Watin support for IE 9 - Part 1 (General) - watin

I can't find any article about Watin and IE 9's compatibility. However, I have heard a few people say that Watin is not compatible with IE9. Now that IE 9 has been officially released, has anyone tried coupling the two? Does it work, any presets required? Eager to hear from you.

I've been able to do basic things such as opening up the browser, navigating to page, filling in fields and clicking buttons. I am having a bit of a problem getting the browser to close after with the .close function, but that may be on my end.


IE 8/7 defect DOM and CSS

I've just finished my personal website. Everything is good with all modern browsers but I have just a little problem with internet explorer 8/7. My website is based on feeds from all my social network all posts are performed with masonry brick and infinite scroll, so the pagination is hidden. In IE the css style disappear just in the first page of my content and masonry doesn't work good until the second page is arrived. Are there anyone who can help me to find the error? IE doesn't serve useful tools to check it out so I need someone helps me please!!! Thanks to every one!
The reason why your formatting is broken in Internet Explorer 7 and 8 is because you're using the article element; which isn't natively understood in versions of Internet Explorer prior to 9.
I dropped in the HTML5Shim (which creates some support for HTML5 elements) and refreshed your page - it solved the issue(s).

Unable to highlight text in textboxes in IE9

I have C# MVC web app that has some textboxes that in IE9 you can enter in text, but you can't highlight via the mouse or via holding shift and the arrow keys.
I've looked around on the web and i've found other people experiencing this, with no solution.
One site i found claimed it was an issue with IE9 on pages that make multiple AJAX calls, which my site has but, removing AJAX really isn't a solution.
Is there a way via code or via settings in IE9 so that users can highlight text in a textbox? Or is this an outstanding bug in IE9?
The website works perfectly fine in chrome
Turns out it was a rogue jquery statement that was
that was disabling selection on every single textbox in my site. The kicker being that IE and Chrome handled it one way and Firefox a different way making it seem like a different bug
I had the same issue.
Select Tools on the IE bar / F12 developer tools. under the tab ( Document Mode IE9 standards ) check marked Alt+9. Closed the developer box. Closed IE9 opened it back up and everything worked as it should.
Hope this helps.

Cannot click or select inputs on IE 8 Form

So basically been working on this issue for far too long now and nothing I do seems to fix the issue.
Basically if you go to http://www.completeenergy.co.uk and click on the "Get a Quote" button then try to enter details into the form nothing happens. You can not click on the inputs and or select anything within the form. This seems to happen in both IE7 and IE8.
Any ideas as to why this would happen when all other browsers seem to be working fine?
Okay, I seem to have accidentally come across the culprit. There was some strange conflicting issues arising from using the jquery pngfix. I made it so only versions lower than IE 7 can use it and boom, it starts working again.
Thanks for the help though.
not sure, but it worked fine for me in IE8. Do you have any toolbars installed?
This common issue is usually due to a z-index bug in IE. Try giving the input relative positioning and assigning a higher z-index.
I was clicking on a form on a company intranet web site and nothing was happening.
Intranet defaults IE into compatibility mode, so the form was broken.
You can force edge compatibility in your browser or with HTML and IE behave like modern browsers.

Is there a better developer toolbar for IE8?

I've been pulling my hair out for the last few hours trying to wrestle with the IE8 developer toolbar while working with some styles not playing with IE7 mode properly...
Coming over from Firebug the difference is like... well lets just say its better then nothing.
What I'm wondering is, has there been any.. additions, patches, hacks, updates etc to improve the toolbar at all in IE8? It seems, like with most things associated with the IE line, this was really done as an afterthought and not much effort was put into making it work well...
Update: So I was, it seems, not specific enough.. here is what is annoying me about the IE offerings:
Style support - yeah, it is there, but it just doesn't feel right. It isn't easy to see the inheritance, and if you want to tweak an existing style you have to go into Attributes and add an override to the element.
HTML element location. This just seems a LOT cleaner in Firebug
Scrolling - If you have an element selected in the HTML pane, and you goto scroll in the CSS pane on the right it wont happen until you focus that pane.
Most of all its just the small annoyances - I think I've been too spoiled by Firebug, and I want it in IE - but considering the 'closed'-ness of the product it would be hard to get this rectified. To be honest, if I could contribute I would, because it would make my life so much easier - but... yeah.
Not sure what specific issues you are trying to debug, but the following tools all work well for their specific purposes:
Fiddler2 - HTTP Debugging Proxy - if you want to see what files are called, loaded, how, headers etc. this is the tool you want.
IE Tester - If you want to see how your site renders in IE6, IE7, IE8 without installing a bunch of virtual machines (or different PCs) this is a very good tool (not perfect, but very good)
DebugBar - Similar to the IE dev toolbar (but its been around much longer) it will let you inspect/alter various aspects of the HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
You're looking at Firebug Lite. See: http://getfirebug.com/lite.html
You can just install it easily onto your web page and it'll work just like Firebug on Firefox.
Tools may not help in this case as readily as you may wish. Here is Position Is Everything, a site that addresses some of the hacks required Internet Explorer. I have used IETester for IE 6 issues, but not for IE 8.
Good luck. IE issues really suck. If you're dealing with Sharepoint and it's mess of html and css I feel for you dude! If not, be thankful.

Debugging Websites in Various Browsers

I am having my first foray into website design and I am learning a lot. I am also now seeing why web developers are not a huge fan of developing for Internet Explorer. Nothing seems to work how I expect. However, since the website has to work cross-browser, I am spending time looking at it in Firefox, Chrome, and IE. Something that is very non-obvious to me, however, is how to tell where problems lie in the website.
For example, the layout of one of my pages forces a footer to the bottom of the page. It looks great in Chrome and Firefox, but there's something broken in IE that make the footer align to the right (and cause a horizontal scroll to appear). I have played around with the code, but nothing really is responding to how I want in IE (even though it does in other browsers).
Are there any tools that can help "debug" the problems on a web site so fixing it is more than just a trial-and-error approach? Thanks.
One of my favorites that works in all browsers is X-Ray. You simply stick the link on that page into a bookmark and it loads some external JavaScript on top of the page you're testing. It reveals a bunch of parameters about the DOM object you click on, as well as its hierarchy in the model.
As for your specific footer problem, I would look to a potential lack of clearing of floats and divs that are wider than their parent containers somewhere up the line.
There are frameworks like GWT, ext-js, YUI which hide a lot of the browser bugs from you. But today (near the end of 2009), there still isn't a good, realiable way to narrow down browser issues and to fix them.
PS: I'm collecting tools that help during debugging here: Which tools do you use to debug HTML/JS in your browser?
I assume you have checked that your code is valid, with
HTML validator, for example: W3C Markup Validation Service
CSS checker, for example: W3C CSS Validation Service
And, of course, you should have correct doctype in your html file. Without doctype, some browsers go to quirks mode to emulate bugs in old browsers.
A cross-browser JavaScript library, like jQuery and its UI components, can be very helpful in avoiding idiosyncrasies between browsers. Microsoft provides the IE Developer Toolbar, it's not quite as easy to use as Firebug, but can still be very helpful. A Just-In-Time debugger like MS Script Debugger or Visual Studio are also a time saver.
I like Firebug for Firefox
and IE8 has Developer Tools from the tools menu and IE Developer Toolbar for older versions.
Chrome has similar tools from the page menu.
All of which allow you to see elements on the page as they are rendered in their specific browsers, which I usually find very helpful in debugging browser specific problems.
