some video tutorials on all the basics of the Ruby language over at, but from his last post it seems that the site is probably dead. However the videos are still worth a watch, especially since they're free.

There are on, but for $$$. You can get monthly subscription for about 30$ I think.

I recommend this course

Also good course Ruby Essential Training but for money

Not sure if there are any beginner video tutorials for ruby. If you are a total newbie, I would recommend picking up a copy of Chris Pine's book Learn to Program
If you want to learn Rails, Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial is the best resource for any beginner who wants to learn Rails - in my opinion. It takes the reader through everything required to become a decent web-developer. The book is available for free on-line. There are 15 hours of screencasts as well to guide one through the tutorial. At $95, the PDF/screencast bundle is a steal!


Ruby web pages without any framework from scratch [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm trying to learn ruby for web from scratch. I know PHP and I'm new in ruby. I don't want to use any framework at beginning. Trying to create simple 2 - 3 pages for practice. I search a lot but not got any example to create webpage from ruby and racks and to run it in any browser.
Guys please share if you do have any URL or online material to get start.
Writing a simple CGI in Ruby is easy, however, explaining how is beyond the scope of Stack Overflow.
To start, read Wikipedia's Common Gateway Interface article so you have a basic idea of what a CGI has to return. Pick apart the Perl example; You should be able to figure out what's going on easily enough. Read through the article and compare what it says to what the code example is doing.
Next, look at Ruby's CGI module, because it will help you parse incoming form information, and encode/decode URLs and HTML. Look at the table of environment variables, and you'll see the same things passed in that are mentioned in the Wikipedia article. Next, notice the params() method, which is how you access form variables. Follow that by reading the "Writing output" and "Generating HTML" sections, and nose about in the examples. You should be on your way then.
Once you've done that, you should take a look at the Sinatra gem. It's a very nice, easy to use, framework that is well suited for general web use, and, after getting an understanding of how a CGI works, you'll be in a good place to appreciate what Sinatra does for you. Additionally, I highly recommend using HAML with Sinatra. It's a short-cut language for generating web pages, similar to ERB, but less verbose.
You'll find that PHP has shielded you from a lot of the knowledge needed to write a "normal" web application using a CGI. That's OK if you already know that stuff, but it's bad if you have never done lower-level code, or are trying to use different languages, because knowing the CGI layer provides a lot of knowledge that is needed to understand the whole HTTPD stack. Once you know the CGI layer, things like Sinatra, Rails, Django, Mojolicious and all the other frameworks out there suddenly make more sense, and you'll know when to take advantage of them or roll your own. And, PHP's place in the HTTP server will be clearer too, allowing you to pick and choose your tools better for the job at hand.
Something like this should do it:
Check out Ben Scofield's talk from RubyConf 2008 - Building my own Web Framework Should give you some idea about what is involved in building a web app with ruby from scratch without using any frameworks.
The answers to this previous question should be helpful as well: Complete web apps in Ruby without using any frameworks - how difficult? Pitfalls?

Yammer's Experience w/ Scala [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have been advocating using Scala at my company. One of my co-workers forwarded me this link tonight
I was hoping to get some constructive feedback from the SO community about this. I don't want this to turn into a flaming thread, but if there are legitimate concerns floating around out there I think it would be beneficial to discuss possible reasons and best practices that can avoid others falling into such traps.
I will say that I have been loving Scala and have not run into any of the problems that are mentioned. My application is also not very hashmap intensive, which appears to be where a fair number of their problems came from.
[Edit - apparently I need a question!]
The question is, do you think that the problems described are systemic to Scala, or more unique to their environment? If they are systemic, are there some good guidelines for a company that is just getting started with Scala to follow so that they don't end up in the same boat in 2 years?
Issues Described
Language Complexity
Systemic issue. Scala is unlikely to get less complex, whether or not that is a problem depends on the developers that are working with it. For me, it is complex enough to keep me interested and engaged, whereas pure Java can be mind-numbingly boring. My suspicion is that if Scala is way too complex for a particular developer, it is unlikely they're going to be top-notch dev when it comes to Java as well.
So this one guy says the only way to do this is with a bijective map
on a semi-algebra, whatever the hell that is, and this other guy says
to use a library which doesn't have docs and didn't exist until last
week and that he wrote. The first guy and the second guy seem to hate
each other. What's the Scala way of sending an HTTP request to a
That quote is pretty funny, but this is obviously a non-systemic issue with Scala. His main complaint about a lack of consensus regarding best-practices is relevant to all up-and-coming languages. I think Java developers have been spoiled in a way -- having gotten used to being part of such an enormous community where pretty much everything has been done before and possibly already standardized.
Build Toolchain
Another non-systemic issue.
This one does worry me a little bit and I can see getting frustrated very fast having to uncover previously unknown performance gotchas. I suspect for years to come there will be some pretty big performance penalties depending on how you use certain aspects of the language -- so people will have to exercise caution and make their own analysis regarding each project's performance requirements.
I concur with his sentiments here:
Despite the fact that we're moving away from Scala, I still think it's
one of the most interesting, innovative, and exciting languages I've
And finally I would urge people to read Stephen Colebourne's blog with some degree of skepticism, because his personal disdain for the Scala language seems a bit oversize relative to the arguments.

