"No symbols have been loaded for this document." But they have! - visual-studio

As you can notice
Symbols are been correctly loaded.
I just created a view GetCompanies.cshtml using the AddView shortlink
But, no matter what I do, I can't debug in the View.
What I did so far:
Close and Open Solution
Close and open Visual Studio
Shutdown all ASP.NET Development Server's
Deleted all Symbol Libraries .pdb
Clean Solution
Re-Build Solution
did not (yet) shutdown Windows 7 x64 :-/

Sometimes if you have a hard stop, Visual Studio temp cache will be screwed.
Clear the cache by deleting these folders:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<.net version>\Temporary ASP.NET Files\(ApplicationName)
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\<.net version>\Temporary ASP.NET Files\(ApplicationName)

I am finding the same behavior from time to time when debugging silverlight. My solution is to clean the browser's cache (on latest IE click on the wheel button, Developer tools), as it sometimes will cache the binary files and not load the new ones.
Perhaps is could be the same with your views?

Been messing with this problem for a couple hours trying everything above. I finally changed my Target Framework to .NET Framework4.5 and it all started magically working.

This is always weird. I just had this problem and solved it with a full rebuild of the entire solution.
There was also another strange symptom, though: a new unit test that I had written using NUnit, mocking with NSubstitute, wouldn't pass because NSubstitute wasn't returning what I wanted it to return. I lost a few minutes trying to figure out if I did something wrong programming NSubstitute, then when I tried to attach the debugger to the NUnit GUI I saw that warning.
That's when I decided to do a full rebuild of the solution, and that worked for me.
So I guess the lesson to be learned is "before smashing your head against the wall, try a full rebuild".

For me, I somehow switched my target build to Release instead of Debug

Remember that views are actually compiled when you request the page (by default).
This means when you set a breakpoint in a view:
It shows the "No Symbols" error. This just means the view isn't
compiled yet.
It shows the breakpoint fine. This just means
that it found SOME compiled version of the page. Like the LAST working version...
So basically its not meaningful information to look at what it says when you mouseover the breakpoint in a view (at least in this regard)
If you are trying to debug this page, then you have a problem. Look at what the debugger is outputting to your BROWSER instead and fix that first. I think we'll be surprised about how many people are going to facepalm at this.

I had this problem with SL5 project (VS2012). And to fix this, I was needed to set "Silverlight" option enabled in %MyProjectName%.Web project properties, under Web tab.

In my case, the .PDB file was hosed (from which the symbols are loaded) in VS 2012, so performing a Clean and Build reconstructed the .PDB file and everything started workign again.

I was attempting to debug a deployed WCF windows services (compiled in Release mode) and had the exact same issue. Give this a shot...
Save All. You may even want to try to clean the solution
Rebuild all and install or deploy
BEFORE starting the service (or exe) I copied the .pdb files over to the install folder
Start the service (or exe) and attach the debugger to the process
Worked like a charm (finally) for me.

delete bin and obj directories
run solution again.
Note: Unless that cshtml loads at runtime the symbols are not loaded. On page load that breakpoint will be hit. So wait till control goes to that page


Visual Studio: No symbols have been loaded for this project

Yes, I've seen this previous question here and none of the solutions have worked.
On Visual Studio Community 2019 I was debugging a project that I've been working on for years. I have a common library project, that I've built, that I use on multiple solutions - one web, one exe.
In working on the EXE solution, which is one windows app project + about half a dozen other custom libraries, I was debugging along without issue. Changed a bit of code and then started another debugging cycle and suddenly symbols couldn't be loaded for one of the libraries.
If I look in the output folder, the PDB file for the library IS there. If I look in the Debugging Windows... Modules, the library does NOT show up.
If I load up the web project which also uses this library, it debugs fine and the module shows up in the modules window.
I've tried everything in the thread I've referenced above. I've also tried:
Build, Clean, rebuild, in all sorts of different orders - the PDB is ALWAYS there.
Removing and readding references to the project from the EXE
Creating a whole new solution
Going to a different PC entirely - one that I knew was working yesterday - grabbing my latest code, and still the same problem.
Reverting back to several different old branches of code, on BOTH the new machine and the old machine, same issue.
Installing VS updates
Repairing VS
Checking my GAC to make sure there was nothing for these libraries in there
Played with every project setting I could find
Cursing and praying to the programming Gods
I have no clue what to do next. Obviously this one specific project is not loading the DLL, but I can't figure out any possible reason why. The only thing that changed between a successful debug and the missing symbols error was me changing a few lines of code and clicking Run again. (And I even removed the code changes and it still failed.)
I just don't understand what could have caused this, for this singular library, on this single solution.
To anyone who finds this later, I've solved the problem and my code is debugging fine again.
And I have zero clue about what changed, why it started working, or if I even did anything at all. I came back to it the next day, systematically started working through various tests, and suddenly everything was fine - though I didn't do anything differently than the day before.
These are the times that try men's souls.

