How to Track Calls, SMS and Text in WP7 - windows-phone-7

Is there any way I can track Calls, Emails, SMS and Contacts in WP7. I specifically need to know when the recent call is ended or any notification that my application can get when call ends with details of the call. Or can I fetch the Call history when the my app starts. Can I do the same for Email, SMS and Contacts.

You can't. You have several barriers to what you are trying to do.
Currently, third party apps can't run in the background to be notified of the events you mentioned.
Third party apps are not allowed to access call history.

I am afraid you cannot do this with the current version of SDK. May be they will add it in future versions. 2 of which are set to be released this year.


Play & App Store Webhooks / Server Side Code on subscription start and cancel

I need to add server side logic when a user buys and cancels a subscription. To me this seems like a basic feature that many apps probably use. However as it turns out it's not that simple to setup up the need webhooks.
My App will be available on android and iOS, so I will need to configure both, which is why I thought about using RevenueCat. But it turns out, this is a paid feature for $110/month, which is way too much for a/my new app. This is probably the biggest time saver for RevenueCat compared to using the official InApp Purchases packages, so I don't see why they would make it a paid feature.
Anyways what the best way to handle webhooks with the Play Store and the App Store? Any Guides and Tipps would be very helpful!
Apple and Google both offer server-to-server notifications that will notify you when a subscriber cancels.
Apple guide: Enabling Server-to-Server Notifications
Google guide: Real-time developer notifications
If you have your own user Ids, they won't be present in these server notifications so on your server you can save the user Id along with the transaction identifier of their original purchase. That way when a notification comes in you can look up the user from the transaction identifier and flag them as cancelled.
Alternatively, the RevenueCat API is included on their free plan so you can periodically poll their GET /subscribers endpoint to get the latest subscription status for a user. This obviously won't be real-time, but may be enough for your use-case.
Update: I decided to solve this issue similar as #enc_life suggested with the RevenueCat API. For validation the purchase, I send a request to my server, that checks with if the user actually bought the subscription. For canceling the subscription, I execute a function everyday on my server, that checks for all subscribers if the subscription is still valid.

Prevent conflicts when creating events in a resource calendar using Google Calendar V3

I'm trying to solve a problem of preventing double bookings using the Google Calendar Api (v3). I'm using Google resources in a GSuite environment. The bookings are made from a centralized platform on behalf of multiple users and are applied to multiple rooms (resources). The responsible application authenticates using a Service Account. The resource calendars are all configured to only accept invitations that do not conflict.
So far I found out that there are at least two ways to book a resource:
Create an event in the resource calendar
Create an event in a personal calendar en add the resource as attendee
I found out that in the first senario, events can be added to the resource calendar, even if they cause a conflict. There is no failure in the api response, the event is just added.
I tested the second scenario with my personal calendar and found out that the room needs to respond to the event invitation. Apparently that process may take several minutes before the room responds.
I'm building an api that should respond as fast as possible, but I want it to only create an event if it doesn't conflict. Of course I can use the free/busy information to reduce the chance of conclicts, but I would like to eliminate that chance entirely.
Does anyone know if Google provides functionality for this problem out of the box?
Thanks in advance.
Google does not do any validation on the api. You send what you want inserted and they insert it. Its up to you to ensure that it does not conflict with anything already there.
May i suggest that you check before you insert it and then do a double check in a few minutes to ensure there is no conflicts if there is then delete it again.

Webhook when new domain installed my app

I'm working on GSuite application and wondered how my backend can be notified when new domain admin installs my app?
You can use the license notification api to retrieve a list of current installs.
After installation the user will probably start or setup your app. You could add your own webhook notification when the user goes through this First Run Experience. (This is what we did)
There is another thing you might be able to pull off: As far as i know, an event is fired to Google Analytics on install. Maybe you can add an alert/webhook in Google Analytics.
However, i was having some problems with the events to show up in GA in the first place.

Parse app for clients

I have made a Parse-based app that allows the user to send a push notification to everyone who downloads the app. It's a kind of quick public address system for a congregation, school, club, etc.
Other leaders have expressed an interest in my app for their communities. But these people are not tech-savvy and have no interest in becoming Apple developers for $100 a year, so building custom apps for them is not an option. Even if I did it for them, I would be concerned that they would mess something up that would require a lot of time on my part to repair. They just want to use the app for their communities.
My question: Could I make custom apps for these groups, keep them on my iTunesConnect account, and simply make a new Parse account for each app? That way, the group leaders would only need to know how to log into Parse and send a push notification on the Parse website.
Thank you,
You could. It could be done with a single app that everyone downloads and then configures to connect it to their specific parse app.
It's possible that you could write the app so it doesn't know the parse account details and they need to be entered on the device. It's also possible that you could supply that detail with an invite e-mail that opens the app and has the details in the URL query.

Detecting and logging phone call answer and phone call drop events?

I would like to know if its possible to detect and register an incoming call and also to register a droped call?
After doing a bit of research, I noticed a lot of comments on using the obscured event.
But problem here is that this event is not specific to phone calls and therefore the data collected will not be accurate.
Is there a way to verify which of the obscured events are actual incomming calls or dropped calls?
If this is possible, could you please respond with a sample code?
no there is no way to plug into phone call related events as there isn't any available option.
The current Windows Phone SDK (version 7.1.1) doesn't allow you to access any information about received/dropped calls, nor their log information...
I guess that you'd have to use do with Interop access to achieve such a thing, but that is always tricky!
