Bash stdout character limit - bash

How can you limit the count of standard output characters that is redirected to file?

Other ways (external)
echo $out| head -c 20
echo $out | awk '{print substr($0,1,20) }'
echo $out | ruby -e 'print $_[0,19]'
echo $out | sed -r 's/(^.{20})(.*)/\1/'

You could use Command Substitution to wrap the output pre-redirection, then use the offset Parameter Expansion to limit the number of characters like so:
out=$(echo "this line has more than twenty characters in it")
echo ${out::limit} > /path/to/file
Proof of Concept
$ limit=20
$ out=$(echo "this line has more than twenty characters in it").
$ echo ${out::limit}
this line has more t

You can't do so directly into a file, but you can pipe through sed or head, etc. to pass on only part of the output. Or as #SiegeX says, capture the output in the shell (but I would be wary of that if the output mis likely to be large).


print lines where the third character is a digit

for example our bash script's name is masodik and there is a text.txt with these lines:
Then I write ./masodik text.txt and i got
I tried it many ways and I dont know why this is not working
for i in read u ; do
echo $i $u | grep '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9][0-9]'
$ grep -E '^.{2}[0-9]' text.txt
, and in script it could be something like:
grep -E '^.{2}[0-9]' "$1"
To print lines whose third character is a digit:
grep ^..[0-9] text.txt
^ matches the start of the line. The dot . matches any character. [0-9] matches any digit.
You can do it with awk quite easily as well:
awk '/^..[0-9]/' file
With your input in file:
$ awk '/^..[0-9]/' file
(sed works as well, sed -n '/^..[0-9]/p' file)
The problem with the code here:
for i in read u ; do
echo $i $u | grep '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9][0-9]'
done that the for syntax is wrong:
read u is treated as a word list. So the $u variable is never set, so $u stays empty.
The for loop will run twice -- the 1st time $i will be set to the string "read", the 2nd time $i will be set to the string "u". Since neither string contains a number, the grep returns nothing.
The code never reads text.txt.
See Sasha Khapyorsky's answer for actual working code.
If for some odd reason all external utils, (grep, awk, etc.), are forbidden, this pure POSIX code would work:
while read u ; do
case "$u" in
[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9][0-9]*) echo "$u" ;;
If perl is installed into the system then shell script will look like
perl -e 'print if /^.{2}\d/' text.txt

Introduce ANSI codes into a stream

I want any stdout to display on one line only. Each successive line should overwrite the last.
Typically, I would do
echo -ne "Overwrite me. \033[0K\r"
But now I want to pipe the output, and since echo is not a filter I need to use sed or something e.g.
cat story.txt |$.with.\033[0K\r
sed can't be used since sed will always append a newline to it's output. You need to use a while loop in the shell:
while read -r line ; do
echo -en "\r\033[0K${line}"
sleep 1
done < story.txt

