Ajax returned data size - ajax

Been searching for some info on how much data an ajax call can receive/handle and haven't found anything.
The scenario is a common one: a call to the back-end to retrieve some rows from a database. The call can return any number of rows. The question is, how much data can I safely return to the front end?
Hope someone could shed some light on the subject.

The user can digest far fewer rows than you can safely return. Either page the data for the user's benefit or provide searching/filtering options.
For a real answer, it's going to vary considerably for each browser, especially for mobile users, and depend a lot on each user's bandwidth and hardware. This is one of those things where if you have to ask, you're doing it wrong.


Transferring lots of objects with Guid IDs to the client

I have a web app that uses Guids as the PK in the DB for an Employee object and an Association object.
One page in my app returns a large amount of data showing all Associations all Employees may be a part of.
So right now, I am sending to the client essentially a bunch of objects that look like:
{assocation_id: guid, employees: [guid1, guid2, ..., guidN]}
It turns out that many employees belong to many associations, so I am sending down the same Guids for those employees over and over again in these different objects. For example, it is possible that I am sending down 30,000 total guids across all associations in some cases, of which there are only 500 unique employees.
I am wondering if it is worth me building some kind of lookup index that I also send to the client like
{ 1: Guid1, 2: Guid2 ... }
and replacing all of the Guids in the objects I send down with those ints,
or if simply gzipping the response will compress it enough that this extra effort is not worth it?
Note: please don't get caught up in the details of if I should be sending down 30,000 pieces of data or not -- this is not my choice and there is nothing I can do about it (and I also can't change Guids to ints or longs in the DB).
Your wrote at the end of your question the following
Note: please don't get caught up in the details of if I should be
sending down 30,000 pieces of data or not -- this is not my choice and
there is nothing I can do about it (and I also can't change Guids to
ints or longs in the DB).
I think it's your main problem. If you don't solve the main problem you will be able to reduce the size of transferred data to 10 times for example, but you still don't solve the main problem. Let us we think about the question: Why so many data should be sent to the client (to the web browser)?
The data on the client side are needed to display some information to the user. The monitor is not so large to show 30,000 total on one page. No user are able to grasp so much information. So I am sure that you display only small part of the information. In the case you should send only the small part of information which you display.
You don't describe how the guids will be used on the client side. If you need the information during row editing for example. You can transfer the data only when the user start editing. In the case you need transfer the data only for one association.
If you need display the guids directly, then you can't display all the information at once. So you can send the information for one page only. If the user start to scroll or start "next page" button you can send the next portion of data. In the way you can really dramatically reduce the size of transferred data.
If you do have no possibility to redesign the part of application you can implement your original suggestion: by replacing of GUID "{7EDBB957-5255-4b83-A4C4-0DF664905735}" or "7EDBB95752554b83A4C40DF664905735" to the number like 123 you reduce the size of GUID from 34 characters to 3. If you will send additionally array of "guid mapping" elements like
you can reduce the original size of data 30000*34 = 1020000 (1 MB) to 300*39 + 30000*3 = 11700+90000 = 101700 (100 KB). So you can reduce the size of data in 10 times. The usage of compression of dynamic data on the web server can reduce the size of data additionally.
In any way you should examine why your page is so slowly. If the program works in LAN, then the transferring of even 1MB of data can be quick enough. Probably the page is slowly during placing of the data on the web page. I mean the following. If you modify some element on the page the position of all existing elements have to be recalculated. If you would be work with disconnected DOM objects first and then place the whole portion of data on the page you can improve the performance dramatically. You don't posted in the question which technology you use in you web application so I don't include any examples. If you use jQuery for example I could give some example which clear more what I mean.
The lookup index you propose is nothing else than a "custom" compression scheme. As amdmax stated, this will increase your performance if you have a lot of the same GUIDs, but so will gzip.
IMHO, the extra effort of writing the custom coding will not be worth it.
Oleg states correctly, that it might be worth fetching the data only when the user needs it. But this of course depends on your specific requirements.
if simply gzipping the response will compress it enough that this extra effort is not worth it?
The answer is: Yes, it will.
Compressing the data will remove redundant parts as good as possible (depending on the algorithm) until decompression.
To get sure, just send/generate the data uncompressed and compressed and compare the results. You can count the duplicate GUIDs to calculate how big your data block would be with the dictionary compression method. But I guess gzip will be better because it can also compress the syntactic elements like braces, colons, etc. inside your data object.
So what you are trying to accomplish is Dictionary compression, right?
What you will get instead of Guids which are 16 bytes long is int which is 4 bytes long. And you will get a dictionary full of key value pairs that will associate each guid to some int value, right?
It will decrease your transfer time when there're many objects with the same id used. But will spend CPU time before transfer to compress and after transfer to decompress. So what is the amount of data you transfer? Is it mb / gb / tb? And is there any good reason to compress it before sending?
I do not know how dynamic is your data, but I would
on a first call send two directories/dictionaries mapping short ids to long GUIDS, one for your associations and on for your employees e.g. {1: AssoGUID1, 2: AssoGUID2,...} and {1: EmpGUID1, 2:EmpGUID2,...}. These directories may also contain additional information on the Associations and Employees instances; I suspect you do not simply display GUIDs
on subsequent calls just send the index of Employees per Association { 1: [2,4,5], 3:[2,4], ...}, the key being the association short id and the ids in the array value, the short ids of the employees. Given your description building the reverse index: Employee to Associations may give better result size wise (but higher processing)
Then its all down to associative arrays manipulations which is straightforward in JS.
Again, if your data is (very) dynamic server side, the two directories will soon be obsolete and maintaining synchronization may cost you a lot.
I would start by answering the following questions:
What are the performance requirements? Are there size requirements? Speed requirements? What is the minimum performance that is truly needed?
What are the current performance metrics? How far are you from the requirements?
You characterized the data as possibly being mostly repeats. Is that the normal case? If not, what is?
The 2 options you listed above sound reasonable and trivial to implement. Try creating a look-up table and see what performance gains you get on actual queries. Try zipping the results (with look-ups and without), and see what gains you get.
In my experience if you're not TOO far from the goal, performance requirements are often trial and error.
If those options don't get you close to the requirements, I would take a step back and see if the requirements are reasonable in the time you have to solve the problem.
What you do next depends on which performance goals are lacking. If it is size, you're starting to be limited if you're required to send the entire association list ever time. Is that truly a requirement? Can you send the entire list once, and then just updates?

