Given a function rand7(), write a function which rand10() uniformly - algorithm

Can i have an efficient solution for the above problem.... I tried to figure out the problem from this website
but couldn't get the reason
idx = col + (row-1)*7; why are they multiplying with 7....
we could have done this also (rand7() * rand7()) % 10... or multiplying with any other number, because at the end we have to do mod 10 which will give the results within 10 only....
why they have made the solution so difficult.. Please explain and your thoughts on it...
And what does uniformly means in the question?

(rand7() * rand7()) % 10
won't do, since some values will be more probable than others.
Lets compare the probability of for instance getting a 1 and getting a 2:
To get a 1:
rand7() * rand7() would need to equal 1, 11, 21, 31 or 41.
This can be achieved in the following ways: 1*1, 3*7 or 7*3.
That is, 3 times out of 49 you'll get a 1
To get a 2:,
rand7() * rand7() would need to equal 2, 12, 22, 32 or 42.
This can be achieved in the following ways: 1*2, 2*1, 3*4, 4*3, 2*6, 6*2, 6*7, 7*6.
That is, 8 times out of 49 you'll get a 2!
Their solution solves this by letting each number (from 1 through 10) be equally probable: Each number occurs 4 times in the 49 possible outcomes, (9 outcomes are discarded and result in a re-sampling).
As a matter of fact, the implementation of Random.nextInt(int n) does something similar:
int bits, val;
do {
bits = next(31);
val = bits % n;
} while (bits - val + (n-1) < 0); // re-sample until in range.
return val;
This actually uses a rand2 to implement a randN.

It's the base conversion of a two-digit base-7 number into a base-10 number. And it's exactly the way you would extend this to the solution to the
Generalized problem
Implementing a randA() function using randB(), for B,A > 1.
Generate sufficiently many (ceil(ln(A)/ln(B))) base-B digits
Ensure uniform distribution: If number > A*floor(pow(B,ceil(ln(A)/ln(B)))/A) reject it and continue with 1, else continue with 3
Base convert the resulting number into base-A, choose least significant digit to be result of randA()
// This function returns a randN function. Usage
// example rand7=randn(7); rand7(); rand7()
function randn(i) {
return function () {return Math.floor(Math.random() * i);};
// Given a random generator for numbers 0..b-1 this
// function returns a random generator for numbers 0..a-1
function randA(b, randB, a) {
var digits=Math.ceil(Math.log(a)/Math.log(b));
var maxNum=a*Math.floor(Math.pow(b, digits)/a)-1;
return function() {
var s;
var number;
do {
// Step 1
for ( var i=0; i<digits; i++ )
s += randB();
number=parseInt(s, b);
} while (number>maxNum); // Step 2
return number%a; // Step 3
// generates a rand8() number generator
// generates array containing random numbers 0..7
[rand8(), rand8(), rand8()]

Uniformly means that each outcome occurs equally frequently. If you call rand7() seven million times, you will get each outcome roughly one million times.
But try counting the outcomes of (rand7() * rand7()) % 10. You'll be surprised how much more frequent one of the outcomes is compared to the others.


Minimum number of operations to make A and B equal simultaneously

Given two non-negative integers A and B, find the minimum number of operations to make them equal simultaneously. In one operation, you can:
either change A to 2*A
or change B to 2*B
or change both A and B to A-1, B-1
For example: A = 7, B = 25
Sequence of operations would be:
6 24
12 24
24 24
We cannot make them equal in less than 3 operations
I was asked this coding question in a test a week ago. Cannot think of a solution, it is stuck in my head.The input A and B were somewhat over 10^12 so it is clear that I cannot use a loop else it will exceed time limit.
A slow but working solution:
If they are equal, stop.
If one of them is 0, stop with failure (there is no solution if negative numbers are not allowed).
While both are larger than 1, decrease both.
Now the smaller is 1, the other is larger.
While the smaller has a shorter binary representation, double the smaller.
Continue at step 1.
In step 4, the maximum decreases. In step 5, the absolute difference decreases. Thus eventually the algorithm terminates.
This should give the optimal solution. We have to compare a few different ways and take the best solution.