How do I get started with image processing? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am really interested in image processing. I downloaded OpenCV and started playing with it. But I think I lack the knowledge behind image processing. I would like to learn the basic fundamentals of image processing.
I searched for open course from MIT or other universities but didn't seem to find any good tutorial. I did find some slides, but they seem useless without the actually presentation. I searched for online tutorial but mostly they are not for beginners.
Is there a good online tutorial for image processing for beginners?
I recommend two books:
(1) R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, Aug. 2007.
(2) G. Bradski and A. Kaehler, Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library, 1st ed. O'Reilly Media, Oct. 2008.
Visit the OpenCV documentation to get updated reference to the OpenCV functions (the Learning OpenCV book uses version 1.0 but the current version is 2.3). You can buy cheap access to the digital version of the book using Safari Books.
I really like Rich Szeliski's Computer Vision book which has a nice mix of theory and practice. You can also access the electronic drafts for free.
Other good ones are Hartley and Zissermann's Multi-View Projective Geometry and David Forsyth's Computer Vision: A Modern Approach
Sometimes the old fashioned way is best. I'd start by looking at what books could help me learn the subject.
Reading books is IMO definitely the way to go here.
The Learning OpenCV book also contains background information about the image processing tasks that can be executed with OpenCV. It might be a nice way of learning to immediately put in practice what you learn and read.
The OpenCV Wiki actually lists a few books they recomend, including one from O'Riley which I have always found to be a good source for learning.
Alan Peters Lectures on Image Processing
PDF files:
MIT OCW: Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
See page
This site has tutorials in pdf format explaining how to do basic image processing with Microsoft C# (which is free of charge from Microsoft).
It also introduces and explains the mathematical notation that you will find in image processing books.

Learning Ruby, but First Finding out what it is? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have just bought a Ruby on Rails book, but I am going to learn Ruby as much as possible through the internet first.
The first thing I need to know is, what is Ruby and what do I need to run it?
Is it likely to be installed on my Linux/Apache server or will I need to have them install it? Is it even a web based language or is it like Java or C, any help, advice, tips all gratefully received, especially if you can point me to a good tutorial to start me off.
I would take jaunt over to the Ruby website - and begin there. Personally, I found this site to be a good introduction to Ruby - There is a site where you can run the code without even installing it - I think this should allow you to get to know the language well enough to decide if you want to go any further.
what is Ruby
A programming language.
and what do I need to run it?
A computer that has Ruby installed.
I'd start with (including the tutorial in the link).
Beyond that, IMO another excellent activity to learn Ruby is the Ruby Koans, which help you learn idiomatic ruby through fixing failed unit tests.
Book-wise, for Rails I had good luck with Head First Rails. I'm currently chewing through The Ruby Way, which has been great for learning more idiomatic Ruby.
If your interest is in learning Ruby on Rails, and are a total beginner, you would do well to start with Michael Hartl's
It is the best one-stop resource for a newbie; and it is a much efficient way to learn rails than to go about learning stuff on the internet.
In addition to teaching Rails framework, the book teaches the reader about the tools essential to existence in the Rails Community, such as Git, GitHub, Heroku, RubyGems, Test Driven Development with RSpec. There is adequate treatment of relevant topics required for becoming a Rails developer - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the relevant parts of Ruby language. And there are suggestions for further reading to advance the skills in each of these.
The book begins with a chapter with easy to follow steps for installing all relevant components on various OSes, including Linux.
When I learned Ruby and Rails I started with Pragmatic Programmers' Agile Web Development with Ruby on Rails (1st edition) and worked my way back into Ruby from there. If I had it to do over I would have picked up Programming Ruby (also from Pragmatic Programmers) at the same time--as it was I picked up bits and pieces of Ruby as I went, and didn't really sit down and learn Ruby for about a year, even though I was creating Rails apps for production.
These days I think Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial site, already mentioned, is the best way to go.
In addition, Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book is an overlooked but good introduction to the Ruby language. It's available as a free PDF.
Learning Ruby the Hardway is a good book to start with

What IDE / Editor do you use for Ruby on Linux? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I've been using vim, but after reading this question was wondering what is being used in the linux world.
There's also Netbeans:
If you'd rather be using a light text editor instead of a heavy IDE, then I'd highly recommend going with GEdit with some additional plugins.
Here's an excellent guide on how to turn your GEdit into a "Linux Textmate":
Pimp My GEdit
If you want more of a IDE, then Netbeans is the current benchmark for Ruby IDEs.
I have used and really like Ruby Mine from JetBrains. It's been around since around 2008, here's the link for that:
I use Diakonos. Written in Ruby, you can script it with Ruby, and manipulate text with Ruby. No dependencies (except Ruby itself).
I use Eclipse with Aptana RadRails:
but if you need only Ruby you can use RDT instead:
I'm surprised no one has mentioned jEdit - it has a whole slew of plugins for Ruby, and unlike many other editors with Ruby support, it is very stable. There are edit modes + syntax coloration for erb, rb, javascript, haml, etc. etc. I have it set up basically to mimic TextMate, with some Eclipse-isms. It doesn't do code completion to the nines, but it does at least try to complete from the current buffer. It also has very extensible key stroke configurations and the ability to record/playback macros.
I'm assuming you be using Ruby for the web? Aptana IDE with the RADRails plugin would have to be the best choice.
I really like using Geany for ruby and rails work.
I wouldn't affirm an IDE is better than other. Everyone has its pros an cons.
When I'm lazy I'd use Netbeans because it's comprehensive. An overkill in computer resources, but usefull if you are learning.
I've had bad comments about Aptana... maybe some of you that recommend this may have to convince me otherwise.
GEdit + Rails plugin may be a good alternative. And VIM is awfully powerfull but the learning curve is steeper (but once you get the taste of it, productivity will increase for sure).
It all depends on what you want.
I personally use vim as an editor as the default ruby tools as the rest of my IDE.
If you are looking for a more "heavyweight" IDE look at Eclipse ( or netbeans (Google for link).
There are a number of in-the-middle options which behave differently and have different features. Google is your best best when it comes to these.
Also - please see Ruby and linux, preferred setup?
If I could close this question for being a dupe - I would.
komodo Edit is the best choice.