Optimize shell script for multiple sed replacements

I have a file containing a list of replacement pairs (about 100 of them) which are used by sed to replace strings in files.
The pairs go like:
and my current code is:
cat replacement_list | while read i
old=$(echo "$i" | awk -F'|' '{print $1}') #due to the need for extended regex
new=$(echo "$i" | awk -F'|' '{print $2}')
sed -r "s/`echo "$old"`/`echo "$new"`/g" -i file
I cannot help but think that there is a more optimal way of performing the replacements. I tried turning the loop around to run through lines of the file first but that turned out to be much more expensive.
Are there any other ways of speeding up this script?
Thanks for all the quick responses. Let me try out the various suggestions before choosing an answer.
One thing to clear up: I also need subexpressions/groups functionality. For example, one replacement I might need is:
([0-9])U|\10 #the extra brackets and escapes were required for my original code
Some details on the improvements (to be updated):
Method: processing time
Original script: 0.85s
cut instead of awk: 0.71s
anubhava's method: 0.18s
chthonicdaemon's method: 0.01s
You can use sed to produce correctly -formatted sed input:
sed -e 's/^/s|/; s/$/|g/' replacement_list | sed -r -f - file
I recently benchmarked various string replacement methods, among them a custom program, sed -e, perl -lnpe and an probably not that widely known MySQL command line utility, replace. replace being optimized for string replacements was almost an order of magnitude faster than sed. The results looked something like this (slowest first):
custom program > sed > LANG=C sed > perl > LANG=C perl > replace
If you want performance, use replace. To have it available on your system, you'll need to install some MySQL distribution, though.
From replace.c:
Replace strings in textfile
This program replaces strings in files or from stdin to stdout. It accepts a list of from-string/to-string pairs and replaces each occurrence of a from-string with the corresponding to-string. The first occurrence of a found string is matched. If there is more than one possibility for the string to replace, longer matches are preferred before shorter matches.
The programs make a DFA-state-machine of the strings and the speed isn't dependent on the count of replace-strings (only of the number of replaces). A line is assumed ending with \n or \0. There are no limit exept memory on length of strings.
More on sed. You can utilize multiple cores with sed, by splitting your replacements into #cpus groups and then pipe them through sed commands, something like this:
$ sed -e 's/A/B/g; ...' file.txt | \
sed -e 's/B/C/g; ...' | \
sed -e 's/C/D/g; ...' | \
sed -e 's/D/E/g; ...' > out
Also, if you use sed or perl and your system has an UTF-8 setup, then it also boosts performance to place a LANG=C in front of the commands:
$ LANG=C sed ...
You can cut down unnecessary awk invocations and use BASH to break name-value pairs:
while IFS='|' read -r old new; do
# echo "$old :: $new"
sed -i "s~$old~$new~g" file
done < replacement_list
IFS='|' will give enable read to populate name-value in 2 different shell variables old and new.
This is assuming ~ is not present in your name-value pairs. If that is not the case then feel free to use an alternate sed delimiter.
Here is what I would try:
store your sed search-replace pair in a Bash array like ;
build your sed command based on this array using parameter expansion
run command.
old new
tobereplaced replacement
pattern_count=${#patterns[*]} # number of pattern
sedArgs=() # will hold the list of sed arguments
for (( i=0 ; i<$pattern_count ; i=i+2 )); do # don't need to loop on the replacement…
replace=${patterns[i+1]}; # … here we got the replacement part
sedArgs+=" -e s/$search/$replace/g"
sed ${sedArgs[#]} file
This result in this command:
sed -e s/old/new/g -e s/tobereplaced/replacement/g file
You can try this.
cat replacement_list | while read i
old=$(echo "$i" | awk -F'|' '{print $1}') #due to the need for extended regex
new=$(echo "$i" | awk -F'|' '{print $2}')
sed -r ${pattern} -i file
This will run the sed command only once on the file with all the replacements. You may also want to replace awk with cut. cut may be more optimized then awk, though I am not sure about that.
old=`echo $i | cut -d"|" -f1`
new=`echo $i | cut -d"|" -f2`
You might want to do the whole thing in awk:
awk -F\| 'NR==FNR{old[++n]=$1;new[n]=$2;next}{for(i=1;i<=n;++i)gsub(old[i],new[i])}1' replacement_list file
Build up a list of old and new words from the first file. The next ensures that the rest of the script isn't run on the first file. For the second file, loop through the list of replacements and perform them each one by one. The 1 at the end means that the line is printed.
{ cat replacement_list;echo "-End-"; cat YourFile; } | sed -n '1,/-End-/ s/$/³/;1h;1!H;$ {g
t again
/^-End-³\n/ {s///;b done
t again
t again
More for fun to code via sed. Try maybe for a time perfomance because this start only 1 sed that is recursif.
for posix sed (so --posix with GNU sed)
copy replacement list in front of file content with a delimiter (for line with ³ and for list with -End-) for an easier sed handling (hard to use \n in class character in posix sed.
place all line in buffer (add the delimiter of line for replacement list and -End- before)
if this is -End-³, remove the line and go to final print
replace each first pattern (group 1) found in text by second patttern (group 2)
if found, restart (t again)
remove first line
restart process (t again). T is needed because b does not reset the test and next t is always true.
Thanks to #miku above;
I have a 100MB file with a list of 80k replacement-strings.
I tried various combinations of sed's sequentially or parallel, but didn't see throughputs getting shorter than about a 20-hour runtime.
Instead I put my list into a sequence of scripts like "cat in | replace aold anew bold bnew cold cnew ... > out ; rm in ; mv out in".
I randomly picked 1000 replacements per file, so it all went like this:
# first, split my replace-list into manageable chunks (89 files in this case)
split -a 4 -l 1000 80kReplacePairs rep_
# next, make a 'replace' script out of each chunk
for F in rep_* ; do \
echo "create and make executable a scriptfile" ; \
echo '#!/bin/sh' > run_$ ; chmod +x run_$ ; \
echo "for each chunk-file line, strip line-ends," ; \
echo "then with sed, turn '{long list}' into 'cat in | {long list}' > out" ; \
cat $F | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/^/cat in | replace /;s/$/ > out/' >> run_$ ;
echo "and append commands to switch in and out files, for next script" ; \
echo -e " && \\\\ \nrm in && mv out in\n" >> run_$ ; \
# put all the replace-scripts in sequence into a main script
ls ./run_rep_aa* >
# make it executable
chmod +x
# run it
nohup ./ &
.. which ran in under 5 mins, a lot less than 20 hours !
Looking back, I could have used more pairs per script, by finding how many lines would make up the limit.
xargs --show-limits </dev/null 2>&1 | grep --color=always "actually use:"
Maximum length of command we could actually use: 2090490
So just under 2MB; how many pairs would that be for my script ?
head -c 2090490 80kReplacePairs | wc -l
So it seems I could have used 2 * 40000-line chunks
to expand on chthonicdaemon's solution
live demo
#! /bin/sh
# build regex from text file
# test
# set these with "export key=val"
escape_b() {
echo "$1" | sed 's,/,\\/,g'
(echo; cat "$REGEX_FILE"; echo) \
| perl -p -0 -e '
s/\(\(SOME_VAR_NAME\)\)/'"$(escape_b "$SOME_VAR_NAME")"'/g;
s/\(\(ANOTHER_VAR_NAME\)\)/'"$(escape_b "$ANOTHER_VAR_NAME")"'/g;
echo "regex:"; echo "$regex" # debug
exec perl -00 -p -i -e "$regex" "$#"
prefixing lines with -+/ allows empty "plus" values, and protects leading whitespace from buggy text editors
sample input: some-patch.regex.diff
# file format is similar to diff/patch
# this is a comment
# replace all "a/a" with "b/b"
# this is another comment
sample output
this regex format is compatible with sed and perl
since miku mentioned mysql replace:
replacing fixed strings with regex is non-trivial,
since you must escape all regex chars,
but you also must handle backslash escapes ...
naive escaper:
echo '\(\n' | perl -p -e 's/([.+*?()\[\]])/\\\1/g'