One working solution is to double the smaller number as many times as it stays below the larger number (can be zero times). Then calculate the difference between the double of the (possibly multiple times) doubled smaller number and the larger number. And decrease the numbers as many times. Then double the smaller number one more time. [If the numbers are equal from the beginning, the solution is trivial instead.] This gives an upper bound of the steps.
Now try out the following optimizations:
2a) Choose a number n between 0 and up to the number of steps of the best solution so far.
2b) Choose one number as A and one number as B (two possibilities).
2c) Now count the applied steps of the following procedure.
Double A n times.
Calculate the smallest power of 2 (=m), with which B * 2^m >= A. m should be at least 1.
Calculate the difference of A with the product from step 4 in a mixed base (correct term?) system with each digit having a positional value of 2^(n+1)-1, which is from the least significant right digit to the left: 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, ... From all possible representations the number must have the smallest crosssum, e.g. 100 for 7 is correct, 021 not. Sidenote: For the least checksum there will mostly be digits 0 and 1 and at most one digit 2, no other digits. There will never be a digit 1 right of a 2.)
Represent the number as m digits by filling the left positions with zero. If the number does not fit, go back to step 2 for another selection.
Take the most significant not processed digit from step 6 and do as many decreasing steps.
Double B.
Repeat from 7. with the next digit; if there are no more digits left, the numbers are equal.
If the number of steps is less than the best solution so far, choose this as the proposed solution.
Go back to step 2 for another selection.
After doing all selections from 2 we should have the optimal solution with the minimum number of steps.
The following examples are from an earlier version of the answer, where A is always the larger number and n=0, so we test only one selection.
Example 17 and 65
Power of 2: 2^2=4; 4x17=68
Difference: 68-65=3
3 = 010=10 in base 7/3/1
Start => 17/65
Decrease. Double. => 32/64
Double. => 64/64
Example 18 and 67
Power of 2: 2^2=4; 4x18=72
Difference: 72-67=5
5 = 012=12 in base 7/3/1
Start => 18/67
Decrease. Double. => 34/66
Decrease. Decrease. Double. => 64/64
Example 10 and 137
Power of 2: 2^4=16; 16*10=160
Difference: 160-137=23
23 = 1101 in base 15/7/3/1
Start => 10/137
Decrease. Double. => 18/136
Decrease. Double. => 34/135
Double. => 68/135
Decrease. Double. => 134/134
Here's a breadth-first search that does return the correct answer but may not be an optimal method of finding it. Maybe it can help others detect a pattern.
JavasScript code:
function f(a, b) {
const q = [[a, b, [a, b]]];
while (true){
const [x, y, path] = q.shift();
if (x == y) {
return path;
if (x > 0 && y > 0) {
q.push([x-1, y-1, path.concat([x-1, y-1])]);
q.push([2*x, y, path.concat([2*x, y])]);
q.push([x, 2*y, path.concat([x, 2*y])]);
return [];
function showPath(path) {
let out1 = "";
let out2 = "";
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i += 2) {
const s1 = path[i].toString(2);
const s2 = path[i+1].toString(2);
const len = Math.max(s1.length, s2.length);
out1 += s1.padStart(len, "0");
out2 += s2.padStart(len, "0");
if (i < path.length - 2) {
out1 += " --> ";
out2 += " --> ";
showPath(f(89, 7));

Generating Random Numbers for RPG games

I'm wondering if there is an algorithm to generate random numbers that most likely will be low in a range from min to max. For instance if you generate a random number between 1 and 100 it should most of the time be below 30 if you call the function with f(min: 1, max: 100, avg: 30), but if you call it with f(min: 1, max: 200, avg: 10) the most the average should be 10. A lot of games does this, but I simply can't find a way to do this with formula. Most of the examples I have seen uses a "drop table" or something like that.
I have come up with a fairly simple way to weight the outcome of a roll, but it is not very efficient and you don't have a lot of control over it
var pseudoRand = function(min, max, n) {
if (n > 0) {
return pseudoRand(min, Math.random() * (max - min) + min, n - 1)
return max;
rands = []
for (var i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
rands.push(pseudoRand(0, 100, 1))
avg = rands.reduce(function(x, y) { return x + y } ) / rands.length
console.log(avg); // ~50
The function simply picks a random number between min and max N times, where it for every iteration updates the max with the last roll. So if you call it with N = 2, and max = 100 then it must roll 100 two times in a row in order to return 100
I have looked at some distributions on wikipedia, but I don't quite understand them enough to know how I can control the min and max outputs etc.
