JSP drop down list - using selected item - model-view-controller

I have a drop down list and a form with a few textboxes. I would like to populate this form with details of selected item in the drop down list.
I'm doing this in java MVC app (or wannabe) and I have in my jsp page something like this:
<select name="item">
<c:forEach items="${persons}" var="selectedPerson">
<c:set var="person" value="${selectedPerson}" />
<option value="$selectedPerson.id">${selectedPerson.LastName}</option>
Persons is a list of the Person class.
I wonder is it possible to use the variable 'person' directly to fill the form, for example:
<textarea name="name" rows="1" cols="34" >
so that the rest of the form updates when the selectedPerson is changed?
I know how to do this within c#, but I don't have experience with java technologies.
Is it necessary to submit the form to servlet to do this, or it can be done on the client, since I have all my data in the persons list, from the moment of populating the drop down list?

The ${} syntax is JSP syntax, which will only be parsed and run once on the server to generate the HTML, and then sent down the wire as HTML. The changes to the select list then just happen in the client browser: the server doesn't know anything about them.
What you want to do is register a javascript listener on the select box. You should look into using a library ideally to help you do this. JQuery is a very popular solution and is worth reading up on if you're going to be doing this type of development.
If you end up using JQuery, you'll want to do something like the following
<select id="item" name="item">
<c:forEach items="${persons}" var="selectedPerson">
<c:set var="person" value="${selectedPerson}" />
<option value="$selectedPerson.id">${selectedPerson.LastName}</option>
<input name="lastName" id="lastName" type="text"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("#item").change(function() {
$("#lastName").val($("option:selected", this).text());
This will make more sense once you've read a basic JQuery tutorial, but basically what it does is that each time the select list changes value, it gets the selected option and sets it's content to the lastName input field. Hope this helps.


Thymeaf Calculated URL Value

I need to get a value from the select component of my page and set its value as a parameter in the href.
<td class="body-item mbr-fonts-style display-7"><a th:href="#{/export(exportEntity='Person',semester='javascript:document.getElementById(\'semester\').value')}">Download</a></td>
Semeter variable has the value at my server side:
semester = javascript:document.getElementById('semester').value
and not the dropdown value.
Unfortunately, this code is not picking the value from the select component. Any guess what I have done wrong here.
Thymeleaf runs on the server, while JavaScript runs on the browser. You can't mix it like that.
It's difficult to say what to do, because your question is lacking context, specifically: What is the element with the id semester?
If it's a select element (or another form element), then it would be possible to use neither Thymeleaf nor JavaScript, but a simple form:
<form method="get" action="/export">
<input type="hidden" name="exportEntity" value="Person">
<select name="semester">
<option value="A">Semester A</option>
<option value="B">Semester B</option>
<input type="submit" value="Download">
Clicking on the button will have the browser generate an URL such as /export?exportEntity=Person&semester=A and go to it.

How can I get items from a List element for dropdown menu for Spring forms?

I want to use a list element for drop-down select menu but it implemented everywhere with model. I use Spring I want the user to select items from a static list.
There are some use like
<form:select path="...." items=$(......)>
but it needs a model for items as I understood. Also I don't want to post anything I just need the value of the select menu and I will do everything with JS. How can I achieve this?
My List element:
private static String[] lang = {"en","fr","tr","es","de"};
I tried to use List like that but didn't work. I mean every form elements gone.
<form:form commandName="TranslateService">
<div class="form-group col-sm-6">
<label class="control-label" for="first-name">Target Languages<span class="required">*</span>
<form:select path="lang" items="${lang}"></form:select>
it's a hard way to solve your question. instead of this you can create a model for form.

Autocomplete datalist on Thymeleaf

I'm building a view with Thymeleaf templates, which contains a form that provides a way to bind the value of my inputs with the attributes passed in the model. The backend was developed using Spring 4.
The following snippet includes an autocomplete datalist with the data of the namelist object, which was added to the model as an attribute. Said namelist is an ArrayList of a class with the fields int id and String name.
<form th:action="#{/}" method="POST" th:object="${example}">
<div class="form-group">
<input list="names" class="form-control" id="nameinput" th:field="${example.num.id}"> </input>
<datalist id="names">
<option th:each="row : ${namelist}" th:value="${row.id}" th:label="${row.name}">
The value of the selected option is already bound to example.num.id, which is the expected and desired behaviour. However, when loading the view on a web browser (tested on latest Firefox and Chrome), it is represented like this:
As you can see, the id's are showing. However, I'm trying to emulate the behaviour of a <select>; the value should not be shown, just the text or label.
Is there a better way to achieve this? Am I not using the datalist properly?