Visual Studio 2015 debugging: Symbols cannot be loaded until I restart my computer

Recently, whenever I change something in my code, rebuild, and attempt to debug, I get the error "This breakpoint will not currently be hit, No symbols have been loaded for this document."
But then as soon as I restart my computer, everything is fine and I can debug properly. Why is this happening? It's really frustrating having to restart my desktop every time I try to debug my code. I've looked all over stack overflow and MSDN and can't find any solution to my particular problem. Any help is appreciated
"This breakpoint will not currently be hit, No symbols have been loaded
for this document."
(As for this error message, it's common error which has different causes. I can't give the most direct correct answer for this issue, I can only give you some tips for trouble-shooting. In order to avoid losing contact in the round-trip comments, I post those content as answer instead of comments.)
Since VS2015 have been released for long time, I would think this issue is a particular one, not found similar issues online.
First of all, please create a new simple project to check if this issue occurs in new project when debugging.
If it persists in new project, I think this issue has something to do outside environment like VS settings, VS config files or Debug options.
You can try:
1.Go Tools=>Import and Export Settings=>Reset all settings =>No,just reset settings=>Finish
2.Repair VS IDE since it seems to work well in the past, and just got the issue recently, so maybe something is broken for your IDE(In Control Panel find VS2015, right-click=>change=>repair). Also, make sure you have the latest VS2015 Update3 instead of earlier versions.
And if it works well in new project, then maybe the issue is about the whole project or solution itself. You can try:
1.Navigate to solution folder, close all vs instance, delete the .vs, bin and obj folders and restart VS to check if it helps.
2.Make sure you've loaded the required symbols, check the content in your Modules window during debugging, there's possibility you don't load necessary symbols successfully.
3.Check the output folder after your rebuild, check in folder like bin\debug folder if you have both the .exe and .pdb files. And make sure the .exe and .pdb files are up-to-date after your rebuild by checking their Date Modified.
Hope it helps and more info about the project type, dependencies would be better:)

All project references have yellow triangles every time solution is loaded

All my project (from the same solution) references are marked with a yellow triangle. The projects are all set to the same .NET version (4.5.1). The error log says:
The project 'CommonLibrary' cannot be referenced.
A way to temporarily fix the issue is to either:
Remove and re-add the references
Right click and choose Add Service Reference and immediatelly cancel.
However, the triangles come back every time I start the solution.
The solution is build successfully regardless or the issue. The real issue is that Resharper acts like the references don't exist.
Another thing that might be relevant is that I have 2 projects that are supposed to be unloaded but they become active every time I load the solution.
Any idea what to do with the issue?
I had similar issues and it usually comes down to the Target Framework (Project>Properties>Application). I was working on a solution using .NET 4.6 and for some reason the default framework for new projects have a different target (in my case it was 4.5.2). So make sure you check all your project at the very least have the same target framework.
Do the following:
In vs choose: tools->options->resharper->options-> general-> click the clear caches button.
then close all your opened tabs and shut down vs2013.
finally, start vs2013 again.
Let me know if that worked for you.
Try switching to managed compatibility mode in VS2013
you can do that by going to tools->options..->General tab and check the Use managed compatibility mode
I had the same thing happen but didn't suspect the 24 warnings I was getting was related to this error: Error 1 Unable to locate the .Net framework aspnet_merge.exe tool on path '~\Photo Archive\Main\etc\tools'. You need to set the msbuild property 'AspnetMergeToolPath' to the folder containing this tool. ODOT.PhotoArchive.Web
Trying to set the MS build property led to a lot of research just to find out WHICH property to set. So, Agent Ransack to the rescue -- searched my drive for the most recent version of the tool and copied it to the directory Visual Studio was complaining about.
Rebuilt the project with the idea of clearing the error but then the 24 warnings also disappeared.
FYI -- this is an MVC project which will replace a classic asp project. This might be peculiar to MVC projects.
At any rate, there was a lot of chasing snipes before this was finally tried. So, where this is happening, try handling any errors no matter how remote the possibility is they're related to the issue.
I had the same problem as you can see in this picture.
Its reason was the hidden folder. I had hidden the folder containing the project files. I got rid of this problem by unchecking the hidden attribute of the root folder containing the project files and restarting the visual studio.
Check it once, you might have checked the folder to be hidden.

