Get last command line argument in windows batch file - windows

I need to get last argument passed to windows batch script, how can I do that?

This will get the count of arguments:
set count=0
for %%a in (%*) do set /a count+=1
To get the actual last argument, you can do
for %%a in (%*) do set last=%%a
Note that this will fail if the command line has unbalanced quotes - the command line is re-parsed by for rather than directly using the parsing used for %1 etc.

The easiest and perhaps most reliable way would be to just use cmd's own parsing for arguments and shift then until no more are there.
Since this destroys the use of %1, etc. you can do it in a subroutine:
#echo off
call :lastarg %*
echo Last argument: %LAST_ARG%
goto :eof
set "LAST_ARG=%~1"
if not "%~1"=="" goto lastarg
goto :eof

An enhanced version of joey's answer:
CALL :lastarg xxx %*
ECHO Last argument: [%XXX%]
CALL :skiplastarg yyy %*
ECHO skip Last argument: [%yyy%]
:: Return all but last arg in variable given in %1
:skiplastarg returnvar args ...
SET $return=%1
IF NOT "%~1"=="" GOTO skiplastarg_2
:: Return last arg in variable given in %1
:lastarg returnvar args ...
SET $return=%1
IF NOT "%~1"=="" GOTO lastarg_2
ENDLOCAL&call SET %$return%=%LAST_ARG%
Run it with the arguments:
abe "ba na na" "cir cle"
and get:
Last argument: ["cir cle"]
skip Last argument: [abe "ba na na"]

set first=""
set last=""
for %%a in (%*) do (
if !first!=="" (set first=!last!) else (set first=!first! !last!)
set last=%%a
ENDLOCAL & set "last=%last%" & set "first=%first%"
echo %last% "and" %first%


Windows batch replace last found substring

I faced with problem using windows cmd. I need found and replace last found substring. For instance I have a string - # I need to replace the last colon with a slash and recieve #
How can I do this?
It looks like you have a fairly well defined format: IPAddress:Number:SID, so this could be treated as replacing the 2nd : with a /
#echo off
set val=#
for /f "tokens=1,2,* delims=:" %%a in ("%val%") do set newval=%%a:%%b/%%c
echo %newval%
yourcommand %newval%
You can optimize if the format is always the same (e.g. always the 4th char from the end) but as a general solution I would code it like below.
set result=
set left=
set right=#
call :sub1 "%right%"
if %result% equ 1 goto :loop
#echo %left%/%right%
goto :eof
for /f "delims=: tokens=1*" %%i in ("%~1") do (
if ["%%j"]==[""] (
set /a result=0
goto :eof
if ["%left%"]==[""] (
set left=%%i
) else (
set left=%left%:%%i
set /a result=1
set right=%%j
goto :eof
The code in sub1 splits the argument on the first colon from the left unless there is no colon in the argument - in this case it sets the result to 0 and returns.
The left part is added to the left-variabel, the right part is set to the right-variable.
The main loop calls the sub sub1 until there is no more split and you're done.

windows 7 remaining batch file arguments

In windows batch files, I know %1 is replaced with the first argument, %2 is replaced with the 2nd argument and %* is replaced with all arguments.
Is there a way to get all the arguments after the 1st one? (e.g. arguments 2-N) What about all the arguments after the 2nd one?
The SHIFT command doesn't seem to affect %*.
CALL :allafter 3 %*
ECHO args=%args%
GOTO :eof
FOR /l %%a IN (1,1,%1) DO SHIFT
(SET args=)
IF NOT .%1==. SET args=%args% %1&GOTO argloop
IF DEFINED args SET args=%args:~1%
GOTO :eof
to get everything after the 3rd argument to ARGS
Edit - to take care of space-separated elements which may include commas
CALL :allafter 3 %*
ECHO args=%args%
CALL :allafter2 3 %*
ECHO args=%args%
GOTO :eof
FOR /l %%a IN (1,1,%1) DO SHIFT
(SET args=)
IF NOT .%1==. SET args=%args% %~1&GOTO argloop
IF DEFINED args SET args=%args:~1%
SET /a count=%1
SET args=%*
SET oldargs=%args%
call SET args=%%args:*%1 =%%
IF "%args%"=="%oldargs%" (call SET args=%%args:*%1,=%%) ELSE (SET /a count-=1)
IF %count% gtr -1 GOTO arg2loop
Hmm- spoke too soon. This modified routine should play nicer. The previous version treated what was to be defined as one argument one,two,three as three separate arguments when the remove-leading-n was invoked.
Well, there is a way-ish...
By using the /n switch on the shift command, you can sort of do something like it. However, it will delete all of the argument and put them into a certain variable (so you can't call %3 anymore without a for loop).
#setlocal enableextensions
#echo off
if "%~2" equ "" goto end
set variable=%variable% %~2
shift /2
goto loop
echo %1
echo %variable%
To separate the parameters again just do a simple for loop (I'm sure you can find documentation on it somewhere).
Solution without shift & goto:
#echo off &setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a count=0
for %%i in (%*) do set /a count+=1
set "args="
for /l %%i in (2,1,%count%) do if defined args (call set "args=!args! %%%%i") else call set "args=%%%%i"
> type t.bat
#echo off
echo %*
for /f "tokens=1,*delims= " %%i in ("%*") do echo %%j
> t a b c d e f,g h i
a b c d e f,g h i
b c d e f,g h i
> t a,a b c d e f,g h i
a,a b c d e f,g h i
b c d e f,g h i

