Spring MVC: Auto-save functionality (jQuery, Ajax...) - spring

I'd like to implement a "auto-save" functionality on my page. I don't really know how to start though. I got one object (with a list of tasks). I'd like to submit the form every 20 seconds, so the users won't lose their data. It doesn't have to be exactly like that. After every submit the submit-button should be disabled as long as there are no changes.
I'm using Spring MVC. I did some research but I'm not an expert in jQuery, Spring... So it's all pretty complicated for me. A tip, or a working example would help me a lot.
It's a pretty complex form (a timesheet). There are +/- 50 textboxes on one page (minimum, depends on the number of tasks available)

I don't know what spring mvc is, but in ASP.NET MVC I would do the following:
I assume all your data is in a form, you give the form an ID, then post it:
$(function () {
var timer = 0;
timer = 0;
$(this).keypress(function() {
timer = 0;
window.setInterval(function () {
if (timer == 20) {
$('#form').submit(function() {
}, 1000);
Checks for mousemove, keypress, if this isnt done in 20 seconds then it saves the form.
Edit: What you could also do maybe is, after every textbox they fill in, post the data: as followed:
$('.textbox').change(function() {
url: '/Save/Textbox',
data: 'TextBoxId=' + $(this).id + '&TextValue=' + $(this).value
In this example, you make a controller called Save, action called Textbox, you give the textbox the ID of data that it has to save, and on change (after un focussing the textbox), it posts the textbox id, and the value of the box.
then in the controller you retrieve it:
public void SaveText(string TextBoxId, string TextValue) {

Below Js script will help you to make ajax call when ever form field changes.
$(document).ready($('.form-control').change(function() {
type : "post",
url : "http://localhost:8521/SpringExamples/autosave/save.htm",
cache : false,
data : $('#employeeForm').serialize(),
success : function(response) {
var obj = JSON.parse(response);
error : function() {
alert('Error while request..');


Add a clientEvent filter to an AJAX fullCalendar

I'm trying to add a clientEvent filter to an already working AJAX fullCalendar. The idea is to allow the visitor to filter the events already displayed by selecting a choice in a droping list.
The code is currently as follows:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
events: function(start, end, timezone, callback) {
action: 'get_fullcalendar',
data: {
slotbegin: start.unix(), // données à compléter
slotend: end.unix()
function( events ) {
callback( events );
eventRender: function(event, element) {
id: 'eventdetails',
content: {
text: event.image + event.description,
title: event.title
$("#cible_select").change(function() {
var cible = $(this).val()
var events = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('clientEvents', function(evt) {
return evt.public_cible == cible;
The fullCalendar works OK by itself. But I don't know how to integrate the clientEvents bit so it is used when the user makes change to the #cible_select selector.
I've been trying many things for the past hours, and would appreciate some help to solve this issue.
Thanks a lot for any hint.
This function might help you. call this function where ever you want.
function parseClientEvents(/*pass params here*/){
var clientArr = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('clientEvents');
for(i in clientArr){
//all your logic goes here.
return true;
I seem to have misunderstood the way clientEvents works. I thought it would re-display the whole calendar with the selected events only, but that's not the case.
removeEvents works to hide/suppress events one doesn't want any more, but those are not available on the client side any more, so refetchEvents has to be used if the user changes his mind and makes another choice.
removeEventSource works only if you have a limited number of sources, and I want to be able to combine several filters, so there is quite a number of combinations.
So, I'm completely rethinking my filtering strategy: clientEvents is definitely not the way to toggle on/off events on a multicriteria basis.

Spring MVC Ajax updating DIV

Okay...I am coming from C# MVC using partial views/ajax, etc...
Here's what I have: 1 main page with a target ID that renders the default information using a page include.
What I want to do is onclick of a button target the original ID and render a different page as the include. Kind of like RenderPartials in C# MVC.
Can Spring (using Maven) MVC do this or is there a way to go about this that is strait forward?
You don't need to implement partial views just have an empty div and on click of a button make an ajax request get the content and update the div. something like below.
function button_onclick() {
var params = {}; //put parameter if any
headers: {
Accept : "text/plain; charset=utf-8","Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
url: "/controller",
success:function(data, textStatus,response) {
var text = response.responseText;
if (text == "") {
$( "#DIV_ID" ).text(text);
error: function(response) {
// terminate the script

