Rhythm detection through analyzing the audio spectrum - algorithm

I'm building a rhythm-based game, and facing a lot of problems with rhythm-detection. I receive the current spectrum of a playing song. It looks like a float array with 512 floats. 256 for left and right channel representation. FFT is also available. But I have no idea how to work with that data, I've made some experiments with visualizing, but it gave me very few information. I've googled for some ready algorithms, but there is nothing. Please, can someone help me with, maybe, some references, materials, articles connected with rhythm detection, working with audio spectrum. Code will also be very helpful. Thanks.

Maybe you didn't use the right search-terms. Try to google 'tempo detection' or 'beat detection', together with 'code' or 'algorithm'. There are lots of papers, references, code examples, etc.
Just a few hits:

You might want to check out the source and project report for the Dancing Monkeys project. Dancing monkeys automatically generates stepfiles for DDR, and it does so using some rather sophisticated beat detection. It's written in matlab.

You should have a look at the beat spectrum algorithm: http://www.rotorbrain.com/foote/papers/icme2001/icmehtml.htm.
It extracts information about rythm and musical structure by computing the similarity of small samples' spectrograms. It is relatively easy to implement and allows robust information to be retrieved.


Find people at image

I need to implement algorithm which for input has picture ( jpeg ) and create new picture like output, but only with bodies ( background is removed completely ). Input picture is picture with people from vacation and I need to recognize human bodies and remove background. Can someone suggest me what algorithm to use, what book to buy to learn that algorihms ?
Check this link it will perfectly answer your question of removing the background and performing further processing
neural networks are particuarly useful for this kind of task, but the theory is a universe, if you're doing it from scratch ... that's a lot of work
This is a segmentation problem. In the general case, segmenting images is a hard research problem (I just spent five years doing a doctorate on segmenting greyscale medical images, for example) and the way you go about it is strongly tied to the type of images with which you have to deal. The best advice I can give is to go and read the appropriate literature on segmenting colour images (e.g. use Google Scholar). In terms of books, this one's a good general-purpose introduction to image processing:
Searching for "segmenting people in colour images" on Google seems to turn up some good links, incidentally.
I have a question for you: you want to implement this using an algorithm? If so, then it might require a lot of things to be done (provided you are new to the field of image processing).
Otherwise you may try using masking techniques in image editing software like Adobe Photoshop (that would hardly take 15 mins, depending upon how well you know it)
A good book to start with image processing techniques is: "Digital Image Processing" by Gonzalez and Woods; it starts from the basics, and explains stuff in depth.
Still it may take a lot of time to develop an algorithm to do this job. I recommend you use some library for the same. OpenCV(opensource computer vision) is an excellent choice. The library itself comes with demos which include programs for face detection etc. The inbuilt functions provide a variety of features (edge detection/Feature identification and extraction, you may have to use this) Here's the link
The link provides a lot of reference material that you can make use of! :)
Start with facial recognition software and algorithms; they have been the most refined over the years and as long as all of your bodies have heads, you can use exif data to figure image capture orientation (of course you can't completely rely on that), sample the facial skin to get skin tone ranges, and find the attached body. Anything that is not head and body should be deleted. This process assumes that a person has roughly the same skin tone on their face as their body and the camera flash isn't washing this out. You could grab the flash duration and some other attributes from exif and adjust your ranges accordingly.
A lot of software out there can recognize faces (look at iPhoto for example), so you'll have to use the face as a reference point, along with skin tone, to find your body edges. You result isn't going to be perfect, but as long as your approach is sound, you'll end up with something useful.
And release your software as open source when you're done so I can use it... :)
You can download a free PDF of the book Computer Vision by Richard Szeliski from the author's website. Not only do you have a free book on algorithms, but it's a book that addresses this specific problem.
You'll see this image at the top of that page of the author's website.
Used copies of the hardcover are available for about $62 if you check addall.com. If you spent some time doing image processing, you'll appreciate having a paper copy of at least one good general reference book.
Its tough but not impossible. I can't give you any code but Peter Norvig had a great talk on the value of data and in the talk he shows how he was able to take a picture of lake and remove all the houses blocking the image and have the lake expanded with boats,etc..
The computer basically learned how lakes look and boats go on lakes and then removed the houses and placed it there. He explains his process(but no code or anything).
Here it is:
Peter Norvig - The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data