Visual Studio keeps running the old build

I have a simple Silverlight program that displays a bunch of images. I modified it do display more images, but it when I hit "run without debugging" is keeps running the old build with fewer images. When I copy the code into a new project and run it, it works fine for the first time, but then each subsequent change is not displayed. What could be the problem? I'm using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express.
Always check "Configuration Manager" option on "Build" menu in Microsoft Visual Web Developer. The checkBox "build" has to be checked, otherwise it won't build.
Happened to me, I hope this helps others.
I just had this happen to me in VS 2013 for Web. Had to change the Project URL in:
"Project properties"
 "Web" tab
To a different localhost number and recreate Virtual directory.
Before my Project URL was:
I changed it to:
Then clicked "Create Virtual Directory".
Would like to know why this happened in the first place.
I found that I had to close all open instances of Visual Studio before I got it working again
This happens because your cache memory is full. just go to you bin and obj folder and delete all the temporary files. Now it will run properly.
Maybe it's a caching issue (webbrowser / proxy).
To fool the browser try to embed the xap file with an additional parameter that changes every time you open the plugin:
<param name="source" value="ClientBin/BubuApp.xap?<%=Guid.NewGuid().ToString() %>"/>
If this don't help, try to clean the project (delete obj / bin folders & xap file).
I was also suffering from this issue and none of the suggestions worked. I was building a Office.js add-in and debugging was with IIS Express.
What fixed the issue for me was deleting files in
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET
Actually, I went ahead and and deleted the entire C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp folder out of spite :)
I also had this issue and while some of the fixes above helped temporarily, the one that worked for me was to remove the history and caching in Internet Options.
Go into Internet Option (also available in VS via Tools > options > Environment > Web Browser > Internet Explorer Options).
On the General tab click Settings in the Browsing History section.
On the Temporary Internet Files page select Every time I start
Internet Explorer
On the History tab set the Days to keep history to 0
On the Caches and Database tab make sure Allow website caches and
databases is NOT ticked.
I'm not sure if all of the above are required, but I've made a number of changes to files and so far they have been reflected straight away in the dynamic versions without any noticeable performance problems.
I've also since realised if I set 'Every time I visit the webpage' instead of 'Every time I start Internet Explorer' I don't have to stop and restart the project to see the changes. Which is how it should be!
I used to suffer this. All of this used to be (for me) a folder's contents issue.
Maybe you can check this:
Delete %windir%\microsoft.net\framework\v4.0xxx\Temporary
IIS Express: even if you change the output file for compiled results, you will see in applicationhost.config that many times IISExpress is really "looking" to the default bin folder of your project.
It is even possible that you have different configurations for Debug or Release, so maybe IIS is looking BIN with Release code, and you are now compiling in Debug to another folder, do you understand me?
Happened to me too. Well i dont know the exact reason for this behavior. But when i close the visual C express 10 and then open again and build it builds the new saved file. I guess it still hangs on to the old file when there is an error in some debug mode or something.
Stop all incntance of VS.
Delete all /bin, not just /bin/Debug. All /bin
Remove user option .suo file in solution dir. It will create on self.
Remove all restore windows point
Stop IIS.
6 Start IIS after 1 minutes.
Rebuild solution, Buid projects
It happing on me too. Very nasty. You may restart your computer.
Check for global asembly dll.
Just delete folder 'Release' in project with old code build.
I had the same problem and none of the answers were working for me. It turns out that building the ASP.Net project did not build the Silverlight project, so running without debugging didn't update the Silverlight.
Fix: Right click the Asp.Net project. Build Dependencies > Project Dependencies. Check the Silverlight project. Now building should work.
If this is a web application, change the Project URL with a new port number.
Example :
Change from http://localhost:3688/
To http://localhost:36881/
To do this:
Navigate to Project properties -> Web
Change the URL
Hit "Create Virtual Directory"
Finally, Build and RUN
I had this issue in a web site.
The site referenced 1 of the projects in the solution, and changes to it would not reflect in the debug.
Issue was a third project was referencing an outdated dll of the same same referenced project.
I removed the project and all references in other projects and readded and re-referenced everything and it worked fine.
Check you haven't got two versions of whichever file you're updating (one for one group of users, one for a different group of users).
In my case(VS 2015) it was because of the missing dll in the .exe directory... I made a "clean solution", then additionally deleted all bin and obj folders' contents. Reason to do so was VS keeping to load old dll build. Solution was to select folder of the running debug config, i.e. everytime I rebuild project destination location with dll and a reference to it stays with warning mark for some time until intellitrace does its job. After doing the setup mentioned above, I still have to do a manual rebuild on a project that generates a dll into specified dir. Pressing F5 does nothing, I don't have time to find out why... Main thing is its working for me
I had this recently too and I didn't see the answer here. I was changing an MMI to get rid of redundant buttons, and they didn't go away.
Really old legacy code. To make it keep user settings - like language - someone had made it keep the Settings. I was not allowed to change this, they want it like that.
To get rid of the old settings and allow new ones:
open regedit
navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - MyProject - SubProject
here you see Recent File List and Settings.
Delete Settings completely - don't worry, it will make a new one.
Please check is there any old .tlb file present in someother folder. In my case i was using the .tlb file generated using .NET dll and then created the .tlb file using RegAsm. I tried to use the .tlb file in vb6 code, it still refers old code only. After a long search i found same .tlb file older version found in Visual Studio\VB98 folder. I removed it then it worked fine. This may not be relevent for this issue but could give you another way of thinking
There is a scroll bar at the top which has 3 options:
configuration manager
Make sure release is selected.
I had to clear browsing data and it worked in my case