Use sed te extract ascii hex string from a single line in a file

I have a file that looks like this:
some random
00ab46f891c2emore random
and yet more text
only one line in the file contains only hex characters (234324fc234ba253069), how do I extract that? I tried sed -ne 's/^\([a-f0-9]*\)$/\1/p' file I used line start and line end (^ and &) as delimiters, but I am obviously missing something...
Grep does the job,
$ grep '^[a-f0-9]\+$' file
Through awk,
$ awk '/^[a-f0-9]+$/{print}' file
Based on the search pattern given, awk and grep prints the matched line.
^ # start
[a-f0-9]\+ # hex characters without capital A-F one or more times
$ # End
sed can make it:
sed -n '/^[a-f0-9]*$/p' file
By the way, your command sed -ne 's/^\([a-f0-9]*\)$/\1/p' file is working to me. Note, also, that it is not necessary to use \1 to print back. It is handy in many cases, but now it is too much because you want to print the whole line. Just sed -n '/pattern/p' does the job, as I indicate above.
As there is just one match in the whole file, you may want to exit once it is found (thanks NeronLeVelu!):
sed -n '/^[a-f0-9]*$/{p;q}' file
Another approach is to let printf decide when the line is hexadecimal:
while read line
printf "%f\n" "0x"$line >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$line"
done < file
Based on Hexadecimal To Decimal in Shell Script, printf "%f" 0xNUMBER executes successfully if the number is indeed hexadecimal. Otherwise, it returns an error.
Hence, using printf ... >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$line" does not let printf print anything (redirects to /dev/null) but then prints the line if it was hexadecimal.
For your given file, it returns:
$ while read line; do printf "%f\n" "0x"$line >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$line"; done < a
Using egrep you can restrict your regex to select lines that only match valid hex characters i.e. [a-fA-F0-9]:
egrep '^[a-fA-F0-9]+$' file

