Alternative hudson user interface for job configuration - user-interface

Is there any alternative user interface existing to Hudson apart from the one you can use in the web-browser. I guess it's possible to build one as Hudson exposes API for that, but was there ever built one?
I haven't found anything so far in Google. Does anyone of you know of something like that existing?
The reason I would like to have an alternative (most likely not web-based desktop client) is because I had to do a lot of configuration and I miss some advanced features (coping of steps, global search and replace, faster loading and caching of config) that might be available in alternative GUI.
I know that I can edit job configuration files by hand, but still it would be nice to do it in GUI.

I usually copy the job and change what's needed, but if your jobs are largely similar then the Jenkins template plugin might be well-suited for your needs.
Jenkins template project plugin

There aren't any plugins which offer an alternative view of the configuration page but there are a few for viewing other parts of the site in different ways:
If the issue is around creating new complex jobs you can do this by copying existing ones. Just use the 'Copy existing job' option when creating a new one.


Manual Plugin Registration - Managed Solution

I have some questions regarding the registering/updating of 3rd party plugins that were previously loaded via a managed solution by a 3rd party.
The issue we are having is that they(3rd party) sent us a plugin update and a new plugin outside of the Managed Solution and had us register it manually though the registration tool. Then, next time we tried to import a later version of their solution, the Managed solution import failed. We eventually realized that there where duplicate rows in the pluginassembly and pluginassemblytype table that had the same Pluginassemblyid and plugintypeid respectively with different solutionids.
These solutionids were "Active" which I assume came from the manual registration and "IPM Global" which is our 3rd Party Managed Solution. The only way we were successful in getting the solution to import was to change the overwrite time
on the table(s) to 0 and then delete the "Active" pluginassembly and plugintype records.
Is there any other way to accomplish this same thing that is supported?
BTW. We did try to unregister the plugins before trying this, but there were too many dependencies in our workflows.
Wow, this is a thorny problem. Since you mention updating the tables directly, I'll assume that the system is on-prem.
Registering a plugin that exists in a managed solution outside of that managed solution is something I've never done, and while I have directly updated the plugin registration table, it is certainly something to minimize.
As unpleasant as it sounds, to get back to a good state in a supported way you may be looking at having to:
Backup the SQL database
Backup all the data from any managed solution entities.
Undo all dependencies on the managed solution (i.e. edit all the workflows so they no longer depend on the managed solution). To ease the pain of this piece you might want to experiment with exporting the affected workflows via an unmanaged solution. Then you could delete them rather than trying to weed out the dependencies. Then after you have the managed solution back in the system, you could theoretically import the unmanaged workflow solution to restore the workflow. But, admittedly this working depends on workflows finding the plugin assemblies they depend on by name rather than Id, which I'm not sure is the case - so like I said, experiment.
Unregister the "out-of-band" plugin
Uninstall the managed solution
Install a clean copy of the managed solution, INCLUDING the previously problematic plugin.
Restore/reconfigure the workflows
Restore the managed entities data
It's a lot... so much in fact that I would consider opening a Microsoft support ticket to see if they can provide any alternative methods to correct the situation.
In this situation I personally might also consider unsupported methods like using SQL to copy the tables of any managed entities before deleting the managed solution and then using SQL to copy the data back after the managed solution is fixed. Of course I (almost) never recommend using SQL in an unsupported way, so explore that option at your own risk (and with copious backups).
First, try to avoid direct DB updates in system tables whenever possible. You never know when it will hit you (next solution import, next CRM upgrade, moving to cloud, etc).
I assume that yours vendor solution contains entities and attributes and not only assemblies with SDK message processing steps. Thus you can't just simply remove that managed solution cause there will be data loss. Also I assume there are no workflow activities in their assemblies.
Ask them for solution with properly registered assemblies and SDK message processing steps. Then go into your organization with plugin registration tool ( and unregister their assemblies. Then just import their latest solution. It should be able to import their assemblies with whatever is inside them.
It's good idea to restore copy of prod organization and playthrough whole process in safe environment first.

