Is there a Way to get a scale from zero to the max value used in the linked Table?
Hey there, im using Libreoffice calc to make up some bloodsugar analysis.
I got the problem now, that i made a graph and this graph does not contain a scale on the left side.
I need to find a way to add this.
Can you help me please?
Ill upload the document to Dropbox
and make a screenshot to explain what i mean
Thank you very much!!
Good day
I want to write Ri+ and Ri- (i as subscript and +/- as superscript) on y label in a basic plot function in Rstudio. Also "and" between them. I am trying
But this is not working as I am desired. Please help
Is this what you are trying to do?
expression(paste(italic(R[i]^+phantom(0)),"and", italic(~R[i]^-phantom(0))))
I want to create a dynamic xpath in appium to get the elements using bounds that has x coordinates 53 and varying y coordinates. This code is giving me error "Could not find function:"
driver.findElements(By.xpath("[(contains(#bounds, '][53,'))]"));
Try using below code it works for me on android
I managed to get the partial match working.
I'm not sure but perhaps your issue is that you are using "][53," which matches the bottom right corner x position. The code I tested with used the top left corner x and y position.
close_button = driver.find_element(by=AppiumBy.XPATH, value="//android.widget.ImageButton[contains(#bounds, '[78,78][') and #clickable='true']")
Your question actually was the answer I was looking for.
I'm struggling to create labels for the end of my multiline chart in d3. I'm new to this, so I must be missing something. When I add the two chunks of code in to create labels for two of the lines it stops the chart showing up on my browser.
For ref this is what it looks like without final two code chunks
Grateful for any help!
Just for everyone else to know :
Here is the link to the correct problem :
The problem here was the y value for the labels were set like so :
where he should have done something like this :
which puts the labels at the correct height at the end of the line :)
I am trying to plot a time series (a seismograph) with a corresponding spectrogram in R.
Since I would like to compare the time series with the spectrogram, the X axis labels on the time series need to line up with the X axis labels on the spectrogram. However, I'm having a lot of trouble with this. The best I've been able to do so far is use
and try to manually force the spectrogram labels to line up with the time series labels by tweaking the spectrogram margin. Of course this is only approximate and they still do not line up perfectly. Is there a way to make the axes generated by the code below match up with each other?
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01), type="l",xlab="Time",
ylab="Amplitude", main="Time Series", xlim=c(1,10))
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram", xlim=c(1,10))
Thanks in advance!
This seems to work:
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01), type="l", xaxs="i")
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram")
Just drop the xlim= arguments and use xaxs="i" in the plot() function to match the default for image().
You can either add xaxs='i' to the call to plot (this removes the extra padding so it lines up with the image plot), or you could use par('usr') after the 1st plot to see what the x limits are and use those values in the xlim call in image.
It turns out that this is way easier than it looked initially. The secret is to make a "dummy plot" and then add the image to the plot. So here's how the new, working code looks:
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01),
type="l",xlab="Time",ylab="Amplitude", main="Time Series")
plot(c(0,10), c(0,10), type="n") #Dummy plot with axis limits for our spectrogram
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram",add=TRUE)
Similar, but conversely, to Greg Snow's answer, you could add xaxs='r' to the call to image as follows:
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01), type="l",xlab="Time",
ylab="Amplitude", main="Time Series", xlim=c(1,10))
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram", xlim=c(1,10), xaxs="r")
Don't forget to save your par() setting first.
(maybe I should have put that above)