CarrierWave with ActiveResource - activeresource

Does anyone have any insights into using CarrierWave with an ActiveResource model (in Rails 3)? I've got an ActiveResource model with field for the filename, and I want to save the file to the remote filesystem.
I've tried a few things without much success (or conviction that I was doing anything remotely correctly), so I'd appreciate suggestions from anyone who's successfully implemented CarrierWave without using the ORM modules already included in the gem.

I'm probably late for this as the original author has moved on, but this question comes up at the top when someone searches for "carrierwave activeresource", so I thought it was still worth answering.
For the sake of discussion, let's assume we have a model named Artist with a picture named artist_picture mounted as a CarrierWave uploader. With ActiveRecord, you would assign this picture to a File:'ravello.jpg')
And when you save artist:!
the picture will be saved, also.
Now, let's say I create a resource based on this:
class Artist < ActiveResource::Base
If I subsequently read in an artist:
artist = Artist.find(1)
and look at it, I'll find this in there:
#<Artist:0x39432039 #attributes={"id"=>1, "name"=>"Ravello", "artist_picture"=>#<ArtistPicture:0x282347249243 #attributes={"url"=>"/uploads/artists/artist_picture/1/ravello.jpg"}, #prefix_options={}, #persisted=false>, #prefix_options={}, #persisted=false>
Interestingly, artist_picture is itself a model and we could declare it and play around with it if we wanted. As it is, you can use the url to grab the picture if you want. But let's talk instead about uploading another picture.
We can add this little bit of code to the Artist model on the server side:
def artist_picture_as_base64=(picsource)
tmpfile =['artist','.jpg'], Rails.root.join('tmp'), :encoding => 'BINARY')
file =
file.content_type = 'image/jpg'
self.artist_picture = file
I'm just showing a simple example - you should probably pass the original filename, also. Anyway, on the resource side:
class Artist < ActiveResource::Base
def artist_picture=(filename)
At this point, on the resource side you need only set "artist_picture" to a filename and it will be encoded and sent when the resource is saved. On the server side, the file will be decoded and saved. Presumably you could skip base64 encoding by just forcing the string to binary encoding, but it craps when I do that and I don't have the patience to track it down. Encoding as base64 works.


How to check that a PDF file has some link with Ruby/Rspec?

I am using prawnpdf/pdf-inspector to test that content of a PDF generated in my Rails app is correct.
I would want to check that the PDF file contains a link with certain URL. I looked at yob/pdf-reader but haven't found any useful information related to this topic
Is it possible to test URLs within PDF with Ruby/RSpec?
I would want the following:
expect(urls_in_pdf(pdf)).to include ''
The contains a method for each page called text.
Do something like
pdf ="tmp/pdf.pdf")
assert pdf.pages[0].text.include? ''
assuming what you are looking for is at the first page
Since pdf-inspector seems only to return text, you could try to use the pdf-reader directly (pdf-inspector uses it anyways).
reader ="somefile.pdf")
reader.pages.each do |page|
puts page.raw_content # This should also give you the link
Anyway I only did a quick look at the github page. I am not sure what raw_content exactly returns. But there is also a low-level method to directly access the objects of the pdf:
reader ="somefile.pdf")
puts reader.objects.inspect
With that it surely is possible to get the url.

Carrierwave filename method creating issue when uploading file to s3

I have an ImageUploader and I want to upload an image to S3.
Also, I would like to change file name using filename method.
Here is the code:
class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
storage :fog
def store_dir
def filename
"#{}_#{SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(5)}.#{file.extension}" if original_filename
First time when I save an image, it gets a correct file name, e.g 1_23434.png but when I get the model object from the console, it returns a different image name.
Is there anyone here who can help me? It works fine when I don't use fog.
The problem is in the filename method. On every call, it returns a different value. This is because SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(5) generates a random string (and it isn't cached). filename is also used under the hood to build path-related strings by CarrierWave. This is why you are getting different image name when you run object.image.filename from the console.
The method that you are looking for is image_identifier (where image prefix is under what name your uploader is mounted).
You can try something like:
object.public_send("#{object.image.mounted_as}_identifier") || generate_unique_name
where generate_unique_name is your current filename implementation. Another approach is storing the hash in the model itself for the future use.
Also, the official wiki page about creating random and unique filenames might be useful for you.

amazon s3 and carrierwave random image name in bucket does not match in database

I'm using carrier wave, rails and amazon s3. Every time I save an image, the image shows up in s3 and I can see it in the management console with the name like this:
But in the model, the name is this:
First off, why is the random name different? I am generating it in the uploader like so:
def filename
if original_filename
I know it is not generating a random string every call because the wrong url in the model is consistent and saved. Somewhere in the process a new one must be getting generated to save in the model after the image name has been saved and sent to amazon s3. Strange.
Also, can I have the url match the one in terms of s3/bucket instead of bucket.s3 without using a regex? Is there an option in carrierwave or something for that?
CarrierWave by default doesn't store the URL. Instead, it generates it every time you need it.
So, every time filename is called it will return a different value, because of
Use created_at column instead, or add a new column for storing the random id or the full filename.
I solved it by saving the filename if it was still the original filename. In the uploader, put:
def filename
if original_filename && original_filename == #filename
#filename = "#{any_string}#{File.extname(original_filename).downcase}"
The issue of the sumbdomain versus the path is not actually an issue. It works with the subdomain. I.e. and both work fine.

