Batch redirection to two locations - windows

I've been having some troubles redirecting a batch file to a log file as well as having it display in the command console.
Is this even possible with windows batch, or do I have to resort to a simple program which intercepts stdout and writes the stream to a file and to stdout?

I don't think you can do this (properly) with just the built-in tools, you probably need to use a tee utility like the Win32 GNU ports (this or this) or mtee
You can of course use the FOR batch command, but the output is not live, you have to wait for the command to finish:
#echo off
goto main
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('%~2') DO (
>>"%~1" echo.%%A
goto :EOF
call :TEE "%temp%\log.txt" "ping -n 2 localhost"


To run a windows command over multiple files on the same time

I want to trigger a windows command over multiple files inside a directory at the same time. 'FOR' loop and other recursive methods are triggering the commands one after another. I need an alternative that can run the same command on all files at the same time. The present code I have is
#echo off
call :scan
goto :eof
for %%f in (*.txt) do *mycommand* -i %%f
for /D %%d in (*) do (
cd %%d
call :scan
cd ..
exit /b
The easiest way to have slow tasks running in parallel on Windows is by using the start command and calling another batch file, e.g.:
#echo off
echo Processing %1
dir %1
for %%f in (*.txt) do start scan.bat %%f
This will create a new window for each scan.bat instance. If you want to use the current window, use start /b scan.bat.
The exit command at the end of scan.bat is important so that the command processor exists (so that the window is closed).
In case you want to limit the number of tasks running in parallel, you should use something more powerful like gnu make (which can be used on Windows with cygwin or mingw; see Limiting the number of spawned processes in batch script for a solution using batch files (from #LotPings).

Modify for loop to not use delayedexpansion in batch script

In my efforts to understand the loops syntax and their use of %% variables. I have gone through 2 specific examples/implementations where the one for loop does not use DELAYEDEXPANSION and another where it does use DELAYEDEXPANSION with the ! notation. The 1st for loop appears to be compatible with older OSs like the Windows XP whereas the 2nd for loop example does not.
Specifically, the 1st for loop example is taken from this answer (which is related to this) and the 2nd for loop example is taken from this answer.
Modified code for both examples copied below:
1st for loop
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a"
set "YY=%dt:~2,2%"
set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%"
set "MM=%dt:~4,2%"
set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"
set "HH=%dt:~8,2%"
set "Min=%dt:~10,2%"
set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%"
set "datestamp=%YYYY%%MM%%DD%"
set "timestamp=%HH%%Min%%Sec%"
echo datestamp: "%datestamp%"
echo timestamp: "%timestamp%"
2nd for loop
set "path_of_folder=C:\folderA\folderB"
for /f "skip=5 tokens=1,2,4 delims= " %%a in (
'dir /ad /tc "%path_of_folder%\."') do IF "%%c"=="." (
set "dt=%%a"
set vara=%%a
set varb=%%b
echo !vara!, !varb!
set day=!vara:~0,2!
echo !day!
Since I have been reading and seeing issues where delayed expansion (or the ! notation) is not compatible with older OSs (e.g. Windows XP), I would like to see how to write the 2nd loop like the 1st loop; i.e. without the use of DELAYEDEXPANSION.
I explain in detail what aschipfl wrote already absolutely right in his comment.
Both batch files work also on Windows 2000 and Windows XP using also cmd.exe as command processor. The batch files do not work on MS-DOS, Windows 95 and Windows 98 using very limited as command interpreter.
A command can be executed with parameter /? in a command prompt window to get output the help for this command. When in help is written with enabled command extensions it means supported only by cmd.exe on Windows NT based Windows versions and not supported by MS-DOS or Windows 9x using That means, for example, for /F or if /I or call :Subroutine are not available on Windows 9x, or on Windows NT based Windows with command extensions explicitly disabled. On Windows 9x it is not even possible to use "%~1" or "%~nx1".
The first batch file executes in FOR loop only one command exactly once:
set "dt=%%a"
That command line requires already enabled command extensions. All other commands below are executed after the FOR loop finished. In other words the FOR loop in first batch file does not use a command block to run multiple commands within the FOR loop.
Whenever the Windows command processor detects the beginning of a command block on a command line, it processes the entire command block before executing the command on this command line the first time.
This means for second batch file all variable references using %Variable% are expanded already before the command FOR is executed and then the commands in the command block are executed with the values of the variables as defined above FOR command line. This can be seen by removing #echo off from first line of batch file or change it to #echo ON and run the batch file from within a command prompt window because now it can be seen which command lines respectively entire command blocks defined with ( ... ) are really executed after preprocessing them by the Windows command processor.
So whenever an environment variable is defined or modified within a command block and its value is referenced in same command block it is necessary to use delayed expansion or use workarounds.
One workaround is demonstrated below:
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "FolderPath=%SystemRoot%\System32"
for /F "skip=5 tokens=1,2,4 delims= " %%a in ('dir /AD /TC "%FolderPath%\."') do if "%%c"=="." (
set "VarA=%%a"
set "VarB=%%b"
call echo %%VarA%%, %%VarB%%
call set "Day=%%VarA:~0,2%%
call echo %%Day%%
As there is no #echo off at top of this batch code it can be seen on executing the batch file what happens here. Each %% is modified on processing the command block to just %. So executed are the command lines.
call echo %VarA%, %VarB%
call set "Day=%VarA:~0,2%
call echo %Day%
The command CALL is used to process the rest of the line a second time to run the ECHO and the SET commands with environment variable references replaced by their corresponding values without or with string substitution.
The disadvantage of this solution is that CALL is designed primary for calling a batch file from within a batch file. For that reason the command lines above result in searching first in current directory and next in all directories of environment variable PATH for a file with name echo respectively set with a file extension of environment variable PATHEXT. That file searching behavior causes lots of file system accesses, especially on running those command lines in a FOR loop. If there is really found an executable or script file with file name echo or set, the executable respectively the script interpreter of the script file would be executed instead of the internal command of cmd.exe as usually done on using such a command line. So this solution is inefficient and not fail-safe on execution of the batch file.
Another workaround to avoid delayed expansion is using a subroutine:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "FolderPath=%SystemRoot%\System32"
for /F "skip=5 tokens=1,2,4 delims= " %%a in ('dir /AD /TC "%FolderPath%\."') do if "%%c"=="." call :ProcessCreationDate "%%a" "%%b"
exit /B
echo %~1, %~2
set "Day=%~1"
set "Day=%Day:~0,2%
echo %Day%
goto :EOF
A subroutine is like another batch file embedded in current batch file.
The command line with exit /B avoids a fall through to the code of the subroutine.
The command line with goto :EOF would not be necessary if the line above is the last line of the batch file. But it is recommended to use it nevertheless in case of more command lines are ever added later below like a second subroutine.
The second batch file is for getting the day on which the specified folder was created. It would be possible to code this batch file without usage of delayed expansion and any workarounds.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "FolderPath=%SystemRoot%\System32"
for /F "skip=5 tokens=1,2,4 delims= " %%a in ('dir /ad /tc "%FolderPath%\." 2^>nul') do if "%%c"=="." set "CreationDate=%%a, %%b" & goto OutputDateAndDay
echo Failed to get creation date of "%FolderPath%"
exit /B
echo %CreationDate%
set "Day=%CreationDate:~0,2%
echo %Day%
Once the line of interest with the creation date of specified folder is found, the creation date/time is assigned to an environment variable and the FOR loop is exited with using command GOTO to continue execution on a label below. For the meaning of operator & see single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file.
This solution is better than all other methods because the FOR loop executes the single command line with the three commands IF, SET and GOTO only once which makes this solution the fastest. And it outputs an error message when it was not possible to determine the creation date of the directory because of the directory does not exist at all.
Of course it would be possible to add a GOTO command also on the other solutions to exit FOR loop once the creation date of the directory was determined and output. The last solution is nevertheless the fastest and in my point of view best one for this task.
BTW: All posted batch file examples were tested on Windows XP and produced the expected output.

How to process 2 FOR loops after each other in batch?

My problem is that two FOR loops are working separately, but don't want to work one after another.
The goal is:
The first loop creates XML files and only when the creation has already been done the second loop starts and counts the size of created XML files and writes it into .txt file.
#echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /s C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\test\') do (
echo Verarbeite %%~na
jhove -m PDF-hul -h xml -o C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\%%~na.xml %%a
for /f %%i in ('dir /b /s C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\') do (
echo %%~ni %%~zi >> C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\size.txt
This question can be answered easily when knowing what jhove is.
So I searched in world wide web for jhove, found very quickly the homepage JHOVE | JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment and downloaded also from SourceForge project page of JHOVE.
All this was done by me to find out that jhove is a Java application which is executed on Linux and perhaps also on Mac using the shell script jhove and on Windows the batch file jhove.bat for making it easier to use by users.
So Windows command interpreter searches in current directory and next in all directories specified in environment variable PATH for a file matching the file name pattern jhove.* having a file extension listed in environment variable PATHEXT because jhove.bat is specified without file extension and without path in the batch file.
But the execution of a batch file from within a batch file without usage of command CALL results in script execution of current batch file being continued in the other executed batch file without ever returning back to the current batch file.
For that reason Windows command interpreter runs into jhove.bat on first file found in directory C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\test and never comes back.
This behavior can be easily watched by using two simple batch files stored for example in C:\Temp.
#echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
for %%I in (*.bat) do Test2.bat "%%I"
echo %~n0: Leaving %~f0
#echo %~n0: Arguments are: %*
#echo %~n0: Leaving %~f0
On running from within a command prompt window C:\Temp\Test1.bat the output is:
Test2: Arguments are: "Test1.bat"
Test2: Leaving C:\Temp\Test2.bat
The processing of Test1.bat was continued on Test2.bat without coming back to Test1.bat.
Now Test1.bat is modified to by inserting command CALL after do.
#echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
for %%I in (*.bat) do call Test2.bat "%%I"
echo Leaving %~f0
The output on running Test1.bat from within command prompt window is now:
Test2: Arguments are: "Test1.bat"
Test2: Leaving C:\Temp\Test2.bat
Test2: Arguments are: "Test2.bat"
Test2: Leaving C:\Temp\Test2.bat
Test1: Leaving C:\Temp\Test1.bat
Batch file Test1.bat calls now batch file Test2.bat and therefore the FOR loop is really executed on all *.bat files found in directory of the two batch files.
Therefore the solution is using command CALL as suggested already by Squashman:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /s "%USERPROFILE%\test\" 2^>nul') do (
echo Verarbeite %%~na
call jhove.bat -m PDF-hul -h xml -o "%USERPROFILE%\outputxml\%%~na.xml" "%%a"
for /f %%i in ('dir /b /s "%USERPROFILE%\outputxml\" 2^>nul') do (
echo %%~ni %%~zi>>"%USERPROFILE%\outputxml\size.txt"
A reference to environment variable USERPROFILE is used instead of C:\Users\NekhayenkoO.
All file names are enclosed in double quotes in case of any file found in the directory contains a space character or any other special character which requires enclosing in double quotes.
And last 2>nul is added which redirects the error message output to handle STDERR by command DIR on not finding any file to device NUL to suppress it. The redirection operator > must be escaped here with ^ to be interpreted on execution of command DIR and not as wrong placed redirection operator on parsing already the command FOR.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
cd /?
dir /?
echo /?
for /?
And read also the Microsoft article Using command redirection operators.
You need to use the START command with the /WAIT flag when you launch an external application.
I believe it would look something like this:
START /WAIT jhove -m PDF-hul -h xml -o C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\%%~na.xml %%a
That should cause the batch file to pause and wait for the external application to finish before proceeding.

How do I make a batchscript that displays only the last line of a textfile?