MSTest stops debugging tests outside test project in 2010

I have no idea how this started so I'm guessing there's a setting somewhere that I've been unable to find. I have a test that calls a method but when I run debug, it simply will NOT step into that dll. At all. Period. Throws an exception just fine, but it's kind of worthless when I can't step into see what's actually going on.
When another team member picks it up, he's able to debug the exact method I was attempting to target. Yes, same breakpoints, yes, same code (I checked in, he got it, ran just fine)
What the hell?
update : checked the test project for stupid entires, deleted the debug/release folders for fun, I've went though and dumped the project completely and got it back out of tfs. I've nuked the appdata/local/ms/vs/10.0 folder and the /appdata/roaming/ms/vs/10.0 folder. Deleted the local test results.
You probably need to investigate your project references. Is the DLL possibly GAC'd? Take a close look at the *.csproj file.
The fact that it can be debugged no problem on someone else's machine indicates to me that you're having an environment issue. Some sort of multiple library reference issue.
Another possibility: Visual Studio (and all its embedded tools) can have many strange caching behaviors. You might want to clear out extraneous MSTest-related temporary cache files/dirs.
Ok, got it. You can't do one of those things and it works. I had to do them all prior to opening up vstudio again. It'll blow your settings away just as a heads up.
Kill the AppData/Local/Microsoft/visualstudio/10.0 folder
Kill the AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/visualstudio/10.0 folder
Kill your entire project ... all of it.
Get latest (force)
And it works again.