There must be an easier way

I am trying to create an JQM app and are doing so by getting a lot of data from database. When I click on a link from a ajax/json generated calendar list I should then be able to get the info for that event by calling the server and get the data. As it is now I do this in 2 steps like this.
My ajax generated event list:
$.each(groupcalendar, function (i, val) {
output += '<li><h2>' + val.matchformname + '</h2><p><strong>' + val.matchday + '</strong></p><p>' + val.coursename + '</p><p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>' + val.matchtime + '</strong></p></li>';
When I click on one of the links I want to goto a page called prematchdata.html and get the data fro that specific event. I do so by first calling the click and get the eventid from data-id like this:
$(document).on('click', '#gotoMatch', function () {
var matchid = $(this).attr("data-id");
$.get("http://mypage.com/json/getmatchinfo.php?matchid="+matchid, function(data) {
localStorage["matchinfo"] = JSON.stringify(data);
$.mobile.changePage( "prematchdata.html", { transition: "slide", changeHash: true} );
}, "json");
I save the returned data as localStorage and then uses this data in my pageinit like this:
$(document).on("pageinit", "#prematchdata", function() {
var matchinfo = {};
matchinfo = JSON.parse(localStorage["matchinfo"])
var content = '<h2>'+matchinfo["matchname"]+'</h2>';
It works, although for me it seems like the last 2 steps should be done in one, but i am not sure how to do so? It seems a little bit wrong get data, save locally and then use it? Can't this be done without the $(document).on('click', '#gotoMatch', function () {});?
Hoping for some help and thanks in advance :-)
You could try sending it up using a query string. When you're using changePage, change your code like this :
$(document).on('click', '#gotoMatch', function () {
var matchid = $(this).attr("data-id");
$.get("http://mypage.com/json/getmatchinfo.php?matchid=" + matchid, function (data) {
paramData = data[0];
$.mobile.changePage("prematchdata.html", {
transition: "slide",
changeHash: true,
data: paramData //added this extra parameter which will pass data as a query string
}, "json");
When you're getting it back,
$(document).on("pageinit", "#prematchdata", function() {
var url = $.url(document.location);
var name= url.param("matchname");
var content = '<h2>'+ name +'</h2>';
Another easy way would be use a singlepage template instead of a multi page template. Then, you could just use a global variable to get and set data.
That said, what you're doing right now is more secure than this query string method. By using this, anyone can see what you are sending over the URL. So I advise you keep using localStorage. For more info on this, look into this question.

jquery ajax post - not being fired first time

I'm trying to do an ajax post after a button is clicked, and it works in firefox but not in IE the first time the page is loaded. It does work if I refresh the page and try again second time - but not first time and this is crucial.
I've scanned over various web pages - could it be anything to do with the listener? (I've just seen this mentioned mentiond somewhere) Is there something not set correctly to do with ajax and posting when page first loads?
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#btnCont').bind('click',function () {
var itm = $("#txtItm").val();
var qty = $("#txtQty").val();
var msg = $("#txtMessage").val();
var op_id = $("#txtOp_id").val();
//if i alert these values out they alert out no prob
type: "POST",
url: "do_request.php?msg="+msg+"&itm="+itm+"&qty="+qty+"&op_id="+op_id,
success: function (msg) {
var row_id = document.getElementById('txtRow').value;
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('Error submitting request.');
I would start debugging the click event. I.e. if you try to put .bind into a a href tag, the tag itself has a click event that may act on an unwanted way. There exist a command that are named something like event.preventDefaults() that avoids the standard feature of click. After All, you try to manipulate the DOM last of all actions (document.load).
$('#btnCont').bind('click',function () { .. }
I would also try to debug the same functionality with adding onClientClick to the tag instead of adding bind to the document load.
I hope that bring some light.

jQuery monitoring form field created by AJAX query

Preface: I am sure this is incredibly simple, but I have searched this site & the jQuery site and can't figure out the right search term to get an answer - please excuse my ignorance!
I am adding additional form fields using jQuery's ajax function and need to then apply additional ajax functions to those fields but can't seem to get jQuery to monitor these on the fly form fields.
How can I get jQuery to use these new fields?
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.lnk').click(function() {
var t = this.id;
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
//This works fine if the field is already present
var name = $('#name');
var email = $('#email');
$('#uid').keyup(function () {
var t = this;
if (this.value != this.lastValue) {
if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
url: 'loader.php',
data: 'action=getUser&uid=' + t.value,
type: 'get',
success: function (j) {
va = j.split("|");
displayname = va[1];
mail = va[2];
}, 200);
this.lastValue = this.value;
So if the is present in the basic html page the function works, but if it arrives by the $.load function it doesn't - presumably because $(document).ready has already started.
I did try:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.lnk').click(function() {
var t = this.id;
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
function prepUid(){
var name = $('#name');
var email = $('#email');
$('#uid').keyup(function () {
But it didn't seem to work...
I think you are close. You need to add your keyup handler once the .load call is complete. Try changing this...
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
To this...
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t, null, prepUid);
What you are looking for is the jquery live function.
Attach a handler to the event for all elements which match the current selector, now or in the future
You can do something like this:
$('.clickme').live('click', function() {// Live handler called.});
and then add something using the DOM
$('body').append('<div class="clickme">Another target</div>');
When you click the div added above it will trigger the click handler as you expect with statically loaded dom nodes.
You can read more here: http://api.jquery.com/live/