Any help is very much welcomed
A simple way to generate a random number with a given distribution is to pick a random number from a list where the numbers that should occur more often are repeated according with the desired distribution.
For example if you create a list [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4] and pick a random index from 0 to 9 to select an element from that list you will get a number <4 with 90% probability.
Alternatively, using the distribution from the example above, generate an array [2,5,8,9] and pick a random integer from 0 to 9, if it's ≤2 (this will occur with 30% probability) then return 1, if it's >2 and ≤5 (this will also occur with 30% probability) return 2, etc.
Explained here:
A probability distribution function is just a function that, when you put in a value X, will return the probability of getting that value X. A cumulative distribution function is the probability of getting a number less than or equal to X. A CDF is the integral of a PDF. A CDF is almost always a one-to-one function, so it almost always has an inverse.
To generate a PDF, plot the value on the x-axis and the probability on the y-axis. The sum (discrete) or integral (continuous) of all the probabilities should add up to 1. Find some function that models that equation correctly. To do this, you may have to look up some PDFs.
Basic Algorithm
This algorithm is based off of Inverse Transform Sampling. The idea behind ITS is that you are randomly picking a value on the y-axis of the CDF and finding the x-value it corresponds to. This makes sense because the more likely a value is to be randomly selected, the more "space" it will take up on the y-axis of the CDF.
Come up with some probability distribution formula. For instance, if you want it so that as the numbers get higher the odds of them being chosen increases, you could use something like f(x)=x or f(x)=x^2. If you want something that bulges in the middle, you could use the Gaussian Distribution or 1/(1+x^2). If you want a bounded formula, you can use the Beta Distribution or the Kumaraswamy Distribution.
Integrate the PDF to get the Cumulative Distribution Function.
Find the inverse of the CDF.
Generate a random number and plug it into the inverse of the CDF.
Multiply that result by (max-min) and then add min
Round the result to the nearest integer.
Steps 1 to 3 are things you have to hard code into the game. The only way around it for any PDF is to solve for the shape parameters of that correspond to its mean and holds to the constraints on what you want the shape parameters to be. If you want to use the Kumaraswamy Distribution, you will set it so that the shape parameters a and b are always greater than one.
I would suggest using the Kumaraswamy Distribution because it is bounded and it has a very nice closed form and closed form inverse. It only has two parameters, a and b, and it is extremely flexible, as it can model many different scenarios, including polynomial behavior, bell curve behavior, and a basin-like behavior that has a peak at both edges. Also, modeling isn't too hard with this function. The higher the shape parameter b is, the more tilted it will be to the left, and the higher the shape parameter a is, the more tilted it will be to the right. If a and b are both less than one, the distribution will look like a trough or basin. If a or b is equal to one, the distribution will be a polynomial that does not change concavity from 0 to 1. If both a and b equal one, the distribution is a straight line. If a and b are greater than one, than the function will look like a bell curve. The best thing you can do to learn this is to actually graph these functions or just run the Inverse Transform Sampling algorithm.
For instance, if I want to have a probability distribution shaped like this with a=2 and b=5 going from 0 to 100:*5*x%5E(2-1)*(1-x%5E2)%5E(5-1)+from+x%3D0+to+x%3D1
Its CDF would be:
Its inverse would be:
The General Inverse of the Kumaraswamy Distribution is:
I would then generate a number from 0 to 1, put it into the CDF^-1(x), and multiply the result by 100.
Very accurate
Continuous, not discreet
Uses one formula and very little space
Gives you a lot of control over exactly how the randomness is spread out
Many of these formulas have CDFs with inverses of some sort
There are ways to bound the functions on both ends. For instance, the Kumaraswamy Distribution is bounded from 0 to 1, so you just input a float between zero and one, then multiply the result by (max-min) and add min. The Beta Distribution is bounded differently based on what values you pass into it. For something like PDF(x)=x, the CDF(x)=(x^2)/2, so you can generate a random value from CDF(0) to CDF(max-min).
