Azure VM Role Problem - visual-studio-2010

I have been accepected into the beta program for the VM Role.
In the email it says that i need to run a registery script to setup visual studio, i did this fine on my pc before i reinstalled it.
However when i go to link i was sent it doesnt work any more?
Does any one have the registery file or know the settings i need to change.

You'll find the instructions in this blog post -
For convenience, here's the relevant section of the post:
Please read the notification email carefully! In the email you will find information how to enable VM Role features in the Visual Studio development environment. In essence you need to run one of the scripts below to add new registry key or just change the following [dword] registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010\1.0\VirtualMachineRoleEnabled​=1
VM Role Features in VS2010 32-bit Registry Script
VM Role Features in VS2010 64-bit Registry Script
The scripts above will enable the Add New Virtual Machine Role in the context menu in Visual Studio.


DefaultAzureCredential in Visual Studio dev fails to find a suitable user

This is a cool feature that allows an app to get a token via Environment value, visual studio Azure Service Authentication or via MSI if running on Azure. It automatically steps through and find one that works. Great if you are running locally and want to deploy to a web app with MSI later on. It acquires a token from MSI or Visual Studio and some other places
It had been failing unexpectedly when it was working. I have been working with MSFT on this and I figured out what is happening. I'll post an answer.
In Visual Studio, you set the account in the options/Azure Service Authentication/Account Selection ok.
If you debug locally and you have multiple Azure accounts registered in visual studio, you also have to set an environment variable in the webapp properties/debug (or your PC env vars) and adding the env variable AZURE_USERNAME and your selected account email to let it know which one to use.
Here is the problem - if the upper/lower case of your account id does not match the environment variable, it will not connect the two and will not use your visual studio account to authorize. An easy mistake if you add the env variable to the debug properties long after you registered visual studio accounts.
So - check the account on the tools/options/Azure Service Authentication/Account Selection and make sure the case of the AZURE_USERNAME variable is exactly the same.
The github issues is here and a fix is planned.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Project template how to prompt the end user to restart their PC once installation is complete?

I need to prompt users to restart their PC after installing a program. I have created a MSI installer using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Project template.
There is no option in the project properties to prompt for restart once the installation is complete, and I have searched high and low on the web but am unable to find a way to configure the installer project to do this.
Is there no option I can configure for this in the installer project?
Do I have to write some code for a Custom Action to do it?
I have to do a reboot after install, as the software will be running in a corporate environment, and will run on machines that do not have admin rights. The software adds a reg entry that enables it to automatically start with windows. I have found that when I start the software from installer upon successful completion, it does not have access to certain paths in the user dir, that it does have access to when it starts with windows.
Thanks for your time.
Windows will reboot the PC if it's actually required for the installation to complete, so it may be worth explaining why you need the reboot. For example if it's needed to start a service just start it yourself in an installer class override.
The simplest way to do this is to open the MSI file with an MSI editor such as Orca, go to the InstallExecuteSequence table and add a new row, with the Action ScheduleReboot (case-sensitive) just after CostFinalize (although the location isn't too important) with a condition of Not Installed.
That'll give you the standard message asking for the reboot. If you must be more aggressive, use the ForceReboot action instead after InstallFinalize.
The condions need to be chosen wisely otherwise you'll get a reboot on every action, such as repair and uninstall.
Visual Studio setup projects have limited functionality when compared with other tools such as InstallShield, WiX, Advanced Installer and so on. That's why this isn't an option in the IDE.

How to Disable Git Credentials Manager on Windows (Visual Studio 2017)

I got a question regarding Visual Studio 2017 and Git on Windows 7. In our environment, not every user has an individual Windows account as these machines are shared. Sadly, there is no way to change that fact. We are using Bitbucket for managing Git repositories. In this system, every user has its own login.
Because of this, it is very important for us to not save the credentials for each user within the system. Furthermore, we would like to easily switch between the different authors on every commit. The reason for this problem is the fact that the credentials and the actual author of a commit are not connected to each other. But this is a relatively minor issue.
What is more critical is the fact that Visual Studio is storing the credentials of each user to Windows' built-in Credential Manager as a "Generic Credential". This means even after a reboot of the system, the login is saved in Windows and Visual Studio does not ask for them anymore. This is a very critical issue to us. We have tried the following approaches on different systems to eliminate the chance of a local error:
Disable storing passwords in the Credential Manager using the Group Policy Editor: Did not work, because this does not disable storing generic passwords.
Remove the Git Credential Manager from all config files: Did not work in Visual Studio. When using any other Git client, this solves the problem.
Remove the Git Credential Manager executable from the program folder: Did not have any effect
Edit the Registry Key "disabledomaincreds" in the Registry: Did not have any effect
Disable the Credential Manager Service in services.msg: The application could not be started anymore, but Visual Studio still saved the credentials in it
I would appreciate any help regarding this topic. Thanks in advance!

