Even and odd table rows with Razor - asp.net-mvc-3

I'm using the Razor view engine with MVC 3 and I'm trying to make even and odd rows have different classes in a table.
So far I've got this
#{ var odd = true; }
#foreach(var userLot in Model) {
if (!odd) {
<tr id="lot#userLot.Id" class="even">
<tr id="lot#userLot.Id" class="odd">
<td class="averageBid">#userLot.AverageBid</td>
<td class="rank">#userLot.Rank</td>
<td class="currentBid">#userLot.CurrentBid</td>
<td style="width: 200px; height: 30px;" class="tdWithBidInput"><input type="text" style="display: none" /></td>
#{ odd = !odd; }
This is giving me endless trouble with the stupid view engine unable to figure out what is markup and what is code. I've tried wrapping the tr opening tags in a text directive, but then the stupid view engine moans about the closing tr tags. If I then wrap the closing tr tag in a text directive the stupid view engine moans that the text directive has no opening tag.
Just to be clear, this
<text></ tr></text>
gives an error that the text tag has no matching opening tag. Lovely.
How do I write this so that Razor doesn't give an error?
Please don't recommend a JavaScript solution, I'm trying to get around the Razor issues here.

How about this:
#{ var odd = true; }
#foreach(var userLot in Model) {
<tr id="lot#(userLot.Id)" class="#(odd ? "odd": "even")">
<td class="averageBid">#userLot.AverageBid</td>
<td class="rank">#userLot.Rank</td>
<td class="currentBid">#userLot.CurrentBid</td>
<td style="width: 200px; height: 30px;" class="tdWithBidInput"><input type="text" style="display: none" /></td>
odd = !odd;
#( ... ) is a valid and very useful statement.


Outlook changes html on office Add-In

I try to write an outlook plugin that inserts a link into the email body. I want to give the link a style in order to look as a button, to give the user a more engaging experience.
The issue I got, is that outlook changes the style on the elements, and the inline style I put on that element is getting lost.
I am inserting the HTML as shown below:
var tablePref = '<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;margin: 0;"><tr><td border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;margin: 0;padding: 10px 18px;background:\'';
var backgroundColor = 'green'; //The color is user-given, I put green as an example
var tableSuf = '\'">Some text</td></tr></table>'
var item = Office.context.mailbox.item;
coercionType: Office.CoercionType.Html,
asyncContext: {}
function (asyncResult) {
if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed)
//Show error dialog
//Successfully set data in item body.
I get the link on the email successfully, and it looks just right, but when I send the email, the HTML structure of this button looks like this instead:
<table class="MsoNormalTable" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left" style="border-collapse: collapse">
<td style="background: 'green';">
<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-element: frame; mso-element-frame-hspace: 2.25pt; mso-element-wrap: around; mso-element-anchor-vertical: paragraph; mso-element-anchor-horizontal: column; mso-height-rule: exactly">
<a href="https://somelink.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">
<span style="text-decoration: none">Some Text</span>
<!-- o ignored -->
Outlook is changing my a elements, and this causes that mail clients render the element with a line below because the style got overridden. Is there any way to avoid Outlook change my HTML or it is a known bug? This is happening across all platforms (OWA, Outlook for Mac 16.21 and Outlook for Windows)
Thanks for any help

How to make table scrollable inside div with fixed table header of sementic ui?

I have make table scrollable inside div and everything is working fine but table header is too scrolling.I want to make table header fixed. And this table is rendered within a div. I have used PahingHelper model for paging.I have tried to use scrollable in table but it too is not working.So, am here to make scrollable-table. Is there any way to make table scrollable?
// here is my sample code for scrolling
#model ShresthaTrade.Helper.PagingHelper
<table >
<th>Machine Type</th>
<th>Machine Model</th>
<th>Machine Serial</th>
<th>Mac Address</th>
<div style=" overflow:auto; height: 340px;">
<table >
#if (Model.Datatable.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in Model.Datatable.Rows)
<td colspan="4">No records are found</td>

wkhtmltopdf repeating thead headers overlapping content

We're embedding wkhtmltopdf (0.12.1) in a Java application, using stdin and stdout for input/output. We want multiple (different) headers in our PDF, so instead of using the --header-html option we're using a thead, which is repeated on several pages. Here's a little example HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<table style="page-break-after: always;">
<th>My first header</th>
<td>First content</td>
<th>My second header</th>
<td>Second content</td>
So far so good. Problems arise when the content spans multiple pages. The header is then displayed on top of the content, overlapping it. Example html and PDF. Notice that the second header is rendered just fine, since the tr only spans one page.
Other people have had similar problems. There are some workarounds for this when you're using the --header-html option, such as adding --header-spacing or --margin-top, but these options have no effect on the repeated thead. Any ideas?
I solved it with these three css rules:
thead { display: table-header-group; }
tfoot { display: table-row-group; }
tr { page-break-inside: avoid; }
you solve this issue by adding the following css.
tr {
page-break-inside: avoid;
I found tr { page-break-inside: avoid; } worked to a point, but not when my headers spanned multiple lines. Since I wanted to keep my thead section, my solution was to switch the repeat off.
thead, tfoot {
display: table-row-group;

How can i improve my code inside the Razor view to change the color of the text depending on the text content

i have the following code inside my razor view to change the color of the text according to the texty content:-
string status = ViewData[vlr.LabTestID.ToString()].ToString();
if (status.ToUpper().StartsWith("Erro".ToUpper()))
<td style="color: #b30000">
else if (status.ToUpper().StartsWith("With".ToUpper()))
<td style="color: #6b9e52">
else if (status.ToUpper().StartsWith("Below".ToUpper()))
<td style="color: #b30000">
else if (status.ToUpper().StartsWith("Above".ToUpper()))
<td style="color: #b30000">
else if (status.ToUpper().StartsWith("Cannot".ToUpper()))
<td style="color: #5c87b2">
But is there a way to perform the same functionality using a more reliable and more simpler approach than the above?
You could define a CSS style for each possibility and let that do the work.
<td class="#status.ToUpper()">
color: #6b9e52;
color: #b30000;

Selenium IDE: How to detect the xpath's if div id's , class are randomly generated every time?

I am trying to detect the xpath or css but everytime I run the script, the div id's and class names change which there by fails the script.
<div class="yui-dt-bd" style="height: 300px; width: 100%;">
<table id="yuievtautoid-0" summary="" style="margin-top: 0px;">
<tr id="yui-rec28" class="yui-dt-rec yui-dt-first yui-dt-even yui-dt-selected" style="">
<td id="yui-gen52" class="yui-dt23-col-professorId yui-dt-col-professorId yui-dt- sortable yui-dt-first" headers="yui-dt23-th-professorId ">
<div id="yui-gen51" class="yui-dt-liner">1</div>
<td id="yui-gen44" class="yui-dt23-col-professorName yui-dt-col-professorName yui-dt-sortable yui-dt-last" headers="yui-dt23-th-professorName ">
<div id="yui-gen43" class="yui-dt-liner">John Power</div>
I had written xpath=//*[#id="yui-gen46"], but id's keep changing. Tried writing table id too. But it does not work.
Appreciate some input .
You can specify a part of class or id that is not changed. For example:
//*[contains(#class, 'col-professorName')]
//*[contains(#id, 'yuievtautoid')]
or CSS versions:
