Cufon dynamically resize, is it possible? - jquery-plugins

I've got a jQuery Roundabout loaded, aswell as Cufon for a custom font. When another box is clicked that box then resizes baded on "em's" or "%"'s so what I'd like to know is...
When a user clicks the next box, can I get the Cufon (Styled to H2) to resize based on EM's or is it a big no, no?
Not sure how to represent this as an example, as I am working locally on a Joomla site. Any help appreciated.

Just call Cufon.replace("h2") again after you've resized the H2 in your CSS.


WP7 WebBrowser's transparent background (workaround)

It's not possible to set transparent background for WebBrowser of WP7. To make impression of transparent background I want to do the following workaround. I want:
To find a position and size of WebBrowser on the page.
To get page's background image.
Crop it with values what I found on step 1.
To save result in IsolatedStorage
To parse HTML and place <body background="RESULTBACKGROUND">
I think this should be a workaround of transparent background and should work.
For now I am trying just to place any .jpg image (let's say test.jpg) on step 5.
But fail. I have "Build Action" property of file set to "Content". It is placed in the root of the project. And <body background="test.jpg"> not working. Back of the WebBrowser is still white.
What I am doing wrong?
Step 5 is solved.
2Claus: No! Not only from web. I saved both html file and image file to IsolatedStorage and WebBrowser can show image as a backgroud.
Now the problem is that background cannot be fixed. I tried many differrent things with styles. I also tried to add a fixed div behind my text. Nothing works. The picture is always scrolling with a text. I tried to add onscroll event and pass it scrolled value to move the div in an opposite direction, but div is glued to the page :(
Any ideas?
So assuming you're talking about the WebBrowser control, you're forgetting that the HTML only can refer to urls on the world wide web.
So either you need to host your background images on a website, or you need to inject a CSS style that sets the background to either white or black (the two default background-colours of the platform).
For WebBrowser, You don't actually have to save it to the ISO to make changes on the page. You can load it navigate to it normally, and then use InvokeScript to make the changes via custom JS code. It can be a little tricky though, as you will probably need to heavily rely on the eval and stringization. The problem mentioned by Claus is still there - but you need to do some experiments. With the Mango release and SDK 7.1+, the platform support IsoltatedStorage imagesources in the form of is://path/file - maybe - maybe - maybe squared - the webbrowser's renderer udnerstands them too - then setting your bkg's url to such would work. I doubt though, as it could be seen as some minor security breach, etc
I now bumped into the same background fixed image problem. For someone wandering here I solved it placing content into a fixed-height container (div) therefore the container contents is being scrolled and not the html page, leaving background picture "fixed".
background-position:-20px -150px;
Of course background-position and div height is set specifically for a WebBrowser position in page and it's size.

rollover image for form

Is it possible to have a rollover effect for an image and a form.
I.e. I would like to have an image, which when the user hovers over, rolls away to reveal a form (like a login or sign up form).
Cant find anything out like there like this so assuming its not possible but thought I'd ask!
This is very much possible.
Using CSS, say position: absolute for the image and the form's div.
Then using z-index, make sure that the image lies over the form.
Then you can use the HTML onmouseover event to execute something like a call to Adobe Spry's slide animation effect to neatly accomplish what you're trying to do.
But in my honest opinion, this is unnecessary glitter.

Jquery Image Gallery with Vertical thumbnail Navigation?

I am looking for a Jquery image gallery which have vertical thumbnail like at the following page.
Can anybody point out me to something similar jquery solution.
In my opinion, jCarousel is by far the best plugin for this sort of thing, this is what you want
If you need a hand setting it up, just shout.
The site you are referring uses, a vertical menu scroll plugin
perhaps this one.
and the code is somewhat like this
scrollDuration : 250,
scrollItwrapper : 'myMenuScroll'
And on clicking that link, it just changes the src attribute of img element, and loads the image (No wonder if your internet connection is slow, you will see that image take a lot to load).
You will find more better at here.

Grow Images on Hover like Google Images

Hey everyone, I am trying to accomplish something with images growing on hover like the fancy grow mouseover effect on google images.
Here is what I have:
The tooltip is offset and is based on the walter zorn tooltip. What's the best way to have the mouseover popup grow out just like google images (with the text), instead of following the mouse?
(I still need it done with the same tooltip - maybe overwrite it, but it must be present to pass the text and image, it's just the positioning and display method of it that I need help creating, any samples would be appreciated)
You might want to look at JQuery.
this might be a good start

Displaying an image when hovering a label

I'm wondering if there is a simple and quick way of displaying an image when the user hovers a QLabel...
Since QLabel can be used to display QPixmap, I would like to display some kind of "preview" when hovering a QLabel...
Do you guys know how I could manage this ?
Thanks in advance !
You can set the tooltip to use html, including <img> tags. Will that do what you need?
As described in the docs, you can override the object's event handler if you need to do something fancier in a tooltip than can be done by default. (such as selecting a particular area of an image to put in the tooltip)
As long as you set the button size large enough, you should be able to capture the mouse-over events and display on mouse-over... but this seems like a somewhat strange way to go about things. Why not display all the images at first?
For those who are interested in the result proposed by jkerian :
Simply :
MyLabel->setToolTip("<html><img src="+MyImagePathAsString+"/></html>");
Will result in :
Thanks again to jkerian.
I don't know what kind of layout your QLabel is in, but I'm guessing it will cause weird layout changes if you just set the pixmap on the label when mouseovering it. Rather use a tooltip or just display a pixmap freely on the canvas.