OpenCV: Fingerprint Image and Compare Against Database

I have a database of images. When I take a new picture, I want to compare it against the images in this database and receive a similarity score (using OpenCV). This way I want to detect, if I have an image, which is very similar to the fresh picture.
Is it possible to create a fingerprint/hash of my database images and match new ones against it?
I'm searching for a alogrithm code snippet or technical demo and not for a commercial solution.
As Pual R has commented, this "fingerprint/hash" is usually a set of feature vectors or a set of feature descriptors. But most of feature vectors used in computer vision are usually too computationally expensive for searching against a database. So this task need a special kind of feature descriptors because such descriptors as SURF and SIFT will take too much time for searching even with various optimizations.
The only thing that OpenCV has for your task (object categorization) is implementation of Bag of visual Words (BOW).
It can compute special kind of image features and train visual words vocabulary. Next you can use this vocabulary to find similar images in your database and compute similarity score.
Here is OpenCV documentation for bag of words. Also OpenCV has a sample named bagofwords_classification.cpp. It is really big but might be helpful.
Content-based image retrieval systems are still a field of active research: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/search?q=content-based+image+retrieval
First you have to be clear, what constitutes similar in your context:
Similar color distribution: Use something like color descriptors for subdivisions of the image, you should get some fairly satisfying results.
Similar objects: Since the computer does not know, what an object is, you will not get very far, unless you have some extensive domain knowledge about the object (or few object classes). A good overview about the current state of research can be seen here (results) and soon here.
There is no "serve all needs"-algorithm for the problem you described. The more you can share about the specifics of your problem, the better answers you might get. Posting some representative images (if possible) and describing the desired outcome is also very helpful.
This would be a good question for computer-vision.stackexchange.com, if it already existed.
You can use pHash Algorithm and store phash value in Database, then use this code:
double const mismatch = algo->compare(image1Hash, image2Hash);
Here 'mismatch' value can easly tell you the similarity ratio between two images.
pHash function:
These function are well Enough to evaluate Image Similarities in Every Aspects.

Chord detection algorithms?

