Disqus and SEO Friendly comments [closed] - social-networking

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm looking for a hosted platform for managing comments on my website.
I came across http://disqus.com/.
Disqus seems to be feature rich, with on my top list requirements support for SEO friendly comments.
So I check many website using Disqus and I cannot find any of theme have friendly SEO comments.
For SEO friendly I mean that comments should be considered plain text and be visible in the HTML source page.
Also I notice that Disqus works only with JAVASCRIPT enabled.
Do you know if the SEO feature for Disqus it is really working and how?
Most important I need this SEO feature working in Universal Code, I use a custom CMS.

The problem with Disqus is that it uses JavaScript to render comments, so, when robots come to your site, they don't find the comments. Even if it uses index-friendly "#!" URLs, those are still not your page, so, they're not applicable here.
They have a REST API you can use. My idea here is to bring all comments from API by code and write it to HTML inside one container then hide this container via JavaScript (not CSS, as I'm not sure whether robots will hate that, but JS is not discover-able).
Then I'd still have the Disqus JS widget, because the API won't bring me all the nice features Disqus direct use has. When a user adds a link, it won't be added to hidden HTML until the page is refreshed, but who cares, it's hidden anyway, Disqus will update their JavaScript and comment will be visible.
The down-side of course is the user is now downloading the comments twice. You can solve this too by doing some checks for request user-agent string or whatever to tell whether the page is requested by robot or not, and display the comments from the API in HTML only in this case (and then you won't even care about hiding it).
Of course there is a trade-off between time implementing this and how effective-nice it can be, but it's at least achievable.
P.S. I also heard the WordPress and Drupal plugins render HTML too in addition to JS. So, if you develop semi-dynamic or CMS websites on top of any of them, you can get that already. See Getting Disqus html code to show in source for SEO purposes.

The fact that Disqus script loading the content via AJAX will be less of an issue soon, because Google starts crawling and indexing such content.


AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages in an already developed site

I have an umbraco based CMS site and I've been advised to use AMP for fast mobile performance. I have read the demo page from this gitHub link.
But I am not understanding how to set it in an already developed site. Do I need to change all tags according to AMP?
better not to mess with existing instead you build new AMP version of your site
(After doing a quick Google)
I don't think there's a an AMP-plugin for Umbraco yet, but that will probably be the way to go. I've been using the AMP-plugin for WordPress for a little while now and it made all posts on my site AMP-compatible without me having to do anything :)
Perhaps check with the Umbraco community whether there's an ETA on such a plugin for their platform?
You can have seperate AMP pages and google will handle the rest. I think that is the safest way to approach it, without having a plugin like they have for wordpress.
You can still enable the users to use the CMS functionality by creating custom data types for e.g. amp-img instead of img. The content editors will just have to be briefed on the basics of AMP.

Joomla and Google Analytics with advanced options [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to insert google analytics tracking code in my joomla site.
so i registered in the official site of google and saw there is an advanced tab with three more options than standard.
Do i have to check "i want to track dynamic pages" and "i want to track php pages"?
Do these options provide me better results or they are necessary for a dynamic site based on php like joomla?
Also where do i place the tracking code? Because of some bugs some say it is better just after the tag whereas other say just before the tag.
Thank you
General SEO advice: with Joomla you don't need to track pages dynamically, if you want, you can turn on SEF and use robots.txt, ror.xml and sitemap.xml (the first and last files are very important to google).
I also recommend on using Google webmaster tool to update Google whenever you post a new article as well as to check if there are crawling errors and remove "bad" URLs from google.
Like I commented on the other answer, tracking code should be located just before the closing tag for your web page - I recommend on placing the tracking code in the template! (even though you can copy and paste it separately into each article - this option should be done only on rare cases that you need to pass different parameters to GA from different articles.
Regarding your comment: yes, if you go to the "admin" section, then to "tracking code" you'll see the following option:
All it does is provide a different way of including the tracking code in your pages. I got to admit that I didn't use this option with a few Joomla and WP websites I've dealt with, and it still works totally fine. But if Google recommend on doing so - by all means go ahead and do it!
Judging by this source on setting up GA, it is important for PHP websites that you include the google tracking script at the bottom of the page before the </BODY> tag. I'm struggling to find any information that would give relevance to the questions you have mentioned above, beyond the fact that choosing different checkboxes shows you different instructions to setting up your script.