You need to come up with the exact distributions and their shapes you plan on using
Every single general formula you plan on using needs to be hard coded into the game. In other words, you can program the general Kumaraswamy Distribution into the game and have a function that generates random numbers based on the distribution and its parameters, a and b, but not a function that generates a distribution for you based on the average. If you wanted to use Distribution x, you would have to find out what values of a and b best fit the data you want to see and hard code those values into the game.
I would use a simple mathematical function for that. From what you describe, you need an exponential progression like y = x^2. at average (average is at x=0.5 since rand gets you a number from 0 to 1) you would get 0.25. If you want a lower average number, you can use a higher exponent like y = x^3 what would result in y = 0.125 at x = 0.5
PS: I adjusted the function to calculate the needed exponent to get the average result.
Code example:
function expRand (min, max, exponent) {
return Math.round( Math.pow( Math.random(), exponent) * (max - min) + min);
function averageRand (min, max, average) {
var exponent = Math.log(((average - min) / (max - min))) / Math.log(0.5);
return expRand(min, max, exponent);
alert(averageRand(1, 100, 10));
You may combine 2 random processes. For example:
first rand R1 = f(min: 1, max: 20, avg: 10);
second rand R2 = f(min:1, max : 10, avg : 1);
and then multiply R1*R2 to have a result between [1-200] and average around 10 (the average will be shifted a bit)
Another option is to find the inverse of the random function you want to use. This option has to be initialized when your program starts but doesn't need to be recomputed. The math used here can be found in a lot of Math libraries. I will explain point by point by taking the example of an unknown random function where only four points are known:
First, fit the four point curve with a polynomial function of order 3 or higher.
You should then have a parametrized function of type : ax+bx^2+cx^3+d.
Find the indefinite integral of the function (the form of the integral is of type a/2x^2+b/3x^3+c/4x^4+dx, which we will call quarticEq).
Compute the integral of the polynomial from your min to your max.
Take a uniform random number between 0-1, then multiply by the value of the integral computed in Step 5. (we name the result "R")
Now solve the equation R = quarticEq for x.
Hopefully the last part is well known, and you should be able to find a library that can do this computation (see wiki). If the inverse of the integrated function does not have a closed form solution (like in any general polynomial with degree five or higher), you can use a root finding method such as Newton's Method.
This kind of computation may be use to create any kind of random distribution.
Edit :
You may find the Inverse Transform Sampling described above in wikipedia and I found this implementation (I haven't tried it.)
You can keep a running average of what you have returned from the function so far and based on that in a while loop get the next random number that fulfills the average, adjust running average and return the number
Using a drop table permit a very fast roll, that in a real time game matter. In fact it is only one random generation of a number from a range, then according to a table of probabilities (a Gauss distribution for that range) a if statement with multiple choice. Something like that:
num = random.randint(1,100)
if num<10 :
case 1
if num<20 and num>10 :
case 2
It is not very clean but when you have a finite number of choices it can be very fast.
There are lots of ways to do so, all of which basically boil down to generating from a right-skewed (a.k.a. positive-skewed) distribution. You didn't make it clear whether you want integer or floating point outcomes, but there are both discrete and continuous distributions that fit the bill.
One of the simplest choices would be a discrete or continuous right-triangular distribution, but while that will give you the tapering off you desire for larger values, it won't give you independent control of the mean.
Another choice would be a truncated exponential (for continuous) or geometric (for discrete) distribution. You'd need to truncate because the raw exponential or geometric distribution has a range from zero to infinity, so you'd have to lop off the upper tail. That would in turn require you to do some calculus to find a rate λ which yields the desired mean after truncation.
A third choice would be to use a mixture of distributions, for instance choose a number uniformly in a lower range with some probability p, and in an upper range with probability (1-p). The overall mean is then p times the mean of the lower range + (1-p) times the mean of the upper range, and you can dial in the desired overall mean by adjusting the ranges and the value of p. This approach will also work if you use non-uniform distribution choices for the sub-ranges. It all boils down to how much work you're willing to put into deriving the appropriate parameter choices.
One method would not be the most precise method, but could be considered "good enough" depending on your needs.
