Why can't i use functions like ->addAttributeToSort('name', 'ASC'); in my custom model? - magento

I had created a custom model which uses ORM, i tried out "Weblog" example in the link http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/magento-for-dev-part-5-magento-models-and-orm-basics and i was able to retrieve values from db using collection, but i cannot use functions like "->addAttributeToSort('name', 'ASC');" with my collection object.
Are these functions specific only to product model such as "catalog/product"? if so how could i use such filtering capabilities to my custom function?
Thank you very much..!!

Those functions are specific to EAV models. Otherwise you are limited to the 'field' equivalents like addFieldToFilter() and addOrder().
To make your custom model use an EAV resource read the rest of that tutorial, especially part 7.

you can use functionally of setOrder('$attribute','ASC')
to reorder


get laravel eloquent model relationships

is there any way to get the defined relationships in eloquent model. I have a situation where I need to get the model relationships so I can update all other eloquent models that relies on a specific id before delete it
There's no unified method to iterate over all registered relationships of a class. You can, however, access all the currently loaded relationships of a model instance (via the ->relations attribute or the getRelations() method), but that's not what you're up to. I'd suggest you take a look at laravel's documentation on inserting and updating relationships. So far that's the best laravel provides out of the box, the rest is developing approaches.
Try this function:
public function getRelations()
You can use
function to get all relations
Also refer below link for details https://laravel.com/api/5.7/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Concerns/HasRelationships.html#method_getRelations

Models responsability

I have a doub about Laravel. The models are used to define the relationships between the models like hasMany, belongsTo, etc. Also the models are used to define the fillable fields. But he models are only for that? Because I already check some examples that it seems that some queries are executed in the models instead of the controller so Im not understanding if the models should also have the querying of the relationships or not. Can you give a help to understand better what is the correct use of models (what should be placed in the models)?
Its same way to execute queries on model or controller. Written queries in model make your controller more clean. We can write mutator, accessor or query scope in eloquent model. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Visit https://laravel.com/api/5.5/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.html
You can refer this documentation, it's quite helpful if you want to know deep basics and responsibilities about particular part in Laravel.
Models are mostly used to make an outlook of the data i.e what fields are going to be saved in the database and we also use it to associate the relationships with other related data as you already know but we also use it to alter the values that are either going in/out of the data base which you can check in the documentation in link bellow https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/eloquent-mutators
the main purpose is to divide the code between controller and model (were it best fit to be)

How to use eager loading with custom query builder in Laravel

I am new to Laravel 5.4 and working on some query manipulation. Now I have created an query using query builder which is shown below:
$view = DB::table('blocks')
->leftjoin('programmes', 'blocks.programme_id', '=', 'programmes.id')
->select('blocks.id', 'blocks.programme_id', 'blocks.name', 'blocks.colour', 'blocks.year', 'programmes.title AS programme');
I have two more table "dates" and "modules". Each dates as well as module belongs to blocks.
Now I want to fetch all blocks with programmes, dates and modules. I know i can use with() method to get all of these. But as per my knowledge on Laravel, I can use with() method only if I have model file of each table and have relationship between them.
But do not want to use model and define relationship between them. I just want to know How can I get block data with programmes, dates and modules without creating model and defining relationship betwen them in model? Is there any other way to use with() method without model?
Block dates and modules are conditional, Sometime I dont want get data of this table with block.
Please help me on this.
You can't do it automatically. Eager loading is only for Eloquent model so you cannot use it with query builder. However in most cases you can use Eloquent also for getting more complicated queries (you can also use joins when using Eloquent) so you will be able to use eager loading.
But if you don't want to use Eloquent at all, obviously you will need to create some custom mechanism for eager loading.

Laravel change stored value of polymorphic relationship

I am trying to make the stored value of a polymorphic relationship more readable by other applications. Currently the polymorphic model type is stored as the FQCN of the model. Using the example in the Laravel Docs, imageable_type could be "App\Product", or "App\Staff". However, this value can be a little more difficult to manage if any non-laravel applications which aren't based on this convention and are also accessing the same database. Also, if the model FQCN ever gets refactored, you have to modify your other applications to account for the change.
Is there a way to change the type to something more consistent and readable, and then have a mapping class that maps the keys to the model? (e.g. have "product" map to "App\Product")
Yes. This is a change that was recently implemented.
Add this to your service provider (in the boot method):
'product' => App\Product::class
If you simply pass an array of model names, it'll default to using the table names:
if you are adding morphMap method to service provider, you might want to use
'product' => \App\Product::class
( "\" before App),otherwise your namespace can be wrong.

Eloquent : querying models depending on model's relationships

I'm looking for a way to query models depending on the existence of the model's relationships.
http://paste.laravel.com/xuh Here's a paste with what I'm looking to accomplish.
The basic idea would be to search for Collections only where the User has access in the shared_access table.
Dreamcode (doesn't work):
Collection::where('sharedAccess.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id->get())
Check out the fancy has() method. It basically allows you to do things like this:
That would fetch all collections that have a related SharedAccess instance.