DOTNETNUKE development [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm developing websites using asp.net. Now, I'm interested in developing a website using dotnetnuke. Big question is:
When using dotnetnuke do I have to develop model for every little thing that is gonna be part of site content (for instance text form and button , datetimepicker, datagrid showing some data from database)?
As far as I can see you can add content like text, images and video using control panel of dotnet nuke but what if I want to put Image gallery that is using jquery, or just div element containing few controls.
Ps: when I create new website usign dotnetnuke control panel, where can I find html code of that site (is it possible to edit it in visual studio). I'm able to open whole dotnetnuke website and run it but I can see only Default.aspx.
In short, yes and no.
You can put HTML and jquery code into a variety of the modules that come with DotNetNuke, primarily the HTML module.
You can also "code" things using the Razor Host module if you want to add custom functionality to a page that isn't easily done with HTML or jquery.
The HTML code for a DNN site is stored in a database, depending on the module you use on a page that code could be in any number of database tables.
I would recommend taking a look at some of the "basic" webinars on our training page they will get you a general overview of things, and how you do development within the platform. http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Resources/Training.aspx#basicWebinars
Also check out the Wiki for more specific development questions and tutorials.
You don't have HTML code for every page in DNN. But if you want then you can create skins for pages and add html modules for the content in the respective pages.
You can create image gallery which uses jquery, for that you need to create visualizer for that section of images. You need to use the concept of liquid content, which allows you to use jquery, css and HTML(Visualizer Template) for that section.

Ajax-style FAQ using a CMS?

We plan to create a FAQ website. It will include two types of content:
Lists of questions (FAQs), and
HTML for each answer.
When user chooses a list and clicks a question, the answer will load in Ajax style.
A very similar approach was described here: Ajax FAQ loading using jquery?
But, before we start developing our own CMS, we would like to make sure that no existing solution is directly applicable. So, my question is: are you aware of any existing CMS for creating Ajax-style FAQs?
We are particularly interested in WordPress plugins (one is listed in my own answer below).
Two solutions I found that are likely to be applicable:
WP DS FAQ: FAQ management tool for WordPress. Replaces specific code on a page with a pre-defined list of questions and answers. Requires WordPress version 2.7 or higher, compatible up to 3.2.1. Last ipdated in August 2011.
Core Design FAQ plugin for Joomla. FAQ is created out of a K2 content module. Requires Joomla version 1.7. Last ipdated in August 2011.

Magento Training Examples [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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If you have trained a new Magento developer what were some if any dummy tasks you have given them. Besides reading all of the articles out there and doing the examples, I am looking for some ideas to give developers to work on after reading as much about Magento as they could without actually working on a task.
If anyone has any good ideas please let me know, You can even post some good code snippets of possible answers and what not. This might be a good thread to keep if we get a lot of good answers, for us tech leads out here responsible for training.
They could be frontend design template or building modules, it doesn't really matter. If someone posts a really good example, I will mark that one as the answer.
Not sure this is appropriate for Stackoverflow, but not sure where else to put it where it would be answered with quality responses.
The tasks I've given before really depend on what the developer needs to do as part of their normal job. I tend to give tasks that force the "rabbit hole" situations early on in the process, and make sure that the developer has enough support to come and ask when they get stuck.
For frontend developers, the best thing to do is develop an actual theme, or whatever tasks need to be accomplished in some current project. As examples, ask them to:
Create a new theme directory w/ skin directories, etc
Change a template (the product/list.phtml and product/view.phtml are both common here) to accomodate some desired new functionality.
Add a JS lib to the product page for zoom or some other functionality, to be loaded cleanly using Magento's facilities.
Create a new page, including complete controllers and layouts as appropriate, with functionality to be fleshed out by a backend developer.
Change the CSS to the One Page checkout to fit the new site theme, without breaking CSS for the rest of the site.
For backend developers, again the best thing is the real thing. Developing backend modules takes some significant familiarity, but hitting the highlights isn't too bad. Examples:
Start a new Magento module.
Override a core Magento class with one from the local module
Create some administrator functionality to deal with the new module.
Add an ACL so that this functionality can be enabled / disabled for particular admin users.
Integrate with frontend code (see the frontend developer above) to provide the functionality to the end user.
Append to the system configuration to use the new functionality as part of the normal system.
These are just general ideas, but they will quickly force a developer to gain some understanding of the way Magento is laid out and how it operates. Of course, it can take weeks or months of supportive mentoring to get the developer to the point where they are a self-sufficient developer on Magento, but that's largely a matter of filling out the details after items like this.
Hope that helps!
This is what we send applicants to see if they even know what magento does/how it works ... not sure if this is what you meant ...
Please perform the following:
Override a controller action:
Override the Mage_Customer_AccountController keeping all the original functionality except that the logoutAction redirects to the home page immediately not the logoutSuccess page.
Override a model function:
Override the Mage_Customer_Model_Customer model keeping all the original functionality except that the getName() function always returns "Magento Rocks".
Modify a Block:
Change one of the blocks used on the customer/account/index page to display a message of your choice.
Add an Observer:
Add an observer so that after the order has been created on the frontend the last name gets changed to "Is Awesome"
Its not really practical ... at all ... but it lets us see if people can code in Magento in a decent way instead of just modifying core files and such. As with almost anything in Magento there are different ways to accomplish the various tasks, perhaps have them figure out the different ways or have them determine which way would be most appropriate.
Note: Just to emphasize so that no one points it out, these "tasks" were not designed for practical use and in fact you probably will NEVER do any of these, they were intended to see if someone could actually do things (override a model method etc) the Magento way.