Automatically install local commit hooks for subversion

Are local pre-commit hooks a function of TortoiseSVN only? It seems that the svn command line client does not support them. If the answer is yes, is there any way to script their installation? My situation is that there are a lot of committers, two or three hundred maybe.
We have several release managers who each have multiple VMs with multiple branches checked out on each VM. I'd like to have a script we can lay down and run on each VM instead of manually adding (through the tortoise GUI) one hook per release manager per VM per working copy. Adding it server-side would result in a lot of unnecessary work and slowdown for the server. We are all on windows. Thank you!
Yes, client-side hooks are a TortoiseSVN-only feature (the settings shown here are global to the user's TortoiseSVN client). You can configure them for for specific projects via the tsvn:*hookscript properties.
For distribution, you may want to keep the hook scripts on a centralized file share and reference them via UNC path in those properties. That way, everyone should be pointed to the same hook scripts all the time. You'll need to ensure that your hooks do not depend upon specific paths either for working copies or other tools that your scripts might be dependent upon.
However, you should not become completely dependent upon client-side hook scripts. You can't control which client(s) a user may use and if they don't use TortoiseSVN, that functionality won't exist.

Scripting Trac installation on Windows

I'm currently working on some R&D for improving the process and practice that we approach development.
As a first iteration something I'd like to do is develop an easy way to set up a project e.g. Run an ant script that will, when provided with a project name etc,
Copy a template in svn
Create a database (if needed)
Automatically update the connection strings in config/properties files
Create an instance of trac
Email the user with all this information
I'm fine with the first 4 but I'm struggling to get a good process together for setting up Trac.
I've done it manually before but found it incredibily difficult.
Does anyone know of such a set up script or have any tips on doing this?
Have you looked at bitnami?
See the Trac bitnami bundle for example

Component Creation How-to

I want to create a component that will allow me to install other components, modules, and plugins that i personally use all the time. I will need to be able to change these modules, components, and plugins at anytime but updating the components and etc.. that i use and be able to add more plugins and etc as well. I would like this Component because it takes too much time to install them all individually and on multiple sites as a web designer. I also would need to have some instruction on how to add subtract plugins, modules, components, and etc. I am ok with not a total integration i would like to be able to just host the install file on my server with a link to my server where the file is located.
If anyone can help with this please do.
this is not a direct answer more of a personal workaround ( I do this on local host).
I create a site for example Joomlabase, when it asks for DB name call it Joomlabase then add my extensions
then when I need a copy
1) copy and paste the folder named Joomlabase in Windows Explorer to a new name.
2) go into Phpmydmin copy the joomlabase DB to the same name as the new site name.
3) DO a search and replace of Joomlabase to new site name in config.php file (there should be 5 changes) and your done.
For me it saves a lot of time because in admin alone I use at least 12 different extensions
There is a Joomla admin component called "Akeeba". It creates a snapshot of your files and database which you can easily deploy to another server. I use it often when pushing a new site to production from a QA server.
Your question is way too broad, and the simple answer is that it would take much much much more work to maintain this 'super component' than you are currently spending simply installing the extensions separately when you need them.
The other answers here don't answer your question, but they provide some decent solutions to your actual problem.

GUI for Build Process

I've just implemented build and deploy process which consists of java files, ant script and cmd files. In the process, a release manager will have to check out source, hit the build.cmd button and then carry a zip file over to a server.
I am wondering if it is worthwhile to make a GUI for it? So that the release manager does not need to check out source manually for example?
How do I start? I have quite limited knowledge of javax, but I very much like to learn.
This sounds like something that could be handled by Hudson. It can check out source, run Ant scripts, etc., saving you the trouble of maintaining a GUI. I'd give that a shot before rolling your own.
I have helped develop the build process at my current company. The way we currently do it is with a script file. It checks out the latest code from the stable branch of our repository, performs some steps to get some data from a database (such as static SQL data that needs to be loaded at deployment), then compresses everything. The file is then distributed to our production servers and then the setup routine is executed. Everything is automatic and the script is written in Python. Python is great for these types of things because of the sheer number of libraries it has to help the developer.
Perhaps it may be useful to build a GUI for your deployment procedure -- typically this would be useful if the deployment requires user interaction to make decisions, such as "Which server shall I deploy to?", etc. But, if it's just a matter of doing things automatically, then a script file's the way to go. Choose your favourite language and dive in -- I of course recommend Python.
If you'd like to learn how to make a simple GUI in Java (since that seems to be what your company is familiar with), you should check out the stuff at this site:
I learned everything I know about Java from that site. The section on GUI programming is great.
Best of luck!