I am developing software that depends on musical chords detection. I know some algorithms for pitch detection, with techniques based on cepstral analysis or autocorrelation, but they are mainly focused on monophonic material recognition. But I need to work with some polyphonic recognition, that is, multiple pitches at the same time, like in a chord; does anyone know some good studies or solutions on that matter?
I am currently developing some algorithms based on the FFT, but if anyone has an idea on some algorithms or techniques that I can use, it would be of great help.
This is quite a good Open Source Project:
It detects chords based on a chromagram - a good solution, breaks down a window of the whole spectrum onto an array of pitch classes (size: 12) with float values. Then, chords can be detected by a Hidden Markov Model.
.. should provide you with everything you need. :)
The author of Capo, a transcription program for the Mac, has a pretty in-depth blog. The entry "A Note on Auto Tabbing" has some good jumping off points:
I started researching different methods of automatic transcription in mid-2009, because I was curious about how far along this technology was, and if it could be integrated into a future version of Capo.
Each of these automatic transcription algorithms start out with some kind of intermediate represenation of the audio data, and then they transfer that into a symbolic form (i.e. note onsets, and durations).
This is where I encountered some computationally expensive spectral representations (The Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), Constant Q Transform (CQT), and others.) I implemented all of these spectral transforms so that I could also implement the algorithms presented by the papers I was reading. This would give me an idea of whether they would work in practice.
Capo has some impressive technology. The standout feature is that its main view is not a frequency spectrogram like most other audio programs. It presents the audio like a piano roll, with the notes visible to the naked eye.
(source: supermegaultragroovy.com)
(Note: The hard note bars were drawn by a user. The fuzzy spots underneath are what Capo displays.)
There's significant overlap between chord detection and key detection, and so you may find some of my previous answer to that question useful, as it has a few links to papers and theses. Getting a good polyphonic recogniser is incredibly difficult.
My own viewpoint on this is that applying polyphonic recognition to extract the notes and then trying to detect chords from the notes is the wrong way to go about it. The reason is that it's an ambiguous problem. If you have two complex tones exactly an octave apart then it's impossible to detect whether there are one or two notes playing (unless you have extra context such as knowing the harmonic profile). Every harmonic of C5 is also a harmonic of C4 (and of C3, C2, etc). So if you try a major chord in a polyphonic recogniser then you are likely to get out a whole sequence of notes that are harmonically related to your chord, but not necessarily the notes you played. If you use an autocorrelation-based pitch detection method then you'll see this effect quite clearly.
Instead, I think it's better to look for the patterns that are made by certain chord shapes (Major, Minor, 7th, etc).
See my answer to this question:
How can I do real-time pitch detection in .Net?
The reference to this IEEE paper is mainly what you're looking for: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/login.jsp?reload=true&url=/iel5/89/18967/00876309.pdf?arnumber=876309
The harmonics are throwing you off. Plus, humans can find fundamentals in sound even when the fundamental isn't present! Think of reading, but by covering half of the letters. The brain fills in the gaps.
The context of other sounds in the mix, and what came before, is very important to how we perceive notes.
This is a very difficult pattern matching problem, probably suitable for an AI technique such as training neural nets or genetic algorithms.
Basically, at every point in time, you guess the number of notes being play, the notes, the instruments that played the notes, the amplitudes, and the duration of the note. Then you sum the magnitudes of all the harmonics and overtones that all those instruments would generate when played at that volume at that point in thier envelope (attack, decay, etc.). Subtract the sum of all those harmonics from the spectrum of you signal, then minimize the difference over all possibilities. Pattern recognition of the thump/squeak/pluck transient noise/etc. at the very onset of the note might also be important. Then do some decision analysis to make sure your choices make sense (e.g. a clarinet didn't suddenly change into a trumpet playing another note and back again 80 mS later), to minimize the error probability.
If you can constrain your choices (e.g. only 2 flutes playing only quarter notes, etc.), especially to instruments with very limited overtone energy, it makes the problem a lot easier.
Also http://www.schmittmachine.com/dywapitchtrack.html
The dywapitchtrack library computes the pitch of an audio stream in real time. The pitch is the main frequency of the waveform (the 'note' being played or sung). It is expressed as a float in Hz.
And http://clam-project.org/ may help a little.
This post is a bit old, but I thought I'd add the following paper to the discussion:
Klapuri,Anssi; Multipitch Analysis of Polyphonic Music and Speech Signals Using an Auditory Model; IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 16, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2008 255
The paper acts somewhat like a literature review of multipitch analysis and discusses a method based on an auditory model:
(The image is from the paper. I don't know if I have to get permission to post it.)