LocalStorage, several Ajax requests or huge Ajax request?

I'm facing a really huge issue (at least for me). I'll give you some background.
I'm developing a mobile web app which will show information about bus stations and bike stations in my city. It will show GMap markers for both bus and bike stops and, if you click it, you will have info about the arrival time for the bus or how many bikes are available. I have that covered pretty nicely.
The problematic part is loading the stations.
My first approach was to load the whole amount of stations at page loading. It is about 200 Kb of JSON plus the time it gets to iterate through the array and put it in the map. They are hiddenly loaded so, when the users click on the line name, they appear using the 'findMarker' function. If other stations were present at the map, they get hidden to avoid having too many markers in the map.
This worked good with new mobiles such as iPhone 4 or brand new HTC but it doesn't perform good with 2 years old mobiles.
The second approach I thought, was to load them by request, so you click on the station, they are loaded to the map, and then shown but this leads to two problems:
The first is that you may be (or may be not) perform several requests
which may ends the same (?)
The second one is that to avoid having so
many markers, they should be hidden or deleted so you may be deleting
info that should be needed again in a while, like bike stations that
are loaded as a group and not by line.
Finally, I thought about using LocalStorage to store them, as they won't change that much but will be a huge amount of data and then, a pain in the ass to retrieve them as they are key-value, and also (and I'm not really sure about that) I could find devices with no support of this feature having to fallback to one of the other options.
So, that said, I thought that may be someone faced some similar problem and solved it in some way or have some tips for me :).
Any help would be really appreciated.
The best approach depends on the behaviour of your users. Do they typically click on a lot of stations or just a few? Do they prefer a faster startup (on-demand loading) or a more responsive station detail display (pre-loading data)?
An approach worth investigating would be to load the data by request but employ browser caching (ETag and Expires headers) to avoid retrieving the same information over and over again. This would solve both your concerns without dealing with LocalStorage.
See this this question for different approaches for browser caching ETag vs Header Expires