Error message "unable to open web site" with VS 2008 on Vista

I am trying to open a project in VS 2008 and my domain account it in the administrator group. I get this message:
"Unable to open the Web site
'http://locahost'. To access Web
sites on thie local IIS Web server,
you must run Visual Studio under an
Administrator account in order to have
access to the IIS metabase.
Alternatively, instll FrontPage Server
Extensions (FPSE) and then grant FPSE
access to users who will run Visual
Any body know what I need to do to fix this problem. I have tried modifying the shortcut to run as administrator but shouldn't have to do that if I am an admin on my machine.
I uninstalled IIS and then reinstalled using only the bear minimums and it worked.
What worked for me:
- Windows 7 IIS Manager
- Delete other websites in the list under 'Sites'
- Right click the site
- Edit Bindings
- The 'host name' property was empty. Once I typed the name of the website there, I was able to load my site through Visual Studio 2008.
Open Control Panel-> Programs and Features->Turn Windows features on or off. Under the list of features open Internet Information Services tree and then open Web Management Tools and then select IIS 6 Management Compatibility checkbox. Click OK button and install the selected feature of IIS.
Right click over the shortcut, and in Properties in the Compatibility tab, select Run As Administrator.
Also confirm IIS is installed. It is not installed by default on Vista. You have to go and Add/Remove Windows Components.
See here.
You might not have IIS setup properly on the local machine, I would verify your IIS configuration before continuing. You can always create a website or webapplication that runs through cassini instead and provide a folder path vs a IIS path.
P.S. Even if you are a machine administrator, with vista if the access restrictions are on you must still always specify that you wish to run the application under an administrator context.

Debug or build as non-admin in Visual Studio 2008

I am trying to install Visual Studio 2008 at a university's computer lab. The lab machines (XP Pro) are configured so that students don't have Administrator rights when they log in. So when I try to build or debug a class library project in Visual Studio 2008, I get this error: "Cannot register assembly 'C:\Documents and Settings(username)\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\testproj\testproj\bin\Debug\testproj.dll' - access denied. Please make sure you're running the application as administrator. Access to the registry key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\test.cmdTest' is denied."
In previous versions of Visual Studio, there was the option to add the non-admin account to the Debugger Users and VS Developers groups, and this would enable them to debug and build DLLs. Does Visual Studio 2008 include similar functionality, and would this even be the solution? I'm not seeing the groups added with the installation. If this functionality is not included, is there another way to solve this issue? Allowing students to have Admin rights or Power User rights to the machines is out of the question.
Any suggestions, ideas, or insight would be much appreciated.
Why not just consider using some kind of virtualizations ? Install Visual Studio on a virtual machine, hence, every mess a student gonna make, is gonna be virtual to some extent.
Keep a ready and fresh copy of the image file though.
Probably not the answer you want, but you could start VS by right clicking VS2008/devenv.exe > "run as" and select administrator and have the lab tech enter the admin credentials. This way, VS2008 will have the required rights, but your school isn't giving out a sensitive Login/Password.
Your school should change the group policy to allow you to build your projects. Enlist the help of a friendly professor for that.
Are you doing a web application? I believe that for non-web applications, you do not need admin rights.
If this is not a web application, maybe it's just a file system permissions issue?
"User permission requirements for Visual Studio vary depending on the operating system and the Visual Studio version. On Windows Vista, Visual Studio 2008 does not require administrator permissions to perform most tasks, but Visual Studio 2005 must run under administrator permissions to perform tasks correctly. On Windows Server 2003 and earlier, members of the Users group can perform most activities in the integrated development environment (IDE)."
It looks like you're trying to register the assembly in COM.
Access to the registry key
'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\test.cmdTest' is
Are you setting a [assembly:ComVisibleAttribute(true)] attribute in your assemblyinfo.cs or project properties? Try setting this to assembly:ComVisibleAttribute(false).