Concise and portable "join" on the Unix command-line

How can I join multiple lines into one line, with a separator where the new-line characters were, and avoiding a trailing separator and, optionally, ignoring empty lines?
Example. Consider a text file, foo.txt, with three lines:
The desired output is:
The command I'm using now:
tr '\n' ',' <foo.txt |sed 's/,$//g'
Ideally it would be something like this:
cat foo.txt |join ,
the most portable, concise, readable way.
the most concise way using non-standard unix tools.
Of course I could write something, or just use an alias. But I'm interested to know the options.
Perhaps a little surprisingly, paste is a good way to do this:
paste -s -d","
This won't deal with the empty lines you mentioned. For that, pipe your text through grep, first:
grep -v '^$' | paste -s -d"," -
This sed one-line should work -
sed -e :a -e 'N;s/\n/,/;ba' file
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat file
[jaypal:~/Temp] sed -e :a -e 'N;s/\n/,/;ba' file
To handle empty lines, you can remove the empty lines and pipe it to the above one-liner.
sed -e '/^$/d' file | sed -e :a -e 'N;s/\n/,/;ba'
How about to use xargs?
for your case
$ cat foo.txt | sed 's/$/, /' | xargs
Be careful about the limit length of input of xargs command. (This means very long input file cannot be handled by this.)
cat data.txt | perl -pe 'if(!eof){chomp;$_.=","}'
or yet shorter and faster, surprisingly:
cat data.txt | perl -pe 'if(!eof){s/\n/,/}'
or, if you want:
cat data.txt | perl -pe 's/\n/,/ unless eof'
Just for fun, here's an all-builtins solution
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a data < foo.txt ; ( IFS=, ; echo "${data[*]}" ; )
You can use printf instead of echo if the trailing newline is a problem.
This works by setting IFS, the delimiters that read will split on, to just newline and not other whitespace, then telling read to not stop reading until it reaches a nul, instead of the newline it usually uses, and to add each item read into the array (-a) data. Then, in a subshell so as not to clobber the IFS of the interactive shell, we set IFS to , and expand the array with *, which delimits each item in the array with the first character in IFS
I needed to accomplish something similar, printing a comma-separated list of fields from a file, and was happy with piping STDOUT to xargs and ruby, like so:
cat data.txt | cut -f 16 -d ' ' | grep -o "\d\+" | xargs ruby -e "puts ARGV.join(', ')"
I had a log file where some data was broken into multiple lines. When this occurred, the last character of the first line was the semi-colon (;). I joined these lines by using the following commands:
for LINE in 'cat $FILE | tr -s " " "|"'
if [ $(echo $LINE | egrep ";$") ]
echo "$LINE\c" | tr -s "|" " " >> $MYFILE
echo "$LINE" | tr -s "|" " " >> $MYFILE
The result is a file where lines that were split in the log file were one line in my new file.
Simple way to join the lines with space in-place using ex (also ignoring blank lines), use:
ex +%j -cwq foo.txt
If you want to print the results to the standard output, try:
ex +%j +%p -scq! foo.txt
To join lines without spaces, use +%j! instead of +%j.
To use different delimiter, it's a bit more tricky:
ex +"g/^$/d" +"%s/\n/_/e" +%p -scq! foo.txt
where g/^$/d (or v/\S/d) removes blank lines and s/\n/_/ is substitution which basically works the same as using sed, but for all lines (%). When parsing is done, print the buffer (%p). And finally -cq! executing vi q! command, which basically quits without saving (-s is to silence the output).
Please note that ex is equivalent to vi -e.
This method is quite portable as most of the Linux/Unix are shipped with ex/vi by default. And it's more compatible than using sed where in-place parameter (-i) is not standard extension and utility it-self is more stream oriented, therefore it's not so portable.
POSIX shell:
( set -- $(cat foo.txt) ; IFS=+ ; printf '%s\n' "$*" )
My answer is:
awk '{printf "%s", ","$0}' foo.txt
printf is enough. We don't need -F"\n" to change field separator.