Techniques to reduce data harvesting from AJAX/JSON services

I was wondering if anyone had come across any techniques to reduce the chances of data exposed through JSON type services on the server (intended to supply AJAX functions) from being harvested by external agents.
It seems to me that the problem is not so difficult if you had say a Flash client consuming the data. Then you could send encrypted data to the client, which would know how to decrypt it. The same method seems impossible with AJAX though, due to the open nature of the Javascript source.
Has anybody implemented a clever technique here?
Whatever the method, it should still allow a genuine AJAX function to consume the data.
Note that I'm not really talking about protecting 'sensitive' information here, the odd record leaking out is not a problem. Rather I am thinking about stopping a situation where the whole DB is hoovered up by bots (either in one go, or gradually over time).
First, I would like to clear on this:
It seems to me that the problem is not
so difficult if you had say a Flash
client consuming the data. Then you
could send encrypted data to the
client, which would know how to
decrypt it. The same method seems
impossible with AJAX though, due to
the open nature of the Javascrip
It will be pretty obvious the information is being sent encrypted to the flash client & it won't be that hard for the attacker to find out from your flash compiled program what's being used for this - replicate & get all that data.
If the data does happens to have the value you are thinking, you can count on the above.
If this is public information, embrace that & don't combat it - instead find ways to capitalize on it.
If this is information that you are only exposing to a set of users, make sure you have the corresponding authentication / secure communication. Track usage as others have said, and have measures that act on it,
The first thing to prevent bots from stealing your data is not technological, it's legal. First, make sure you have the right language in your site's Terms of Use that what you're trying to prevent is actually disallowed and defensible from a legal standpoint. Second, make sure you design your technical strategy with legal issues in mind. For example, in the US, if you put data behind an authentication barrier and an attacker steals it, it's likely a violation of the DMCA law. Third, find a lawyer who can advise you on IP and DMCA issues... nice folks on StackOverflow aren't enough. :-)
Now, about the technology:
A reasonable solution is to require that users be authenticated before they can get access to your sensitive Ajax calls. This allows you to simply monitor per-user usage of your Ajax calls and (manually or automatically) cancel the account of any user who makes too many requests in a particular time period. (or too many total requests, if you're trying to defend against a trickle approach).
This approach of course is vulnerable to sophisticated bots who automatically sign up new "users", but with a reasonably good CAPTCHA implementation, it's quite hard to build this kind of bot. (see "circumvention" section at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAPTCHA)
If you are trying to protect public data (no authentication) then your options are much more limited. As other answers noted, you can try IP-address-based limits (and run afoul of large corporate proxy users) but sophisticated attackers can get around this by distributing the load. There's also likley sophisticated software which watches things like request timing, request patterns, etc. and tries to spot bots. Poker sites, for example, spend a lot of time on this. But don't expect these kinds of systems to be cheap. One easy thing you can do is to mine your web logs (e.g. using Splunk) and find the top N IP addresses hitting your site, and then do a reverse-IP lookup on them. Some will be legitimate corporate or ISP proxies. But if you recognize a compeitor's domain name among the list, you can block their domain or follow up with your lawyers.
In addition to pre-theft defense, you might also want to think about inserting a "honey pot": deliberately fake information that you can track later. This is how, for example, maps manufacturers catch plaigarism: they insert a fake street in their maps and see which other maps show the same fake street. While this doesn't prevent determined folks from sucking out all your data, it does let you find out later who's re-using your data. This can be done by embedding unique text strings in your text output, and then searching for those strings on Google later (assuming your data is re-usable on another public website). If your data is HTML or images, you can include an image which points back to your site, and you can track who is downloading it, and look for patterns you can use to bust the freeloaders.
Note that the javascript encryption approach noted in one of the other answers won't work for non-authenticated sessions-- an attacker can simply download the javascript and run it just like a regular browser would. Moral of the story: public data is essentially indefensible. If you want to keep data protected, put it behind an authentication barrier.
This is obvious, but if your data is publicly searchable by search engines, you'll both need a non-AJAX solution for them (Google won't read your ajax data!) and you'll want to mark those pages NOARCHIVE so your data doesn't show up in Google's cache. You'll also probably want a white list of search engine crawler IP addreses which you allow into your search-engine-crawlable pages (you can work with Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. to get these), otherwise malicious bots could simply impersonate Google and get your data.
In conclusion, I want to echo #kdgregory above: make sure that the threat is real enough that it's worth the effort required. Many companies overestimate the interest that other people (both legitimate customers and nefarious actors) have in their business. It might be that yours is an oddball case where you have particularly important data, it's particularly valuable to obtain, it must be publicly accessible without authentication, and your legal recourses will be limited if someone steals your data. But all those together is admittedly an unusual case.
P.S. - another way to think about this problem which may or may not apply in your case. Sometimes it's easier to change how your data works which obviates securing it. For example, can you tie your data in some way to a service on your site so that the data isn't very useful unless it's being used in conjunction with your code. Or can you embed advertising in it, so that wherever it's shown you get paid? And so on. I don't know if any of these mitigations apply to your case, but many businesses have found ways to give stuff away for free on the Internet (and encourage rather than prevent wide re-distribution) and still make money, so a hybrid free/pay strategy may (or may not) be possible in your case.
If you have an internal Memcached box, you could consider using a technique where you create an entry for each IP that hits your server with an hour expiration. Then increment that value each time the IP hits your AJAX endpoint. If the value gets over a particular threshold, fry the connection. If the value expires in Memcached, you know it isn't getting "hoovered away".
This isn't a concrete answer with a proof of concept, but maybe a starting point for you. You could create a javascript function that provides encryption/decryption functions. The javascript would need to be built dynamically, and you would include an encryption key that is unique to the session. On the server side, you'd have an encryption service that uses the key from the session to encrypt your JSON before delivering it.
This would at least prevent someone from listening to your web traffic, pulling information out of your database.
I'm with kdgergory though, it sounds like your data is too open.
Some techniques are listed in Further thoughts on hindering screen scraping.
If you use PHP, Bad behavior is a nice tool to help. If you don't use PHP, it can give some ideas on how to filter (see How it works page).
Incredibill's blog is giving nice tips, lists of User-agents/IP ranges to block, etc...
Here are a variety of suggestions:
Issue tokens required for redemption along with each AJAX request. Expire the tokens.
Track how many queries are coming from each client, and throttle excessive usage based on expected normal usage of your site.
Look for patterns in usage such as sequential queries, spikes in requests, or queries that occur faster than a human could conduct.
Check user-agents. Many bots don't completely replicate the user agent info of a browser, and you can eliminate programatic scraping of your data using this method.
Change the front-end component of your website to redirect to a captcha (or some other human verifying mechanism) once a request threshold is exceeded.
Modify your logic so the respsonse data is returned in a few different ways to complicate the code required to parse.
Obsfucate your client-side javascript.
Block IPs of offending clients.
Bots usually doesn't parse Javascript, so your ajax code won't be instantly executed. And if they even do, bots usually doesn't maintain sessions/cookies as well. Knowing that, you could reject the request if it is invoked without a valid session/cookie (which is obviously set on the server side beforehand by the request on the parent page).
This does not protect you from human hazard though. The safest way is to restrict access to users with a login/password. If that is not your intent, well, then you have to live with the fact that it's a public application. You could of course scan logs and maintian blacklists with IP addresses and useragents, but that goes extreme.