this might have already been answered before but I couldn't find anything on that topic. Im trying to make a chat messenger in batch and for that I need to display the last line of a textfile. Here's what I tried (not very elegant):
#echo off
FOR /F %%x in (address.txt) DO set address=%%x
IF NOT EXIST "%address%" GOTO A
SET skipcount=1
FOR /f "skip=%skipcount%" %%m in (%address%) DO ECHO %%m
SET m1=%%m
FOR /f %%m IN (%address%) DO ECHO %%m > NUL
IF NOT %%m==%m1% SET skipcount=%skipcount%+1 GOTO D
This might work but I think it is full of mistakes for example syntax errors^^ So I am just trying to get a few hints to what is wrong:)
here's a pure batch utility (requires no external tools) that can shows a range of numbered lines
to show the last line use it like this:
call tailHead.bat -file=address.txt -end=1
You can use my JREPL.BAT regular expression text processing utility to create a tail command. JREPL.BAT is pure script (hybrid JScript/batch) that runs natively on any Windows machine from XP onward.
The following command will show the last line in chat.txt
call jrepl "^.*" "" /match /inc -1 /f chat.txt
But there is a much better way to develop a batch chat program (assuming that is a worthwhile goal)
You can have a batch process in a loop, with input redirected outside the loop, and the loop will read and write newly added lines as they appear. You could use SET /P and ECHO, but it is simpler to use a single FINDSTR. This works because FINDSTR does not reset the file pointer when called, as explained at
You should use some command to suspend processing briefly within the display loop to prevent the loop from consuming 100% of a CPU core. You could use TIMEOUT, or the PING hack, but they introduce a ~1 second delay. I chose to use PATHPING to introduce a ~0.2 second delay.
Also, you must worry about preventing collisions if two processes write to the same text file simultaneously. This can be solved by using lock files, as explained at How do you have shared log files under Windows?.
Below is the beginning of a rudimentary batch chat program. It works by having two or more users each navigate to the same shared directory, and then run chat.bat sessionName, where sessionName is an agreed upon name for the shared chat file. Each user will get the shared chat dialog displayed in their master console window, and a new console window will open where they can write their contributions to the conversation. Enter :quit to exit the chat program.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" equ ":input" goto :startInput
if "%~1" equ ":display" goto :display
set "base=%~1"
set ""
set ""
start "" "%~f0" :input
del "%quitfile%" 2>nul
cmd /c "%~f0" :display
del "%quitfile%" 2>nul
exit /b
title Chat Dialog
set "quit="
if not exist "%dialog%" (call ) >>"%dialog%"
<"%dialog%" ( for /l %%N in () do (
if exist "%quitfile%" set "quit=1"
findstr "^"
if defined quit exit
pathping -p 150 -q 2 localhost >nul
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
title Chat Input
call :write ">>> %username% has joined the conversation"
set "text="
set /p "text=>"
if /i !text! equ :quit (
call :write "<<< %username% has left the conversation"
copy nul "!quitfile!"
call :write
goto :input
if "%~1" neq "" (set "text=%~1") else (set "text=%username%: !text!")
2>nul (
>>"!dialog!" (
(call )
) || goto :write
exit /b
Still to be done:
Provide a mechanism to invite users to a chat.
Provide an option to clear chat contents at the beginning of a new chat session (in case an old sessionName is reused)
Provide a :list command to list the currently participating users. This would require creation of sessionNameUserId files that would remain locked as long as the user is still listening and/or participating. The display loop could receive a :list command via a file, the same way as I implemented :quit, and then it could attempt to open each sessionNameuserID file for writing. If it fails then the user is still active, and the name should be listed.
I'm sure there are other things that might be useful.

stdin → stdout?

What is the equivalent of the Unix echo foo | cat?
ECHO foo | TYPE CON hangs, waiting for input, at least on Windows XP/SP3. Possibly CON is not stdin but keyboard input.
You may wonder what is the point of this exercise: There are programs which behave differently when they notice that their output is piped, and I want a way to test them.
Unsure what you want to do but this may help:
type file|more
And this may be more appropriate for your needs.
foo.exe | findstr "^"
As I understand it, you are looking for an application you can pipe to which simply passes anything piped to it through to stdout.
I believe foo.exe | more will serve your purpose on Windows.
Note: more does have the side effect of paging the output, so if you need to test longer outputs you could write a simple application which does the redirection.
Edit: You can write a simple batch file to redirect stdin to stdout and pipe to that.
From jeb's answer here:
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('findstr /n $') do (
set "line=%%a"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "line=!line:*:=!"
Save this as redir.bat and use like so foo.exe | redir.bat. Tested on Win7. Compatible with default Windows install. Only downside is it's not an easy one-liner to remember.
I would use more for simple cases, and fall back on this for longer outputs.
