Maven include another pom for plugin configuration - maven

is there a way to include another pom or information in a maven pom ?
I have several poms which are basically not related or have different parent poms. Nevertheless for packaging it is required to have a Manifest identical to all projects.
So currently I have in a pom:
<!--- .... -->
etc etc
I would like to avoid to paste this configuration to all severall poms.
So how can I share the configuration of a plugin without inheritance ?

One way to do this is using pluginManagement section. plugin configurations can be defined in this section in a parent pom and will be available to inherited poms to be used as is or overridden.
Here is the relevant maven documentation. In your specific case, you would need to organize your projects/poms suitably.

The only correct answer is to use inheritance. Have an inherited ancestor with this configuration in it. Since you have existing parent POMs, these must inherit from this new parent. If this isn't possible then rethink the hierarchy of your Maven projects, or else you'll have to copy and paste the same configuration into each file and add a comment indicating the section must not be modified / must be maintained consistently with [insert list of projects here].
TLDR; Inheritance is designed specifically to resolve situations such as yours. If you can't use it then don't try to hack around it - either restructure your POMs or copy and paste!


Does child pom inherit plugins from parent pom

In a multi module maven project, does a child pom inherits plugins defined in parent pom?
Maven documentation around the plugin inheritance is a bit confusing to me. According to the documentation
If your POM declares a parent, it inherits plugin configuration from
either the build/plugins or pluginManagement sections of the parent.
So I'm assuming only the configuration will be inherited in case if the child has the same plugin defined under <build><plugins> section. If child does not have the plugin then it's not inherited from the parent.
Can someone please confirm if this is the correct understanding, or I'm missing anything here.
You inherit everything, so your understanding is incorrect.

Maven: how to not depend on Parent POM

I have a Maven multi-module project. Something like this:
- ParentProject
- ChildA
- ChildB
- ChildC
The child projects inherit from a Parent POM (ParentProject) solely for the reason of sharing stuff like <build>, <scm> and <properties>, so as to not repeat it in all the child modules. Thus, the objective of the parent-child relationship is not related to dependencies in any way. It plays a role at build-time, not at runtime, so to speak.
The child projects's artifacts are for consumption for a wider audience, hence they'll be published into a centralized repo.
How do I "break" the relationship between from the child up to the parent seen from a perspective of a consumer of a child?
Let's say another project, ProjectX, adds a dependency on ChildA. When doing this the Maven client will attempt to not only download the POM and artifact of ChildA itself but will even try to download the POM for ParentProject. However, there's absolutely no need for that POM seen from a consumer point of view. It doesn't contain information that the consumer needs to know.
How can I break this relationship from consumer's perspective? Forcing the POM for ParentProject to be published into a repo seems pointless as nobody has any need for it there.
Perhaps there's another way that Maven will let me share things like build instructions and properties between projects without mandating that a Parent POM exists in a centralized repo ?
Or perhaps there's some way I can manipulate the POM for the Child projects which gets put into the centralized repo (removing the <parent> element as it is irrelevant).
Perhaps only me but I feel that Maven is conflating two unrelated concepts here (build-time vs consume-time) and forcing unnecessary roundtrips and unnecessary artifacts in repo. I haven't dabbled with Gradle yet but I wonder if it does it any better?
Usually, the Maven POM is both build POM and consumer POM. This is not ideal, and will probably change in future versions of Maven.
At the moment, your best option seems to be the flatten Maven plugin, which allows you to remove "unnecessary" parts of the POM before uploading it.

How to deploy child module without also deploying parent module?