How to detect the BPM of a song in php [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can the tempo/BPM of a song be determined programmatically? What algorithms are commonly used, and what considerations must be made?
This is challenging to explain in a single StackOverflow post. In general, the simplest beat-detection algorithms work by locating peaks in sound energy, which is easy to detect. More sophisticated methods use comb filters and other statistical/waveform methods. For a detailed explication including code samples, check this GameDev article out.
The keywords to search for are "Beat Detection", "Beat Tracking" and "Music Information Retrieval". There is lots of information here: http://www.music-ir.org/
There is a (maybe) annual contest called MIREX where different algorithms are tested on their beat detection performance.
That should give you a list of algorithms to test.
A classic algorithm is Beatroot (google it), which is nice and easy to understand. It works like this:
Short-time FFT the music to get a sonogram.
Sum the increases in magnitude over all frequencies for each time step (ignore the decreases). This gives you a 1D time-varying function called the "spectral flux".
Find the peaks using any old peak detection algorithm. These are called "onsets" and correspond to the start of sounds in the music (starts of notes, drum hits, etc).
Construct a histogram of inter-onset-intervals (IOIs). This can be used to find likely tempos.
Initialise a set of "agents" or "hypotheses" for the beat-tracking result. Feed these agents the onsets one at a time in order. Each agent tracks the list of onsets that are also beats, and the current tempo estimate. The agents can either accept the onsets, if they fit closely with their last tracked beat and tempo, ignore them if they are wildly different, or spawn a new agent if they are in-between. Not every beat requires an onset - agents can interpolate.
Each agent is given a score according to how neat its hypothesis is - if all its beat onsets are loud it gets a higher score. If they are all regular it gets a higher score.
The highest scoring agent is the answer.
Downsides to this algorithm in my experience:
The peak-detection is rather ad-hoc and sensitive to threshold parameters and whatnot.
Some music doesn't have obvious onsets on the beats. Obviously it won't work with those.
Difficult to know how to resolve the 60bpm-vs-120bpm issue, especially with live tracking!
Throws away a lot of information by only using a 1D spectral flux. I reckon you can do much better by having a few band-limited spectral fluxes (and maybe one broadband one for drums).
Here is a demo of a live version of this algorithm, showing the spectral flux (black line at the bottom) and onsets (green circles). It's worth considering the fact that the beat is extracted from only the green circles. I've played back the onsets just as clicks, and to be honest I don't think I could hear the beat from them, so in some ways this algorithm is better than people at beat detection. I think the reduction to such a low-dimensional signal is its weak step though.
Annoyingly I did find a very good site with many algorithms and code for beat detection a few years ago. I've totally failed to refind it though.
Edit: Found it!
Here are some great links that should get you started:
Beat extraction involves the identification of cognitive metric structures in music. Very often these do not correspond to physical sound energy - for example, in most music there is a level of syncopation, which means that the "foot-tapping" beat that we perceive does not correspond to the presence of a physical sound. This means that this is a quite different field to onset detection, which is the detection of the physical sounds, and is performed in a different way.
You could try the Aubio library, which is a plain C library offering both onset and beat extraction tools.
There is also the online Echonest API, although this involves uploading an MP3 to a website and retrieving XML, so might not be so suitable..
EDIT: I came across this last night - a very promising looking C/C++ library, although I haven't used it myself. Vamp Plugins
The general area of research you are interested in is called MUSIC INFORMATION RETRIEVAL
There are many different algorithms that do this but they all are fundamentally centered around ONSET DETECTION.
Onset detection measures the start of an event, the event in this case is a note being played. You can look for changes in the weighted fourier transform (High Frequency Content) you can look for large changes in spectrial content. (Spectrial Difference). (there are a couple of papers that I recommend you look into further down) Once you apply an onset detection algorithm you pick off where the beats are via thresholding.
There are various algorithms that you can use once you've gotten that time localization of the beat. You can turn it into a pulse train (create a signal that is zero for all time and 1 only when your beat happens) then apply a FFT to that and BAM now you have a Frequency of Onsets at the largest peak.
Here are some papers to lead you in the right direction:
Here is an extension to what some people are discussing:
Someone mentioned looking into applying a machine learning algorithm: Basically collect a bunch of features from the onset detection functions (mentioned above) and combine them with the raw signal in a neural network/logistic regression and learn what makes a beat a beat.
look into Dr Andrew Ng, he has free machine learning lectures from Stanford University online (not the long winded video lectures, there is actually an online distance course)
If you can manage to interface with python code in your project, Echo Nest Remix API is a pretty slick API for python:
There's a method analysis.tempo which will give you the BPM. It can do a whole lot more than simple BPM, as you can see from the API docs or this tutorial
Perform a Fourier transform, and find peaks in the power spectrum. You're looking for peaks below the 20 Hz cutoff for human hearing. I'd guess typically in the 0.1-5ish Hz range to be generous.
SO question that might help: Bpm audio detection Library
Also, here is one of several "peak finding" questions on SO: Peak detection of measured signal
Edit: Not that I do audio processing. It's just a guess based on the fact that you're looking for a frequency domain property of the file...
another edit: It is worth noting that lossy compression formats like mp3, store Fourier domain data rather than time domain data in the first place. With a little cleverness, you can save yourself some heavy computation...but see the thoughtful comment by cobbal.
To repost my answer: The easy way to do it is to have the user tap a button in rhythm with the beat, and count the number of taps divided by the time.
Others have already described some beat-detection methods. I want to add that there are some libraries available that provide techniques and algorithms for this sort of task.
Aubio is one of them, it has a good reputation and it's written in C with a C++ wrapper so you can integrate it easily with a cocoa application (all the audio stuff in Apple's frameworks is also written in C/C++).
There are several methods to get the BPM but the one I find the most effective is the "beat spectrum" (described here).
This algorithm computes a similarity matrix by comparing each short sample of the music with every others. Once the similarity matrix is computed it is possible to get average similarity between every samples pairs {S(T);S(T+1)} for each time interval T: this is the beat spectrum. The first high peak in the beat spectrum is most of the time the beat duration. The best part is you can also do things like music structure or rythm analyses.
I'd imagine this will be easiest in 4-4 dance music, as there should be a single low frequency thud about twice a second.

