Intemittent Cannot create ActiveX component - windows

Everything was working fine, and then our code starts throwing:
Cannot create ActiveX component when we try to create a com object.
We reboot the server a couple of times and it goes away
Then after a while it comes back
This is driving us nuts. Any help appreciated.

I apologize that the question was vague. However we had no clue what was causing the problem so what facts would have been relevant?
At any rate it turns out we have two web apps running under IIS, both are trying to create ActiveX components. As soon as we turn one of the web apps off the problem goes away.
After we verified this behavior, we tried calling some simple ActiveX components (like excel). Lo and behold exactly the same behavior as long as there are more than two web apps running.
Our solution for now is to host the second web app elsewhere.


Mac/iPad Results in Dropped Blazor Server-side Connections

I recently received a report from a Mac/iPad user who used my Blazor server-side application. The problem seems to be that when they put the Safari browser in the background (e.g. switching to another application like Twitter to talk with me), the application disconnects:
This does not occur with any device/browser combination that I have tried with Windows (my native/development environment).
I am in the process of acquiring an iPad to test this on in my local environment, but I am wondering if anyone out there has had any experience with this and/or if there is a remedy to it.
Any assistance/pointers would be appreciated.
According to this Reddit thread, this appears to be due to a known issue:
It is captured here in this issue with Github:

Xamarin Notification Service Extension Problems

I have several issues with implementing this extensions.
I get the service to run in one project but then in another it doesn't fire at all.
I get the service to fire on some devices and not on others.
The service sometimes works in pulling a NSUrl call but fails on the identical call later on.
I have read the post:
Xamarin Notification Service Extension issue
Is there a better solution than reverting to Objective-C and replacing the appex and resigning? Also, has anyone else experienced the inconsistencies with devices? Any reason why it works for one project and then has trouble working in another?
I got it working after a LOT of tries. It only works in release mode.
It has to do with a bug in Debug mode. Details are here (in the comments).

Debugging AngularJS web app in Firefox extensions

I have created a Firefox extension that loads an iframe. That iframe loads a web application built using AngularJS. Is there anyway to inspect what is going on? The application loads but I have 2 input boxes that I am unable to type in.
I've developed the extension in both XUL and using the Add-On SDK and both of them don't allow me to interact with the input box. I've further noticed that when I remove the ng-model attributes, interaction works. It seems like data binding is an issue.
Any ideas?
Without seeing the code, it's hard to say what's going wrong. If I were running into this problem (and I've run into similar ones), I generally fall back to editing the Angular source, and adding dump (or console.log) statements to try and trace what's going on. It's pretty terrible, but it usually gets the job done.
Good luck!
This question is kinda old by now, but as a reference for people coming here from a web search:
you might want to look at this SO question that lists some things that can go wrong with AngularJS inside XUL extensions, together with some solutions.

AJAX works online but not on my computer

I've been having problems testing AJAX on my computer, the code works fine online but not on my system, is there something I am missing?
I've had this problem with pretty much any kind of AJAX and even some javascript code. I know the code itself is correctly since it's functioning online as intended, but why wouldn't run on my PC? Everything I am trying to do is basic coding, no database, or advanced functions of any kind, simple interface changes and such.
I don't have any specific code to post since its a general problem i'm having, but any thoughts are appreciated. Could it be a document type issue? I tried blank and a couple of others but none seemed to matter.
Ill bet that you are having a same origin policy issue. If you are loading the page by going to localhost:<port>/app and then your javascript tries to go to anywhere other than localhost the browser will stop it for violating the policy.
I have had strange problems testing AJAX locally before. To fix this I install ultidev's Cassini web server and run the application on that and it seems to work.
You need to set up a webserver with either php running or something like it. A desktop PC is not a web server by default.

Remote Wipe application in android

Is there any Remote wipe application which will be working on deleting the data in Emulator by sending an SMS from other emulator?? I found some of the free applications in android market on Remote Wipe.. But they are not working..
Please let me know if any of the application is working on Emulator
Thanks in advance
There is just one remote wipe application I have come across.
I have been trying to write one such application myself but I believe the permissions required are 2nd level and 3rd level permissions (check this link and this link). Thats is the reason I am unsuccessful as yet. I believe that you basically need to sign the package with the same signature as the OEM manufacturer to be able to grant those packages to your device.
If by an stroke of luck you do happen to make one successfully, please let us know the permission you have used to make such a thing possible! =)
EDIT: Okay I supposed I am wrong. I believe in android 2.2 it is possible to remote wipe your. I have not completely understood how to implement the function or the class yet, I plan to work on it as soon as I can spare some time. :)
Well I have been looking at the SDK for some time now, and I can confidently tell you below 2.2, I am pretty sure there is no way I know of to remote wipe your data. I have although read on the mailers list that there is a function that enables a third party client to create a remote wipe application as you may have seen in my post above. I have actually use my own port of android on a device and have just used the brick, but if I do come across any reference that can show how you could achieve what you desire, I would be happy to leave a post here. Regards Shouvik.
also for formatting the SD card I came across a permission that you can request, I guess you follow that you end up at the method.