can browsers [especially IE6] handle big Json object

I am returning a big Json object [ 5000 records and 10 elements per record]
from the controller [asp.net mvc] using Jquery and Ajaxpost. till now I was dealing with just 20 records [testing] and it is working fine. But in production there are 5000 records so i am wondering if browser can handle huge amount of data. Especially IE6. I have to display all the 5000 records on a single page. I am confused. I dont have that much data now to test. I need you expert advice whether to Use or Not to Use Jquery Json AjaxPost to return huge amount of data. Thank you.
You should really page this data. You might want to have a look at this:
A simple way to find out and probably good practice is to make sure you have that data to test and it will make it much easier to choose between differnt options. paging is one option but there are others. You may be surprised how quickly modern browsers can load that amount of data.
it should be easy enough with a vb.net page to generate all the data you need using random data. This is really essential if you want to be able to investigate what to do.

AJAX and forms?

I have some forms that communicate with server using AJAX for real reasons: cascade combos, suggestions, multiple correlated selections (e.g. I have {elementary} knowledge of {French} [add], and {good} knowledge of {German} [add]...). I also have some regular fields that I handle trough get.
Thing is that once I've made connection to server-side, it would be easier to me to push all data that way. Is it going too far? What about if I have no reason for AJAX in the first place, and I still use it for pushing form data? I would feel obligated to provide fallback for people with javascript off, but most of the underlying logic would be the same, so it doesn't seam to me as an much of an overhead. It is a kind of data I would push through post anyway, so I'm not losing get parameters that would be good for something.
Any reason not to do things this way?
User experience is an important part of any software product. If you can improve the experience by providing better interactions, there's no reason not to do it.
Make sure though that you write unobtrusive and degradable javascript, so users with screen-readers or javascript-disabled browsers can still complete the interactions.
The only problem with this strategy is that you're in a lot deeper trouble if someone decides they want a non-javascript solution as well. I think it's fairly wise to use the "least fancy" mechanism that will get the desired result on the web. If it's just a form post, then keep it a form post unless there's a reason to do otherwise.