The algorithm would be to pick a number between a min and a sliding max. There would be a guaranteed max g_max and a potential max p_max. Your true max would slide depending on the results of another random call. This will give you a skewed distribution you are looking for. Below is the solution in Python.
import random
def get_roll(min, g_max, p_max)
max = g_max + (random.random() * (p_max - g_max))
return random.randint(min, int(max))
get_roll(1, 10, 20)
Below is a histogram of the function ran 100,000 times with (1, 10, 20).
private int roll(int minRoll, int avgRoll, int maxRoll) {
// Generating random number #1
int firstRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(minRoll, maxRoll + 1);
// Iterating 3 times will result in the roll being relatively close to
// the average roll.
if (firstRoll > avgRoll) {
// If the first roll is higher than the (set) average roll:
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int verificationRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(minRoll, maxRoll + 1);
if (firstRoll > verificationRoll && verificationRoll >= avgRoll) {
// If the following condition is met:
// The iteration-roll is closer to 30 than the first roll
firstRoll = verificationRoll;
} else if (firstRoll < avgRoll) {
// If the first roll is lower than the (set) average roll:
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int verificationRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(minRoll, maxRoll + 1);
if (firstRoll < verificationRoll && verificationRoll <= avgRoll) {
// If the following condition is met:
// The iteration-roll is closer to 30 than the first roll
firstRoll = verificationRoll;
return firstRoll;
check if the roll is above, below or exactly 30
if above, reroll 3 times & set the roll according to the new roll, if lower but >= 30
if below, reroll 3 times & set the roll according to the new roll, if
higher but <= 30
if exactly 30, don't set the roll anew
return the roll
performs well
You'll naturally have more results that are in the range of 30-40 than you'll have in the range of 20-30, simple due to the 30-70 relation.
You can test this by using the following method in conjunction with the roll()-method. The data is saved in a hashmap (to map the number to the number of occurences).
public void rollTheD100() {
int maxNr = 100;
int minNr = 1;
int avgNr = 30;
Map<Integer, Integer> numberOccurenceMap = new HashMap<>();
// "Initialization" of the map (please don't hit me for calling it initialization)
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
numberOccurenceMap.put(i, 0);
// Rolling (100k times)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
int dummy = roll(minNr, avgNr, maxNr);
numberOccurenceMap.put(dummy, numberOccurenceMap.get(dummy) + 1);
int numberPack = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
numberPack = numberPack + numberOccurenceMap.get(i);
if (i % 10 == 0) {
System.out.println("<" + i + ": " + numberPack);
numberPack = 0;
The results (100.000 rolls):
These were as expected. Note that you can always fine-tune the results, simply by modifying the iteration-count in the roll()-method (the closer to 30 the average should be, the more iterations should be included (note that this could hurt the performance to a certain degree)). Also note that 30 was (as expected) the number with the highest number of occurences, by far.
<10: 4994
<20: 9425
<30: 18184
<40: 29640
<50: 18283
<60: 10426
<70: 5396
<80: 2532
<90: 897
<100: 223
Try this,
generate a random number for the range of numbers below the average and generate a second random number for the range of numbers above the average.
Then randomly select one of those, each range will be selected 50% of the time.
var psuedoRand = function(min, max, avg) {
var upperRand = (int)(Math.random() * (max - avg) + avg);
var lowerRand = (int)(Math.random() * (avg - min) + min);
if (math.random() < 0.5)
return lowerRand;
return upperRand;
Having seen much good explanations and some good ideas, I still think this could help you:
You can take any distribution function f around 0, and substitute your interval of interest to your desired interval [1,100]: f -> f'.
Then feed the C++ discrete_distribution with the results of f'.