Echo length of a variable from the windows command line

So I'm looking for a quick command to evaluate the length of environment variables on the windows command line.
Conceptually, something to the effect of:
echo %PATH%.length
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
call :COUNT "%path%"
echo Your variable is %length% characters long
pause >nul
set temp=%1
set length=0
if defined temp (
set temp=!temp:~1!
set /a length+=1
goto :loop
Usage: call :COUNT %yourvar% and the length will be stored in %length%.

How do I return a value from a function in a batch file?

I have the following batch file
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims==" %%J in (File_List.txt) do (
call :setDate %%J MYD
echo/Date is: %MYD%
endlocal &goto :eof
echo %1
echo %~2
set NAME=%1
set NAME=%NAME:~-11%
echo %NAME%
echo %~2
endlocal&set %2=%NAME%&goto :eof
but with File_List.txt containing
I get
Date is:
How do I actually get the function setDate to return the value I want?
As I don't understand from your script what you want to achieve, I reply (for completeness) to the original subject: returning a value from a function.
Here is how I do it:
#echo off
set myvar=
echo %myvar%
call :myfunction myvar
echo %myvar%
goto :eof
set %1=filled
goto :eof
Result is:
The batch interpreter evaluates %MYD% at parse time, and at that time it's empty. That's why you have Delayed Expansion. Change this line:
echo/Date is: %MYD%
to this:
echo/Date is: !MYD!
and it will work like you want, because then it tells the interpreter to evaluate MYD at run-time.

How do I display integers in hexadecimal, from a batch file?

echo The error level is: %ERRORLEVEL%
>The error level is: 15
What I would like:
>The error level is: F
do I need to do conversions or is there a way to display numbers differently?
Any help in the right direction is appreciated, thanks.
It was a long time ago, I was very bored.
#echo off
if not defined trace set trace=rem
%trace% on
if "%1"=="/?" (
call :help %0
goto :eof
Set MinInBase=
if /i "%2" EQU "Bin" call :DoBin %1
if /i "%2" EQU "Hex" call :DoHex %1
If not defined BinStr call :DoDec %1
EndLocal & set RET=%RET%
goto :eof
Set MinInBase=2
Set ShiftBy=1
Set StartSyn=0b
call :DoCalc %1
goto :eof
Set MinInBase=16
Set ShiftBy=4
Set StartSyn=0x
call :DoCalc %1
goto :eof
if {%1} EQU {} goto :eof
set /a BinStr=%1
set RET=%BinStr%
echo %RET%
goto :eof
Set BinStr=
SET /A A=%1
%Trace% %A%
SET /A B="A>>%ShiftBy%"
%Trace% %B%
SET /A C="B<<%ShiftBy%"
%Trace% %C%
%Trace% %C%
call :StringIt %C%
If %B% LSS %MinInBase% goto :EndSplit
set A=%B%
goto :StartSplit
call :StringIt %B%
set RET=%StartSyn%%BinStr%
Echo %RET%
EndLocal & set RET=%RET%
goto :eof
set Bin=0123456789ABCDEF
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('echo "%%BIN:~%1,1%%"') do set RET=%%A
set ret=%ret:"=%
Set BinStr=%Ret%%BinStr%
goto :eof
echo %1 syntax:
echo %1 Calculation [Hex^|Bin]
echo eg %1 12*2 Hex
echo gives 0x18.
goto :eof
According to the external resource Windows Environment Variables, there is an undocumented built-in read-only variable =ExitCode which returns the current exit code in hexadecimal format. To ensure the ErrorLevel value equals the exit code, use cmd /C exit %ErrorLevel%.
So if you are using this line code...:
cmd /C exit %ErrorLevel%
echo The error level is: %=ExitCode% will receive this (supposing the ErrorLevel is 15):
The error level is: 0000000F
To get rid of the leading zeros, use this...:
cmd /C exit %ErrorLevel%
for /F "tokens=* delims=0" %%Z in ("%=ExitCode%") do set "HEXCODE=%%Z"
if not defined HEXCODE set "HEXCODE=0"
echo The error level is: %HEXCODE% get this:
The error level is: F
Just write it in vbscript instead of batch
put the vbscript statement below into a file.
WScript.Echo Hex( WScript.Arguments(0) )
then to run it, simple type this on the command line ( in a batch script, use a for loop to capture the value if required )
C:\workspace> cscript //nologo hex.vbs 15
There is no need to install anything. vbscript comes by default in most windows systems.
perl -e"printf qq{The errorlevel is: %X\n}, $ENV{ERRORLEVEL}"
Requires Perl to be installed, of course, but that's easy to do.