Ruby open-uri open method loses file extension opening images

I'm using ruby 1.9.2 along with Rails 3.1.4 and Paperclip 2.4.5.
My issue is trying to save a paperclip attachment from a URI loses the file extension and saves the file without one resulting in issues with things like fancybox that require an extension.
Some example code:
uri = ""
#=> #<File:/var/folders/zc/d69gxhzx10x_bvjrkqgyjgxr0000gn/T/open-uri20120613-27204-i6cldv>
Because there is no extension on the temp file paperclip is saving the file without one resulting in issues.
Has anyone run into this issue? I've seen multiple answers about using paperclip to store images from a URI but none seem to address the same problem we're running
Don't use the temporary file! It's there as a placeholder as the file is read from the port, and should be considered a private resource for OpenURI. Instead, use open(url).read and work with the resulting content by saving it.
Do something like:
require 'uri'
require 'open-uri'
url = ''
filename = File.basename(URI.parse(url).path), 'wb') do |fo|
Temporarily spooling to disk during an operation, especially a network operation, is common. Once the file's content has been accumulated, then it is available to be passed off to the app. read is blocking, so your code will stop there until the file is returned to you. Then you can play with it.
Extension isn't important for temporary file, but if you want use this file in code or save to another place. You can do it:
temp_file = open(params[:url])
def temp_file.original_filename; File.basename(base_uri.path); end
Now, you can save this temporary file to permanent space or use it in code; Original filename will be used automatically.
Im not sure if this will help in your case, but I was noticing similar issues in my project.
The issue turned out to be not caused by Paperclip nor open-uri, but the receiver of the paperclip file (in my case Spree Commerce). Check that you are assigning the paperclip object to the right object, and that it is being interpreted correctly.
The fix that worked for me was to change:
#product.images << Spree::Image.create({
:attachment => open(image_url)
}, :without_protection => true)
#product.master.images << Spree::Image.create({
:attachment => open(image_url)
}, :without_protection => true)
Good luck with your issue
Have you inclued the :extension in your path/url option?
For example:
has_attached_file :image,
:url => '/images/highlights/:id_partition/:style_:id.:extension',
:path => ':rails_root/files/images/highlights/:id_partition/:style_:id.:extension'
This will probably solve your problem.
You can force an extension there, but I don't think that's recommended.
Update – Paperclip can do this on its own!
Posted by Aditya Sanghi (thanks a lot!):!(file: URI.parse(image_url))
Although keep in mind, that you still need to handle 500, 404, etc
errors (Paperclip can raise them).
Thanks to:
Yes, it is a problem but we can get around this with fancybox.
In the link tag(for image) add :type => 'image'
- #images.each do |image|
= link_to image_tag(image.attachment.url), image.attachment.url, class: "fancybox", type: 'image'
By specifying 'type', Fancybox overrides the type as image!topic/fancybox/QgjquBCLynU

RMagick with a direct form submitted Image from Sinatra

I am trying to do something quite simple using Sinatra and RMagick.
Take a image, through a simple form
file upload
Use RMagick to resize it
Then store it in a database for
persistence (irrelevant)
But after going through the RDocs and endless head banging testing
I can't seem to get the form image to a RMagick object cleanly.
This is the horrible thing that is currently working for me:
def image_resize(img_data)
filecount = rand
writer ="/tmp/#{filecount}.jpg", "w")
resized_image ="/tmp/#{filecount}.jpg").first
resized_image.crop_resized!(100,100, Magick::NorthGravity)
resized.format = 'jpeg'
#call the method with my form image data
So how do I do the obvious right thing and just stick my form image data straight into a RMagick object without having to write and read the disk.
I have tried various ways of reading in Magick::Image and ImageLists but have only got an abundance of errors barfed at me.
Thanks for any kind of direction
You need to get the path from the tempfile and pass that to Magick::Image’s read.
Here’s an example:
post "/upload-photo" do
image =[:image][:tempfile].path)[0]
image.crop_resized! 100, 100, Magick::CenterGravity
store_image_data image.to_blob
redirect "/done"
Or you can read straight from the ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile like so:
image = Magick::Image.from_blob(params[:image].read)