I've got an example with the normal distribution below, but I can't get my result into this function :-S
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double p1(double x, double mean, double sigma); // p(x|x_avg,sigma)
double p2(int x, int x_min, int x_max, double x_avg, double z_min, double z_max); // transform ("stretch") it to the interval
int plot_ps(int x_avg, int x_min, int x_max, double sigma);
int main()
int x_min = 1;
int x_max = 20;
int x_avg = 6;
double sigma = 5;
int p[]={2,1,3,1,2,5,1,1,1,1};
default_random_engine generator (chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
discrete_distribution<int> distribution {p*};
for (int i=0; i< 10; i++)
cout << i << "\t" << distribution(generator) << endl;
plot_ps(x_avg, x_min, x_max, sigma);
return 0; //*/
// Normal distribution function
double p1(double x, double mean, double sigma)
return 1/(sigma*sqrt(2*M_PI))
* exp(-(x-mean)*(x-mean) / (2*sigma*sigma));
// Transforms intervals to your wishes ;)
// z_min and z_max are the desired values f'(x_min) and f'(x_max)
double p2(int x, int x_min, int x_max, double x_avg, double z_min, double z_max)
double y;
double sigma = 1.0;
double y_min = -sigma*sqrt(-2*log(z_min));
double y_max = sigma*sqrt(-2*log(z_max));
if(x < x_avg)
y = -(x-x_avg)/(x_avg-x_min)*y_min;
y = -(x-x_avg)/(x_avg-x_max)*y_max;
return p1(y, 0.0, sigma);
//plots both distribution functions
int plot_ps(int x_avg, int x_min, int x_max, double sigma)
double z = (1.0+x_max-x_min);
// plot p1
for (int i=1; i<=20; i++)
cout << i << "\t" <<
string(int(p1(i, x_avg, sigma)*(sigma*sqrt(2*M_PI)*20.0)+0.5), '*')
<< endl;
cout << endl;
// plot p2
for (int i=1; i<=20; i++)
cout << i << "\t" <<
string(int(p2(i, x_min, x_max, x_avg, 1.0/z, 1.0/z)*(20.0*sqrt(2*M_PI))+0.5), '*')
<< endl;
With the following result if I let them plot:
1 ************
2 ***************
3 *****************
4 ******************
5 ********************
6 ********************
7 ********************
8 ******************
9 *****************
10 ***************
11 ************
12 **********
13 ********
14 ******
15 ****
16 ***
17 **
18 *
19 *
1 *
2 ***
3 *******
4 ************
5 ******************
6 ********************
7 ********************
8 *******************
9 *****************
10 ****************
11 **************
12 ************
13 *********
14 ********
15 ******
16 ****
17 ***
18 **
19 **
20 *
So - if you could give this result to the discrete_distribution<int> distribution {}, you got everything you want...
Well, from what I can see of your problem, I would want for the solution to meet these criteria:
a) Belong to a single distribution: If we need to "roll" (call math.Random) more than once per function call and then aggregate or discard some results, it stops being truly distributed according to the given function.
b) Not be computationally intensive: Some of the solutions use Integrals, (Gamma distribution, Gaussian Distribution), and those are computationally intensive. In your description, you mention that you want to be able to "calculate it with a formula", which fits this description (basically, you want an O(1) function).
c) Be relatively "well distributed", e.g. not have peaks and valleys, but instead have most results cluster around the mean, and have nice predictable slopes downwards towards the ends, and yet have the probability of the min and the max to be not zero.
d) Not to require to store a large array in memory, as in drop tables.
I think this function meets the requirements:
var pseudoRand = function(min, max, avg )
var randomFraction = Math.random();
var head = (avg - min);
var tail = (max - avg);
var skewdness = tail / (head + tail);
if (randomFraction < skewdness)
return min + (randomFraction / skewdness) * head;
return avg + (1 - randomFraction) / (1 - skewdness) * tail;
This will return floats, but you can easily turn them to ints by calling
(int) Math.round(pseudoRand(...))
It returned the correct average in all of my tests, and it is also nicely distributed towards the ends. Hope this helps. Good luck.

How to turn integers into Fibonacci coding efficiently?

Fibonacci sequence is obtained by starting with 0 and 1 and then adding the two last numbers to get the next one.
All positive integers can be represented as a sum of a set of Fibonacci numbers without repetition. For example: 13 can be the sum of the sets {13}, {5,8} or {2,3,8}. But, as we have seen, some numbers have more than one set whose sum is the number. If we add the constraint that the sets cannot have two consecutive Fibonacci numbers, than we have a unique representation for each number.
We will use a binary sequence (just zeros and ones) to do that. For example, 17 = 1 + 3 + 13. Then, 17 = 100101. See figure 2 for a detailed explanation.
I want to turn some integers into this representation, but the integers may be very big. How to I do this efficiently.