I have a project with a parent aggregator module and 3 children modules.
I don't know if this is a bug for me or just how Maven works, but I am currently unable to deploy one of my children modules without also deploying the respective parent. When I try to import the child module on another project of mine, Maven throws an error saying it can't resolve the parent. If I deploy both to my Nexus, it works perfectly. Do I always have to deploy both?
You always need the parent POM as well.
When Maven need to "use" a module, it needs to resolve it.
If this module has ancestors it needs to access to every ones to resolve it.
OR you will face somethings like :
Could not resolve dependencies for project org.projectB:childA-Consumer:jar:0.1.0:
Failed to collect dependencies at org.projectA:childA:jar:0.1.0:
Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.projectA:childA:jar:0.1.0:
Could not find artifact org.projectA:parent:pom:0.1.0
Solution 1 : Deploy the parent
The common way is to deploy the parent, so this way when you consume your module maven will be able to find ancestors and so resolve your module's pom.
But lot of users seems to consider this as not so satisfying. (There are many question about that on stackoverflow ...)
Solution 2 : Parent != Aggregator
Most of the time in multi-module project, the aggregator pom is also the parent pom but this is 2 different concepts.
parent : is about sharing configuration with inheritance.
aggregator : is about building several modules at same time.
(more details about aggregator vs parent differences)
So, you can have an aggregator with several children and each child has no parent.
This way you don't have to deploy your aggregator.
Drawback you can not use inheritance to share config between modules.
Note that this is not a drawback for everyones, some consider that using inheritance and so parent is not good idea. 😅
Solution 3 : Use Maven Flatten Plugin
Currently poms contains 2 kind of information :
how to build the artifact,
how to consume it (e.g. dependencies).
Maven 5 will maybe clarify this and so you could have a different pom in your released artifacts and in your source code.
Using Maven 3, there is a plugin which aims to do that : flatten-maven-plugin
It aims to generate a pom.xml consumers oriented.
Among others, parent relationship is resolved, flattened and removed.
This way, you can use parents to share configuration between modules (with inheritance) and not deploy your aggregator and/or parents .
Drawback, you could maybe face issues with some other maven plug-in interaction ? 🤷
Some tips you need to know if you wan to use flatten-maven-plugin :
flatten cleangoal is no more useful.
how to fix url, scm url, scm connection and scm developerConnection resolution.

common POM based plugins across multiple microservice projects

I am trying to figure out a way to import a set of common Maven plugins, across multiple microservice projects?
Idea is to maintain a single place to manage all the common plugins - like jacoco, javadocs etc.
We totally want to avoid the parent POM way of handling it.
The Maven way to do this is to have a parent POM. You can either construct a multi-module project or have an external parent POM.
Maven has no way of "importing xml" into a given POM, except for the <scope>import</scope> for dependencyManagement. So you cannot define a set of plugins, properties etc. and just import them.

How can I efficiently declare provided scope dependencies in maven multi-module builds?

I have a maven multi-module pom which builds a war. I want to declare a provided scope dependecy on jsp-api in the parent pom. Maven docs suggest that dependencies declared as provided are not transitive, so:
Do I therefore need to go through all the sub-module poms and declare a provided dependency? There are ~40 modules in the project and it's not immediately clear which will need the dependency, so this seems like quite alot of effort to achieve not very much and I am lazy. How are you handling this situation in your projects?
So for others reference this was happening because the parent pom was defining all dependencies in a dependencyManagment section. I'd not come across this before but it helps with cutting down duplication of complex dependencies with excludes or other non-trivial attributes. It also overrides the inheritance mechanism. As I understand it then, a good rule of thumb is to only use it to solve a problem don't just chuck all your dependencies in there as the author of this pom had done. Perhaps a suitable maven expert could confirm this.
Even though provided scope dependencies are not transitive they may be inherited. That is to say, if you have module A with a provided scope dependency, and module B has a dependency on A, module B will not implicitly have the provided scope dependency. However, I believe that if module C has module A as a parent pom, it should inherit that dependency as normal.
You can verify this behavior yourself by running mvn help:effective-pom on one of the child poms, the effective-pom goal should give you a fully resolved view of the pom you run it on, taking into account inheritance, equivalent to what maven will actually use when it runs. If the <dependency> shows up there (as it seems to in my experiments) you should be fine specifying the dependency only in the parent pom.
