give full control folder access to one process in Windows - windows

I've got an important resource folder (that can not be embeded in exe file) and I want to limit access of all Windows users except Admin Group ones. My program runs in normal (not Admin) user and I want give resource folder access only to this process. I can ask Admin user's password once, but I don't know is it possible or not?

You can start an elevated rights process from you application, do whatever is needed with admin rights and end it after.
Take a look here:


Grant IUSR Rights to Use PowerShell Stop-Process Command?

I have a PHP script that runs a Powershell Stop-Process command through shell_exec(). PHP runs as IUSR. When I run the script, I receive an access denied error message. If I run the command in PowerShell using my Administrator account, it works as expected.
How do I grant IUSR the ability to execute Stop-Process in Powershell?
I wasn't able to find a solution to grant IUSR the specific privileges to execute Stop-Process, but I was able to get around this by changing the "Anonymous Authentication" user associated with the kill script from IUSR to Administrator.
In IIS 8.5, go to Sites->My Site->Folder Name. On the main panel, click on Authentication under IIS. Right click on Anonymous Authentication and then click on Edit.
You can set the "Anonymous Authentication" value at any level of your IIS app; from the site level to the sub-directory level. I recommend only changing the value from IUSR to Administrator on the directory that actually hosts your kill script. Changing it for the whole site might create problems for other parts of the application.
I've seen some information that suggests if you add a limited user to the Performance Monitor Users group and grant it debug privileges, it will be able to terminate processes.
You might consider something a bit less risky though, like running another web app as a user with those rights, that can only be accessed from the local machine. Then make your PHP app do a web request to the internal app to do it's killin'.
If you're trying to kill only a specific process this lets you further limit the impact because the internal app could be designed to only kill that one thing.
Other ways to achieve a similar separation is to have for example a scheduled task that looks for a file with specific content in a specific directory, when it sees it, it kills a process and deletes the file. IUSR can be given permission to create files in that directory as a way to trigger this. This method is very easy to implement but isn't synchronous.

Windows user rights administrator group

I'm running into the same problem again and again for ages so I decided to ask my question here :
I added a service account "ZYX" into the Administrators group of my Windows 2K8 Server.
Whenever I try to run a scheduled task (running as "ZYX") that modifies a file located under a folder where the Administrators group has full control, my PowerShell script always gets "Access to the path xxxxxxx is denied".
When I check the effective permissions of my service account on this folder, it is written that it is granted every single permission.
I found two ways to overcome the situation, but I find this really ugly :
Running the scheduled task with highest privileges
Add the service account "ZYX" with full control in the folder Security part.
Im starting believing my service account only gets the rights inherited from the Administrators group when the shell runs in elevated mode.
Can someone explain me why Windows manages the rights like this ?
Do you have any better solution for this ?

How do I limit permissions using ShellExecute on remote desktop users

Delphi XE app running on Windows 2012 Server. How do I limit the user's permissions when they open Adobe Viewer using ShellExecute. As it stands now, the uses are not permitted to see the drivers on the server. However, when the user opens a pdf from the application, the permissions revert back to admin, which allows them to see and access the drives.
Are there settings within ShellExecute that can apply the proper permissions based on the user login credentials?
When you create a process using ShellExecute, the new process runs under the credentials of the parent process. So it would seem that the process with is calling ShellExecute has more rights than you wish to grant to the process that is started by ShellExecute.
One way to solve the problem would be to call ShellExecute from a process running under the desired credentials. There may be other ways to solve it, but without any knowledge of your network security configuration, it's unlikely that we can give you much more specific advice.

sharing process admin privileges using Access Tokens

I have 2 processes. One of them is running under admin account, second - under user account with no permissions to admin processes. They need to see each other and compare the path, from where this processes where executed. But first (user) process can't get the path of the second process. Getting path using CreateToolhelp32Snapshot -> OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION) -> QueryFullProcessImageName is not applicable because it works in Vista, Win7 and higher, and I need solution for lower versions of Win.
So, how can I give permissions for user process to see the path of admin process, or how can I share privileges of admin process for the user using Access Tokens or using SetNamedSecurityInfo ?
using delphi desirable.
You can alter this, yes (*) - but you really should reconsider your logic. For example, admin process can open shared MMF with predefined name and store any information you need. You can share this MMF to any user or group you want (you should consider giving read-only access only). This is much safer than opening entire process to out world.
(*) In admin process: OpenProcess, get token and security descriptor, modify DACL to include new right for the desired user account or group, set token/SD back.

Write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Windows 7 without Administrator privilleges

First of all, I realize this is a messy situation, but it's not of my design, and I'm just trying to help, and for that I need your help.
App A is getting installed automatically via SMS installer under the Administrator account, not the PC owner's User account. App A has a registry key defined in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive.
After App A is installed, we want to edit the above mentioned registry key, to assign the User's C:\Users\USER_ID\Documents\ folder (I'm told we don't don't know who the user is and don't have access to USER_ID during step 1).
I know all about UAC, Application Manifest, and requestedExecutionLevel. However, I'm told we can't expect that all users will be in the Administrators group on their machine.
Solution must be backwards compatible with Windows XP as well.
I'm searching for options to get `C:\Users\USER_ID\Documents\' into the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' hive under the above listed conditions.
I found this thread that might be related to a similar situation, but I don't fully understand it yet (so I will give credit to anyone that explain it better):
Find out (read) logged in user in a cmd started as a different user
I also read something that rules out ClickOnce:
After App A is installed with admin privileges you are trying to run an additional script as the local user who does not have admin privileges . In order for your secondary script to write to the local machine key it will have to be run with administrative privileges ..period. That said, you have basically two choices:
1) Use the RunAs command to run the script with elevated privileges and have the user type in a admin username and password to run the script with elevated privileges.
2) This is the better way imo - Since SMS is being leveraged as the delivery tool, use its capability to detect and use local client configuration settings to write the key at the time of installation.
So basically the SMS package would have to be setup to run only when the local user logs on one time so that SMS can grab the current user and write it to a file somewhere.. after that is completed SMS can run a separate package as the admin (user will get prompted) to do the software install looking for the file containing the user and then consequently updating the local machine key to the correct user my document path.