The problem itself is simple. You always pick the largest fibonacci number less than the remainder. You can ignore the the constraint with the consecutive numbers (since if you need both, the next one is the sum of both so you should have picked that one instead of the initial two).
So the problem remains how to quickly find the largest fibonacci number less than some number X.
There's a known trick that starting with the matrix (call it M)
1 1
1 0
You can compute fibbonacci number by matrix multiplications(the xth number is M^x). More details here: . The end result is that you can compute the number you're look in O(logN) matrix multiplications.
You'll need large number computations (multiplications and additions) if they don't fit into existing types.
Also store the matrices corresponding to powers of two you compute the first time, since you'll need them again for the results.
Overall this should be O((logN)^2 * large_number_multiplications/additions)).
First I want to tell you that I really liked this question, I didn't know that All positive integers can be represented as a sum of a set of Fibonacci numbers without repetition, I saw the prove by induction and it was awesome.
To respond to your question I think that we have to figure how the presentation is created. I think that the easy way to find this is that from the number we found the closest minor fibonacci item.
For example if we want to present 40:
We have Fib(9)=34 and Fib(10)=55 so the first element in the presentation is Fib(9)
since 40 - Fib(9) = 6 and (Fib(5) =5 and Fib(6) =8) the next element is Fib(5). So we have 40 = Fib(9) + Fib(5)+ Fib(2)
Allow me to write this in C#
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<int> fibPresentation = new List<int>();
int numberToPresent = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
while (numberToPresent > 0)
int k =1;
while (CalculateFib(k) <= numberToPresent)
numberToPresent = numberToPresent - CalculateFib(k-1);
static int CalculateFib(int n)
if (n == 1)
return 1;
int a = 0;
int b = 1;
// In N steps compute Fibonacci sequence iteratively.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp + b;
return a;
Your result will be in fibPresentation
This encoding is more accurately called the "Zeckendorf representation": see
A greedy approach works (see and here's some Python code that converts a number to this representation. It uses the first 100 Fibonacci numbers and works correctly for all inputs up to 927372692193078999175 (and incorrectly for any larger inputs).
fibs = [0, 1]
for _ in xrange(100):
fibs.append(fibs[-2] + fibs[-1])
def zeck(n):
i = len(fibs) - 1
r = 0
while n:
if fibs[i] <= n:
r |= 1 << (i - 2)
n -= fibs[i]
i -= 1
return r
print bin(zeck(17))
The output is:
As the greedy approach seems to work, it suffices to be able to invert the relation N=Fn.
By the Binet formula, Fn=[φ^n/√5], where the brackets denote the nearest integer. Then with n=floor(lnφ(√5N)) you are very close to the solution.
17 => n = floor(7.5599...) => F7 = 13
4 => n = floor(4.5531) => F4 = 3
1 => n = floor(1.6722) => F1 = 1
(I do not exclude that some n values can be off by one.)
I'm not sure if this is an efficient enough for you, but you could simply use Backtracking to find a(the) valid representation.
I would try to start the backtracking steps by taking the biggest possible fib number and only switch to smaller ones if the consecutive or the only once constraint is violated.

Generating a non-repeating set from a random seed, and extract result by index

p.s. I have referred to this as Random, but this is a Seed Based Random Shuffle, where the Seed will be generated by a PRNG, but with the same Seed, the same "random" distribution will be observed.
I am currently trying to find a method to assist in doing 2 things:
1) Generate Non-Repeating Sequence
This will take 2 arguments: Seed; and N. It will generate a sequence, of size N, populated with numbers between 1 and N, with no repetitions.
I have found a few good methods to do this, but most of them get stumped by feasibility with the second thing.
2) Extract an entry from the Sequence
This will take 3 arguments: Seed; N; and I. This is for determining what value would appear at position I in a Sequence that would be generated with Seed and N. However, in order to work with what I have in mind, it absolutely cannot use a generated sequence, and pick out an element.
I initially worked with pre-calculating the sequence, then querying it, but this only really works in test cases, as the number of Seeds, and the value of N that will be used would create a database into the Petabytes.