How to design an approximate solution algorithm

I want to write an algorithm that can take parts of a picture and match them to another picture of the same object.
For example, If I gave the computer a picture of a vase and a picture of a scene with the vase in it, I'd expect it to determine where in the image the vase is.
How would I begin to develop an algorithm like this?
The final usage for this algorithm will be an application that for example with a picture of somebody's face could tell if they were in a crowd of people. This algorithm would eventually be applied to video streams.
edit: I'm not expecting an actual solution to this problem as I don't hope to solve it anytime soon. The real question was how do you define something like this to a computer so that you could make an algorithm to do it.
A former teacher of mine wrote his doctorate thesis on a similar sort of problem, except his input was a detailed 3D model of something, which he would use to find that object in 2D images. This is a VERY non-trivial problem, there is no single 'answer', certainly nothing that would fit the Stack Overflow format.
My best answer: gather a ton of money and hire a very experienced programmer.
Best of luck to you.
The first problem you describe and the second are both quite different.
A major part of each is solved by the numerous machine vision libraries available. You may need a combination of techniques to achieve any success at either task.
In the first one, you would need something that generically recognizes objects. Probably i'd use a number of algorithms in concert to identify the foreground object in the model image and then do some kind of weighted comparison of the partitioned target image.
In the second case, examining faces, is a much more difficult problem relative to the general recognizer above. Faces all look the same, or nearly so. The things that a general recognizer would notice aren't likely to be good for differentiating faces. You need an algorithm already tuned to facial recognition. Fortunately this is a rapidly maturing field and you can probably do this as well as the first case, but with a different set of functions.
The simple answer is, find a mathematical way to describe faces, that can account for angles and partial missing data, then refine and teach it.
Apparently apple has done something like this, however, it still makes mistakes and has to be taught as it moves forward.
I expect it will be more about the math, than about the programming.
I think you will find this to be quite a challenge. This is an extremely difficult problem and is one of the many areas of computing that fall under the domain of artificial intelligence (AI). Facial recognition would certainly be the most popular variant of this problem and in spite of what you may read in the media, any claimed success are not what they are made out to be. I think the closest solutions involve neural nets and they require very clear and carefully selected images usually.
You could try reading here though. Good luck!