Ajax-Generated Element Values In Form Won't Post to PHP

Although I'm getting correct options for an ajax-generated drop-down (based on the selection of another), I'm not seeing the value post to the PHP script. However, I see all the values from the normal HTML elements (not generated by ajax). What am I missing?
1. HTML produced by my scr_ajax.php script. - OK
$options is produced by the SQL query and the resulting selections are accurate. This is nearly identical to drop_down_1.).
<td>Drop Down 2</td>
<select name="drop_down_2" id="drop_down_2" value="" style="width:100%">
2. Where the ajax-generated HTML data goes.. - OK
Properly receives AJAX-generated form element above for the 2nd drop-down.):
<tr id="ajaxContent">
3. Regular 'ol submit button.. - Not OK
drop_down_1 can be captured in $_POST data, but drop_down_2 cannot. I know I'm missing something here..)
<input type="submit" value="Submit Request" />
better start using jquery for everyday tasks.
[UPDATE: 11-25-2012]
I'm now able to combine the HTML and AJAX-generated post results by using the jQuery submit listener and populating the hidden field. However, this seems like more of a special technique/workaround as opposed to a more direct approach.
1st, I added the hidden input element:
<input type="hidden" name="drop_down_2" id="drop_down_2" value="" />
2nd, I added the jQuery submit listener:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#form_name").submit(function() {
var field = "drop_down_2";
var param = document.getElementById(field).options[document.getElementById(field).selectedIndex].value;
document.forms[0].elements[field].value = param;
[UPDATE: 12-01-2012]
It sounds like the proper solution involves mastery of the serialize function. I will post an update upon verification.

Form fields added via AJAX fail to load into the $_POST array

I've got a plain and simple HTML form which allows people to order some brochures. The form first loads with something looking a little like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var tableRowN = 1;
<form id="Order" name="Order" method="post" action="includes/orderCheck.php">
<input id="name" type="text" name="name" width="100" />
<table id="orderingTable">
<tr class="lastRow">
<td><div id="itemGroupdiv1">
<input type="text" class="disabled" name="itemGroup1" id="itemGroup1" />
<td><div id="itemCodediv1">
<input type="text" name="itemCode1" id="itemCode1" class="disabled" />
<td><div id="itemCodeVersiondiv1">
<input type="text" class="disabledSmall" id="itemcodeversion1" name="itemcodeversion1" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit"/>
Then when the user wants to add a new line to the table he can click a button which fires the following javascript function to grab the new table code via AJAX and insert it.
function createItemLine() {
$('tr.lastRow').attr('class', '');
$('#orderingTable').append('<tr class="lastRow"></tr>');
url: "/orderingTable.php?rNumber=" + tableRowN,
cache: false,
success: function(html){
The AJAX function then runs off to a PHP script which creates the next line, rolling the IDs and Names etc with +1 to the number.
<td><div id="itemGroupdiv2">
<input type="text" class="disabled" name="itemGroup2" id="itemGroup2" />
<td><div id="itemCodediv2">
<input type="text" name="itemCode2" id="itemCode2" class="disabled" />
<td><div id="itemCodeVersiondiv2">
<input type="text" class="disabledSmall" id="itemcodeversion2" name="itemcodeversion2" />
So so far, nothing suprising? Should all be pretty straight forward...
The problem is that when I add new lines (In Firefox and Chrome) the new lines are completely ignored by the form submission process, and they never get passed through into the $_POST array.
Is this a known problem? I've not come across this before...
Thanks for any pointers,
use jQuery.trim(data) but this is not pretty sure because can affect the
content of your data. or see this one may help u
Is your table missing an html id? The jQuery selector $('#orderingTable') is looking for something with id="orderingTable"
On some thorough (and boy do I mean thorough) it turned out that the following simple (yet obvious) HTML errors can cause this issue:
Badly formed code EG missing etc
Duplicate or missing form "name" attributes
On creating properly validated HTML, the form submitted and all values were passed correctly into the _POST array. An object lesson in making sure your developers pay attention to the basics before trying to get all fancy in their coding approach ;)
I've found that using .html() to insert the content instead of .append() or .prepend() causes the inserted form fields to work as expected.
I've just spent quite a while laboring over a problem like this.
I was ajax-ing an input field into a form and that input field was not showing up in the $_POST submission array, was completely annoying!!!! Aaaaanyway, I fixed it by just checking over all my html and it turns out that my form 'open' was inside one of the main div's on page and not outside.
<input type="text" name="input_field">
is now fixed to be:
<input type="text" name="input_field">
Silly, I know, but in a massive form, it was tricky to spot! So in short just be tidy with your html and it WILL work, I hope that helps someone somewhere :-)