From what I can tell, having a method that implements requirement 1 by using requirement 2 would be the most ideal method.
i.e. a sequence is generated by:
function Generate_Sequence(int S, int N) {
int[] sequence = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sequence[i] = Extract_From_Sequence(S, N, i);
return sequence;
For Example
GS = Generate Sequence
ES = Extract from Sequence
S = 1
N = 5
I = 4
GS(S, N) = { 4, 2, 5, 1, 3 }
ES(S, N, I) = 1
let S = 2
GS(S, N) = { 3, 5, 2, 4, 1 }
ES(S, N, I) = 4
One way to do this is to make a permutation over the bit positions of the number. Assume that N is a power of two (I will discuss the general case later!).
Use the seed S to generate a permutation \sigma over the set of {1,2,...,log(n)}. Then permute the bits of I according to the \sigma to obtain I'. In other words, the bit of I' at the position \sigma(x) is obtained from the bit of I at the position x.
One problem with this method is its linearity (It is closed under the XOR operation). To overcome this, you can find a number p with gcd(p,N)=1 (this can be done easily even for very large Ns) and generate a random number (q < N) using the seed S. The output of the Extract_From_Sequence(S, N, I) would be (p*I'+q mod N).
Now the case where N is not a complete power of two. The problem arises when the I' falls outside the range of [1,N]. In that case, we return the most significant bits of I to their initial position until the resulting value falls into the desired range. This is done by changing the \sigma(log(n)) bit of I' with the log(n) bit, and so on ....

Calculating unique value from given numbers

Let's say I have some 6 random numbers and I want to calculate some unique value from these numbers.
Allowed operations are +, -, *, and /. Every number could be used only once. You dont have to use all numbers.
Given numbers: 3, 6, 100, 50, 25, 75
Requested result: 953
3 + 6 = 9
9 * 100 = 900
900 + 50 = 950
75 / 25 = 3
3 + 950 = 953
What could be easiest algorithmic approach to write a program that solves this problem?
The easiest approach is to try them all: you have six numbers, meaning that there are up to five spots where you can place an operator, and up to 6! permutations. Given that there are only four operators, you need to go through 6!*4^5, or 737280 possibilities. This can be easily done with a recursive function, or even with nested loops. Depending on the language, you could use a library function to deal with permutations.
A language-agnostic recursive approach would have you define three functions:
int calc(int nums[6], int ops[5], int countNums) {
// Calculate the results for a given sequence of numbers
// with the specified operators.
// nums are your numbers; only countNums need to be used
// ops are your operators; only countNums-1 need to be used
// countNums is the number of items to use; it must be from 1 to 6
void permutations(int nums[6], int perm[6], int pos) {
// Produces all permutations of the original numbers
// nums are the original numbers
// perm, 0 through pos, is the indexes of nums used in the permutation so far
// pos, is the number of perm items filled so far
void solveRecursive(int numPerm[6], int permLen, int ops[5], int pos) {
// Tries all combinations of operations on the given permutation.
// numPermis the permutation of the original numbers
// permLen is the number of items used in the permutation
// ops 0 through pos are operators to be placed between elements
// of the permutation
// pos is the number of operators provided so far.
The easiest algorithmic approach would, I think, be backtracking. It's fairly easy to implement and will always find a solution if one exists. The basic idea is recursive: make an arbitrary choice at each step of building a solution and proceed from there. If it doesn't work out, try a different choice. When you run out of choices, report failure to the previous choice point (or report failure to find a solution if there is no previous choice point).
Your choices are: how many numbers will be involved, what each number is (a choice each number position), and how they are connected by operators (a choice for each operator position).
When you mention "unique numbers", assuming that you mean a result in the possible universe of results generated using all the numbers at hand.
If so, why not try a permutation of all operators and available numbers for a start?
If you want to guarantee that you generate a unique number from those numbers, with no chance of getting the same number from a different set of numbers, then you should use radix arithmetic, similar to decimal, hex, etc.
But you need to know the max values of the numbers.
Basically, it would be A + B * MAX_A + C * MAX_A * MAX_B + D * MAX_A * MAX_B * MAX_C + E * MAX_A * MAX_B * MAX_C * MAX_D + F * MAX_A * ... * MAX_E
use recursion to permutate the numbers and operators. it's O(6!*4^5)
